Author Topic: Why are so many people here single?  (Read 67689 times)

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2007, 09:46:03 PM »
Than the average Joe like me

Vito heres a tip for you, many women when they get over an age are looking for things much different from a 20 year old.

I really don't know how old you are, but on average the older women get the looks are less important on the fella.

If they are normal real women, not stick bugs thinking they are straight from a glossy mag, are looking for companionship and stable relationship.

My first too husbands we very handsome guys,  the break ups was because so did every other female below 25 think that too.  :-\

But the my new fella is well not handsome by any means, but respectful, loving caring and a real man. And now being 33 myself I am looking for a better class of man, than just a Ken Doll.

I think you need to settle on the type of woman that suits you, not the type you think you should have.

Theres always a huge difference in the too.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 09:48:00 PM by The Infidel. »

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2007, 09:47:26 PM »
Wow Shoshana your new picture is beautiful  :)

   I concur. I also like the previous one.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline Vito

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2007, 09:56:28 PM »
Than the average Joe like me

Vito heres a tip for you, many women when they get over an age are looking for things much different from a 20 year old.

I really don't know how old you are, but on average the older women get the looks are less important on the fella.

If they are normal real women, not stick bugs thinking they are straight from a glossy mag, are looking for companionship and stable relationship.

My first too husbands we very handsome guys,  the break ups was because so did every other female below 25 think that too.  :-\

But the my new fella is well not handsome by any means, but respectful, loving caring and a real man. And now being 33 myself I am looking for a better class of man, than just a Ken Doll.

I think you need to settle on the type of woman that suits you, not the type you think you should have.

Theres always a huge difference in the too.

I'm 23, but the problem is I act much older than 23. Plus I live in New York City, which is only 25% white - less than half of that 25% are young, and of the young people, most of them are wiggers/white trash, so I'm in a bad situation right now.

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2007, 09:56:36 PM »
I am single since so far most of the American Jewish girls I dated were spoiled and think too highly of themselves.  Many think that they are G-d's gift to the world and deserve a prince charming.  Perhaps when they get older, their standards will drop.  See, my standards for a girl are very low.  As long as they are attractive, intelligent and a nice Jewish girl, then they are good enough for me.  I couldn't care less if they went to seminary or not or how much they can learn, this is all new nonsense that didn't exist in the days of old.  I wanted to go out on a second date with 80% of the girls I dated, since they were good enough for me but they didn't want to go out with me again because they think they are G-d's gift to the world and think no one is good enough for them.  Also, a lot that I went out with were very spoiled JAPS, you could tell by their attitude that they were spoiled.  I'm still looking though.

A lot of American Jewish girls I dated rejected me since I am not a learner (They are brainwashed in Seminary to only marry a "full time learner" or at the bare minimum one that learns many hours a day and works a full time job, which is impossible to learn more than an hour or two a day and work full time as well.  But they seem to not realize this inherent contradiction that they are brainwashed into believing.  Plus, they are insane and want a Rabbi to supervise you learn and don't believe you do it yourself. So their parents make them date someone who is working since the parents are sane but the girls reject you since you are not "frum" enough to their impossible standards that they are brainwashed into believing.  Usually this starts a fight between the girl and the parents, which I caused a couple.  These girls are idiots since they don't know that my Torah knowledge may be greater than most full time learners and what I learn in little time may more effective then what they learn in many hours.)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 09:59:23 PM by jdl4ever »
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2007, 09:58:41 PM »
The reason is that we spend so much time here that we don't have time to date.

Offline Shoshana

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2007, 10:01:01 PM »
The reason is that we spend so much time here that we don't have time to date.

 :D :) Could be.

Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #56 on: September 18, 2007, 10:01:51 PM »
  With the exception of the women on this forum, the vast majority of pretty American women are stuck up c___s. They either want money or a guy that looks like Brad "German faced" Pitt. Guys, do yourself a favor. Go to a latin American country and try to find a good woman there. But of course be careful. The women there are much more courteous and friendly than most of the pretty women here.

Italian Zionist, you sound very angry.  And didn't you say you recently found a woman you really like? 

That's right, a divorced mom if I remember right. What happened Italian Zionist??? I am so sorry it apparently didn't work out.

Hi Shoshana,
  I still keep in touch with the woman. And naturally, I met her in Latin America. I just have to see where it goes.

Offline Vito

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #57 on: September 18, 2007, 10:03:42 PM »
  With the exception of the women on this forum, the vast majority of pretty American women are stuck up c___s. They either want money or a guy that looks like Brad "German faced" Pitt. Guys, do yourself a favor. Go to a latin American country and try to find a good woman there. But of course be careful. The women there are much more courteous and friendly than most of the pretty women here.

