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Offline Lubab

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Mistake Not To Support Trump
« on: October 10, 2016, 09:42:52 PM »
Guys. Why are you trying to get Hillary elected?

Are you insane?

Attacking Trump all day?

Let''s look at this logically.

Trump is no saint. I'm not voting for him for his moral compass. I'm voting for him because of what I think he will do in office.

And we can already see a bit about how he will operate. Notice, the biggest decision he's had to make yet is choosing a VP and he chose Mike Pence a God fearing good man.

You should read  Trump's interviews from 20 years ago. Way before he was thinkning of running for president. And see what he talks about. He talks about the exact same things now. .

Getting out of NAFTA and making NATO pay their fair share. How america is getting screwed in the financial world stage and that's why we're in so much debt. [

His platform is textbook conservative. He's a dream for conservatives.

His platform  is to lower taxes to stimulate business. Repeal Obamacare. Put hillary in jail (yay!) . Get us out of NAFTA. Get us out of the Iran deal. Support the police make them tougher and  bring law and order to the inner cities.

What are you guys so afraid this guy will do as compared to Hillary Clinton is wants to destory Israel. .

Trump  dooesn't really care about Israel and that's a good thing for all of us.

Are you worried about the nuclear codes? Him giving nuclear weapons to Saudi arabia.

Well let me tell you something. Trump is a moron. He's not making any big decisions without speaking to generals first. He's a a moron but not an imbecile. He even speaks to generals all the time now. 

On all other points he's far superior to Killery whose family has a history of rape and murder and anti semetisim. Again, Trump is not an anti semite. Hillary is. She purposely killed our great soliders in Ben Gaszi by not responding to those phonecalls.

Another thing. Killery will never be able to make any changes in this country. Because she's a puppet to wall street and special interests. She's part of the same old same old Washington mafia that Trump hates. Trump does whatevver the hell he wants. And that means he could actually deliver on his promoises.

And I believe he will. Because Trump needs to win at everything and America will become his new business. If he's a scammer. He's going to scam over Japan before he screws over america a country he likes because of the freedoms is grants him to say the kinds of things he says.

I just can't believe where JTF has sunk. Decades of bashign Hillary Clinton and here you are effectively campaigning for her by focusing all your attention on Trump. When Trump is a dream by comparison.

Look at the people AROUND trump. He's pretty nuts. But he surrounds himself with decent people. Look at his children. They are good decent people and they respect their father. Can we say the same about Chelsea?  I don't think so.

I'm glad I left.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 10:05:18 PM by Lubab »
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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2016, 10:06:06 PM »
And you know, thanks to people like you in the primaries, Shitlery could be facing up against a real Republican opponent, but instead we are presented with this mongoloid who can't be elected dogcatcher, and now you are panicking because this is obvious. Made, bed, lie, thanks for sticking us with 4 to 8 years of Shitlery.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2016, 10:10:41 PM »
If you vote for evil, then you support evil. We don't support evil. We don't support evil Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

Furthermore, we aren't helping Hillary get elected by not voting for either. The American people are to fault on both candidates because of the loss of their moral compass. Don't put the blame of either cancer on us. Trump never had a chance against Hillary.

Wikileaks Leaked Emails Prove That Trump Was a Tool Used by the Hillary Campaign From Day One

Lastly, you think WE are insane? Donald Trump and  the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones are close buddies. Trump shows up on his show all the time. Don't you love Alex Jones?

« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 10:58:30 PM by Shlomo »
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Offline Tony Rubolotta

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2016, 10:19:55 PM »
If you vote for evil, then you support evil. We don't support evil. We don't support evil Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

Exactly!  This country has been run by the lesser of two evils for decades now.  Payment is now due and either Clinton or Trump will be the payment due for a country bathed in the blood of innocent children.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2016, 10:59:23 PM »

You want to talk about supporting evil. You are making videos that Hillary could put right on her website to help her win.

Better to say nothing at all.

