I am single since so far most of the American Jewish girls I dated were spoiled and think too highly of themselves. Many think that they are G-d's gift to the world and deserve a prince charming. Perhaps when they get older, their standards will drop. See, my standards for a girl are very low. As long as they are attractive, intelligent and a nice Jewish girl, then they are good enough for me. I couldn't care less if they went to seminary or not or how much they can learn, this is all new nonsense that didn't exist in the days of old. I wanted to go out on a second date with 80% of the girls I dated, since they were good enough for me but they didn't want to go out with me again because they think they are G-d's gift to the world and think no one is good enough for them. Also, a lot that I went out with were very spoiled JAPS, you could tell by their attitude that they were spoiled. I'm still looking though.
A lot of American Jewish girls I dated rejected me since I am not a learner (They are brainwashed in Seminary to only marry a "full time learner" or at the bare minimum one that learns many hours a day and works a full time job, which is impossible to learn more than an hour or two a day and work full time as well. But they seem to not realize this inherent contradiction that they are brainwashed into believing. Plus, they are insane and want a Rabbi to supervise you learn and don't believe you do it yourself. So their parents make them date someone who is working since the parents are sane but the girls reject you since you are not "frum" enough to their impossible standards that they are brainwashed into believing. Usually this starts a fight between the girl and the parents, which I caused a couple. These girls are idiots since they don't know that my Torah knowledge may be greater than most full time learners and what I learn in little time may more effective then what they learn in many hours.)