Author Topic: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?  (Read 4900 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2016, 10:22:38 PM »
Here is a conversation which took place between Mike Miller (An American Kahanist who made Aliyah to Israel and collects and displays Kahane's videos, posters, etc etc.  I recommend that you search him on Facebook or YouTube at these things he has posted).

Me with Moshe Feiglin at Bar Ilan University after he spoke about several important topics concerning the future of Israel as a Jewish state and how his unique party, זהות - תנועה ישראלית יהודית Zehut - Israeli Jewish Movement, can impact and influence the nation as a whole. I took video of the entire event. It was a pleasure to hear some normalcy today, I've had it with lying and dishonest politicians both from the Israeli left and right.
I'm posting this here because he also personified the Jewish Idea.
Here is the conversation I had with Moshe Feiglin:
Me: "Moshe Feiglin, I voted in the past two elections for עוצמה לישראל and עוצמהיהודית, people are saying that I threw my vote in the toilet. What do you think?"
Feiglin: "Well, you did, but not because you voted your conscience, but think rationally for a second, even if they would have made it past the threshold and into the Knesset, what good could have possibly come out of it. Marzel would have remained in the opposition and not in the coalition and made knesset speeches from the podium. Any dummy can do that. Believe me, there are plenty of good things to watch on TV other than people making speeches in the Knesset. I can tell you first hand from being in מנהיגות יהודית in the Likud party. You would have been better off not having voted at all."
Me: "Why won't you join forces with Michael Ben Ari and Baruch Marzel?"
Feiglin: Because that's exactly what the kahanistim and Media want me to do and I'm not going to give into their demands. An alliance with them would be completely disastrous for my voters and my image. I would davka lose voices. I tried very hard to get that kahanist label off of me. Clearly, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but today is 2016 and not the 1980's. Therefore, if you want to get any change done in the Knesset, and be in some type of position to rule, you cannot afford that label. I want to remain a Jew and not a kahanist, for the people's and this country's sake.
Me: What is your opinion of עוצמה יהודית?
Feiglin: "Their mistake was in their campaign, the way they presented themselves. They had a terrible campaign and just wanted to throw the Arabs out, but there's so much more to Israel than just the Arab issue. They know how to rouse up a crowd, stir up noise, and get angry. But where does it get them? I tell you that not only are Arabs afraid of them, but also many other Jews as well. They wanted to get into the Knesset and merely be another MK, but unlike them, I don't intend on being just another MK, I intend on going for the whole ball game. I want to lead!" You'll see that when I get 10-12 seats in the next elections, Marzel and Ben-Ari will be begging to get on the bandwagon and join me.
Me: "In what way today, do you disagree with Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D?"
Feiglin: I agree with most of what he says, except in a few areas. He may not have cared that the media labeled him a Arab-hating-fire-breathing-extremist, but the media labeled him as such. I think he appeared in the media as either too aggressive or too angry, and with the Israeli media today, one must be extremely careful about how he looks and what he says. He was trying to touch people's feelings and nerves, but today, you can't always say what's on your mind, and you don't always have to. In order to make a change in the knesset, you don't need to compromise on your principles but you need to do it wisely. You voted for Marzel, really, out of desperation because you saw no other alternative, well, guess what? I am that alternative!
I'm not trying to save the kahanistim. They have already dug their own grave. I'm trying to save the nation. I don't associate myself with any left-wing or right-wing party, not to secular parties and most certainly not to kippa sruga parties. I have nothing to do with either side. The problem is, is that the left has the ideology and the only thing the right-wing says today is "We aren't left." Which doesn't help us one iota! The right-wing still talks about Areas A, B, C, etc. and still hasn't severed the ties with the Oslo accords back in the 90's and that's the tragedy. That they still think in those terms, like occupiers!

Chaim response to this: "It's a little a disappointing to hear what Feiglin had to say. He had some good points and some bad points.  And unfortunately too soft spoken.  I know on the other hand, there is no alternative out there. However, it can improve our movement's situation which brings out the real conversation."

I have to agree with Chaim's response. 