This is the evil story. Politicans are all evil. We need to support the lesser of two evils. Jews have always voted this way for centuries.

Trump has a scumbag side. He also has a good side. If he didn't his children wouldn't respect him. Killery is pure evil. And you're on her side right now whether you realize it or not.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2016, 11:01:33 PM »

Get out of the past man. That's over and done with. Ted Cruz is a big fat liar anyway. They call him Lying Ted for a reason. And he's friends with the Bushes. He's part of the establishment.

Don't vote based on the past.

Vote based on the future.

"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2016, 11:52:49 PM »

Lubab, you are a self-hating Jew.

You come back to the forum to defend the anti-Israel Donald Trump. You could not care less that Trump's positions on Israel are WORSE than even Hillary's. You would put a lunatic like Trump in the White House who wants to give nuclear bombs to Saudi Arabia and who is a puppet of the Jew-hating Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. You support someone who is enthusiastically backed by every major Nazi from David Duke to Louis Farrakhan, and who is also supported by your insane Nazi friend Alex Jones.

Now you have the unmitigated chutzpah to attack Ted Cruz, a true friend of Israel and the Jews. Cruz you attack and Trump you defend?!

Why do all of the conspiracy kooks like you love Trump? You need a psychiatrist.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2016, 12:22:57 AM »
Look at the people AROUND trump. He's pretty nuts. But he surrounds himself with decent people. Look at his children. They are good decent people and they respect their father. Can we say the same about Chelsea?  I don't think so.

I would like to add that Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton are close friends that go shopping together. Birds of a feather flock together.

"Our friendship didn't start with politics and it will last long after this race is done," Chelsea told ET of her friendship with Ivanka in July. And a month later, Ivanka confirmed to Harper's BAZAAR, "Of course we're still friends."

Inside Ivanka Trump's Surprising Bond with Chelsea Clinton: 'Our Friendship Has Never Been About Politics'
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Offline Lubab

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2016, 12:41:19 AM »
How in the world is Trump worse than Hillary on Israel?

Trump at least names the enemy. Hillary will not even say Radical Islam is the problem. I have never heard anti Israel rhetoric from him. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't mind being corrected but even if you don't believe her conversion was valid his daughter who he loves very  much identifies as a Jew and he says he has Jewish grandchildren. Can we ever imagine such a thing and such words happening with Killery?

As far as I can tell. Trump waffles on the issue of Israel.  He's not that bright. He doesn't have strong feelings one way or the other and he's gonna play it as he goes. Hillary is a friend of Arafat. Trump is a friend of Netanyahu. I'll take the latter over the former. And I'lil take Pence on Israel over Kayne.

And if they are equally evil. Why be for or against any of them. You should just leave it alone. You are helping Hillary and I think that's disgraceful.

“We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he said.
read more"

Quote from Donald Trump

And farakhan can kiss my you know what. I have nothing to do with him.  Alex Jones too. I hate  him. Sometimes issues between us and bad people happen to overlap. You Chaim had a lot of fans from that Nazi website for calling out blacks for instance. They loved it  That doesn't make you a self hating jew.

But I do think you are driven by hate in your heart. You always seem very angry in your videos, often towards Jewish people. Trashing Perez after his death. We are am echad. Even if he's a traitor.

Haven't you heard that TZIBUR stands for tzaddikim benonim and reshaim.

You can't have a minyan without all 3. I know Perez is a traitor. And i have ahavat yisrael for him anyway just like my Rebbe did. He tried to get him to repent didn't call him names. So whose really the self hating Jew?

« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 01:21:00 AM by Lubab »
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2016, 01:07:35 AM »
Notice people how I focus on Killery.

