Here is a conversation which took place between Mike Miller (An American Kahanist who made Aliyah to Israel and collects and displays Kahane's videos, posters, etc etc. I recommend that you search him on Facebook or YouTube at these things he has posted).
Me with Moshe Feiglin at Bar Ilan University after he spoke about several important topics concerning the future of Israel as a Jewish state and how his unique party, זהות - תנועה ישראלית יהודית Zehut - Israeli Jewish Movement, can impact and influence the nation as a whole. I took video of the entire event. It was a pleasure to hear some normalcy today, I've had it with lying and dishonest politicians both from the Israeli left and right.
I'm posting this here because he also personified the Jewish Idea.
Here is the conversation I had with Moshe Feiglin:
Me: "Moshe Feiglin, I voted in the past two elections for עוצמה לישראל and עוצמהיהודית, people are saying that I threw my vote in the toilet. What do you think?"
Feiglin: "Well, you did, but not because you voted your conscience, but think rationally for a second, even if they would have made it past the threshold and into the Knesset, what good could have possibly come out of it. Marzel would have remained in the opposition and not in the coalition and made knesset speeches from the podium. Any dummy can do that. Believe me, there are plenty of good things to watch on TV other than people making speeches in the Knesset. I can tell you first hand from being in מנהיגות יהודית in the Likud party. You would have been better off not having voted at all."
Me: "Why won't you join forces with Michael Ben Ari and Baruch Marzel?"
Feiglin: Because that's exactly what the kahanistim and Media want me to do and I'm not going to give into their demands. An alliance with them would be completely disastrous for my voters and my image. I would davka lose voices. I tried very hard to get that kahanist label off of me. Clearly, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but today is 2016 and not the 1980's. Therefore, if you want to get any change done in the Knesset, and be in some type of position to rule, you cannot afford that label. I want to remain a Jew and not a kahanist, for the people's and this country's sake.
Me: What is your opinion of עוצמה יהודית?
Feiglin: "Their mistake was in their campaign, the way they presented themselves. They had a terrible campaign and just wanted to throw the Arabs out, but there's so much more to Israel than just the Arab issue. They know how to rouse up a crowd, stir up noise, and get angry. But where does it get them? I tell you that not only are Arabs afraid of them, but also many other Jews as well. They wanted to get into the Knesset and merely be another MK, but unlike them, I don't intend on being just another MK, I intend on going for the whole ball game. I want to lead!" You'll see that when I get 10-12 seats in the next elections, Marzel and Ben-Ari will be begging to get on the bandwagon and join me.
Me: "In what way today, do you disagree with Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D?"
Feiglin: I agree with most of what he says, except in a few areas. He may not have cared that the media labeled him a Arab-hating-fire-breathing-extremist, but the media labeled him as such. I think he appeared in the media as either too aggressive or too angry, and with the Israeli media today, one must be extremely careful about how he looks and what he says. He was trying to touch people's feelings and nerves, but today, you can't always say what's on your mind, and you don't always have to. In order to make a change in the knesset, you don't need to compromise on your principles but you need to do it wisely. You voted for Marzel, really, out of desperation because you saw no other alternative, well, guess what? I am that alternative!
I'm not trying to save the kahanistim. They have already dug their own grave. I'm trying to save the nation. I don't associate myself with any left-wing or right-wing party, not to secular parties and most certainly not to kippa sruga parties. I have nothing to do with either side. The problem is, is that the left has the ideology and the only thing the right-wing says today is "We aren't left." Which doesn't help us one iota! The right-wing still talks about Areas A, B, C, etc. and still hasn't severed the ties with the Oslo accords back in the 90's and that's the tragedy. That they still think in those terms, like occupiers!
Chaim response to this: "It's a little a disappointing to hear what Feiglin had to say. He had some good points and some bad points. And unfortunately too soft spoken. I know on the other hand, there is no alternative out there. However, it can improve our movement's situation which brings out the real conversation."