Italian Zionist, you sound very angry.  And didn't you say you recently found a woman you really like? 

That's right, a divorced mom if I remember right. What happened Italian Zionist??? I am so sorry it apparently didn't work out.

Hi Shoshana,
  I still keep in touch with the woman. And naturally, I met her in Latin America. I just have to see where it goes.

Is she from Argentina/Uruguay/Chile? They are basically Italians that speak Spanish hehe

Offline Shoshana

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #58 on: September 18, 2007, 10:05:21 PM »
  With the exception of the women on this forum, the vast majority of pretty American women are stuck up c___s. They either want money or a guy that looks like Brad "German faced" Pitt. Guys, do yourself a favor. Go to a latin American country and try to find a good woman there. But of course be careful. The women there are much more courteous and friendly than most of the pretty women here.

Italian Zionist, you sound very angry.  And didn't you say you recently found a woman you really like? 

That's right, a divorced mom if I remember right. What happened Italian Zionist??? I am so sorry it apparently didn't work out.

Hi Shoshana,
  I still keep in touch with the woman. And naturally, I met her in Latin America. I just have to see where it goes.

Good luck. Hope it turns out the way you want it.

Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #59 on: September 18, 2007, 10:10:43 PM »
Thanks Shoshana.....Actually she is from the Dominican Republic, but of partial French decent, Vito. If you go to the Dom Rep, you'll have to fight them off with a stick...But be careful though, some of them want money and green cards.


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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #60 on: September 18, 2007, 10:21:40 PM »
I'm single because I'm still a student, don't have my own money to start a family, and because I don't have a woman. No woman that I liked ever wanted me. Now I believe it is wrong to date unless it is for marriage but even when I didn't believe that I never had a girlfriend other than my cousin's friend for 3 days while I was in Israel when we were 13 and a French half Moroccan/half Algerian Sfardic girlfriend whom I met on Yahoo Chat. I met her one time in Jerusalem after she had already returned to her old boyfriend and afterwards she didn't want to talk to me anymore. I only kissed them on the cheek and they wouldn't let me kiss them on the lips. Now I believe it is wrong to kiss outside of marriage and I'm glad they didn't let me so I can save it for marriage.

Isn't there something in Talmud that says.." Don't sin.....but if you 'must' sin, put on dark clothes, pull a hat down over your face, go to a city where you aren't known, sin there and then come home and speak of it no more" ?

Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #61 on: September 18, 2007, 10:24:23 PM »
Yacov, try  . There are some Jewish women there...and it's free

Offline Vito

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #62 on: September 18, 2007, 10:25:37 PM »
I'm single because I'm still a student, don't have my own money to start a family, and because I don't have a woman. No woman that I liked ever wanted me. Now I believe it is wrong to date unless it is for marriage but even when I didn't believe that I never had a girlfriend other than my cousin's friend for 3 days while I was in Israel when we were 13 and a French half Moroccan/half Algerian Sfardic girlfriend whom I met on Yahoo Chat. I met her one time in Jerusalem after she had already returned to her old boyfriend and afterwards she didn't want to talk to me anymore. I only kissed them on the cheek and they wouldn't let me kiss them on the lips. Now I believe it is wrong to kiss outside of marriage and I'm glad they didn't let me so I can save it for marriage.

Isn't there something in Talmud that says.." Don't sin.....but if you 'must' sin, put on dark clothes, pull a hat down over your face, go to a city where you aren't known, sin there and then come home and speak of it no more" ?

"What happened in Babylon, stays in Babylon" ? :laugh:

Offline Bodhi

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #63 on: September 18, 2007, 10:30:38 PM »
  Well I'm in a country with somewhat different laws than North America, and yeah I signed everything over you're right I shouldn't complain about it, it seemed like the right thing to do for my kids......The bottom line however is that I don't feel men get fair treatment at all abnwhere, not even close, when divorce happens the country I live in your wife can be working as a prostitue, have you thrown out of your own house, and have you pay alimony to her while you are stiill married.....sad but true...... ???  maybe I'm just bitter....I don't know....but I think there's something to it....namely, systematic discrimination against males ( in "family" courts ) which goes against G-d and destroys many families.

Offline Vito

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #64 on: September 18, 2007, 10:34:53 PM »
What country are you from Bodhi?


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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #65 on: September 18, 2007, 10:36:33 PM »
The more I hear about divorce dramas, child custody dramas etc, the happier I am to stay a bachelor.

Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #66 on: September 18, 2007, 10:39:38 PM »
The more I hear about divorce dramas, child custody dramas etc, the happier I am to stay a bachelor.
true, but the older you get, the more lonely you feel...for me anyway

Offline Shoshana

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #67 on: September 18, 2007, 10:41:43 PM »
The more I hear about divorce dramas, child custody dramas etc, the happier I am to stay a bachelor.

 I know what you mean. I've been through it all(divorce,custody battle,etc) and would absolutely love to have more children when I remarry although I am certainly not as gung ho as I was the first time around. Having children with someone in this day and age is risky because the sense of morals and old fashioned values and responsibility just isn't there in alot of people.


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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #68 on: September 18, 2007, 10:43:04 PM »
The more I hear about divorce dramas, child custody dramas etc, the happier I am to stay a bachelor.
true, but the older you get, the more lonely you feel...for me anyway

I can honestly say I've NEVER fely 'lonely'. I couldn't describe it if somebody asked.

Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #69 on: September 18, 2007, 10:46:40 PM »
The more I hear about divorce dramas, child custody dramas etc, the happier I am to stay a bachelor.
true, but the older you get, the more lonely you feel...for me anyway

I can honestly say I've NEVER fely 'lonely'. I couldn't describe it if somebody asked.

Newman, you're a rock   :laugh:


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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #70 on: September 18, 2007, 10:49:21 PM »
The more I hear about divorce dramas, child custody dramas etc, the happier I am to stay a bachelor.
true, but the older you get, the more lonely you feel...for me anyway

I can honestly say I've NEVER fely 'lonely'. I couldn't describe it if somebody asked.

Newman, you're a rock   :laugh:

Never been bored either (apart from some old biddie bending my ear and showing me pictures of her grandkids on the bus).

Offline Bodhi

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #71 on: September 18, 2007, 10:57:54 PM »
What country are you from Bodhi?

I was born in the US but I live in Costa Rica........there were some serious problems here 5 or 6 years ago with women being badly abused and the law did nothing about it, but they completely overreacted to the point that if your wife says that you insulted her and made her feel bad you go to jail ( problem was actually from disobeying several restraining orders that I could not go within 500 yards of my own wife begged me to come back, and well I'm a fool,  and the rest is history....) this wasn't the most familly friendly country to begin with, it makes me sad to think of all the broken homes that the new laws are creating........the road to ...well it's paved with good intentions.....I don't know I guess I'm just upset because I had a great life and a great familly and plenty of money, and it all kind of went south on me....G-d works in mysterious ways I'm sure there is a reason for all this to be happening, I just wish I could understand it.  :)

« Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 10:59:28 PM by Bodhi »

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #72 on: September 18, 2007, 11:01:56 PM »
A: It's not easy to find women who are interested in me, period.

B: It's not easy to find quality Christian women who are interested in me.

C: It's not easy to find quality Christian women who are interested in me and share my views.

D: It's not easy to find quality Christian women who are interested in me and share my views and only want to adopt.

*sighs*  :(

Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #73 on: September 18, 2007, 11:05:48 PM »
A: It's not easy to find women who are interested in me, period.

B: It's not easy to find quality Christian women who are interested in me.

C: It's not easy to find quality Christian women who are interested in me and share my views.

D: It's not easy to find quality Christian women who are interested in me and share my views and only want to adopt.

*sighs*  :(

CF....try everything...websites, clubs, museums, even women in the street. Keep fighting...Sometimes you may not find a woman with your views, but maybe you can change them.  If all else fails try a foreign country (preferably Latin America)...Europe is hard too like America  now

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Re: Why are so many people here single?
« Reply #74 on: September 18, 2007, 11:13:32 PM »
I'm single because I'm still a student, don't have my own money to start a family, and because I don't have a woman. No woman that I liked ever wanted me. Now I believe it is wrong to date unless it is for marriage but even when I didn't believe that I never had a girlfriend other than my cousin's friend for 3 days while I was in Israel when we were 13 and a French half Moroccan/half Algerian Sfardic girlfriend whom I met on Yahoo Chat. I met her one time in Jerusalem after she had already returned to her old boyfriend and afterwards she didn't want to talk to me anymore. I only kissed them on the cheek and they wouldn't let me kiss them on the lips. Now I believe it is wrong to kiss outside of marriage and I'm glad they didn't let me so I can save it for marriage.

Isn't there something in Talmud that says.." Don't sin.....but if you 'must' sin, put on dark clothes, pull a hat down over your face, go to a city where you aren't known, sin there and then come home and speak of it no more" ?

You're saying they knew about Vegas back then?