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October 20, 2006, 01:47:10 PM 

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451   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ZEERO... a very good number for galut.... amen selah... kain memaieat...  on: May 25, 2006, 04:20:55 AM 
israel doesn't blow... we and the land and state are the miraculous creation of Hashem... the jews running it and in power and in control who think they are in charge and that the whole thing is their brainchild and genius... who consider it... all of it... as their's and their's alone... they... they are the ones who blow... and they blow bigtime and they are all disgusting pagan animals of the lowest order... AND LIKE THE RABID DOGS THAT THEY ARE THEY WILL BE PUT DOWN AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME when moshiach arrives... very soon now... any day now... nik. out...
452   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / 66666666666666666666666666666666666666... 6,000,000,000...!!!!!!  on: May 25, 2006, 04:14:48 AM 
oh come on now...6.....6 MILLION JEWS!!!! count 'em... 6 MILLION... AS IN SIX MILLION... THAT IS 6,000,000,000... you see all those 0's...? try counting to yourself up to six million... that's a huge number my friend... a huge efing number... those were alll precious jewish neshamot alive on this planet... think of the spiritual power they all had collectively... that we are bereft of in today's world...... each AND EVERY ONE OF THEM was A WHOLE WORLD... AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE... all of them now kedoshim of an awesome level of kedusha and some of them were sooo... sooo... very holy even before they were exterminated... some of them walking sifrei torah... the likes of which no longer walk the earth... so WHAT ARE YOU SAYING...? HOW CAN YOU MINIMIZE THIS MONSTROUS EVIL ACT...?  that's a pretty damn good job... i'm sure all the nazis and jew-haters STILL OUT THERE really love that time period... are really proud of their accomplishment and yearn to do it all over again... "it wasn't so bad because they wanted all of us and only got a third of the whole of us world-wide and got less than a full half of us who lived in europe then... my G-d you are cold-hearted... nik. out...
453   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: lay the blame for 6 mil. jewish deaths on our own shoulders as well...  on: May 24, 2006, 10:45:07 PM 
hey just in case you guys haven't heard yet or have forgotten already... the holocaust was a plot and a scheme that G-d allowed to work... however it was a test... not of the goyim but of us... the jews... they would possibly be unpunishable if they truly only tortured and killed us to serve Hashem and do His bidding as we know they are all sent to do by G-d when we need an onesh... but when they go overboard and inflict more pain and agony than G-d ever intended for us to suffer in the first instance... and in doing so do it for their own sick reasons of hatred and dominance... than they are not serving G-d and they deserve what awaits them... however the test was for we jews... to see if we would stand up and move heaven and earth to save our brethren and then just perhaps 6 million of us might not have perished and the casualty list cut down and reduced to only 1 or 2 mil. which in itself would have been an heroic hour for our nation... instead we were too timid and afraid or too uninformed or pretended to be... or worse we didn't really give a damn about them... and so we are chayiv... and we are guilty and we will yet have to pay for this great sin against G-d and our people... and again eventhough the nazified europe and those collaborators from britain and america had the upperhand and had control to accomplish this evil... we should have done more even if they killed us for our efforts or even if they didn't because they didn't have to because all of our best efforts might have been utterly futile against their might and their evil intent... still the attempt to help would have meant that G-d would have sent moshiach at the end of the war all at once and not have to start this slow and agonizing redemption process purely b'eito instead... and we wouldn't be in the terrible matzav that we are in right now and we would all be safe and sound at this moment... and it would all be over for the memshelet zadon al haaretz... nik. out...   
454   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 24, 2006, 01:08:43 PM 
ulterior motives and ultimate goals are for their supremacy and hegemony over the earth forever... thru their descendents obviously... but this is gog... trying to "kill G-d" and then kill the jewish people and rule for all-time... this is happening right now people right under all of our noses and we won't even recognize it and acknowledge its existence let alone stand up to it and fight against it... such a pity for us... we will be enslaved forever...

