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October 20, 2006, 01:41:13 PM 

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376   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Stand up for Jerusalem!  on: June 14, 2006, 08:40:57 PM 
how sweet of you yby to tell us that we are all a bunch of cowards... you're the real loser here... 'cause i'll wager this time there WILL be a streetbrawl and donneybrook over these creatures having the unmitigated gall to take to the streets of yerushalayim ir hakodesh and bring their depraved filth out into the open... in fact i believe this will be the spark that finally ignites the necessary civil-war to free our land and our people from the vile and defiled mamzerim who are putting them up to this... and we will soon be rid of them all once and for all... nik. out...
377   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / calling all whack-jobs or calling your bluff...  on: June 14, 2006, 08:28:05 PM 
well... well... well... here we all are in hell again... let's see... i've been called a yapping dog... a screwball, a baby and a nut case... and that's just in the last 5 minutes or so... any of you beepos get reprimanded for any of this...? simmer down... it was a rhetorical question... the answer is... no... of course not...

so i say either we get a new moderator who will apply the rules equally to everyone or the gloves come off and i give you all what fir... i've been holding my fire and taking all of your abuse for long enough... i'm ready to take down a few of your meat-houses... only question is... is it worth the bother? you guys are all a bunch of self-righteous, know-it-alls and i'm truly getting sick of all of your pedantism and holier-than-thou posturing... none of you can deal with any of the things i put forth... that is not in a meaningful way... like children you are all out of my league... now i'm not one to brag or to toot my own horn... but all that you guys ever seem to have in response to my rant is name-calling... and the dismissal with the wave of a hand with no substantive proof or argumentation to back up or support such negative reactions... and then just when it becomes obvious to all that none of you can deal with me on a one-to-one basis... you all gang up on me and want me thrown out...great gambit guys... all of it... it's sheer "genius"... who came up with this ploy? really... it's truly artful... and then there is denial... this is another one of your admirable traits and is the clear sign of the ignorant and of the intellectually challenged... and sadly this is the true nature of all of your reactions to me shown here since my arrival... ok so now what? nu... go on... now you morons can answer... i'm really asking... can any of you go toe-to-toe with me... even one round? here's the rules... everything's in play... name calling... foul mouthing... you can have it all... but you also have to prove why i'm wrong on something... or successfully argue how i'm a lunatic whako over something i say... or as yby loves to sing it...  i'm a "crackhead".... let's discuss any one of the issues... you guys choose... then take a poll... loser leaves... all of you guys taken together against me... and on the merits let's see whose arguments hold any water... up for it? nik. out...   
378   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "jerusalem..."  on: June 14, 2006, 07:35:39 PM 
each thread with each song or songs delivers a certain message and each message is different... which means that although they are all lyrics to songs they are not thereby all the same... (just a little extra help for those of you out there slow on the uptake)... and now you can all see that ergo for this reason they each need to bear their own separate post... no need for a fresh thread for each because you animals don't have to respond to any of them and thus or hence there will be no for a long new thread... capiche? good... nik. the zookeeper out...
379   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 14, 2006, 12:58:26 AM 
staff... b'emet thanks... i'll take a look as soon as i can... nik.
380   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 13, 2006, 11:34:51 PM 
yeah i'd like to hear the voice of jabotinsky myself... nik.
381   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***"jerusalem..."***  on: June 13, 2006, 11:09:49 PM 
(by matisyahu)...

"jerusalem, if i forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
jerusalem, if i forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.

in the ancient days, we will return with no delay
picking up the bounty and spoils on our way
we've been traveling from state to state
and them don't understand what they say
3,000 years with no place to be
and they want me to give up my milk and honey
don't you see, it's not about the land or sea
not the country but the dwelling of His majesty...

jerusalem, if i forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
jerusalem, if i forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.

rebuild the temple and the crown of glory
years gone by, about sixty
burn in the oven in this century
and the gas tried to choke, but it couldn't choke me
i will not lie down, i will not fall asleep
they came overseas, yes they're trying to be free
erase the demons out of our memory
change your name and your identity
afraid of the truth and our dark history
why is everybody chasing we
cut off the roots of your family tree
don't you know that's not the way to be...

jerusalem, if i forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
jerusalem, if i forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.

caught up in these ways, and the worlds gone craze
don't you know it's just a phase
case of the simon says
if i forget the truth then my words won't penetrate
babylon burning in the place, can't see through the haze
chop down all of them dirty ways,
that's the price that you pay for selling lies to the youth
no way, not ok, oh no way, not ok, hey
ain't no one gonna break my stride
ain't no one gonna pull me down
oh no, i got to keep on moving
stay alive...

jerusalem, if i forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
jerusalem, if i forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do..."

as you can see for yourselves... no other words of commentary are necessary save for these few...

for all of you who have heard this song you know that it's true... that if this wasn't a thoroughly jew-hating planet... this song would be one of the monster hits of all-time by now... as great as he was... bob marley never wrote or sung anything better... a tie maybe... this song is superlative and as i said above... this song says it all... all by itself.... nik. out... 
382   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 13, 2006, 10:18:22 PM 
no... the one at b'nai david/judea the year before his death... i asked him a question from the floor... nik.
383   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Stand up for Jerusalem!  on: June 13, 2006, 09:18:36 PM 
no matter what we do... and i'm not saying we shouldn't try...and/or counter demonstrate... i.e. skokie, ill.-style... with baseball bats at the ready... just like the jdl did against the klan...

i'm telling you all they want this demonstration to go forth to assure jerusalem's moral compromise and thus the pollution will aid and abett their planned destruction and dismantlement of the state of israel... if ever you wanted or needed satanic-illuminati proof of a conspiracy here it is... they wish to be m'tame the land with innocent blood and with zenut in order to get G-d to drive us all out... as it says in the torah... "do not do the evil and degraded things (maesim) that the inhabitants of the land (the canaanim) did before you...or the land will spit you out just as it did them..." they are hedging their bets just in case the torah is true... this is the all-out war we face for the kedusha and the very possession of eretz yisroel... welcome to the next round and the next salvo in the milchemet gog u'magog which began at the signing of oslo...

and a point of some note... isn't it interesting that this war began on sept. 13 1993... hmm! sept. 13... 13...  now... where have i heard of a number like that before...? 9/13... 9/13... 9/11... er... i mean 9/13...

nik. out... 
384   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 13, 2006, 08:35:47 PM 
super... if you have one from l.a. i'm in one of them... nik. out...
385   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / sing it loud jews... sing it loud... hatikvah... the hope!!!  on: June 13, 2006, 08:32:57 PM 
ah... but as rav meir was so want to say... "how nice to see how our dream of 2000 years has come true... so very, very true... 'leheyot am chofshi b'artzenu!!!'" am chofshi.... so free we are.... who walks free from fear in our land... the jew or the arab? am chofshi... (my ass).... am chofshi what an obscene joke... am chofshi... more like am chofshit!!!!! nik. out in utter disgust...
386   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 13, 2006, 07:54:42 PM 
a friend of mine has a fair share of rav meir videos... i'll ask them to post the links here... nik.
387   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "unfair and unbalanced" moderating by yissachar....  on: June 13, 2006, 07:25:06 PM 
whoa! now hold on there a moment sailor... just a sec... let me be clear and disavow you of something... i... I... did not mistreat anyone... i've been minding my own business and doing my thing here quietly ever since the staff flare-up and out of nowhere br ch. broadsides me telling me... "to shut up and stop barking like a small dog..." and in my book that's out of bounds... now granted i've told people here and elsewhere to shut-the-hell-up a time or two as well... but comparing my rant to the incessant yipping of a pooch is beyond the pale for me... and i will always sally forth when attacked... especially because my message is so vital and so dire... and so that's what set me off and since he initiated and drew first blood in direct violation of the so-called (sissified)"rules"... he's the one who should be getting your ire right now and not me... he should be hearing your beef and feeling your grief... not moi... all i did is what i know... how to play full-contact blogging... if he's raring for a fight he has come to the right place... bring it on bring it on... so he started it... i'm just finishing it... and for that matter i don't see you telling him or anyone else here to behave and treat people nicely... just me... so what gives? am i not a person too...? do you also want a piece of me? well have at it... i'm ready... and  irregardless of your wish for a go 'round with me... you sure got one now... bub... i'm hopping mad at you right now... ta... nik.
388   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 13, 2006, 07:19:01 PM 
ada raba... there are at least two pesukim in the megillah that feature the dirge niggun of eicha... and that is singing!!! nik. out...
389   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and here comes senor alberto... ole!  on: June 13, 2006, 12:02:37 AM 
and just so you can all check up on me... go to my posts and look up #'s 522 (the original one), 571, 587, 608, 619, 671 and 676... all referring to my prediction of these onshim min hashamayim... nik. out...
390   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and here comes senor alberto... ole!  on: June 12, 2006, 10:59:52 PM 
you guys won't recall this... but i predicted hurricanes to punish america for gush katif... and katrina and rita were the first salvos... when katrina hit i said next would be texas and rita obliged me... and then i said they would turn north and go... right on up the eastern seaboard all the way up to new england... we just had to wait for this year's cycle to start to begin seeing this come to pass... all the way up the coast now with fury... over the next few weeks and months... i hope they are all devastating to america's economy (not to the people... unless they can fell a few rashayim along their path)... nik. out...
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October 20, 2006, 01:42:00 PM 

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391   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: DEMOCRACY OR POLICE STATE???  on: June 12, 2006, 10:06:19 PM 
what are you stumped on? nik.
392   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 12, 2006, 10:03:48 PM 
i am bringing you this sight unseen... let's read it together and see if what i said before was indeed correct or not... nik. out...

Rabbi Jachter's Halacha Files
(and other Halachic compositions)

A Student Publication of the Isaac and Mara Benmergui Torah Academy of Bergen County

Parshat Yitro               20 Shevat 5762               February 2, 2002               Vol.11 No.17


The Parameters of Kol Isha
by Rabbi Howard Jachter

The Gemara (Berachot 24a) records the prohibition of Kol Isha. In this essay, we shall outline the parameters of this issue, as delineated by twentieth century Halachic authorities. We shall discuss the source of the prohibition and its applicability in our times. Then we shall discuss the questions of whether this prohibition applies to Zemirot, tape recordings, and radio broadcasts. We shall conclude with a brief discussion regarding husband-wife restrictions, and men hearing young girls sing.

