Author Topic: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.  (Read 9434 times)

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Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« on: August 24, 2007, 06:52:38 PM »
OMAHA — Meatpacking plant officials accused of discriminating against dozens of Somali Muslim workers have offered to tweak break times to help accommodate the workers’ prayer demands.

If the dozens of Muslim workers and Swift & Co. can agree on details, a solution could defuse the dispute that started earlier this year when 120 workers at the Grand Island plant abruptly quit because they weren’t allowed to pray at sunset.

Many say they were fired, quit or were verbally and physically harassed over the issue, and some have complained to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission about the way they were treated.

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2007, 06:55:14 PM »
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 07:01:54 PM »
What worries me here isnt that any company caved to their prayer demands....its that this violent filth is handling OUR FOOD SUPPLY :o..........I am beginning to wonder about all these "incidents" with food lately.

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2007, 07:10:46 PM »
 That's why I posted it. Not of the prayer issue, they have every chance too poison us, and they will. Just a matter of time.
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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 07:17:06 PM »
What worries me here isnt that any company caved to their prayer demands....its that this violent filth is handling OUR FOOD SUPPLY :o..........I am beginning to wonder about all these "incidents" with food lately.

Muzzie personal hygeine is just so great aint it?

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 07:41:23 PM »
I wonder what kind of soap this company uses in the restrooms. If the soap has alcohol in it, the muslims won't use it. That should send shivers down some spines. :o
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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2007, 07:56:19 PM »
I was the chief blender/ QC at a chemical plant that made fabric softener for export to Saudi Arabia. Boy did I used to piss in that stuff.

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2007, 08:05:29 PM »
I was the chief blender/ QC at a chemical plant that made fabric softener for export to Saudi Arabia. Boy did I used to piss in that stuff.
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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2007, 08:15:12 PM »
I don't know where we are headed with all this PC nonsense. A Jew or Christian works for a large company with shifts they have to work all sorts of days and hours Saturday, Sunday whatever. If you complain the company will tell you to bad QUIT if you don't like it. The filthy muslims need prayer rooms and foot baths and all other sorts of garbage and it is provided at request what gives with this?
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2007, 08:24:43 PM »
I don't know where we are headed with all this PC nonsense. A Jew or Christian works for a large company with shifts they have to work all sorts of days and hours Saturday, Sunday whatever. If you complain the company will tell you to bad QUIT if you don't like it. The filthy muslims need prayer rooms and foot baths and all other sorts of garbage and it is provided at request what gives with this?

The good ol' liberal double standard.

Like how if you insult Jusaism or christianity, it's 'free speech'.

Insult islam, though and it's hate speech.

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2007, 08:45:00 PM »
Newman, we don't even have too insult the "religion" of islam, we can have a opinion of islam that the muslims don't agree with and that is called hate speech. It seems the "religion of peace" has a problem with FREE SPEECH.

Over the last 8 years, just because I say " I don't believe islam is a religion of peace" the death threats abound. If islam was a peaceful "Religion", why the death threats ?  The Amish, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus don't go around 24 / 7 saying

OUR RELIGIONS ARE PEACEFUL !!! And we don't have too.

It seems one group of people " Muslims" always slam down our throat, islam is peaceful. Yet , they bloody well don't act on the "Peace" they seem to believe in. And the libs, seem too eat it up, as well as some republicans in this land. It's a mess.
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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2007, 08:52:44 PM »
Newman, we don't even have too insult the "religion" of islam, we can have a opinion of islam that the muslims don't agree with and that is called hate speech. It seems the "religion of peace" has a problem with FREE SPEECH.

Over the last 8 years, just because I say " I don't believe islam is a religion of peace" the death threats abound. If islam was a peaceful "Religion", why the death threats ?  The Amish, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus don't go around 24 / 7 saying

OUR RELIGIONS ARE PEACEFUL !!! And we don't have too.

It seems one group of people " Muslims" always slam down our throat, islam is peaceful. Yet , they bloody well don't act on the "Peace" they seem to believe in. And the libs, seem too eat it up, as well as some republicans in this land. It's a mess.

Liberals only hate white, Judaic-christian.

Brown/black pagan is OK.

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2007, 08:58:00 PM »
Libs want the black vote. Keep the slaves on the plantation, is the idea of the Libs. I would like too tell people  that in America, you can make something of your self and not be the victim. It is ok to complain and raise hades, it is more important to make something of your self , even when the odds are against you.

The black population of America have voted for the same people, (Libs) that have promised them, "It will get better." Nothing has happened , and these idiots keep voting for the same people that bring them down.