You guys seem to be hung up on Ted Cruz WHO IS NOT ON THE TICKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forget about him. He's an establishment politican who lies like they all do. His support of Israel I doubt comes from  religious conviction but rather from a need for the evangelical vote. You can't say I'm' wrong. I've seen this guy has no problem spitting out lies he's really good at it. He's a phoney.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2016, 01:49:02 AM »
One last thing. I won't post any longer. You can trash me and win the debate. I'd rather not get banned so I can express my opinion once in a while and I know sometimes people can get banned for telling the truth here. I may get banned now. So be it. That'll mean I hit a nerve.

If I do I hope I woke up at least one person to think twice about supporting Killery with all this Trump trashing . It's not doing ANY good for the world. And it's likely harmful to the world.

You say he wants Saudi Arabia to have nukes.

What would you say if I told you he has also said nuclear proliferation is the #1 problem in the world and first on his agenda. That he hates nuclear.
He's said that.

He's said both.

What's new.

A politicans words are meaningless as you see.  Don't take him too seriously. We can't infer anything about what he'll actually do on this issue one way or another.

By the way, he was saying they'll get it anyway. He wasn't saying he wants them to have it in a sense that he wants terrorrists to have nukes as you make it sound.

He said something stupid and he says a lot of stupid things but if a decision should come up about Saudi Arabia that's important you can bet he's going to speak to his generals first and make an intelligent decision. He didn't get where he is today without listening to smart people. He does it all the time. Surroundns himself with good people.  And look at the VEEP he appointed. Smart. Capabable. And good. God fearing. He's already on the right track.

If we could guess...who would be better on nuclear I would still say it's Trump.

Trump didn't sign the Iran deal, did he?

No Hillary did that. Those are the ones really about to get nukes. And she claims she stopped the program which is a dangerous lie. Lulling everyone into complacancy. 

Trump is against the Iran deal and wants to get out of it.

Trump wants to WIPE OUT ISIS.

He talks about how Arabs chop of heads. Almost like a JTFer would. He raises awareness about Muslim terrorism he doesn't downplay it like Killery. Listen to Killery in her debates against Sanders. You guys were so busy watching Trump and Cruz that you probably didn't notice Hillary and Sanders trying to outdo each other on how left wing they are on Israel and how evil Israel is in their treatmennt of the "Palestinians"

Check it out.

Watch that snake of a woman talk about Israel. She supported the PLO for heaven't sake. Openly. Knowing exactly who they are.

Then come back to me.
Trump is, without a doubt, the lesser of two evils.

Please stop this campaign against him at the very least. And help him at the very most so we dont have 4 years of Killery one of the most evil people on earth. No good side. No God. No good people around her. No Jewish grandchildren so called. Only evil. That is what you will be helping. She is pure evil I tell you.

Trump  has good children. That means he has a good side. Wake up people. This isn't even a close match.

"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2016, 02:02:39 AM »
I used to think you are full of it but now, I think you are too far gone even for that. I do believe you believe this in your soul. You need some help, bro. For real. I am not even exaggerating.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2016, 03:05:10 AM »
Lubab, no one is threatening to ban you. We haven't seen you in over a year, and the first time we do, you start insulting us and defending Trump.

Okay, so you support Trump. You threw Ted Cruz under the bus who was as pro-Israel as it gets and then defend Trump citing that Ted Cruz lies and is establishment. Trump does lie and isn't establishment? I have news for you. He literally wrote the book on it. Deal maker Trump is as establishment and a liar as it gets. And if you haven't figured that out by now, then there is no use in having a conversation. Trump is Mr. flip-flop of the week. Sometimes he says the conflicting opposites in the same sentence! The nerve. It's insane!

And we aren't allowed not to vote? And if we don't, somehow we are now liberals? And if we call out horrific behavior of a candidate (something we've always done for both conservatives, fake conservatives, and liberals in every election in both the US and Israel) we are voting for Hillary? And when we call out evil and warn people about Trump, we support Hillary? Hey genius, we already attack the Clintons and have for a LONG, LONG time. We don't get that many Clinton supporters here on the site if you haven't noticed. The people here already know the Clintons are cancer.

