I've had my fill of anti - Semetism, and I'm not even Jewish ( hey no one is perfect. )

I don't want too watch or listen too christian armpit, a liberal Jew, or a liberal Christian spew idiocy.
I have learned over the years these important issues from insane people.
1: Jews have a weather machine to make hurricanes.
2: Grass is green, this is a Zionist plot.
3: The sun will rise at 6:30 am , another Zionist plot.
4: 4000 Jews did not show up for work on 9-11.
5: Jews have developed mind control technology.
6: The reason I agree with the Jews is I'm being controlled by the Zionists.
Plus you are leaving out the fact that I'm a redneck, and I'll probably be fishing at the time

I forgot,,,,
7: Fishing is a Zionist plot as well.