and once more... whoever dismisses ALL so-called (supposedly all already debunked) conspiracy theories is... either ignorant... petrified... or complicit in them... nik.
455   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I think you guys will like this one/they're all eunics...  on: May 24, 2006, 12:56:16 PM 
great post monarchist and as for you yby... your true colors are now showing... again kiruv is fine and necessary but without teeth judaism is unappealing, uninspiring and doomed to failure... those yu/ou types are sell-outs for money and kavod and are certifiable cowards... one and all... they are afraid to stand up to the memshelet zadon and as such they are empty shells and no teachers and models of real judaism and authentic torah... not like rashbi or r.akiva both demonstrated anyway... and so their words to the effect that "love is all you need" falls on deaf ears with me because i consider them traitors or at best misguided, confused and lost jews who "know not the G-d of israel"... the truth is truth and it should set you free from fear and from moral and ethical impotency... nik. out...
456   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "A Special Place in Hell"  on: May 24, 2006, 04:25:55 AM 
so true ex... we are doing virtually nothing as an am to fight for the jewish lives that these soul-snatchers are attempting to decimate... we are indeed going to be held accountable for our silence and lack of response... nik.
457   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful March  on: May 24, 2006, 04:21:22 AM 
here... here... emet... nik.
458   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 24, 2006, 04:03:36 AM 
chances are yes... but i really do not believe anything "they" say anymore... and that goes retroactively back to the earliest memories of events in my childhood and beyond that far off into the very distant past in all the history and philosophy, etc. which i was taught or have read that is out there for public consumption... all of history is a lie... maybe not the events and people and places and wars, etc. but the reasons, the real motivations and purposes behind them all are... the goals and every other aspect... they are all lies, subterfuge and utter deceptions of the highest order to keep us all in the dark and thus at bay... "knowledge is power" someone here wrote a short while ago... and power corrupts... ergo it is axiomatic already that all knowledge is being used as a device and a ruse; as a ploy and a strategem in an attempt to decieve, manipulate, defraud and control... events, people and civilization as a whole... and this is the sad truth... everything else talked about or explained out there are all sheer falsehood and total lies... absolute sheker v'chazav... cut by and with as rashi teaches us... with a tad of truth mixed in so people will accept and believe all the diseased and demented disinformation that they receive on a daily basis... several times a day for most of us... nik. like outta here man... like... later... dude... be good... n. 
459   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Al HaNissim for Yom Yerushalayim  on: May 24, 2006, 01:19:58 AM 
very nice i will say this along with hallel with a bracha and tachanun because we are still not worthy ourselves of this great nes and we are on the verge of having it taken away from us again... please G-d no... and so this practice of mine is not a stira... bec. we haven't achieved a level of yom tov d'rabanan like by purim or chanukah for this day to be like those where we are exempted from saying tachanun...

but now i will add this even inside my shemone esreh which is a huge step for us because one takes a chance of not being yotzi... perhaps it will be o.k. to go off nusach... the official nusach that is for one day in order to show Hashem our true love of Him and yerushalayim and our true gratitude and hakorot hatov for the return of jerusalem and har habayit to our hands... please Hashem...

but before thursday night... could someone translate the hebrew into english... i intend to say it in hebrew but i want to ahead of time make sure i understand every nuance being expressed here... so please post a translation here... thanks... chag somaech and not just for the fast approaching shavout yom tov... nik. out...
460   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Add the OU to the list of sick Jewish Lemmings......  on: May 24, 2006, 01:10:31 AM 
as for me and this is key here... keep repeating after me and reminding yourselves so you are not so shocked each and everytime you witness another cowardice act of sedition and perfidy by the org. rabbanim of various groups and sects and leadership of councils and forums and outlets and platforms established for the dissemination of their ideas, shitas and psakim... they are all bought off (as in bribed... shochad) or they have been threatened with violence and/or they have been blackmailed and thus warned off by their misdeeds being brought up to them with the express intention to air them in public... unless they all "co-operate and go along with the master plan to give jerusalem to the vatican and give the oligarchy and cabal... the brit./amer. yachas of amalekites the keys to throne of israel financially and militarily...

and so everyone with me... (from zechariah 14)...

"...and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog AGAINST yerushalyaim..."


"... and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog AGAINST yerushalayim..."

once more...