And you haven't done your homework with Trump and Israel for certain. You think we don't know what's going on in politics? We run a news site.

This made it in the news just tonight:

"Trump's praise of Russia, Iran, and Assad regime riles GOP experts"

You think this is good for Israel? That's not scary to you?

(Links included) Do you think pushing a “two state solution” with terrorists on Israel is a good idea - bragging that it's the “ultimate deal”? Do you think giving Muslims nukes like in Saudi Arabia who plowed through the Twin Towers is good for Israel? Do you think an egomaniac with his finger on the nuke button is going to help Israel? You think Russia is going to help Israel? And do you think someone who is praising Iran and Syria is good for Israel? Does it even bother you at all that Trumps last campaign manager (that quit because the news came out about his deep ties to Russia) was a foreign anti-Israel agent for the Muslim Saudi Prince? Does it worry you that Trump names Israel among countries that will reimburse the US when he’s president? Or when he said he was going to be neutral with the so-called “palestinains” and the Jews? Or when Trump wouldn’t commit to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital? How about when Trump said “as president, I can’t take Israel’s side”? Are you okay that Trump blamed Israel for terrorism and invoked nazi-style Jewish stereotypes? How about when the top Trump foreign policy adviser said that Trump is “not going to get rid of the Iran deal”?

This is just a small sample of the problems with Trump and Israel! I haven't even mentioned anything else like his support for Planned Parenthood, socialist healthcare, his support for transgender bathrooms, his life in porn and gambling, his wife in lesbian porn, all of his Democrat donations including the Clintons, his “self-deport” amnesty plan, and just on and on.

These evangelical leaders have said that, for the sake of the “lesser of two evils,” one should stand with someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things. Some of the very people who warned us about moral relativism and situational ethics now ask us to become moral relativists for the sake of an election. And when some dissent, they are labeled as liberals or accused of moral preening or sitting comfortably on the sidelines. The cynicism and nihilism is horrifying to behold. It is not new, but it is clearer to see than ever.

Some of the same people who (rightfully) bashed Bill Clinton for his sexual deviancy now defend Trump for the very same behavior. Trump is also accused of raping of a 13 year old girl.

That's not okay for president.
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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2016, 07:24:38 AM »
Lubab we have disagreed in the past but on this one you are 100% correct... Stick to you principals... I don't see how people can bash Hillary for years and now produce video after video bashing Trump giving support  by proxy for Hillary  to  gain the most powerful seat in the world.
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2016, 08:14:13 AM »
Guys. Why are you trying to get Hillary elected?

Are you insane?

Attacking Trump all day?

Let''s look at this logically.

Trump is no saint. I'm not voting for him for his moral compass. I'm voting for him because of what I think he will do in office.

And we can already see a bit about how he will operate. Notice, the biggest decision he's had to make yet is choosing a VP and he chose Mike Pence a God fearing good man.

You should read  Trump's interviews from 20 years ago. Way before he was thinkning of running for president. And see what he talks about. He talks about the exact same things now. .

Getting out of NAFTA and making NATO pay their fair share. How america is getting screwed in the financial world stage and that's why we're in so much debt. [

His platform is textbook conservative. He's a dream for conservatives.

His platform  is to lower taxes to stimulate business. Repeal Obamacare. Put hillary in jail (yay!) . Get us out of NAFTA. Get us out of the Iran deal. Support the police make them tougher and  bring law and order to the inner cities.

What are you guys so afraid this guy will do as compared to Hillary Clinton is wants to destory Israel. .

Trump  dooesn't really care about Israel and that's a good thing for all of us.

Are you worried about the nuclear codes? Him giving nuclear weapons to Saudi arabia.

Well let me tell you something. Trump is a moron. He's not making any big decisions without speaking to generals first. He's a a moron but not an imbecile. He even speaks to generals all the time now. 

On all other points he's far superior to Killery whose family has a history of rape and murder and anti semetisim. Again, Trump is not an anti semite. Hillary is. She purposely killed our great soliders in Ben Gaszi by not responding to those phonecalls.