I think if Feiglin gets a strong showing in the next election it will be a very very positive thing, even if I think he too readily dismisses Kahanists and strong language that we feel is necessary to reach people and which he apparently feels somehow harms the cause.

Offline Rashi

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2016, 03:28:27 AM »
" I tried very hard to get that kahanist label off of me"

I knew it!..He is weak...This man could not shine  Rabbi Meir Kahane shoes...Becareful not to say anything wrong Feglin..You might offend people...I knew I was picking up something in his speech pattern..I just could not put my finger on it...

Offline Rashi

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2016, 03:38:27 AM »
"and with the Israeli media today, one must be extremely careful about how he looks and what he says"

So Feiglin is worried about the leftist media?..LOL....I don't know but I find this the most troubling..He almost a politically correct tiptoeing  schmuck...

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2016, 05:19:00 AM »
What does this have to do with  Feiglin?..I get it you are waiting for a man-god to appear in the US...This is not a JEWISH CONCEPT!!..
Obviously you would not know a Jewish concept if it hit you in the face,Moshiach coming is very much a Jewish concept the man-god idea was Christian invention was not what Yerusha was talking about!!!
If you knew Torah especially Rabbi Kahane's.ZT"L.HY"D,ZY"A  writings you would know that he as well as all practicing Jews wait for the coming of Moshiach.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2016, 09:48:32 AM »
Obviously you would not know a Jewish concept if it hit you in the face,Moshiach coming is very much a Jewish concept the man-god idea was Christian invention was not what Yerusha was talking about!!!
If you knew Torah especially Rabbi Kahane's.ZT"L.HY"D,ZY"A  writings you would know that he as well as all practicing Jews wait for the coming of Moshiach.

You are confused and either fail to grasp what yerusha is saying or you are reflexively defending him.  Moshiach coming has nothing to do wih this thread or Moshe Feiglin.

R. Kahane did not believe himself to be Moshiach nor that he needed to be Moshiach in order to get elected or lead Israel.  That whole notion is against everything he taught.  How would anyone not understand that?

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2016, 11:52:30 PM »
You are confused and either fail to grasp what yerusha is saying or you are reflexively defending him.  Moshiach coming has nothing to do wih this thread or Moshe Feiglin.

R. Kahane did not believe himself to be Moshiach nor that he needed to be Moshiach in order to get elected or lead Israel.  That whole notion is against everything he taught.  How would anyone not understand that?
Perhaps I misunderstood what he was saying

Offline Rashi

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2016, 01:38:00 AM »
Obviously you would not know a Jewish concept if it hit you in the face,Moshiach coming is very much a Jewish concept the man-god idea was Christian invention was not what Yerusha was talking about!!!
If you knew Torah especially Rabbi Kahane's.ZT"L.HY"D,ZY"A  writings you would know that he as well as all practicing Jews wait for the coming of Moshiach.

Since you can't seem to figure out that the thread is about  Moshe Feiglin...I will ask you some questions...Do you believe that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is The Moshiach?..I will tell you my opinion...He is not..See I just gave you a direct answer..Infact I will go as far as to say that Rabbi Meir Kahane was much closer to a Moshiach than Rabbi Schneerson...While "the rebbe" was telling Jews to check there  Mezuzahs and tefillin..Rabbi Meir Kahane was fighting for Jews in Israel and had far more of a impact on Russian Jewery than he was ever given  recognition...Schneerson had Galut  mentality and never even went to Israel...Infact the  mitzvah to live in the land of Israel is the greatest..So even Moshe Feglin has him beat