The Source of the Prohibition
The Gemara (Berachot 24a) states, “The voice of a woman is Ervah, as the Pasuk [in Shir Hashirim 2:14] states ‘let me hear your voice because your voice is pleasant and appearance attractive.’” Rashi explains that the Pasuk in Shir Hashirim indicates that a woman’s voice is attractive to a man, and is thus prohibited to him. Rav Hai Gaon (cited in the Mordechai, Berachot 80) writes that this restriction applies to a man who is reading Kriat Shema, because a woman’s singing will distract him. The Rosh (Berachot 3:37) disagrees and writes that the Gemara refers to all situations and is not limited to Kriat Shema. The Shulchan Aruch rules that the Kol Isha restriction applies to both Kriat Shema (Orach Chaim 75:3) and other contexts (Even Haezer 21:2). The Rama (O.C. 75:3) and Bait Shmuel (21:4) clarify that this prohibition applies only to a woman’s singing voice and not to her speaking voice.

The Shulchan Aruch (E.H. 20:1) rules in accordance with the view of the Rambam (Hilchot Issurei Biah 21:1) that a couple is biblically forbidden to have physical contact if they are forbidden to live with each other. The Acharonim (summarized in Teshuvot Yabia Omer 1:6) debate whether the Kol Isha prohibition is also a biblical level prohibition. Rav Ovadia Yosef (ibid.) rules in accordance with the opinions that it is only a rabbinical prohibition.

Both Rav Ovadia Yosef (ibid) and Rav Yehuda Henkin (Teshuvot Bnei Banim 3:127) reject the claim that this prohibition does not apply today since men nowadays are accustomed to hear a woman’s voice. These authorities explain that since the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch codify this prohibition, we do not enjoy the right to abolish it. The Gemara and its commentaries do not even hint at a possibility that this prohibition might not apply if men become habituated to hearing a woman’s voice. Thus, all recognized Poskim agree that the prohibition of Kol Isha applies today.

There is, however, considerable disagreement regarding the scope of the Kol Isha prohibition. For example, the question of its applicability to Zemirot has been discussed at some length in the twentieth century responsa literature. Rav Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg (Teshuvot Seridei Eish 2: notes that traditionally women refrained from singing Zemirot when there were males who were not family members sitting at the Shabbat table. However, he records that the practice in Germany was for woman to sing Zemirot in the company of unrelated men. Rav Weinberg records that Rav Azriel Hildesheimer and Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch (two great German Rabbis of the nineteenth century) sanctioned this practice. Rav Weinberg reports that they based their ruling on the Talmudic rule (Megila 21b) that “Trei Kali Lo Mishtamai,” two voices cannot be heard simultaneously.

Rav Weinberg writes that he does not find this explanation satisfying (perhaps because the Gemara (Sotah 48a) writes that men and women singing together is a major impropriety). Rav Weinberg instead defends the German Jewish practice by citing the Sdei Chemed (Klalim, Maarechet Hakuf, 42) who quotes the Divrei Cheifetz who asserts that the Kol Isha prohibition does not apply to women singing Zemirot, singing songs to children, and lamentations for the dead. This authority explains that in these contexts men do not derive pleasure from the woman’s voice. In fact, the Pasuk (Shoftim 5:1) records that Devora the prophetess sang a song of praise to Hashem together with Barak the son of Avinoam. According to the simple reading of the text, Devora was married to Lapidot and not Barak. The Sdei Chemed writes that he believes that it is proper to be strict and not follow the approach of the Divrei Cheifetz, but he regards the lenient opinion as a viable approach.

Rav Weinberg writes that we should not pressure women who wish to follow the traditional practice to join Zemirot in a mixed group. Indeed, many Poskim oppose this practice of German Jewry (see Otzar Haposkim E.H. 21:1:20:3). However, some cite the Gemara (Megila 23a) that states that women are forbidden to receive an Aliyah to the Torah because of Kavod Hatzibbur as proof to the German practice. They argue that the fact that the Gemara does not mention Kol Isha as the reason to forbid women’s Aliyot proves that the Kol Isha restriction does not apply when a woman sings sacred texts. Others reply that the Gemara might be speaking of a woman reading the Torah to her immediate family members or may be speaking of a female child reading the Torah (see comments of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Eliezer Waldenberg, and Rav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv cited in Nishmat Avraham 5:76-77). These suggestions might also explain the Gemara (Berachot 57b and Rashi s.v. Kol) that states that hearing a woman’s voice is a soothing experience.

Accordingly, the question of whether the Kol Isha prohibition applies to Zemirot remains unresolved. Chareidi communities in Israel and North America generally follow the stringent view on this matter and Modern Orthodox communities in Israel and North America generally follow the tradition of German Jewry in this regard. It seems appropriate, though, not to expand this leniency and permit situations beyond that which the German Poskim specifically authorized – a group of men and women singing Zemirot together. Interestingly, I asked Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik in July 1985 whether he agrees with this ruling of Rav Weinberg. The Rav replied, “I agree with everything that he wrote, except for his permission to stun animals before Shechita” (see volume one of Teshuvot Seridei Eish). Rav Soloveitchik related his great appreciation of Rav Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg. Rav Shalom Carmy later told me that Rav Soloveitchik and Rav Weinberg had been close friends during the years that Rav Soloveitchik studied in Berlin.

Recordings and Radio Broadcasts
Twentieth Century Halachic authorities have also debated whether the Kol Isha prohibition applies to recordings and radio broadcasts. Rav Eliezer Waldenberg (Teshuvot Tzitz Eliezer 5:2) rules leniently based on two considerations. The first is that the Gemara (Sanhedrin 45a) states, “The Yetzer Hara is not interested in what the eyes do not see.” The second is that technically he does not hear the woman’s voice because radio broadcasts and recordings are mere electronic reproductions of the woman’s voice. Rav Waldenberg writes that if we cannot fulfill Mitzvot such as Tekiat Shofar and Kriat Megila when hearing them on the radio, then the prohibition of Kol Isha does not apply over the radio. Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin (cited by his grandson Rav Yehudah Henkin, Teshuvot Bnei Banim 2:211 and 3:127) agrees with this position. Rav Y.E. Henkin was unsure whether the prohibition applies to hearing a woman’s voice broadcasted on television (ibid.). This might be because only one of the two lenient considerations that apply to the radio question is relevant to the television issue. Rav Waldenberg cautions, though, that listening to a woman’s voice on the radio is prohibited “if his intention is to enjoy her singing.”

Rav Yaakov Breisch (Teshuvot Chelkat Yaakov 1:163), on the other hand, forbids a man to listen to a female voice on the radio. He reasons that the aforementioned Gemara in Sanhedrin 45a does not apply when there is some form of connection with the woman. He argues that a man’s Yetzer Hara is interested even if he only hears a woman’s voice. He rules strictly even in case where the listener is not acquainted with the singer. Rav Shmuel Wosner (Teshuvot Shevet Halevi 3:E.H.181 and Rav Binyamin Silber (Az Nidberu 9:9) also rule strictly on this question.

Rav Ovadia Yosef (Teshuvot Yabia Omer 1:6) and Rav Chaim David Halevi (Teshuvot Aseh Lecha Rav 3:6) adopt a compromise approach to this issue. They permit listening to a female voice on the radio only if the listener is not acquainted with the singer. They both rule strictly, though, even if the listener once glimpsed a picture of the singer. Rav Ovadia rules that the prohibition applies even if the singer is not alive.

Rav Chaim David Halevi asserts that there is absolutely no basis to permit Kol Isha merely because the woman is singing into a microphone. He writes that the prohibition applies even if the man is not, technically speaking, hearing the woman’s voice. Rav Waldenberg’s aforementioned lenient ruling applies only when the man does not see the woman. Rav J. David Bleich (Contemporary Halachic Problems 2:152) notes that no recognized Halachic authority rules that the use of a microphone alone mitigates the prohibition of Kol Isha.

Husband and Wife
The Pitchei Teshuva (Yoreh Deah 195:10) is uncertain whether a husband is forbidden to hear his wife singing during the time when the couple must separate. The Aruch Hashulchan (Y.D. 195:23) and Rav Moshe Feinstein (Teshuvot Igrot Moshe Y.D. 2:75) rule strictly and Rav Ovadia Yosef (Taharat Habayit 2:167-170) rules leniently, but writes that one who is strict on this matter will be blessed. Rav Mordechai Willig (in a Shiur delivered at Yeshiva University) ruled that a couple is permitted to rely on the lenient ruling of Rav Ovadia Yosef.

A Young Girl
Rav Moshe Feinstein (Teshuvot Igrot Moshe O.C.1:26) and Rav Ovadia Yosef (Taharat Habayit 2:270) rule (based on the Mishna Berura 75:17) that in case of need, one may rely on the ruling that the prohibition of Kol Isha does not apply to girls who are not Niddot. Rav Moshe writes (in 1947) that one may assume that there is no question with girls below the age of eleven. Rav Moshe writes that men must be strict regarding girls older than the age of eleven, since there are girls who “nowadays” become Niddot at the age of eleven.

Observance of the Kol Isha prohibition is quite challenging for us as this prohibition runs counter to the prevailing Western culture. In today’s promiscuous society where outrageous behavior is deemed acceptable, a woman’s singing voice appears innocuous. Moreover, the general culture views this prohibition offensive and demeaning to women. We are challenged to hold firm to our beliefs against the flow of the general cultural tide. This is one of the issues that we must part company with the rest of society, just as Avraham Avinu and Yitzchak Avinu parted with their two servants on the road to Akeidat Yitzchak. Rav Yehuda Amital told me that we should strictly observe the Kol Isha prohibition today precisely because of the deterioration of the moral standards of western society.


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393   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri/ i know... ban nik.  on: June 12, 2006, 09:56:06 PM 
no one will trivialize what i have to say and get a  pass on it from me... and yiss. i don't think you can ban me... i am writing strictly at the behest and the request of david haivri that i do so... of course you all are free to lobby him to get rid of me... but no need... i will go quietly upon the request of david... if you people are such wosses that you can't handle my fire then i will take my trip elsewhere with pleasure... anytime...

remember 2 things people...

1) all of you discount and scoff at any of my postings at your own peril... the threat to the survival of israel is real and the danger to all jews worldwide is sadly very, very true... i wouldn't be in this... baring my soul and putting myself up to ridicule, derision and scorn if everything i say was not the absolute truth... why would i...? i'm not a meglomaniac or a lunatic... even if you all say that the jury is still out on that one...