Another thing. Killery will never be able to make any changes in this country. Because she's a puppet to wall street and special interests. She's part of the same old same old Washington mafia that Trump hates. Trump does whatevver the hell he wants. And that means he could actually deliver on his promoises.

And I believe he will. Because Trump needs to win at everything and America will become his new business. If he's a scammer. He's going to scam over Japan before he screws over america a country he likes because of the freedoms is grants him to say the kinds of things he says.

I just can't believe where JTF has sunk. Decades of bashign Hillary Clinton and here you are effectively campaigning for her by focusing all your attention on Trump. When Trump is a dream by comparison.

Look at the people AROUND trump. He's pretty nuts. But he surrounds himself with decent people. Look at his children. They are good decent people and they respect their father. Can we say the same about Chelsea?  I don't think so.

I'm glad I left.

Clown comment bro.

Hillary is NOT EVEN CAMPAIGNING and somehow the race is about even.  She stays home and rests between debates because she is too physically weak, doesn't bother having rallies, and is bonafide criminally corrupt with direct proof coming out daily, and yet somehow trump is not winning in a landslide.  That should tell you something.  Remember during primaries all those polls which showed other republican candidates defeating hillary yet Don was not?   It is seriously pathetic that she even has a chance.

Donald is an immoral creep yet you sing his praises and claim to follow orthodox Judaism?  Come on man.  This is as dumb as your 911 conspiracies.

No one is trying to get Hillary elected, she is also bashed every day.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2016, 08:19:01 AM »
Notice people how I focus on Killery.

You guys seem to be hung up on Ted Cruz WHO IS NOT ON THE TICKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forget about him. He's an establishment politican who lies like they all do. His support of Israel I doubt comes from  religious conviction but rather from a need for the evangelical vote. You can't say I'm' wrong. I've seen this guy has no problem spitting out lies he's really good at it. He's a phoney.


Please tell us about Donalds religious convictions.

I don't give a damn WHY Ted Cruz supports Israel.  The fact is that he does.  It is beyond ridiculous that you imply his support MUST be religious conviction to be important to Jews.  Lol he is a Christian!   If it's NOT out of religious conviction then even better!  Because many have a conviction about us needing to convert at end of days or their messiah figure or whatever.  We are not interested in that.  Who the hell are you fooling here conspiracy man?

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2016, 08:22:02 AM »

You want to talk about supporting evil. You are making videos that Hillary could put right on her website to help her win.

Better to say nothing at all.

This is the evil story. Politicans are all evil. We need to support the lesser of two evils. Jews have always voted this way for centuries.

Trump has a scumbag side. He also has a good side. If he didn't his children wouldn't respect him. Killery is pure evil. And you're on her side right now whether you realize it or not.

What an insane argument.

Since Chelsea respects Bill Clinton does that mean he also has a good side?  Hahaha.  Actually the WikiLeaks emails are showing Chelsea is another one seriously messed up in the head just like her parents.  And that is Ivanka best bud.  Wow.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2016, 08:26:57 AM »

“We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he said.
read more"

Like most trump supporters a gullible fool.  This is simply an example of trump parroting language used by his opponent ted cruz because it is popular language on the right.  It was cruz who made this promise.  Donald tries to talk like cruz probably because kelly Anne Conway knows that can win him the election.  But this after donald trashed cruz and disrespected him for months.

Offline Tony Rubolotta

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2016, 08:42:44 AM »
Like most trump supporters a gullible fool.  This is simply an example of trump parroting language used by his opponent ted cruz because it is popular language on the right.  It was cruz who made this promise.  Donald tries to talk like cruz probably because kelly Anne Conway knows that can win him the election.  But this after donald trashed cruz and disrespected him for months.

