It looks like this topic is going around in circles.
As a Jew understand that part of the custom is to create a suction to stave off infection.
Way back when before medical technology, the mouth was used. I get it. It's not pedophilia. However, KWRBT brought up the best most logical sane answer. What I want to know from the pro mouth suction technique individuals is a counter argument to the glass straw technique. And the argument cannot be, "we'll it's an age old custom." If one technique of suction is safer or even as effective, why is there this resistance by certain individuals? Much like the end of polygamy with some of the same Ashkenazi crowds did they end it for the sake of the Christian rule and not the suction technique (just as an example)?
If it says suction and its not specified with the mouth, then why not the glass tube?
As far as arguments calling this pedophilia, well it isn't. I think the arguments against the mouth suction in exchange for a safer way is far more sane. I don't like it that some religious Jews turn their head the other way. Besides custom, why is doing the way of the mouth better. And if it is because it has always worked, then stop taking motorized transportation to travel and use a horse and buggy with the Quakers. Seriously.