2) and as i am always want to say... "if you can't stand the heat... stay way the hell out of the kivshan haaish!!!!"

i bid you a goodnight... ta... nik.
394   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 12, 2006, 09:42:57 PM 
i'll get back to you soon... yis. //nik. out
395   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 12, 2006, 09:41:46 PM 
just check out any birnbaum siddur... it has in the back a book they call the scroll of the maccabees... and it is pure sheker, guzmah, and fairy-tales... nik. out...
396   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 12, 2006, 09:39:29 PM 
to br ch... you should be... i promise you... you don't want any piece of me... nik.
397   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 12, 2006, 12:24:32 AM 
excellent post hebhon. excellent... ben sira and the other apochraphyl works were all banned with a curse leveled by r. akiva to whoever owns any of these books or keeps them in their homes more than 30 days... these books were all re4jected supposedly "prophetic" works offered at one period of time to be considered for inclusion in the "only testament" (tnach)... and they were thrown out... including the scroll or magilat hashmanoiim printed in birnbaum siddurim... (birnbaum was a sabbatean that's why he printed this drivel in his siddur)... they are all treif and chazal said so already back then when they concluded that prophecy had ended and had been removed from the velt until the advent of moshiach would arrive... and so they knew these were falsehoods and lies... mendacities of the worst kind which directly led to the yashka and meshuganah muhamid travesties and their deceitfulness and wickedness led to the slaughter of millions of jews throughout the course of history and so these books led to those books which led to our slaughter and so they are OUT... O-U-T forever and anyone reading them, teaching them or holding by them should be shunned and bltted out from am yisroel... amen selah... and holy hell should be unleashed against any followers that any of these groups or books might still possess... nik. out...
398   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed  on: June 12, 2006, 12:11:17 AM 
absolutely true bk... we have to rise up and revolt!!!! we simply do not have another choice in the matter because if we do not and Hashem doesn't step in... on and of His own accord... than we are cooked... israel will be destroyed and nothing will be left of eretz yisroel or of torah in eretz yisroel... it is down to it now... all the way... do or die... now or never... nik. out...
399   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Yekutiel of Voices of Judea Asks For Help - Soon To Be Arrested  on: June 11, 2006, 09:58:26 PM 
i'm telling you the truth... it wouldn't open and it wouldn't let me move it... and despite going into the bulk folder to edit it to keep things in there up to a month's time... it disappeared over shabat without my deleting it!!!! now explain that one you blasted fools and/or conspirators with our enemies to kill kl'al yisroel!!!! (bastards each and every one of you and whoever you are... and you know who you are... you will burn for this... in hell forever)..(mark my words on it!!!!.)... furthermore none of this has ever happened to me before in any e-mail i have ever received from anyone about anything... never... so the only other explanation to give or conclusion to reach besides the one i drew is that something was wrong with the transmission of my one e-mail whereas all of you got it just fine without any difficulties... so bull... i doubt that is the case just by me alone by accident or just by coincidence... look i don't want anyone to be "on to me" or to be tailing me or to be checking me out... etc. this is not a game and i am not having any 007-fun with this... this is serious stuff... life and death issues and of sacred import... we are trying to save our land, our people and our torah way of life... and... AND i know...  as in... K-N-O-W that we are being read here and watched by we all know who and why... they are really intent upon and set on destroying israel and ruling over whatever is left of the region after the war is over... this is just fact... this is what they are all about... no matter what they or anyone else on their behalf says about what they are doing or the motives behind such and such plans and policies they come up with and try to implement... as for the rest of you... i can't tell you to be on guard... you just have to know it for yourself... if you think we don't have open files somewhere over this site you are nuts... every last one of you... or simply complicit... that is all... nik. out... "give me eretz hakodesh or give me death..." i will never back down from this cause... i will never back off from this fight...and i will never ever bow down or cave-in to their pressure and oppression... never...  i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of the one G-d of  israel... and i yearn for redemption with all of my heart and being but i absolutely ache for vengeance with every fiber of my soul... n.
400   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn.../ music to my ears....  on: June 11, 2006, 09:33:21 PM 
sure if someone asks me... the above was provided to us in a lecture one motzei shabat in yerushalayim ir hakodesh by a chassidishe rav from the uk (name escapes me now) on or around the winter zeman of 1976... nik. out... (i obviously have also augmented it with my own research in shulchan aruch... i'll find the numbers for you if you request them... i haven't got it memorized nor do i have one here at the moment... nik. out...
401   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri/ i know... blast nik.  on: June 11, 2006, 09:29:02 PM 
yby... no they are not stopping me from making aliyah... but they are stopping me from becoming prime minister and blowing all the arabs off of our land... they are stopping me from refusing to commit suicide and hand over more land to those who seek our destruction... they are preventing me from going up on har habayit and dragging those monstrosities off of there.... they are also impeding my climbing up there and beginning to rebuild the beit hamikdash and in the meantime the re-starting of the shnai korban tamidim... they are even preventing me from going up there and davening shachrit, mincha and ma'ariv... whatelse? let's see now... well i'm sure you get the picture by now... aye dufus...? nik. out...  no... i won't shut-up... but here is what i'm going to do for you instead... since you live in such a depraved land which has been filled with the worst reshayim throughout all of human history... mamash the filthiest and vilest scum ever... so out of rachmanot and in the spirit of true brotherly love...  i'm going to cut you some slack... just this one last time... however... if you ever tell me to shut up again i will unleash on you a barage of venom the likes of which have not been seen on this site before... and i will go off on you giving you exactly what you truly deserve for trying to undermine, minimize or illigitimize my attempts at lifesaving posts and dire warnings to and for our people... so you just sleep tight... nik.
402   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed/hoping he's next on my hit-parade...  on: June 11, 2006, 05:47:54 AM 
hey look... i didn't say there is a "death davening" concept in judaism... well actually there is one in kabbalah.... it's called "the pulsa d'nura"... i am saying that i have invented what i call "death davening" on my own as a tool and a method of fighting back when all other options of recourse and avenues of approach for the defense of jews is blocked or destroyed or just no longer available to us to utilize.... then there is still "death davening" and it makes you feel like you are doing something to help... not just standing idly by and impotently watching the vile scum have their murderous, sick and twisted way with jews and with the land of israel... and ever since i started last summer... and you are welcome to count 'em for yourselves.... these many are all no longer with us thank G-d... they're all gone and burning in hell forever... and furthermore... tell me... when in the past has there ever been a streak of 12 months when a similar bunch of jew-haters yemach shemam v'zichram have all bitten the dust like these bastards have... and in such close tandom? kain yirbu...

the pope... peter jennings... king faud the fraud of saud-dust... the emir of kuwait... casper weinberger... chief justice and supreme nazi rehnquist... and of course one of our very own... efing dog manure sharon... not bad for a year's worth of davening... not too damn shabby... if i do say so myself... amen kain yehi ratzon... nik. out...
403   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 11, 2006, 05:33:56 AM 
oh i don't know.... say about what i just posted here... on whether we are in a yehareg v'al yavor status right now over the mitzvah of eretz yisroel which the filthy goyim are trying to rip out of our hands... how 'bout that one...? care to debate it...? nik. just calling your bluff... over and out...
404   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn.../kol isha...  on: June 11, 2006, 05:21:37 AM 
actually as usual all you armchair rabbis and poskim are incorrect...

the real and only isur of kol isha... is live from a woman not your wife (and also from your wife if she is in nida) unamplified singing a clearly suggestive, lewd and seductive song to you... publically or privately... all other forms and variations on theme are just chumrah... in fact for sure women singing zemirot at a shabat table in unison especially with male voices included... is not... again...ABSOLUTELY IS NOT KOL ISHA BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION... refusal by girls and women in this setting is just due to social and peer pressure and attributable to an aculturation of zeniut that is way beyond the letter of the law... but mind you it is not shtus or tipshish either... it is simply and purely a matter of a woman's deep sensiitivity to her mission in life and chiyuv of modesty but... HOWEVER... it is NOT m'ikar hadin kol isha... and many would include a solo woman singing tehillim or davening or zemirot to this fold as well...

furthermore in a setting where no man present can layn the megillah for instance the halacha is clear a woman may... and in fact must for that community to fulfill their obligation to hear the megillah... and she is not bidden to just read the words... she is allowed and indeed encouraged to do so in her full melodic voice and with the proper trop... just like any male chazen would do it... nik. out...
405   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Yekutiel of Voices of Judea Asks For Help - Soon To Be Arrested  on: June 11, 2006, 05:03:27 AM 
more... i was sent i think this letter to my bulk e-mail box on friday last but it wouldn't open and i couldn't move it to my inbox or folder... this has never happened to me before... i know they are trying to block all word of these brave and heroic jews from reaching us... we have to help them... we have to fight back... gunrunning would be great if it could work... but we see it can't... the only hope we have besides what Hashem can (and will one day hopefully soon) do for us... is for a coup to occur... there are enough weapons in israel already more than sufficient to get the job done... we just need to turn them around on the nazi kapo thugs now ordering them to be trained on us... and get them to be pointed on these scumbags and their arab lackeys... nik. out...
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406   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / barry... in his own words... in defense of chamish....  on: June 09, 2006, 01:21:36 AM 
he does not post on these sites... they post him!!!!

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 » Op-Eds & Letters » Article
Feb. 2, 2006 8:07 | Updated Feb. 2, 2006 15:20
Sorry for being right

Talkbacks for this article: 47

As Israel approached the 10th anniversary of the Rabin assassination, Yediot Ahronot published a survey which showed that 35 percent of Israelis did not believe the government's version of the murder. Discounting the Arab sector, which has almost no knowledge of the issue, close to half of all Israeli Jews believe or suspect the government is lying to them about the circumstances of Rabin's demise.

Just previous to the release of the poll, long and, I would say, respectful features about me were printed in a wide variety of Hebrew publications including Anashim (People), ShofarNews and Ma'ariv. In the wake of the poll, I was invited to appear on four television programs in a week, including the very staid and establishment "London & Kirschenbaum" and "Hok Vetzedek" (Law and Justice).

And why not? A good portion of the reason for the poll's result was directly attributable to my book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, which has sold over 34,000 copies in six languages.

I have achieved that elusive prize which escapes almost many Anglo writers: widespread recognition by mainstream Hebrewspeaking Israelis. Not a bad achievement for someone who dared to write that Yigal Amir did not murder Yitzhak Rabin.

It is this cultural breakthrough that may have generated some resentment. I've been "accused" of writing about UFOs - a heinous crime if there ever was one.