Trump is a con-man and reneges on promises just as easily as he reneges on contracts because he knows small contractors have neither the time nor money to fight him.  Based on his behavior, it appears Trump's greatest pleasure is knowing he pulled a fast one on someone and can get away with it.  How many times does he have to revise and restate his position on illegal aliens before people get it that he is lying and if elected, anything goes?

Offline Yerusha

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2016, 09:12:14 AM »
What is Chaim's opinion of those rabbis like Mendel Kessin of NJ and Yossi Mizrachi of NY that donald Trump is a reincarnation of Cyrus or Antoninus and that he will facilitate the Messianic Age?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2016, 10:20:22 AM »
What is Chaim's opinion of those rabbis like Mendel Kessin of NJ and Yossi Mizrachi of NY that donald Trump is a reincarnation of Cyrus or Antoninus and that he will facilitate the Messianic ,

Amazing how they just makes stuff up and I'm supposed to (in their mind and I guess in minds of their followers) believe them because they claim to be "kabbalists"

It's such a joke.

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2016, 10:22:14 AM »
I think Marco Rubio is the reincarnation of an amphibian.

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #22 on: November 09, 2016, 09:09:16 AM »
"Okay, so you support Trump. You threw Ted Cruz under the bus who was as pro-Israel as it gets and then defend Trump citing that Ted Cruz lies and is establishment. Trump does lie and isn't establishment? I have news for you. He literally wrote the book on it. Deal maker Trump is as establishment and a liar as it gets. And if you haven't figured that out by now, then there is no use in having a conversation. Trump is Mr. flip-flop of the week. Sometimes he says the conflicting opposites in the same sentence! The nerve. It's insane!"

Trump is NOT part of the establishment. You guys reject anything you could lable a "conspiracy theory" as a credit to your own ignorance so you have zero knowledge of this. But there is a thing called Secret Societies (Masons, Bildebergs, CFR, Bohemian Grove) and Trump is not a member of any one of them, while most Republicans are members of all of them. If you don't believe in Secret Societies (even though JFK called them out) Look how the media is united against him. That's your signal that he's not part of the establishment.

The establishment is globalist. He is a nationalist. "America Firster." The establishment wants less soverignty and more globalization like the EU.

Yes he lies. As Cruz does. You will not find a politican that doesn't. What's more important is what they are likely to do. And when it comes to action, appointing Pence was already a good move.

"And we aren't allowed not to vote? And if we don't, somehow we are now liberals?"

I say you are making a big mistake. You would have let an anti-semite in, and a non anti-semite out if your stuff had become popular.

"And if we call out horrific behavior of a candidate (something we've always done for both conservatives, fake conservatives, and liberals in every election in both the US and Israel) we are voting for Hillary?"

In essence you are having that effect. A negative video about Trump is a vote for Hillary. That's correct.

"And when we call out evil and warn people about Trump, we support Hillary? Hey genius, we already attack the Clintons and have for a LONG, LONG time. We don't get that many Clinton supporters here on the site if you haven't noticed. The people here already know the Clintons are cancer."

It's not ABOUT YOUR SUPPORTERS. Isn't the purpose of all this to reach NEW people?

"And you haven't done your homework with Trump and Israel for certain. You think we don't know what's going on in politics? We run a news site.

"This made it in the news just tonight:

"Trump's praise of Russia, Iran, and Assad regime riles GOP experts"

You think this is good for Israel? That's not scary to you?"

Anyone with an internet connection can run a "news site". It doesn't mean you have a clue about geopolitics. The anti "conspiracy theory" rhetoric of most of this forum actually shows most of you don't have a clue.

It's not particularly scary. Here he shows ignorance not malice. He's trying to fight ISIS as best he can, and apparently he's looking in the wrong places for allies. But that doesn't mean he's giving financial or military support to those countries. He'll either find help among those countries, or he won't.

(Links included) "Do you think pushing a “two state solution” with terrorists on Israel is a good idea - bragging that it's the “ultimate deal”?"

