geraldo, also known as jerry rivers, went to court during the bawana twana banana deformation trail to be a character witness for the pig al sharpton. Jerry rivers was also the lawyer for a violent street gang that took over the bronx know as the young lords. The members of this street gang were so powerful that major news organization we forced to hire them. Felipe luciano was hired by fox 5 news and even given his own show after he was released from prison after murdering a rival gang member, juan gonzales is a columnist for the New york daily news where he bashes white people and Jewish freedom fighters in Israel, he is also a partner of the anti semite white hater amy goodman that has a show on CUNY tv, all at tax payer expense. Then we have pablo guzman, an affrimative action reporter for channel four. So when your kids ask you ''how do I get a good job like that" you can say, 'You can't, you are not a gangbanger, murderer and besides you are white and educated, therefore do not even waste you time applying'. As far as kelly goes, any one that was a friend of dunkin' dinkins (that be my headboard and where is my asian ho I stuck in a public funded apartment) dinkihns, I know that he is no friend to white people. let him crawl to the darkies, he is of no use or merit to me.