From 1987-99, Israel saw a barrage of unexplained aerial phenomena, all highly publicized by the Hebrew media. Using ethical journalistic standards, I documented the events and received worldwide recognition for my efforts. Four episodes of the NBC-TV program Sightings were dedicated to my discoveries, and in 1999, Fox-TV devoted a full half hour of prime time to my work. I'm very proud of this period of my career but the phenomena stopped and I haven't written a word on the subject in six years.

The next criticism of me is so slanderous that I have actually sued one obsessive accuser: that is the absurd charge that I am a Holocaust denier.

Type my name into Google and you will find that my work appears on the Internet 71,100 times. A few of those sites are run by the deniers. Talk about guilt by association. I have no control over the Internet and anyone who finds my writing useful can copy and paste it into their sites.

As Yaacov Levi, who moderated a pro-Israel Internet discussion group and looked into the issue noted: "[Chamish] is always identified as pro-Israel and a Holocaust 'believer'. They quote him simply because he raises questions looking for accountability from the Israeli government. What a concept!

"I also checked out other Web sites of the revisionist genera, they ALL cite him as pro-Israel and anti-revisionist. Not a one made any tiny effort to identify him as an ally."

I also wrote to the editors of several of the sites asking them to confirm the obvious. Jeff Rense, who incidentally is not in my view a denier, but nonetheless sure doesn't like Zionism, wrote: "At no time, never once, has Mr. Chamish ever solicited the posting of his work on my site of"

ONE OF the errors of literally all Israeli writers in English is that they restrict their audiences to like-minded readers. My audience runs the gamut of contemporary thinking and by also entering the homes of the enemy, I have neutralized much anti-Semitism worldwide. I do this indirectly by exposing the crimes of those in power who have brought us "peace," and, I insist, are endangering the existence of our state.

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 Post comment | Terms
47. Ripe for ridicule...
Neomaccabee - (02/05/2006 13:46) 
46. Barry Chamish
Dave - (02/05/2006 11:32) 
45. what?
Avrohom - USA (02/05/2006 07:07) 
44. Chamish a Hero
Yogi - USA (02/04/2006 17:46) 
43. ofra haza
michael korn - usa (02/04/2006 03:02) 
42. Odds are...
MICHAEL S - usa (02/04/2006 01:16) 
41. the Kempler video
David Rutstein - Israel (02/03/2006 21:34) 
40. Barry Chamish
Kim Walker - Colorado (02/03/2006 15:56) 
39. Why there is only one of your books in Russian?
Leonid - Israel (02/03/2006 10:21) 
38. Wrong?
Sam - RSA (02/03/2006 07:16) 
37. Barry Chamish
Duane M Thomas - USA (02/03/2006 05:19) 
36. way to go, Barry!
Ellie - USA (02/03/2006 02:18) 
35. Say It Again, Barry
Carl in Seattle - USA (02/03/2006 01:53) 
34. Schopenhauer & the Sheeple
Kevin the Karaite - U.S.A. (02/03/2006 01:35) 
33. Left-wing ad-hominem attacks
Marya - USA (02/03/2006 01:26) 
32. So sorry for being right
Ilana Levy - Australia (02/02/2006 23:24) 
31. Yea...
Sabra - Israel (02/02/2006 22:43) 
30. Things that make you go hmmmmmm
Jeff - USA (02/02/2006 22:35) 
29. Chamish makes more sense than some regular contributors
Tee Gee - Israel (02/02/2006 22:27) 
28. Chamish is right
Jeff - (02/02/2006 21:56) 
27. It's wrong to be right
James MacLean - United States (02/02/2006 21:44) 
26. Truth Hurts JanMan
Saul Lowenstein - USA (02/02/2006 21:44) 
25. His next book
Steve - USA (02/02/2006 21:35) 
24. Who killed Rabin?
Bob - (02/02/2006 21:33) 
23. I still have questions
Erez - NY (02/02/2006 21:00) 
22. chamish is right, his detractors here offer no refutation, only personal attacks
alan - (02/02/2006 20:59) 
21. It's the message, not the messenger
Wayne - USA (02/02/2006 20:43) 
20. hire him
yoni - (02/02/2006 20:40) 
19. Wow!
Howie - USA (02/02/2006 20:36) 
18. Sorry for being right
Udo Patschkowski - Germany (02/02/2006 20:32) 

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407   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 09, 2006, 12:18:06 AM 
me neither but i try to stay away from overt filth (like brittany spears for example)... live or on radio or tv... nik.
408   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed/let's hope so (the bastard)...  on: June 09, 2006, 12:07:57 AM 
it doesn't matter how he got eliminated... it could not have occurred without the will of G-d willing it to be so...

true though i wish for all these reshayim to bite the dust from Hashem directly and not by anyone killing them... this is only so that no one can question that it is from Hashem and that they have made Him go on the warpath by their actions, plans and designs on eretz yisroel and especially upon yerushalayim...

i'll take any of their deaths by any means necessary or by any means done... but i do not call for anyone to lift a hand against them so that it is clear when they fall that it is Hashem and only Hashem who brought them down...

but if it happens that someone assassinates them... well what can i do?  but i will not do so myself against them for my reasons stated nor will i sanction or call for anyone to do so for the reason that i don't want others harmed or hurt especially jews if any jew does do this to any of them including goyish leaders coming against israel and the jewish nation... but since we live in a time of misunderstanding i want Hashem to fight for us alone to prove to the world that He is still here and still Al-mighty... when moshiach finally arrives we will have our share of the nekamah to do and we will see plenty of action then... until then only Hashem should act... save for our prayers and our words of defiance standing up against their evil rishut... but that is the full extent and should be now the full measure of our avodah and our involvement in these political/global warfare affairs... nik. out...

oh but if anyone of them dies and each and every time one of them dies... by whatever turns out to be the method or the agency of death to them... since it will still mark and be the sentence and deliverance of din by Hashem to them... therefore... i will still rejoice and celebrate their demise with glee and joy!!!! kain yirbu motam!!!! amen selah!!!! nik. out...
409   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed  on: June 08, 2006, 11:29:49 PM 
i'll say amen to that... death to them all!!!! as in death davening... it continues on... nik.
410   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?  on: June 08, 2006, 11:20:47 PM 
hello? anyone out there... i had a point to explain chamish's actions vis a vis the nazi scum... hello? is this thing on? hello? n.
411   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 08, 2006, 11:16:56 PM 
you are correct kchai... i know wagner is treif as i know the philosophy of nitzche is as well... i am not advocating goyish anything... i am just saying i find meaning in the lyrics (and i enjoy the music) of these songs... that is all... nik.
412   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 08, 2006, 09:02:20 PM 
no... i don't base it on anything... i don't hold by it... i don't even know how the # originated and began to be considered satanic... to moi 666 is just another number on the way up the ladder to infinity... however... i was sure some devil-worshipping coke-head was going to do something evil... i was worried it would be against jews but i was hopeful (if something WAS going to happen) that it would be against some of the scum-sucking goyim... (and only against the rotten ones mind you)... and that's all i meant by the reference to it... of course the other part of this post was just ignored... as usual... nikie-pooh and goodnight... n.
413   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?  on: June 08, 2006, 08:57:39 PM 
and yet again no one will deal with what i said on the subject... i will not let you guys get away with ignoring what i have to say... until then you will keep seeing this thread at the top of the charts... ta... nik.
414   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri/let it sink in already...  on: June 08, 2006, 08:46:44 PM 
of course i can count on all of you guys to continuosly ignore my posts.... cannot even one of you debate me in open forum if you disagree with me? and with substantive argumentation not with the usual name-calling and prozac offerings... or are you all totally onboard already to lay down your lives for eretz yisroel... for the mitzvah of it...? and if so... THEN STOP TALKING ABOUT STATE-WORSHIP BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXISIT!!!! YAHREG V'AL YAVOR!!!! get it thru your thick skulls... nik. out...
415   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 08, 2006, 12:05:15 AM 
again those who dismiss ALL and  EVERY conspiracy theory from being true... are either...

ignorant, petrified or complicit... there are no other scenarios for these people... one or a combination of the maxim is all that is possible... nighty night all you stupid, cowards some of whom are in on the kill of judaism and jewry and the the land of israel.... ta... nik.   
416   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?  on: June 08, 2006, 12:00:35 AM 
the links show his posting there... but not why he is doing it... maybe to tell the story of the good, religious jews who hate what israel is doing and maybe they will see that we are not the enemy... weak i agree.... because i know they want every jew on the planet dead... but maybe this or something similar is the reason for going to these jew-hating sites... to tell the scum that we hate those same jews too... rothchild's etc. but no matter what the reason is.... nothing i saw on dense for ex. betrays torah judaism or we who follow it... what about this point? "valid and true" is all you should respond if you are intellectually honest that is... nik. out...
417   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 07, 2006, 11:21:32 PM 
shkoyach yby.... er... that is yasher koach.... nik.
418   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 07, 2006, 11:20:06 PM 
the way matisyahu does it is kosher... regee is fine also... marley had some great messages delivered to us thru his songs...
419   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / we should do this... and it all stands or falls on our doing so...  on: June 07, 2006, 08:40:47 PM 
i used to agree with that last statement just made... but as rav meir writes in "why be jewish" (the exact page recorded in one of my posts last month... was it 202? no it was 207-209... wheew!!! not too shabby!!)... anyway... as he says there and as you all continue to ignore... and so i must re-iterate... since 1977 rav meir held (thru psak from his gedolim and rebbeim from the sefardic world)... he held that the goyim were engaged in an effort to break israel of one of its mitzvot... one of the taryag mitzvot in the torah... which one is irrelevant... anyone would bring down our chiyuv to sacrifice our lives for its protection and preservation... and he said this time it just happens to be one of the most crucial and fundamental tenets of our faith, creed and doctrine... eretz yisroel... the mitzvah for us to hold it... announce that it is ours... and solely ours... all of it and as much of it as we have and possess at any one period of time... and the isur then to relinquish our hold over any inch of it and/or to denounce the importance of this commandment or our chiyuv to obey it... in fact they want from us a denial that Hashem ever told us that this land is to be ours exclusively and without compromise completely devoted to torah and torah law entirely and dedicated to no other religion whatsoever... nowhere... not on any square inch of it... and so... thus this mitzvah in the torah has since '77 become an issue of... and let me put it to you in bold headline-fashion... for that matter i'll hang a freakin' neon sign out for you on this one... for crying out loud... you guys miss the point we all have for so long now... what a pity he didn't stick to this one point and hammer away at it... hit us over the head with it until we finally got it... he didn't so i will have to do it for him and for all of us...