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2016, 01:59:16 PM »
Since you can't seem to figure out that the thread is about  Moshe Feiglin...I will ask you some questions...Do you believe that Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is The Moshiach?..I will tell you my opinion...He is not..See I just gave you a direct answer..Infact I will go as far as to say that Rabbi Meir Kahane was much closer to a Moshiach than Rabbi Schneerson...While "the rebbe" was telling Jews to check there  Mezuzahs and tefillin..Rabbi Meir Kahane was fighting for Jews in Israel and had far more of a impact on Russian Jewery than he was ever given  recognition...Schneerson had Galut  mentality and never even went to Israel...Infact the  mitzvah to live in the land of Israel is the greatest..So even Moshe Feglin has him beat
I think when he (The Rebbe) was alive he was the best candidate but now they that he died not.
As far as Rabbi Kahane he fit the description of Moshiach Ben Yosef because he was murdred fighting for Jews.
Both were great leaders both had their roles
Moshe Feiglin does not fit in this role like the Rebbe & the Rav did as he is a politician,but he is the best of what we have here  today even better than the self proclaimed Kahanists who did nothing to help Chaim & other Jews denied aliyah & who B"H lost in their last run for Knesset,Feiglin is honest unlike them IMHO.
BTW,Do you live in Israel? If not you have no right to criticize others who also don't live here certainly not any gadol b'Yisroel!!!!
And you don't call a gadol by his last name it shows your ignorance!!!!

Offline Rashi

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2016, 02:19:59 AM »
I think when he (The Rebbe) was alive he was the best candidate but now they that he died not.
As far as Rabbi Kahane he fit the description of Moshiach Ben Yosef because he was murdred fighting for Jews.
Both were great leaders both had their roles
Moshe Feiglin does not fit in this role like the Rebbe & the Rav did as he is a politician,but he is the best of what we have here  today even better than the self proclaimed Kahanists who did nothing to help Chaim & other Jews denied aliyah & who B"H lost in their last run for Knesset,Feiglin is honest unlike them IMHO.
BTW,Do you live in Israel? If not you have no right to criticize others who also don't live here certainly not any gadol b'Yisroel!!!!
And you don't call a gadol by his last name it shows your ignorance!!!!

Why do I have to consider Rabbi Schneerson as a  gadol?...In truth as you can tell I don't like  Hasidic thought...It  reeks of  Gnosticism...and I am not the first Jew to notice that...

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2016, 12:48:42 AM »
Why do I have to consider Rabbi Schneerson as a  gadol?...In truth as you can tell I don't like  Hasidic thought...It  reeks of  Gnosticism...and I am not the first Jew to notice that...
Why should you consider anybody a gadol?
Because of their deeds & actions.
Apparently you have no idea who the Rebbe,ZT"L,ZY"A was or you wouldn't talk such trash!!
I have no idea what Gnosticism is.
Have you ever learned Chassidus?
Unless you have you have no right to make such a judgement!!!!!

Offline Rashi

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Re: Is Moshe Feiglin weak?
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2016, 02:40:46 AM »
Why should you consider anybody a gadol?
Because of their deeds & actions.
Apparently you have no idea who the Rebbe,ZT"L,ZY"A was or you wouldn't talk such trash!!
I have no idea what Gnosticism is.
Have you ever learned Chassidus?
Unless you have you have no right to make such a judgement!!!!!

Since this thread has gone off the rails..I will challenge you and Chassidus...You do realize that all Hasidic Thought has it's roots in the The Zohar?..So you are buying the line that it was authored by   the Rashbi..I will tell you that this is a lie and falsehood..I know you will not take my word for it...So here is a clip to give you idea of what I am talking about... for all it's good works that it has done has also been equally destructive..Why would I say such a thing here is a link.. want Jews in the GALUT..and are going to cause there death..They are steeped in superstition and mystycal thought...example 1.

This perception of mezuzah has been widely popularized during
the past several years in the literature of the Lubavitcher
movement, particularly since the terrorist attack at Ma'alot in
1,974, and more recently since Entebbe. One particular Chabad
brochure, circulated in the wake of Ma'alot, calls upon Jews to
marshal their spiritual "defenses," depicting specific mitsvo tand
mezuza& is prominent among thsrnl-2s "helmets," which "military strategy" advisesz ( a battlefield analogy which is more
than figurative). Following the rescue at Entebbe, and a discourse
by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in which the protective view was articulated
in learned formulation,3 a student'branch of the movement
distributed a flyer suggesting that the ordeal of the hostages
may be linked to the collective inefficacy of their mezuzot
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 02:54:39 AM by Rashi »