"...and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog AGAINST yerushalayim..."

the time has come to wake up and smell the "coffee" or we will one day feel and see the coming nuclear fall-out... lo alenu and G-d forbid!!!! nikmatdam...
461   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MBY  on: May 24, 2006, 12:46:41 AM 
rav meir WAS in our generation and so until and unless we are gone... he will do for the role of moshiach ben yosef... unless he wasn't him but the destined navi precurssor to the coming of moshiach... then mby and mbd are still out there to be uncovered and revealed... but if rav meir was it... then mbd is all that is left and thus with and thru faith in Hashem... he is all we will ever need... so let's wait and see what unfolds... at this point i would much rather just be waiting for mbd... however... rav meir certainly did not vanquish esav as is the duty and role of mby... "yaakov is the torch and yosef is the flame and esav is the straw..." remember? so... clearly we see that mby has not fulfilled his role... ONLY he can destroy esav... not yehudah... yehudah can and will only get rid of yishmael... won't that be nice as well... and then moshe rebenu is due back to fight with both of them to finally finish off the last remaining reshayim left standing... the erev rav... so mby revived from the dead and mbd alive and well since his birth in our generation... who will never be defeated once he finally appears on the world stage together with moshe rebenu will all 3 of them rid the earth of the erev-rav unjewish jews... this time forever... nik. 
462   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 24, 2006, 12:34:54 AM 
you are going to have to make me shut up because i never will until i'm gone or until the matter of this threat to kl'al yisroel and eretz yisroel is over... so bring it on tough guy... make me... put up or shut up your own bad self!!!! nik. out...
463   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rambam and Yishuv Haaretz  on: May 23, 2006, 10:45:59 PM 
extremely well put bk and thanks for refreshening my memory... this is exactly what rav meir wrote in sefer harayon... again great post!!!! nik.
464   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?  on: May 23, 2006, 10:43:12 PM 
yes he does... read the opening to yad hachazakah hilchot deaot and the end... hilchot melachim... no one disputes what i have just written here... nik. out... 
465   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I think you guys will like this one/i sure do...  on: May 23, 2006, 10:39:21 PM 
this guy is a sickness... the whole of yu and the o-u has been corrupted by the memshelet zadon... i don't trust a word they say... not a single word... how can we do outreach to teach torah the lev or heart and soul of the am when we abandon eretz yisroel and yerushalayim and desecrate Hashem's name in a time of yehareg v'al yavor... when the nations have gathered together with jewish traitors both frum and frei to sin against the land and the am and against Hashem by allowing the goyim to break us of our commandment to hold the land and state that this is the decree of Hashem for us to do so...? you cannot teach torah in a cowardly way without showing and demonstrating mesirat nefesh and kiddush Hashem to defy the evil ones bent on torah's destruction... for removing the land from us is tantamount to their making us give up and abandon Hashem and the torah itself... rather we have to stand up even for a single mitzvah to the death if necessary and fight like rebbi akiva did... to flaunt the goyim's attempt to arrogate to themselves the right to decree, dictate and demand and command us to spit on the torah and deface it publically... the o-u and yu have cave... they are diseased scum right now... not all but some... most? can't say... but the leadership calling the shots is and has been bought off, threatened or compromised... you can only teach torat emet by example... let's not follow these sick suggestions and advice... only thus!!!! rak kach!!!! stand up for torah now... it will save us and it will free us from their rule forever.... please G-d now!!!!! nik. out... 
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October 20, 2006, 01:47:52 PM 

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466   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?/ excuse me... wait a sec...  on: May 23, 2006, 10:18:17 PM 
wrong!!!! all of you wrong!!!!!