and so people... this is not worship of the land... this is true avodat Hashem... this is what He requires of us now... and to reinforce the point that this is so and evermore so today than ever before... Hashem continues to torture us with more and more political pressure... and social grief... not to mention the agony of lost loved ones... and He will continue to do so until we stand up and acknowledge to Him and to ourselves that we are indeed in this matzav and that we are duty bound to make this stand even if it means our very lives...

until i reread these words which i had forgotten... there was no doubts lingering in me about the rectitiude of everything i had learned and had been taught by rav meir and rav binyamin... but i had a kasha as indeed so many have had and still do maintain until this day... and that is...


and this thought worried me repeatedly... i asked on rav meir once to a rebbi in one of my yeshivot... he too did not know the answer but acknowledged that the question was indeed a valid one and a very good one... and i have even recently come under the gun here from a rebbi of mine who excoreated me and called me to my brother and a fellow rebbi-friend of ours... called me a rodef for potential possibility of my getting american-jewry in trouble by and thru my open pronouncements of my "death davening" campaign... not just against sharon (which now that he has been dispatched... he said to them "even if you think he is right about what he is doing still it is wrong to threaten the safety of the rest of us").... (i'm sure he is absolutely shocked that sharon bit the dust just a few weeks after he lowered the boom on my concept here/not that i am taking credit davka that it was me that brought sharon down... i am not and i do not... i only say that apparently... in sharon's case {and in a few others as well} Hashem seems to agree with my tefilot and has for His own reasoning and sense of justice indeed brought them down and slain them for their sins against am yisroel and eretz yisroel... not to mention their sins against the torah and against Hashem Himself)...

but he really lost it at me when i said i was also death davening for any goyish leaders worldwide who advocate a two-state solution and are attempting to impose their will upon us to get us to give up parts of eretz yisroel and yerushalayim as well...

so i've been under the gun big-time here for the past two months over this... and i have been raked over the coals... but i will not back down...

especially because when i reread those words of rav meir's the answer to my worry and dilemma was forthcoming and my fears were laid to rest and my "rodef" status was over... for if indeed it is a time of shmad against one of the mitzvot of the torah then anyhow all of our lives are supposed to be forfeit... if indeed we are to claim that we are in compliance with or we were or that we are now trying to really do our obligation of true avodah and the exactly correct and required service to G-d and that therefore we are willing to do our duty to sacrifice our lives for the mitzvot of Hashem if need be... if this is all truly so then i am not a threat to you all... we are to ourselves by our failing to rise to our station as a true mamlechet kohanim v'goy kadosh...

for don't you see... the same argument could have been made and point of contention could have been said of matisyahu and the chashmanoiim in their mesirat nefesh stance for eretz yisroel... and the same accusation could have been leveled at mordechai for his "getting" all the jews in the world in trouble by mord's going out of his way to demonstrate that he would not bow down to haman... in both of these eras and crisis the title "rodef" could have been applied but wasn't... not once in the chanukah story and only until the truth came out of am yisroel's sins being the true cause of their own peril in the purim maesah... and now it is dropped and false in rav meir's case as well... and with me too... i am not the cause of kl'al yisroel being in such danger... and it can never be because of me... because of what i do or say... because our danger is already upon our heads... the threat to our very lives is already upon every single one of us... for it is all of us... it is all of our fault taken together because we refuse mostly out of fear and cowardice to do our duty... to keep G-d's mitzvah of kiddush Hashem and of eretz yisroel... and it is all of us who deserve punishment for this sin... and we all need to do tshuvah not just by fasting, tefilah, tzedaka and repentence... but by action... this is a lav hanitaek b'aseyh... a sin we can only rectify by action... by performance... the performance of the mitzvah to stand on kiddush Hashem for the preservation and salvaging of eretz hakodesh... of keeping hold of it in jewish hands... of keeping it out of the clutches of the idolatrous 70 nations... of not giving our heritage away to the filthy goyim... and thus THE crucial action required of us is that of our standing up for this mitzvah of Hashem that the goyim are coming after us to relinquish of our own volition... and therefore this is a mitzvah over which we ALL must be prepared to risk and sacrifice our lives if need be...

and so... since i know... because i know... that rav meir was and is right in his assessment of the times we live in... i have no fear any longer of getting fellow jews in danger or in trouble... for all of our lives are required of the L-rd now and we must respond with faith and courage and even if we don't... all of us anyway will be brought to the very brink by Hashem who is laboring to induce us to choose... continuously endeavoring to make us decide if we are for Him or against Him...

and He will push us further and further until the absolute point of no return... and it is not my doing any of this but Him... and actually it is we who are doing this to ourselves... because our sinning... by our refusal to stand up... this and this alone is causing Hashem to scare us so much and to frighten us into a corner from which we will have to choose... from which He will make us swing into action.... but so far... we continue to fight against doing what Hashem wants us to do... and by our constant refusal we bring evermore grief and trouble down upon ourselves.. because we still refuse to listen and to act...

and there you have it my friends... clear proof of our obligation today... clear proof of our duty to G-d Al-mighty... yehareg v'al yavor!!!!!  nikmatdam...
420   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 07, 2006, 07:35:09 PM 
hardly so and i have chassidish rabbis who have acknowledged to me that music is not treif... only zenut-dic rot like brittany's stuff is asur... nik.
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421   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What happened to the JDL/you really don't know?  on: June 07, 2006, 01:59:32 AM 
what happened to the jdl? are you daft? what happened? you ask.... my G-d...

the same thing that happened to kach and kahane chai... they killed its leaders and then destroyed what was left of it by infiltrating it... and then by thoroughly corrupting it from within they were able to scatter it into the wind to the 4 corners of the earth never to be seen or heard from ever again... nik. out....
422   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***giving creedence to code pink....***  on: June 07, 2006, 12:42:23 AM 
"bad moon rising"
(by john fogerty and creedence clearwater revival)...

"i see the bad moon arising
i see trouble on the way
i see earthquakes and lightnin'
i see bad times today

don't go around tonight
well, it's bound to take your life,
there's a bad moon on the rise...

i hear hurricanes ablowing
i know the end is coming soon
i fear rivers over flowing
i hear the voice of rage and ruin

don't go around tonight
well, it's bound to take your life,
there's a bad moon on the rise...

all right!
hope you got your things together
hope you are quite prepared to die
looks like we're in for nasty weather
one eye is taken for an eye

don't go around tonight
well, it's bound to take your life,
there's a bad moon on the rise...

don't go around tonight
well, it's bound to take your life
there's a bad moon on the rise..."

"the dark side of the moon"
(by pink floyd)...

"us and them"

"us and them
and after all we're only ordinary men
me, and you
G-d only knows it's not what we would choose to do
forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died
and the general sat, as the lines on the map
moved from side to side
black and blue
and who knows which is which and who is who
up and down
and in the end it's only round and round
haven't you heard it's a battle of words
the poster bearer cried
listen son, said the man with the gun
there's room for you inside
down and out
it can't be helped but there's a lot of it about
with, without
and who'll deny that's what the fightings all about
get out of the way, it's a busy day
and i've got things on my mind
for want of the price of tea and a slice
the old man died..."

"brain damage"

"the lunatic is on the grass
the lunatic is on the grass
remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
got to keep the loonies on the path
the lunatic is in the hall
the lunatics are in my hall
the paper holds their folded faces to the floor
and every day the paper boy brings more
and if the dam breaks open many years too soon
and if there is no room upon the hill
and if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
i'll see you on the dark side of the moon
the lunatic is in my head
the lunatic is in my head
you raise the blade, you make the change
you re-arrange me 'till i'm sane
you lock the door
and throw away the key
there's someone in my head but it's not me.
and if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
you shout and no one seems to hear
and if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
i'll see you on the dark side of the moon

'i can't think of anything to say except...
i think it's marvelous! hahaha!'"


"all that you touch
all that you see
all that you taste
all you feel
all that you love
all that you hate
all you distrust
all you save
all that you give
all that you deal
all that you buy
beg, borrow or steal
all you create
all you destroy
all that you do
all that you say
all that you eat
everyone you meet
all that you slight
everyone you fight
all that is now
all that is gone
all that's to come
and everything under the sun is in tune
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
there is no dark side of the moon really.
matter of fact it's all dark..."

and that to virtually all of the goyim is how they perceive the world... when the total eclipse of the sun by the moon occurs then they feel comes evil and all is dark... but the gemora at the very end of brachot teaches us that when the sun (the goyish nations of the world) eclipses the moon (k'lal yisroel) that is an evil omen for the jewish people... but when the moon eclipses the sun it is a good sign for am yisroel... and so it goes... whatever is good for us is bad for them and whatever is bad for us they think is good for them... when actually it is lehefech... whatever is good for the jews is truly good for the world as a whole... and whatever is bad for us is really dangerous and frightening for them...

as per the other major statement of the gemora in the opening perek of brachot... "if the goyim of the world had only known what amazing and great benefit they themselves garnered and received from the beit hamikdash and via the service therein... they would have ringed har habayit around with a million men to guard it from ever being destroyed..." if only they had known... and if only we jews knew as well... so great is the pity... so great is the shame... so great is the loss to all of us... so great is the guilt and shame of mankind...

as the story of the brisker rav goes based upon the famous mishna in the sixth perek of perkei avot... "everyday a bat kol emanates forth from har sinai saying... 'whoa to the world for the elbona shel torah' (the insult and abandonment of the torah)..."

once the rav was taking a long ride by horse-drawn carriage over many miles and over many days... each day the wagon driver took a shot of whiskey from the flask in his coat pocket... just one... once each day of the journey... never though at the exact same moment of the day... sometimes at 2 or 3 pm... sometimes later... sometimes earlier... on one of these days the rav turned to the driver and said to him... "i bet you need to take a drink from your flask right about now..." to wit the driver excalimed "yes!!!" "but how did you know for i drink at all different times... never at the same moment two days in a row...?" and the rav answered the poor, bedraggled and benighted jewish am haretz driver... "'every day a voice goes forth in the world from har sinai bemoaning the fate of mankind because of the neglect of G-d's torah...' i hear it and do tshuvah and begin to learn with more fervor... you only sense it subconsciously by your soul and you shudder with fright and take a drink of liquid courage to make yourself feel better..."

