can i say something here from a somewhat different angle about this, that really has nothing directly to do with skin color?
back about two years ago when i took my seventh trip to israel, one of the speakers i heard on my tour said something that has stuck with me ever since. in talking about israeli politics, he said that the key to understanding the very complicated dynamics of middle eastern politics, is to understand its underlying economics.
when dhimmi carter wrote that horribly antisemitic book a year or two ago, there were some inviduals who decided to apply that economic principle. they discovered that dhimmi carter was being paid off by the saudis. hating Jews is apparently in the economic interest of dhimmi carter. he may be some antisemitic redneck, but he is not a stupid antisemitic redneck.
knowing next to nothing about econmics myself, i decided to read a very basic book on the subject, called Economics In One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt. The book was written many decades ago, is only about 200 pages long, and is written in such simple language, that even I could understand it.
well, without going into all the details of it, the bottom line of the entire book was really rather simple: that the key to a good economy is to never get something for nothing, that if money is exchanged for services in one form or another, according to mutual agreement between the involved parties, without impediment, then that is what eventually brings the kind of economic prosperity that our country has. we are at present the wealthiest country in the history of the world.
i bring all this up in order to contrast this with the welfare state. the welfare state operates under the exact opposite premise from the above. instead of getting something for something, one gets something for nothing. this not only demoralizes the receiver of these free benefits, but it destroys the economy. there is just so much free stuff that one can give out before one runs out of it, and has to get more. in economic terms, this translates into higher taxes, which means less money for people to invest in their business or even in buying things at the store. it destroys morale, and it destroys society.
perhaps this may be the key to why so many black societies fail: they are tempted by the prospect of getting something for nothing; meanwhile, their morale is destroyed, they feel unproductive, they expect to get more and more for doing less and less, they resent those they depend on, while those upon whom they depend resent them as well. and on and on it goes, leaving everybody miserable.