moshiach ben david... i cannot vouch openly for moshiach ben yosef... because i'm not sure i only think so and believe so by him... but according to rav aryeh kaplan in derech Hashem and other works he either translated or penned himself... according to him... moshiach ben david will... not may but WILL reach and become the second highest level navi in history... in the end only moshe rebenu's koach of nevuah will have been on a higher madrega and that is only because 1) he earned it and deserved it on his own merits and in his own right... and 2) the times required and necessitated A higher level and THE highest level in history in order to be able to receive, be taught, learn and teach torah for the first time in history on earth for mankind as a whole and for the jewish people in particular...  in other words... because it was necessary to be bring down the torah into this world from shemayim... it wasn't going to get here any other way because the world as whole and even the jewish people by themselves couldn't handle all of them at the same time this level of moshe therefore he had to do it for us alone... all by himself... after we understood he wasn't inventing and making it all up as he went along... there really was a G-d and we knew He was sending it down then in this fashion... the only pathway open for the world and am yisroel to recive it... nik. out... this is deep people... not saying this to show off or toot my own horn... this is not my torah... this is the ramchal's and rambam's (and i guess everyone elses' who matter in this regard... no one argues with these points i am making... there are no machloketim herein... on this subject... on this topic... on this issue... in this matter... none whatsoever).... so think into this here... absorb this teaching... it comes pure fromHashem... thru His servants... all i have done is understand it and offer to pass it along to all of you... chag someach... may we all be zoche this year especially to a true kabalat hatorah in all its pratim and inyanim... b'emet... kol tuv... amen  n.

moshiach ben david will not have to do this because the torah is already here... nor will he quite deserve this level on his own but he will even merit a level of prophecy above and beyond that of even the avot who will then collectively fall to third place all-time... rav aryeh kaplan also states openly that in the age of moshiach... right before the coming of moshiach when the world is on the brink... on the verge of moshiach's imminent arrival... then at least then if not even a tad earlier in the ikvata d'mashicha... in the reshit smichat geulatenu... nevuah could then be restored in part or full even in jews who are not the moshiach himself in order to prepare the world for his coming... some hold this was the real level of the rebbe... a navi before the coming to get us ready and yearning and anticipating better his arrival... in any event though to be called a navi officially you need to come before the sanhedrin... is this one we have now legitimate? i hope so but i don't know for sure... i am going to give it the benefit of the doubt for the time being until or unless i learn elsewise...

in any event mbd is in need of at least eliyahu hanavi's imput and even according to the ramchal... his very own extraordinary level of nevuah... in fact now that i think on the subject... what if mby needs eliyahu's help and mbd doesn't except for eliyahu announcing three days prior that mbd is here and about to proclaim and assume his true destined and rightful malchut toppling all the others in the world (hamaven yaven)... destroying all the remaining "idols" blocking mankind's vision of Hashem's rule on earth... may it come today still... nik. out...
467   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rambam and Yishuv Haaretz  on: May 23, 2006, 04:24:27 AM 
both of those two last points are not the rambam's own words... they are verbatim quotes from the gemora... both of them from the last perek in ketubot between 110-111 or so... nik.
468   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?  on: May 23, 2006, 04:20:55 AM 
and rav binyamin wrote that that last point is a misnomer because we all do know where the mizbeach goes and as far as amalek goes right you are... they damn well exisit as the gra writes in the end of kol hator that the nexus of esav, yishmael and of the erev rav jews comprise amalek and all of them together in the end of days will have the din of amalek and of such require the sentence of amalek... hence the need for moshiach ben yosef at least if not both plus moshe rebenu to come back to vanquish theerev rav he should never have taken out of mitzrayim with him and us in the first place...

