It is a grievous day indeed to watch Chumptards that were once conservatives communicate in slogans like braindead liberals.

Thanks for the compliments. And to think I sarcastically insulted you with my insinuations.
This one thing in your post stands out to me...
and despite even a homosexual "Republican" supporting him for his senate run What was the point of mentioning that? That homosexuals are inherently bad or that they can't be 'republican'? Ted Cruz as President would be representing everyone. Even if you don't like their behavior. Ask Ted Cruz himself. He has said the same thing. And an endorsement of Ted Cruz by a homosexual, does not mean he endorses their lifestyle or asked for their endorsement. And so what. Many decent people are homosexual.
There is no point in debating this with you.
I get to decide who I am voting for in November.
I guess it will depend on the candidates.
Until then, since there are only two candidates today...if you want me to flip to Clinton in 2016. No problem.
Where do you live, Israel Chai? I know you are preparing Israel right now. But normally. Where do you live?