and so it goes for all of us as well... we are all like that simple, ignorant wagon driver (ba'al hagalah) we are not aware of the insult the torah feels at our neglect of it... of our failure to cry out for its immediate restoration to power and insistent implementation as the law of the land in eretz yisroel... and for this we are being slowly driven mad by Hashem... for our great sin of ommision... our refusal to cry out for torah eventhough we are a tiny minority and it appears our raising our voice in tochecha will amount to nothing... that it appears to be an utter waste of our time and of our breath... however what we fail to realize and understand is that the call for torah and truth on behalf of the holy torah is what Hashem expects from us and that this lofty but much forsaken act of kiddush Hashem is and would be our secret weapon and is the key to unlock the door to our complete and final redemption... and as such... since this is our one and only true path to the geulah shelaymah we must find within ourselves the requisite courage and vision to stand up for G-d's law... or else we risk... lo alenu... the lengthening of our exile evermore... replete with ever-greater and increased suffering for and of our people and nation...

and so this is our common task... this is our sole goal... and this is our united dire avodah... we must step up to spare ourselves... all of us... unnecessary and unneeded grief and agony... nikmatdam...   
423   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 07, 2006, 12:20:51 AM 
my rebbe taught me... all music is holy even if it emanates from a rasha or a menuval...  for example motzart was a lowlife, womanizer and alcholic however Hashem still chose to send down such beauty and art thru this filthy kli in order to be mehanah the world... and so you can use their niggunim in zimrot and tefilot even for example... and you can see wisdom b'goyim in their poetry even within the works of the reshayim shebehem... and besides... this particular song was early on in elton's career... before he became a faggot... nik. out...
424   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***burn baby burn...***  on: June 06, 2006, 10:37:47 PM 
"burn down the mission"
(by elton john and bernie taupin)...

"you tell me there's an angel in your tree
did he say he'd come to call on me
for things are getting desperate in our home
living in the parish of the restless folks i know

everybody now bring your family down to the riverside
look to the east to see where the fat stock hide
behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps
it's time we put the flame torch to their keep

burn down the mission
if we're gonna stay alive
watch the black smoke fly to heaven
see the red flame light the sky

burn down the mission
burn it down to stay alive
it's our only chance of living
take all you need to live inside

deep in the woods the squirrels are out today
my wife cried when they came to take me away
but what more could i do just to keep her warm
than burn burn burn burn down the mission walls

burn down the mission
if we're gonna stay alive
watch the black smoke fly to heaven
see the red flame light the sky

burn down the mission
burn it down to stay alive
it's our only chance of living
take all you need to live inside

and burn down the mission
burn it down to the ground..."

so true... true now... true in the middle ages...

true ever since this vile christianity first showed its demented face in the world...

all the sicknesses of mankind... all of the pain... all of the shame... all that is inhumane... all the genocidng as a repeated refrain of the jewish people and of many, many others as well... all remains tortured and twisted... perverted and putrified... to this very day because this cursed religion has been foisted upon us all and has been permitted to reign over us and rain down upon us evil and cruelty... fire and brimstone... suffering and anguish... and death and destruction.... all for their lies and unfounded myths to "wax true" so that they could thereby rule over us and enslave us in chains of bondage and eternal serfdom together and o'er the entire globe.... and the dark ages threaten us all once again... we will never be free until both christianity and islam... (which is nothing but an arab/yishmaelian version of rome/esav's usurpation of the one true G-d and the denial of His chosen people's preeminent place and eternal covenant... not to mention their attempt to plagerize and steal the torah itself... the only and true will of G-d)... nik. out...   
425   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 06, 2006, 09:45:22 PM 
i say we all drop out, tune in and turn on... drop out of the efing state... tune in to the torah of G-d... and turn on to the revolution of conscience by ignoring all the systems of thought and manners of behavior that deny G-d and lack true emunah and pure bitachon in Hashem... state of judea arise!!!! nik.out...
426   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?  on: June 06, 2006, 09:39:12 PM 
oh yeah and another thing... nice of you all to notice... you who have been poopooing him and putting him down... first he has a stroke (like sharon had the first time) one which only sidelined them both for awhile and now someone tried to run him down... must be he has something the efing powers are worried about... must be people are not so quick to dismiss him any longer as a kook and a conspiracy theorist... must be he has the goods on them all... must be he knows of what he writes and speaks... must be you all are utter fools and knaves!!!! must be... ta... nik.
427   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?/duh....  on: June 06, 2006, 09:19:53 PM 
yes!!!! he wrote me and told me soon he will send me the whole story and next he wrote and said he had just been the victim of a hit and run truckdriver and barely survived... he's looking for a way to get the hell out of there because he knows the bastard peres has a hit out on him for the pressure barry is applying to him over rabin's murder which he proves is peres' doing... nik. out... 
428   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 06, 2006, 09:16:57 PM 
and ogle i have two words for you... "elevator music"... that's what your comment to me means to me... nik. out...
429   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 05, 2006, 08:54:08 PM 
well whatever it means or doesn't mean... i hope something really terrible happens to the goyim tomorrow... nik. out... anyone seen or read the da vinci code? not bad... reveals alot about why we were slaughtered so much from both sides... priory/templars and from the vatican/illuminati/jesuit~opus dei... the movie/book explains alot... nik. out... 
430   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: won't back down...  on: June 05, 2006, 08:44:08 PM 
and that's just what the powers-that-be here have done... but each song or set of songs is for a different idea... i just haven't had a chance to finish them all due to shavuot and the lack of a sefer to complete one of them before... so now what should i do...? well i'll think of something... i always do... however... i'll probably have to redo them... nik. out... 
431   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "loving your neighbor as yourself..."  on: May 31, 2006, 07:35:10 PM 
yes it is as straight forward as yby makes it out to be... rav meir says repeatedly all over the torah... rayecha or achi... etc. "means your neighbor, friend or brother IN MITZVOT" and anyone not following them on purpose... lehachit... out of hatred and derision and scorn for Hashem, torah or the metziat and tafkid of am yisroel (our mission) is not our brother and we owe him/her no love or affection... no respect or kindness... etc. and...AND he for all intents and purposes is to be excluded from, cut off from, shunned or banned (karet or cherem) "from his people"... in this world and in the next... so rav meir never tired of teaching us that "v'ahavta l'rayecha kamocha..." only applies to observant jews and not to idolators or backsliding jews... lehachit... not a mumar l'taiavon which we are still to treat as a full jew... whether this chiyuv applies to good goyim... gerey toshav b'aretz and/or decent G-d fearing b'nai noach b'chutz and those among them who are also the tzidkay umot haolam... is debateable... probably not technically included in v'ahavta... but Hashem still instructs us to treat them with decency and respect if not "love"... however halacha instructs us "mepnai darkei shalom" to care for even the akum (idolators) and show them a modicum of respect and basic human kindness in order to"promote peace"... and the darkei moshe (the remah) describes for us two ways to understand what mepnai darkei shalom means.. either simple pshat that because we are in a weakened position in golut and have suffered so much anti-semetic pogroms we are allowed to show even disgusting idol worshipers some regard in order not to arouse venom and hatred and violence against us... the other standard explanation is that we actually should try to spread peace and harmony even with reshayim so that war and other upheavals do not occur... so one is more to "keep or maintain the peace" while the other is actually to "grow the peace"... the example given in the gemora is the case of  a jew drowning on shabat and then an akum (not ger toshav, ger tzedek or b'nai noach but an actual idolator)... the jew we save but the akum we let drown... because we save a jew by breaking shabat so that he can go on to mekadesh shem shamayim by keeping many mitzvot and shabatot in the future which increases the kedusha of the world and of am yisroel and makes Hashem's name evermore sanctified in the briah... not so with the akum... he cannot sanctify G-d by keeping shabat... even if he would repent from idolatry still he is not bidden to keep shabat and so we do not save him because the jew is in the middle of sanctifying G-d by his shabat observance right then and there and he would break that kiddush Hashem were he to violate one of the melachot even in order to save a life...

however... and let me finish... if the goy is righteous we would save him even though he also does not have a mitzvah to keep shabat and hence a jew would be stopping his kiddush Hashem to do so... why i do not know... clearly we are being taught here that human life in general does not come first... kedusha does... and even where we break the laws of shabat to rescue a jew... it is because his life comes first because one jew doing a kiddush Hashem is not as great a level of bringing kedusha and light into the world as it is when two jews do so... so we save him so he can continue to keep shabat and all the other mitzvot... and of course the jew who rescued him but had to violate shabat he does not get an aveira and he too will continue observing that shabat and many more to come hopefully... b'ezrat Hashem... and even a jew who is a rasha we save on shabat breaking the shabat to rescue him because he has the potential hopefully to do tshuvah and thus increase the kiddush Hashem in the velt and so we are commanded to save even him but not an akum... this should be clear now!!!

HOWEVER... any jew in the category of a tinuk shenishba... is included in our love and our overall duties to care for our fellow jew as we do for ourselves... etc. in fact the rambam as taught us by rav simcha wasserman zt"l relates how kind and loving we have to be and how far we should be prepared to go out of our way to do for them and to extend ourselves for them selflessly in order to try and be mikarev them back to the torah-fold... (or obviously as is the case more often than not... help them find their way underneath the kanfei hashechina for the first time having never before in their lives even known of its existence... anyway... kach shematey v'lomaditi on this issue... nik. out...
432   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Police Shoot To Ward Off Yitzhar Stone Throwers  on: May 31, 2006, 06:54:36 PM 
well... well... well... how nice... that which they (the idf and the is. police) would never do against arab rock-throwers they have suddenly no problem doing to jewish (dati and/or settler) rock-throwers... i say good for the kids!!!! damn hypocritical reshayim state of madness and insanity and of course cruelty and sickness... i hate the israeli gov. infrastructure from top to bottom and i loathe all of their demented so-called chiefs, heads and underlings... "just following orders...etc. ad nauseum..." death to the memshelet zadon!!!!! death by the hand of G-d... we don't need a civil war we just need Hashem to take them all down and out...
433   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***'the war to end all wars..."*** (ww1)... ha!!!!  on: May 31, 2006, 12:02:53 AM 
"gimme shelter"
(by mick jagger and the rolling stones)...

"oh a storm is threatening
my very life today
if i don't get some shelter
oh yeah, i'm gonna fade away

war, children, it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
war, children, it's just a shot away

ooh, see the fire is sweeping
our very street today
burns like a red coal carpet
mad bull lost its way

war, children, it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
war, children, its just a shot away
it's just a shot away

rape, murder!
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away

rape, murder!
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away

rape, murder!
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away

the flood is threatening
my very life today
gimme, gimme shelter
or i'm gonna fade away

war, children, it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
i tell you love, sister, it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
kiss away, kiss away..."