lastly the rav (r. meir) writes that if the melech we appoint in a torah-jewish state prior to moshiach... if he agrees on penalty of death to vacate his throne when moshiach arrivesd... we can even have a temporary king now... tonight... if only we had a revolution or a coup... we could have it all by daybreak... on any given day or night... b'mehayrah v'yamenu... amen selah!!! nik. out... 
469   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 23, 2006, 04:10:26 AM 
no just say the guy from l.a. who was your chavruta and was close to rav bulman in migdal haemek... he knows me and don't be coy... i already acknowledged who i was to you awhile back... nik.
470   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rambam and Yishuv Haaretz  on: May 22, 2006, 09:13:58 PM 
i'll have to recheck in sefer harayon hayehudi but i know from other sources like "why be jewish" that rav meir says that the rambam holds that it is asur to abandon the land of israel into the hands of they goyim whenever we are strong enough to prevent it... and he brings down that it is also asur to sell or give them an achuzah b'aretz... even a grip of any sort on even the smallest portion of it... so you learn out from there his shita that ergo living in eretz yisroel is a mitzvah even though "yishuv" per say is not mefuresh part of taryag mitzvot according to the rambam... but since we are not allowed to ever give it away or sell it off... well then memaelah he holds that it is understood and not necessary to be a separate commandment in the torah to live there because since we are bidden to kovesh it, take possession and never willingly relinquish it to any individual goy or gentile nation ... then i think it is safe to say that he feels we should reason and infer from these 2 other mitzvot that we have an obligation to live in the land whenever possible given our exile-state and downtrodden status... surely today he would say we almost have no excuse to live elsewhere except for those heterim brought down in halacha... that in extreme crisis' are we allowed to depart from it... for learning purposes if far superior opportunity for growth lies elsewhere for this particular student... or to find a zivug... or in case of severe famine or other hardships (war? rav meir says no... there is no heter to leave then) but solely for parnosa... and so to sum up... it is and it is not a mitzvah to live in the land in an objective sense by direct command according to the rambam (as opposed to the ramban who says there is a direct decree to live there)... nonetheless i believe that i can say from the rambam's writings that he felt that every jew should at least try and make the attempt to live there... and i am certain that in our day he would be remonstrating against our abandonment of the land and the consequent danger this imposes on kl'al yisroel to be "over" on the two mitzvot there are legabi yishuv haaretz... two prohibitions... not to give it away or sell it or to give a tfisah to goyim on any part of it... by our not living there in greater numbers to stymie these threats to our possession of it we are indeed all chayiv and will indeed be judged accordingly... Hashem have mercy on our souls... we must go up in greater numbers or we will lose our chelek there one way or another... hope this helps you out... chas v'shalom... nik.out 
471   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: When do we detach ourselves from the Knesset?  on: May 22, 2006, 07:55:56 PM 
you are so correct... and just remember... in zechariah:14 it says... and i quote...

"...and yehudah will fight (along) with gog AGAINST yerushalayim!!!"

and my rav... rav nachman bulman zt"l always used to tell us... "yosef" or "ephraim and menashe" always means the worldly and even secular and irreligious jew thru history and "yehudah" means the frum and even the scholarly and rabbinic jew in history... nik. out
472   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***the british are coming for us all... parts# 7a &7b...*** (now complete)...  on: May 22, 2006, 05:45:38 PM 
"midnight rambler"
(by mick jagger & keith richards of the rolling stones)...

"did you hear about the midnight rambler
everybody got to go
did you hear about the midnight rambler
the one that shut the kitchen door
he don't give you a hoot of warning
wrapped up in a black cat cloak
he don't go in the light of the morning
he split the time the [censored]'rel crows

talkin' about the midnight gambler
the one you never seen before
talkin' about the midnight gambler
did you see him jump the garden wall
sighin' down the wind so sadly
listen and you'll hear him moan
well, talkin' about the midnight gambler
everybody got to go

did you hear about the midnight rambler
well, honey, it's no rock 'n' roll show
well, i'm talkin' about the midnight gambler
yeah, the one you never seen before

oh don't do that, oh don't do that, oh don't do that
don't you do that, don't you do that (repeat)
oh don't do that, oh don't do that (repeat)

well you heard about the boston strangler
it's not one of those
well, talkin' 'bout the midnight... shh...
the one that closed the bedroom door

i'm called the hit-and-run raper in anger
the knife-sharpened tippie-toe...
or just the shoot 'em dead, brainbell jangler
you know, the one you nevwer seen before

so if you ever meet the midnight rambler
coming down your marble hall
well he's pouncing like a proud black panther
well, you can say i, i told you so!
well, don't you listen for the midnight rambler
he'll leave his footprints up and down your hall
and did you hear about the midnight gambler
and did you see me make my midnight call

and if you ever catch the midnight rambler
i'll steal your mistress from under your nose
i'll go easy with your cold fanged anger
i'll stick my knife right down your throat, baby
and it hurts!"