Bill Clinton was a lot worse. And it will continue with Hillary. He was high pressure on Israel and chummy with the terrorists. Trump has said he doesn't plan to put pressure on either side. Only if they "want a deal". And has no ties I'm aware of to Saudi Arabia like Hillary does, or any other Arab terorrists.

"Do you think giving Muslims nukes like in Saudi Arabia who plowed through the Twin Towers is good for Israel?"

That's a misquote. He said no to nukes for Saudi Arabia. Listen to the interview carefully. He said it would be a good idea for Japan to have them to balance N. Korea which may not be that bad an idea.

"Do you think an egomaniac with his finger on the nuke button is going to help Israel? "

I know you don't belive him. But he's said on many occasions he's the last person on earth to use the nuke button.

Who exactly are you concerned he will nuke? No one in particular. You're just concerned. Well I'm not that concerned. The guy didn't become a billionaire by having horrible judgement when it comes to really big issues. He has generals to speak to for that stuff. Even Chaim's worst quote about "we have nukes why don't we use them"  I haven't seen that in writing anywhere but even if he said it he said it as a question, not as an answer.

"You think Russia is going to help Israel?"

No. Russia will treat Israel the same way with Trump as without him.

"And do you think someone who is praising Iran and Syria is good for Israel?"

Quote please.

"Does it even bother you at all that Trumps last campaign manager (that quit because the news came out about his deep ties to Russia) was a foreign anti-Israel agent for the Muslim Saudi Prince?"

This is news to me. If you want me to believe it, provide a link. Trump does not have "deep ties" to Russia. Hillary has more ties than Trump does. Trump has done some real estate business there and got Putin's approval. More than that, you'd have to prove to me.

"Does it worry you that Trump names Israel among countries that will reimburse the US when he’s president?"

We can't discuss this fruitfully because I can't have a  conversation mentioning the words "Rothchilld" or "Central Bank" without being labeled a conspiracy theorist. Suffice it to say, I believe Israel has a lot more money than it lets on.

"Or when he said he was going to be neutral with the so-called “palestinains” and the Jews?"

Neutral would be good. Compared to Hillary the Jew hater. Who has said over and over during her primary debates she would champion the "palestinian's" cause.

"Or when Trump wouldn’t commit to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?"

I thought I just quoted you him saying the exact opposite.

"How about when Trump said “as president, I can’t take Israel’s side”?"

If America would be neutral and just leave Israel alone that would be a good thing. Far better than what Bill and Hillary would like to do.

"Are you okay that Trump blamed Israel for terrorism and invoked nazi-style Jewish stereotypes?"

I don't believe that until I see it.

 :How about when the top Trump foreign policy adviser said that Trump is “not going to get rid of the Iran deal”?"

"That contradicts what Trump says. And Trump will make the ultimate decision which is clearly to get rid of "one of the worst deals in history.

"Support for Planned Parenthood, socialist healthcare,"


"His support for transgender bathrooms,"

Liar! He opposed Obama and said it should be left up to the states.

"his life in porn and gambling, his wife in lesbian porn,"

Maybe you are some kind of porn expert that I am not. But as far as I know she took  nude photos and that's the end of the story. He owned casinos. Which I believe he all sold. But neither of these are dealbreakers for me. Look up "Lolita Express". Now THAT's a dealbreaker. We're talking institutionalized pedophilia.

"all of his Democrat donations including the Clintons,"

Oh. So Hillary donated to Trump's campaign? Wow. That's a new one I've never heard. :P

"his “self-deport” amnesty plan, and just on and on.""

You run a news site? Hillary wants amnesty. Trump wants a WALL. And enforcement of our immagration policies on the books.

Just on and on??? Most of what you said you haven't sourced and runs counter to what 99% of Americans have seen from Trump. So while I'm sure you can go

"on and on" with claims that make no sense, I'd prefer you spend your time more usefully.

"These evangelical leaders have said that, for the sake of the “lesser of two evils,” one should stand with someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things."

