I believe that the early Italian/Greek other southern European immigrants contributed alot to this country, however the majority of their grandchildren today are parasites. These wogs (with some exceptions) are by enlarge extremely sympathetic to the muslims and arabs. The reason for this is because they perceive the muslims to be going through a "hard time" because people look at the with suspicion (rightly so), whilst they also went through hard times being called wogs, refos etc. back in primary school, therefore they see the so called "bashing" of muslims today as an extension to their own wog bashing that they received. With few exceptions, these wogs alongside the leech that is the white left are one of the contributing factors in this country being flooded by scummy muslims.
The worst scum that have ever set foot on this island however are the german immigrants. The germans were killing Aussie diggers in two world wars and we let them in here and breed. The germans are the ones that today wholeheartedly support the muslim and arab termites and the majority of them in this country deny the Holocaust. They are the bane of our existence and all of them in this country should be removed from the planet.