"midnight rider"
(by gregg allman and kendall payne of the allman brothers)...

"well, i've got to run to keep from hiding,
and i'm bound to keep on riding.
and i've got one more silver dollar,
but i'm not gonna let them catch me, no
not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider.

and i don't own the clothes i'm wearing,
and the road goes on forever,
and i've got one more silver dollar,
but i'm not gonna let them catch me, no
not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider.

and i've gone by the point of caring,
some old bed i'll soon be sharing,
and i've got one more silver dollar,

(repeat three times and fade)
but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no
not gonna let them catch the midnight rider..."

"one way out"
(by the allman brothers)...

"ain't but one way out baby, L-rd, i just can't go out the door.
ain't but one way out baby, and L-rd i just can't go out the door.
cause there's a man down there, might be your man i don't know.

L-rd you got me trapped woman, up on the second floor;
if i get by this time i won't be trapped no more.
so raise our window baby, i can ease out soft and slow.
and L-rd, your neighbors, no they won't be
talking that stuff that they don't know.

L-rd, i'm foolish to be here in the first place,
i know some man gonna walk in and take my place.
ain't no way in the world, i'm going out that front door
cause there's a man down there, might be your man i don't know.
cause there's a man down there, might be your man i don't know.
cause there's a man down there...

L-rd, it just might happen to be your man...
L-rd, it just might be your man,
oh baby, i just don't know..."

"logical song"
(by supertramp)...

"when i was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
                a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
and all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily,
                      joyfully, playfully watching me.
but then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,
                      logical, responsible, practical.
and they showed me a world where i could be so dependable,
                       clinical, intellectual, cynical.

there are times when all the world's asleep,
            the questions run too deep
               for such a simple man.
won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
                   i know it sounds absurd
                 but please tell me who i am.

now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
                        liberal, fanatical, criminal.
      won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
         acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!

                 at night, when all the world's asleep,
                        the questions run so deep
                           for such a simple man.
      won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
                          i know it sounds absurd
                       but please tell me who i am..."

""fool's overture"
(by supertramp)...

"history recalls how great the fall can be
while everybody's sleeping, the boats put out to sea
borne on the wings of time
it seemed the answers were so easy to find
"too late", the prophet's cry
the island 's sinking, let's take to the sky

called the man a fool, stripped him of his pride
everyone was laughing up until the day he died
and though the wound went deep
still he's calling us out of our sleep
my friends, we're not alone
He waits in silence to lead us home

so tell me that you find it hard to grow
well i know, i know, i know
and you tell me that you've many seeds to sow
well i know, i know, i know

can you hear what i'm saying
can you see the parts that i'm playing
'holy man, rocker man, come on queenie,
joker man, spider man, blue eyed meanie"
so you found your solution
what will be your last contribution?
'live it up, rip it up, why so lazy?
give it out, dish it out, let's go crazy,

"crime of the century"
(by supertramp)...

"now they're planning the crime of the century
what will it be?
read all about their schemes and adventuring
it's well worth a fee
so roll up and see
and they rape the universe
how they've gone from bad to worse
who are these men of lust, greed and glory?
rip off the masks and let's see.
but that's not right ~ oh no, what's the story?
there's you and there's me
that can't be right..."

"bloody well right"
(by supertramp)...

"so you think your schooling's phoney
i guess it's hard not to agree
you say it all depends on money
and who is in your family tree
right, you're bloody well right
you know you got a right to say
right, you're bloody well right
you know you got a right to say

ha-ha you're bloody well right
you know you're right to say
yeah-yeah you're bloody well right
you know you're right to say
me, i don't care anyway!
write your problems down in detail
take them to a higher place
you've had your cry ~ no, i should say wail
in the meantime hush your face
right, quite right, you're bloody well right...
you know you got a right to say..."

(by supertramp)...
yes, yes by supertramp yet again
but i promise you it's the very last one...

