I've identified things that could go wrong, and I need help finding a good ecig to finally conclude my research. Knowledge acquired:
1. Liquid: Polypropylene Glycol (PG) is a skin and eye irritant. It will give you pimples, hurt your eyes, give liver damage and throat infection. Only use 100% vg mixtures.
A. You will have to use a ecigarette that is made for VG mixtures, as most will not pull. This eliminates the problems caused by ecigarettes with wicks, as the wicks will deteriorate into the liquid and harm you.
2. Flavor: Most flavor used is equally harmful toxic waste as PG. Use only liquids with natural (organic has virtually no meaning any more, since the FDA owns the word and changes the definition for breakfast) flavors, such as tobacco leaf juice, or essential oils that are naturally extracted.
3. Current problem: Ecigarette quality: Most of these devices are made by slave labor in China, and they don't have any form of dedication to quality, or the health of users. As a result, the cheaply made devices' metal components deteriorate into the liquid, and you are smoking metal, which causes a laundry list of problems. I do not know which ecigarette is well made and will not cause metal particles to be released. Any advice anyone?
I figure if I have all 3 down, then there is no negative effect whatsoever other than the addiction to nicotine, and then I can switch completely and have peace of mind.