The perpetual victims, they like it, and this is why the black community as a whole, is GARBAGE.

In my opinion.
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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2007, 09:07:02 PM »
Libs want the black vote. Keep the slaves on the plantation, is the idea of the Libs. I would like too tell people  that in America, you can make something of your self and not be the victim. It is ok to complain and raise hades, it is more important to make something of your self , even when the odds are against you.

The black population of America have voted for the same people, (Libs) that have promised them, "It will get better." Nothing has happened , and these idiots keep voting for the same people that bring them down.

The perpetual victims, they like it, and this is why the black community as a whole, is GARBAGE.

In my opinion.

You're 110% dead right.

The liberals have deliberatly kept the black community buggered as a permanent Democrat voting bloc.

And just so nobody catches on to their failed policies......they blame guns, conservatives, racism.....anyone or anything  but the damn liberals.

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2007, 02:46:42 AM »
Libs want the black vote. Keep the slaves on the plantation, is the idea of the Libs. I would like too tell people  that in America, you can make something of your self and not be the victim. It is ok to complain and raise hades, it is more important to make something of your self , even when the odds are against you.

The black population of America have voted for the same people, (Libs) that have promised them, "It will get better." Nothing has happened , and these idiots keep voting for the same people that bring them down.

The perpetual victims, they like it, and this is why the black community as a whole, is GARBAGE.

In my opinion.

You're 110% dead right.

The liberals have deliberatly kept the black community buggered as a permanent Democrat voting bloc.

And just so nobody catches on to their failed policies......they blame guns, conservatives, racism.....anyone or anything  but the damn liberals.
Not many but some black folks are starting to smell a rat with that policy and have distanced themselves from the democratic party. Most blacks I know wont give me the satisfaction of saying such but I no longer get the strong arguments for them supporting the democrats. They look at all the politicians now something they would never do before.
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Offline fjack

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2007, 09:11:22 AM »
Wait till the blacks see that they are being replaced by the new liberal pets, the hispanics. Wait till the blacks see the hispanicis getting special favors from the democraps because they vote in greater numbers. The democraps will screw the blacks and toss them away when no longer needed. You will see more and more gringo libs starting to sneak in spanish phrases in their speeches just ot show that they are amigos. Wait and see how the blacks will feel when the hispanics start to get affrimative action government jobs that were historically given to blacks.

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2007, 11:30:35 AM »
Newman, we don't even have too insult the "religion" of islam, we can have a opinion of islam that the muslims don't agree with and that is called hate speech. It seems the "religion of peace" has a problem with FREE SPEECH.

Over the last 8 years, just because I say " I don't believe islam is a religion of peace" the death threats abound. If islam was a peaceful "Religion", why the death threats ?  The Amish, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus don't go around 24 / 7 saying

OUR RELIGIONS ARE PEACEFUL !!! And we don't have too.

It seems one group of people " Muslims" always slam down our throat, islam is peaceful. Yet , they bloody well don't act on the "Peace" they seem to believe in. And the libs, seem too eat it up, as well as some republicans in this land. It's a mess.

Liberals only hate white, Judaic-christian.

Brown/black pagan is OK.

Maybe this will clear everything up.

PIG's One-Size-Fit's-All Oppression Barometer

Ever have one of those days?

Ever find yourself besieged by properly-hyphenated peabrains, each of whom had their own victimist issues?

Ever asked yourself why there isn't some handy-dandy list that tells you which victim group gets first dibs on the unearned plunder?

If any of the foregoing items hits close to home, you're in the right place for all the answers you'll ever need, Sparky. Your favorite Online magazine is thrilled spitless to unveil PIG's Oppression Pecking Order. PIG's Oppression Pecking Order is so user friendly that even a government cess-schooled graduate can grasp it: the higher you are on this list, the more oppressed you are. (Refer to the footnotes following this list for certain thrilling details.)

Oppression's Reigning Queens - Properly-Hyphenated Women

    Amerikan Born Melanin-Enriched females
    Border Jumping Hispanic females
    Green Carded/Naturalized Hispanic females
    Foreign Born Melanin Enriched females
    Amerikan born Hispanic females
    Asian females, native and imported

Oppression's Crown Princes - Properly-Hyphenated Men

    Amerikan Born Melanin-Enriched Males
    Border Jumping Hispanic Males
    Green Carded/Naturalized Hispanic Males
    Foreign Born Melanin Enriched Males
    Amerikan born Hispanic Males
    Asian Men, native and imported

Oppression's Wanna-Be Whiners

    Un-Hyphenated White Females
    Hyphenated White Males (Slavic, Eastern Eurotrash, Etc)

Oppressors, To Their Very Core

    Un-Hyphenated White Males

Based on this Korrectnik pecking order, unhyphenated, white, non-liberal males can be attacked with impunity. Any wrong - real, imagined, or pulled out of your ass - perpetrated by a given white male is, automatically, laid on the heads of all white males. It is safe to assume that anything an unhyphenated white male says is, inherently, politically incorrect.