"brown sugar..."
(by mick jagger and keith richards of the rolling stones)...

"gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields
sold in a market down in new orleans
scarred old slaver knows he's doing alright
hear him whip the women just around midnight
brown sugar how come you taste so good?
brown sugar just like a young girl should
drums beating, cold english blood runs hot
lady of the house wonderin' where it's gonna stop
house boy knows he's doing alright
you shoulda heard him just around midnight
brown sugar how come you taste so good, now?
brown sugar just like a young girl should, now
ah, get along, brown sugar how come you taste so good, baby?
ah, got me feelin' now, brown sugar just like a black girl should
i bet your mama was a tent show queen
and all her boyfriends were sweet sixteen
i'm no schoolboy but i know what i like
you shoulda heard me just around midnight
brown sugar how come you taste so good, baby?
ah, brown sugar just like a young girl should, yeah
i said yeah, yeah, yeah, woo
how come you... how come you taste so good?
yeah, yeah, yeah, woo
just like a... just like a black girl should
yeah, yeah, yeah, woo..."

quotes from the movie... "v for vandetta..."

"people should not be afraid of their governments... governments should be afraid of the people..."

"artists use lies (fiction) to tell the truth (hint at it anyway) while politicians use the truth to tell lies>>>"

and from the vault...

question: "why doesn't the mexican olympic team ever win any medals?"

answer: "because anyone of them who can run, swim or jump is already over here (in the u.s.)... "

and this beaut...

question: "how do you know when a politician is lying to you?"

answer: "whenever you see his lips moving..."

and you all think that that "shot" was the one fired in sarajevo on that fateful day... sunday, june 28th 1914... 4 tammuz 5674... ha!!! and double ha!!!

it was fired in the boardrooms of the bankers in the city of london and from off of the very throne of england... a vile and vicious plot was hatched to take the world by storm and later when that didn't quite work out to next plunge the entire globe into economic depression and when that too didn't get the deed done... to try, try again and this time get it right... with a little help from german, american and arab/moslem nazis the british fascists finally conquered the planet... as we shall now endeavor to explain to all of you shocked and dismayed viwers out there... in 1929... four years before his death... the chofetz chaim was quoted as saying probably i imagine to his talmud muvchak... rav elchonon wasserman... "you think ww1 was bad... just wait and see... the real thing will begin ten years from now..." and it did... oh and how it did... but to understand the shoah you've got to trace its roots to ww1 first... and then slide forward in time and see all the various things we've all along missed or have been misled about in history...

it goes back to 1910...  (from your favorite guy... barry chamish)...

That's what Israelis were told and that's what they believe. But we know there are bigger conspiracies to fry. There is just so much more to believe. You must get C.T.Wilcox's excellent, Transformation Of The Republic.  [email protected]  Within, you will understand how the Jesuits murdered Lincoln. Now that's a conspiracy but not as good as them sinking the Titanic.

finally found the Video i first found the Titanic conspiracy reported :


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436   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: May 30, 2006, 06:13:07 PM 
bully for you...
437   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: won't back down...  on: May 30, 2006, 06:12:31 PM 
not on crack... just find meaning in them relating to the message i wish to impart... nik.
438   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: May 30, 2006, 05:07:48 PM 
"G-d gave me everything"
(by mick jagger and the rolling stones)...

"you can see it in a clear blue sky
you can see it in a woman's eyes
you can hear it in your baby's cries
you can hear it in your lover's sighs
you can touch it in a grain of sand
in the palm of your hand
feel it 'round you everyday
and hear what i've got to say

G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you
G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you

i saw in the midnight sun
and i felt it in the race i won
and i hear it in the windy storm
and i feel it in the icy dawn
and i smell it in the wine i taste
and i see it in my father's face
and i hear it in a symphony
and i feel it in the love you show for me

G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you
G-d gave me everything i want

come on
i'll give it all to you
G-d gave me everything i want
i can't stop can't stop
i'm still looking now
G-d gave me everything i want
oh come on
i'll give it all to you

crazy you said
it's all in your head

G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you
G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you..."

"sympathy for the devil"
(by the rolling stones)...

"please allow me to introduce myself
i'm a man of wealth and taste
i've been around for a long, long year
stole many a man's soul and faith
and i was around when jesus christ
had his moment of doubt and pain
made damn sure that pilate
washed his hands and sealed his fate...

pleased to meet you
hope you guess my name
but what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game...

i stuck around in st. petersburg
when i saw it was a time for a change
killed the czar and his ministers
anastasia screamed in vain
i rode a tank
held a general's rank
when the blitzkrieg raged
and the bodies stank...

pleased to meet you
hope you guess my name, oh yeah
ah, what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game, oh yeah...

i watched with glee
while your kings and queens
fought for ten decades
for the gods they made
i shouted out,
who killed the kennedys?
when after all
it was you and me...

let me introduce myself
i'm a man of wealth and taste
and i laid traps for troubadours
who get killed before they reach bombay...

pleased to meet you
hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
but what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby...

pleased to meet you
hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
but what's confusing you
is just the nature of my game...

just as every cop is a criminal
and all the sinners saints
as heads is tails
just call me lucifer
cause i'm in need of some restraint
so if you meet me
have some courtesy
have some sympathy, and some taste
use all your well-learned politesse
or i'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah...

pleased to meet you
hope you guessed my name, um yeah
but what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down...

who, who...
oh yeah get on down
oh yeah
oh yeah!

tell me baby, what's my name
tell me honey, can ya guess my name
tell me baby, what's my name
i'll tell you one time, you're to blame...

ooo, who (3x)
ooo, who, who (4x)

oh yeah
what's my name
tell me, baby, what's my name
tell me, sweetie, what's my name

ooh ,who, who (7x)
oh yeah..."

when governments lie to their people and protect and shield the rich and powerful from the justice they deserve for the crimes they have commited then i would clearly say that man himself is responsible for all of the evil in the world...

when corporations and their ceo's and boardrooms decide the foreign policy and drive the issues of when to go to war and when to sue for peace for an entire country, region, continent or hemisphere... or for the whole world... then there is something terribly wrong on planet earth...

when open public debate is either censored or stifled and the only opinions allowed out into the air of free thought and free speech are the words and ideas expressed by an ever-shrinking and tightly-guarded oligarchy of men and women bent upon their manipulation, manufacture and the framing of any given discussion on all sides of the issue... then i say it is time for a revolution... or we will all be relegated back down to serfdom for the rest of human history...

while of course it is true that G-d created the very fabric of evil and hence the potential for the yatzer hora to operate and function within this world in the first place and even called it "very good" in order that the precious soul of each denizen of G-d's world will have an equal chance and a fair opportunity to be tested and hopefully earn an eternal reward and place in the world-to-come... yet it is still each and every human being utilizing and exercising one's own G-d-given bechirah chofshit (freedom of choice) who chooses for him/herself between good and evil... between right and wrong... and who ultimately distinguish between truth and falsehood...

and so you tell me... who is at fault for the holocaust... or for 9/11 or for milchemet gog u'maygog when and if it finally arrives...? and if you say it is us and not G-d who only created the potential for evil in order to give us independence of action and therefore meaning to our life... and thus if you answer that it is us and not satan who is nothing but an emissary of Hashem to test us... then you have demonstrated that you understand the history of mankind accurately... nik. out

439   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***"won't back down..."*** (now complete)...  on: May 30, 2006, 04:18:24 PM 
"i won't back down"
(by tom petty and the heartbreakers)...

"well i won't back down, no i won't back down
you can stand me up at the gates of hell
but i won't back down

gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
and i'll keep this world from draggin me down
gonna stand my ground and i won't back down

hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
hey i will stand my ground
and i won't back down

well i know what's right, i got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin me around
but i'll stand my ground and i won't back down

hey baby there ain't no easy way out
hey i will stand my ground
and i won't back down
no, i won't back down..."

(by tom petty and the heartbreakers)...

"we got some thin we both know it,
we don't talk too much about it
ain't no real big secret, all the same,
somehow we get around it

listen, it don't really matter to me
baby, you believe what you wanna believe
you see, you don't have to live like a refugee

somewhere, somehow, somebody must have
kicked you around some
tell me why you wanna lay there,
revel in your abandon

honey, it don't make no difference to me
baby, everybodys had to fight to be free
you see, you don't have to live like a refugee
no baby, you don't have to live like a refugee

baby, we ain't the first
i'm sure a lot of other lovers been burned
right now this ain't real to you
it's one of those things you got to feel to be true

somewhere, somehow, somebody must have
kicked you around some
who knows, maybe you were kidnapped,
tied-up, taken away and held for ransom

honey, it don't really matter to me
baby, everybodys had to fight to be free
you see, you don't have to live like a refugee
no, you don't have to live like a refugee
baby, you don't have to live like a refugee..."

unless of course you are a jew from gush katif or from amona...
and then you do have to live like a refugee...
and much worse even 'cause then you might be blown up or shot at...
or your children might be exterminated right in front of you... or if you are a jewish woman
they may shoot or tear out your fetus right from your guts...

and so because this is true and until it is no longer true...
i will not stop... no, i will not back down...

and since i know so much coroborating evidence to all the "conspiracy" stuff i spout and accept as true...
like the massive fbi cover-up of the okl. city bombing and its very real connection to 9/11 and specifically to logan airport and the city of boston in general...

and due to all the sideline anomalies (at last count i had 70 of them) that i know about that sick, sinister event... on 9/11 just on my own... out from my own indep. research over the last 5 years... therefore the videos from loosechange and the links from barry chamish of "who rules the world"... etc. ring true to me and i believe they are real as they are the only plausible explanation for all the madness and insanity going on all-over the world today... and thus i "know" that the cabal (gog) are running the show and i am privy to their global plans which they do not even try anymore to keep secret from us... they are that arrogant as to their power and their iron-clad domination...