I respect your good writing. And I respect you as a person. And the hard work you put in. And how you try to keep things honest. But to be really honest this is just a lot of hyperbole.  Good writing. But thou dost protest too much in my opinion. He doesn't "charactarize sexual decadence" . Bill does that. Let's face it he's no more crazed in his tempermant than Chaim. Brokers in cruelty? I agree his business practices have been cruel sometimes. I also believe it's nothing compareed to the Clinton Foundation holding onto millions of dollars meant for Hatians, and let them die. Talk about cruelty.  He most definitely is the lesser of two evils.

Trump at least makes nice buildings. The Clintons do absolutely nothing with their money but pay for more tickets to the Lolita Express!
"Some of the very people who warned us about moral relativism and situational ethics now ask us to become moral relativists for the sake of an election".

If someone is a reincarnation of Hilter.  Like Hillary. A demon. A Nazi. An Arafat loving Jew hater. Your job as a righteous person is to do everything and anything to take them down and keep them from power.

And when some dissent, they are labeled as liberals or accused of moral preening or sitting comfortably on the sidelines. The cynicism and nihilism is horrifying to behold. It is not new, but it is clearer to see than ever.

"Some of the same people who (rightfully) bashed Bill Clinton for his sexual deviancy now defend Trump for the very same behavior.

Nobody is defending that behavior. We should decry it. But keep it in perspective. Imagine Hitler was coming to power God forbid, and he had one opponent, who happened to be a sexual deviant, you would not want to spend your time focusing on that sexual deviancy. You would want to help him as much as possible to stop Hitler from coming to power.

That's probably the reason my Chabad Rabbi after morning prayers today said we should probably say HaGomel (which is the prayer  you say when you're saved from your life being in danger) and he is no foolish man.

"Trump is also accused of raping of a 13 year old girl."

You got it backwards. There is a video of Clinton raping a 13 year old girl. Trump's case was thrown out for lack of evidence.

Everyone knows about the Lolitaa Express and how Clinton is a pedophile. And Hillary is a pedophile enabler. Trump is not of that ilk and you have not a shred of evidence to say otherwise.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 09:23:08 AM by Lubab »
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #23 on: November 09, 2016, 10:42:44 AM »
Are we still fighting over this?  Trump won the election...shocked that this is the result.

Trump talks, he is an ego maniac.  He is not a saint by any means.  He is not part of the government establishment.  He, if anything, will be a figurehead surrounded by advisers.

At this point with a republican government and president, I only hope that good things are done and succeed for this country and that Israel continues to buy time. 

JTF is a force that calls a spade a spade, for good and for bad.    We didn't expect this outcome in this election, but maintain that Trump will be a failure.  I"m sure that if he doesn't fail and does good things, we will say that a good thing was done...and the same the opposite.

Trump as stated he will be neutral with the mideast appeasement process.  That tells us how ignorant he is in history.  How many times has neutrality been done and what has it accomplished?  There is equal good in this conflict.  We are the good guys and they are the bad neutrality needed.

Trump will do what he can to please blacks...and I mean the bad ones.  Hopefully it will be for giving them work instead of illegal aliens so that they are busy working instead of being up to no good.  My worry is that easier opportunities will be made for them to borrow money that they won't be able to repay..and therefore another economic disaster.

I think he will make good on his promise to pick a conservative judge .
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Lubab

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Re: Mistake Not To Support Trump
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2016, 11:19:04 AM »
Why not just hope for the best.

My Rebbe was famous for saying "think good and it will be good"

He wasn't famous for saying "call a spade a spade". That came from someone a lot lower on the foodchain.

Why in the world would you want to expect or hope the President would fail?

I can't help myself.


Check that out.

It may inspire you to educate yourself about secret societies instead of calling all who speak of it a "conspiracy theorist" or "tin foil hat". You only reveal your own unwillingess to educate yourself when you say such things.

gincrich wsas the speaker of the house. He knows well of what he speaks.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.