They will never admit the problem is most blacks get significantly low score because they are significantly less qualified, instead they claim the tests are racist, the teachers are racist...
Just look at this agglomeration of useless imbeciles (of all races BTW):

Agglomeration? I like that word. I'm going to start incorporating that into my vocabulary.
Anyway, back to the subject. Your commentary is spot on.
The first step to finding a solution is to actually admit what the
real problem is. That college has every right to admit whomever they feel like based on their criteria. If they don't like it, tell them to kick rocks. With a 3.6 GPA, which by the way is not an incredible accomplishment considering the fact that the quality of our education system has drastically deteriorated, that person should have no problem being admitted to another college with less stringent acceptance criteria.
Black people have literally destroyed whatever value the race card may have had. Especially with counterproductive protests like this.
I be Black...deyfoe I be goin' to da Yoonyveristy of Michigum!
Dey deny me admissiums...dey mus' be raciss! It be my right to go to Michigum!