and so people you can say or do whatever you want in reaction to me and my opinions and insights but i will never let up and i will never cease fighting to expose and bring down the memshelet zadon... not until they are deposed and not until every jew on the planet is safe from violence and death at the hands of all the jew-haters...
this is my solemn pledge and dedication... nikmatdam...
440   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the blue-sapce monkeys vs, the green  on: May 26, 2006, 08:46:25 PM 
right bk... and just remember... the blue space-monkeys are our friends... they tried to prevent 9/11 from happening but we failed to heed their warnings to us... let's not make this same mistake all over again... so keep your eyes on the green ones... aye? nik. out...
441   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Add the OU to the list of sick Jewish Lemmings/ and the yu/ou rabbis too!!!  on: May 26, 2006, 08:37:30 PM 
no... no... not true... i know plenty of rabbis here in l.a. and back east from yu/ou and they are all traitors to our cause... cowards thru and thru... one and all... more interested in not making waves and in not losing their 6 figure salaries... and if selling out jews in yesha (and later it will also be in yerushalayim... just wait and see)... if this is the price they have to pay so be it... just as long as the israeli consulate here and the gov. in israel smother them in kavod and flatter them beyond all chanifah... then they are pleased... just as long as they continue to receive the vip/red carpet treatment by these nests of vipers each and everytime they take a little junket over to aretz and have their egos massaged nice and long... then they are content to let the rest of us fall by the wayside... such arrogant and selfish bastards!!!! they'll get theirs one day soon when moshiach arrives they will be punished by being relegated to the back of the line for the zechut to honor moshaich and Hashem when we all finally go out to greet the geulah shelaymah... just like the old saying goes... everybody now!!! shout it out!!! "...and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog AGAINST yerushalayim..." (see... yechezkeil:36)... nik. out...
442   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: My Yelling Against Expulsion to The Consul-General to Philadelphia.  on: May 26, 2006, 08:27:55 PM 
good for you and good for reva l'sheva and my good friend... yehudah asher katz... we go aways back... say hi for me when you see him in ny... when will that concert be and where... maybe i can make it... nik. out...
443   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert to arm Fatah/proof-positive...  on: May 26, 2006, 01:37:34 PM 
too bad... that's one civil war i would support wholeheartedly... and support and pray for both sides to be matzliach to the ultimate possible level of hatzlacha!!!! halevai!!!! but again as you see... they pulled them off the streets because it was all a show and a ploy to get fatah more weapons for both of them to use against us... this newstory is proof... evidence... clear truth of what i am proposing is going on and is thereby extractable and expandable to EVERYTHING  i am saying about you know what... nik. out...
444   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 26, 2006, 03:25:14 AM 
oh and by the way bk... i never said that blue-space monkeys were going to blow up the eiffel tower... no... i said the sears building in chicago... and they're green space-monkeys not blue... nik. out...
445   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert to arm Fatah to kill jews not hamas... don't be fooled...  on: May 26, 2006, 03:20:28 AM 
it figures... just remember they did not give them weapons in the first place to use on hamas... they gave them back then purely to be used against jews opposed to oslo... and so neither are they doing this on this occassion as well... the plo/fatah have faked a near civil-war with hamas to justify this move by israel to seemingly prop up their "peace partner" (the one whom they no longer negotiate with and have unilaterally withdrawn from and drawn their own map and border without their input)... and so they will now give more weapons into these murderous vile hands in order to foil any protest by jews in yesha from resisting the rest of the "disengagement" which is really a cowering capitulation to terror and to the will of the goyim (i.e. their bowing, grovelling, prostratating and their scraping slavishly to the whim and dictate of america and britain)... nik. out...
446   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Al HaNissim for Yom Yerushalayim  on: May 26, 2006, 02:51:42 AM 
since rav meir stated from ezekeil:36 that our whole redemption process to date was only begun because G-d was at last sick and tired of His name being dragged thru the mud by our continued sinning in and even if not... our continued living in the golut... where the goyim constantly say to each other about us: "this is the people of G-d and He has sent them out of His land..." meaning He is either too weak or non-existent otherwise why can't He keep them in their own and in His own chosen land for them...? they never seem to understand that G-d demands our obedience and without it He has and will punish us until we repent and return to His torah way... and because we fail to "get it"... thus G-d decided and was forced on His own without us to bring the geulah... however He did so only after a tremendous suffering where again the goyim all said... "if i can do this to so many of you (murder you)... where then is your G-d o' israel...?"

and so G-d became at last angry and fed up with the mocking of the nations and hence He began the final redemption process without us... but only with a tiny sliver of our ancient homeland restored to us (we as a whole did not deserve anymore than this) and only with reshayim in charge in a non-torah and an anti-judaism atmosphere... and not because we were worthy of it at all... not even in the slightest... in fact we were and we remain unworthy of the geulah shelaymah to this very day... and so He could only bring the geulah in a beito manner with tremendous agony to date over the last nearly 60-100 years...

and thus rav meir taught us that we say hallel because it is G-d's nes and it matters not who is running the show down here... it isn't because of us and on account of our good deeds anyway that we are seeing the slow evolution of the coming of moshiach... and since this is the justification to say hallel in the face of a continued rebellion by jews in and out of the land against Hashem and His torah... therefore i say tachanun as well...

hallel for Hashem and what He has done for us despite our great many sins... simply because He decided it was time to re-kaddish His name in the world He created.... so thus hallel anyway despite and in defiance of and in the face of the terrible leaders we all have here and in israel... and ergo... for that very reason tachanun also... for the fact that we are still not worthy and because we continue to blow each and every opportunity that He gives us to rise up and demonstrate our faith in Him so that He can shorten and end the process and bring moshiach ben david already... case in point the great nes of the 6 day war which brought the yom tov of yom yerushalayim into our midst...

so i say a full hallel with a bracha after davening and say tachnun during in its proper place in the tefilah... this is purely my own cheshbon... there are plenty of people who object to my saying hallel on yom yerushalayim and on yom atzmaut... but i do not pay any attention to them all... for clearly they are blind and deaf to the pure truth and insight that rav meir provided for us... he is clearly correct... and now you all object to my saying tachanun as well... but i also will pay you no heed as i know that this is the right course as deduced from my understanding here of rav meir's teaching on the subject... chag somayach... nik. out...
447   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?  on: May 25, 2006, 05:57:59 AM 
the gemora in megillah around daf 12... relates that in their day... (of the amorim) amalek was located in... "germania shel edom..." a clear reference to the area known as germany... my teachers have instructed me that after sancherev of ashur (the assyrians) came he was mevalble all the lineages of the world and so except for the remnant of jews from eretz yehudah there are no pure bloodlines anymore leading to the exact progenitors of the ancient world... however the mitzvah of mechiat amalek and parshat zachor... remain until the job is done and that all people who exhibit the middot of amalek be they jew or gentile will inherit the din of amalek and be finally properly dispatched when moshiach comes and al pi navi he and eliyahu will point out to us who and where and which peoples qualify as and are amalek... and these will reap the wrath of G-d and will feel the vengeance of am yisroel... for they truly have been and are still the murderers of our people from time immemorial right on down to our own day and age... and as the gra brings down at the end of his sefer kol hator... amalek in the end of days will comprise elements from yishmael, esav and... AND... yaakov... the erev rav who have attached themselves to yaakov since the period of the yetziat mitzrayim... nikmatdam...
448   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 25, 2006, 05:28:17 AM 
it wasn't G-d who was weak or powerless to rescue us... it was we who failed to try and show compassion and love for our brethren to get G-d to do more to stop this evil decree which he imposed upon us due to our many and loathesome sins before it got so greatly out of control... He had hoped we would see the error of our ways... sinat chinum, loshen hora, etc. and thus earn His stepping in to defend us and redeem us completely instead of only partially in terms of numbers and degree of salvation... but we blew it before and up to the holocaust to cause Hashem to bring it in the first place... and we blew it during and even after the shoah to prevent Hashem from reducing the level of tragedy and loss and causing Him to have to severely minimize the size, shape, glory and koach of the ressurection of the state of israel in the aftermath of the war... nik. out
449   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I think you guys will like this one/the fifth son...  on: May 25, 2006, 05:01:04 AM 
mon... rav meir and rav binyamin both wrote that the fifth son who doesn't even bother attending the seder... and not because he is a tinnuk sh'nishbah either (that is the status of the fourth son)... but he is a true kofer... one who abhors the ritualistic seder and wishes to eschew his heritage, etc. so he is not worth saving... he is not our concern and it is not our mitzvah to woo him back into the fold... in fact just the opposite... we are bidden instead rather to protect and defend ourselves from him and from his evil designs against us and against Hashem and His torah...  and therefore we must pronounce havdalah over him the same as we insist upon with the goyim... and indeed he has a din of a goy... and not just any goy... an akum... an idolator and a dangerous enemy and foe... kissinger and peres are perfect examples of this fifth column/fifth son... an unjewish jew... thus if they are too far gone then they are too far gone... and that's just too damn bad for them and sad for us but we must draw a line in the sand somewhere delimiting and confining in measure as to whom we will hold out love and respect for and with whom we allow ourselves to be involved with and associate with... and since they have a din of amalek or of canaanim... (gra and rav meir) they are therefore no longer halachically considered to be our brother or son... and so i say nuke 'em high!!! and do away with them as well!!! nik, out...
450   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I think you guys will like this one  on: May 25, 2006, 04:31:19 AM 
yby nothing is wrong... but sometimes i take strong objection to some of the things you say... like in that post on pg.1 of this thread... you seem to agree with the yu/ou crowd demanding we abandon our fight for the land and even for jerusakem and just stick to teaching torah... reminds me of a story my rebbe rav bulman zt"l once told us... "there was a new rabbi in town at the shul... on his first shabat he gave a drasha about the importance of shabat observance... the pres. runs up to him after davening and says... "rabbi!!! don't speak about shabat like that... you are insulting those who drove here...' so the next week he talks about kashrut... again the complaint by the pres. not to bring up that sore point with everyone... and yet again he continued the very next shabat and spoke of tahrat hamishpacha... 'rabbbiiii!!!!! you mustn't bring that subject up ever again or you will be dismissed!!!" sighing the rabbi asks... 'so what should i talk about then..." the pres. replies... 'why speak about the torah!!! you know from the sedrah...' and so the next shabat he indeed delivers a beautiful d'var torah on the deeds of moshe rebenu... afterwards the pres. comes up to him smiling and informs him that he did a fine job on that speech... but he adds with a query... 'but did you have to say moshe rebenu... couldn't you just say moses...?'" (hamaven yaven)... judaism without kiddush Hashem, mesirat nefesh and selflessness... is a kin to driving a tricycle on the freeway instead of using a car... it is an emasculated judaism and not worth observing since it is not close to being the truth of what G-d wants from us and what He commanded us to keep... nik. 
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