[Note 1: Within each category, the differently-sexual rate ahead of their boringly-heterosexual counterparts.]

[Note 2: Within each category, political philosophy can raise or lower your standing. Liberal asshats get a slight bump up the whiner ladder, while conservative dweebs move farther down the whiner ladder.]

[Note 3: Those deemed race or gender ‘traitors’ by Korrectniks are demoted to the lowest category (unhyphenated white males), regardless of their immutable traits. I.E. A avowed melanin-enriched conservative is demoted to ‘oppressor’, thus losing all his hyphenated privileges.]
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2007, 11:38:28 AM »
A victim pecking order.

NO guilt ridden liberal should be without one.

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2007, 08:24:44 PM »
Wait till the blacks see that they are being replaced by the new liberal pets, the hispanics. Wait till the blacks see the hispanicis getting special favors from the democraps because they vote in greater numbers. The democraps will screw the blacks and toss them away when no longer needed. You will see more and more gringo libs starting to sneak in spanish phrases in their speeches just ot show that they are amigos. Wait and see how the blacks will feel when the hispanics start to get affrimative action government jobs that were historically given to blacks.

Ohhhhhhh Fjack, BRILLIANT POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Offline cjd

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2007, 08:50:07 PM »
Wait till the blacks see that they are being replaced by the new liberal pets, the hispanics. Wait till the blacks see the hispanicis getting special favors from the democraps because they vote in greater numbers. The democraps will screw the blacks and toss them away when no longer needed. You will see more and more gringo libs starting to sneak in spanish phrases in their speeches just ot show that they are amigos. Wait and see how the blacks will feel when the hispanics start to get affirmative action government jobs that were historically given to blacks.

Ohhhhhhh Fjack, BRILLIANT POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was traveling through North Carolina a few years ago and in some parts of the state the radio stations are from hunger. They had a black minister ranting on one of the stations about how the Democraps were going to get themselves some new niggeras and how this just would not do. The minister went on to say they were in the back of the bus before and they were not going to go back there again because of the hispanics. As he went on you could tell he knew that his goose was cooked and he was trying to figure out after the hispanics get done if he would even be able to ride on the bus at all. I found the whole rant very enlightening.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2007, 08:56:18 PM »
Now that's it's starting to sink in that the demokkkrats are selling out the negros for the wetbacks, it'll be fun watching the race pimps run around like headless chickens.

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2007, 09:09:40 PM »
I'm thinking the Dems will probably not kick out the "black victims", but include the "mexican victims" in as well, thus they will get twice the vote. Come too think of it, I'm sure this is what will happen. The liberals need more "slaves on the plantation." They don't care if they are black, or mexican. The more slaves they have, they stay in power.

Good grief, I know a few "white slaves" that have voted for the liberals for 50 years, and still complain   and complain why nothing has changed. Liberals promise change, nothing happens, and slaves still vote for the "massah".

Sheep are stupid!!!

I was one, I voted for Bush. :embarassed:
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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2007, 09:11:05 PM »
When i had to work on Saturday i has to find someone the trade shifts with
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2007, 09:14:40 PM »

 Muslims get footbaths. Jews and Christians get......


If the Muslims can sue companies, can't we ?

Oh no, I forgot, only muslims can do that, we have too bend over and grab our ankles. AIN'T AMERICA GREAT !!

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Re: Dhimmi Meatpacking plant caves on muslim demands.
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2007, 09:15:50 PM »
I'm thinking the Dems will probably not kick out the "black victims", but include the "mexican victims" in as well, thus they will get twice the vote. Come too think of it, I'm sure this is what will happen. The liberals need more "slaves on the plantation." They don't care if they are black, or mexican. The more slaves they have, they stay in power.

Good grief, I know a few "white slaves" that have voted for the liberals for 50 years, and still complain   and complain why nothing has changed. Liberals promise change, nothing happens, and slaves still vote for the "massah".

Sheep are stupid!!!

I was one, I voted for Bush. :embarassed:

Yeah, but there's only enough payola to go 'round. The 'boons aint gonna like sharing with the 'backs.