"i can see you in the morning when you go to school
don't forget your books, you know you've got to to learn the golden rule,

teacher tells you stop your play and get on with your work
and be like johnnie-too-good, well don't you know he never shirks
~ he's coming along!

after school is over you're playing in the park
don't be out too late, don't let it get too dark
they tell you not to hang around and learn what life's about
and grow up just like them ~ won't you let it work it out
~ and you're full of doubt...

don't do this and don't do that
what are they tring to do? ~ make a good boy of you
do they know where it's at?
don't criticize, they're old and wise
do as they tell you to
don't want the devil to
come out and put out your eyes

maybe i'm mistaken expecting you to fight
or maybe i'm just crazy, i don't know wrong from right
but while i am still living, i've just got this to say
it's always up to you if you want to be that
want to see that
want to see that way
~ you're coming along!"

i'll make this short here and leave the main part for the big finale to come soon afterwards...

this next bit of truth comes straight from rav meir via his son rav binyamin in "the haggadah of the jewish idea"... itis on page.... and it is a perush on one of the songs we sing at the end of the seder... listen up... it is about Hashem and eliyahu hanavi... both known as "the midnight rider"...

473   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 22, 2006, 04:35:37 PM 
say hello for me and give him my warmest regards... we saw each other earlier this year here in l.a. one shabat... he knows what i'm doing... "death-davening" and all... we discussed it together... nik. out...
474   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Kook and Rav Zonnenfeld on rare video from 1918  on: May 22, 2006, 03:41:15 PM 
what you all should notice is how none of the rabbis shook any arab's hand on the way out... nor even nodded at them nor did any of the filthy arabs make any gesture of salutation towards them... doesn't any of this seem strange to any of you...? i mean look... the meeting was supposed to be between all three parties and factions for setting up an amicable partnership for shepherding the jewish state into existence with arab approval and cooperation and via the wise stewardship and experienced leadership of the masters of the earth... the bloody efing brits...  and you should also take notice of the fact that the british were there in full military regailia... hence the general seen in the last frame in the doorway at the top of the stairs... a diplomatic meeting for the league of nation's planned for british mandate for the middle east and palestine would not have required a military presence until and unless the troops were brought up from egypt AFTER the agreements were all signed and the provisions of the accord put into place... and furthermore... why weren't any of the arab "dignitaries" invited to participate in the meeting? they don't even appear to care that they were made to wait outside... they are just standing there calm as can be... so i smell a rat... this looks to me like the old bait, hook and switch ploy... tell the jews one thing but really mean the opposite as per the prior agreed to terms already configured and offered to the arabs (the otherside)... divide and conquer people... divide and conquer... so what we see here if you look with knowing eyes... is the double-dealing betrayal and double-cross of the future state of israel and of the jewish people being set up and put into operation...... this is a sick video and huge evidence of collusion between the arabs and british neither of whom even bother to escort away or salute the rabbanim as they departed... no they are much too busy enjoying each other's company at that very moment as is clearly visible to anyone viewing this clip... all smiles for each other and buddy-buddy but not toward the religious jew... and so we can see the dagger to the back being set in motion at that very meeting... and by the way... where were all of the mucky-muck big-shots from the jewish agency...? ben gurion? weizman? they are nowhere to be seen... are they all out to lunch or still inside planning for the holocaust against their own brothers and sisters and children... (the plot we see being fomented and aimed mostly at eastern-european and largely torah observant jews)... is that what they were doing at that moment after the rabbanim were all dismissed... they were remaining behind to assist the brits in hatching the shoah and preparing for their own sinister and diabolical role in it...? nik. out...
475   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 22, 2006, 03:28:40 PM 
if they are then they are doing so at the behest of the powers-behind-the throne of good ol' dubya... yemach shemam v'zichram l'olam vaed... (and that includes ol'georgie boy and his father and all their families and cronies)... murdering for the sake of more and more increased power over us and utter domination of the entire earth... nik. out...
476   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?  on: May 22, 2006, 03:25:56 PM 
then obviously they hid it in order for it to be revealed and returned to the kodesh kodoshim l'atid lavo when moshiach rebuilds the eternal third bayit.... that sound about right? nik. out...
477   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: response to a friend...  on: May 22, 2006, 05:41:27 AM 
anyone wishing to view the pics he sent along with this message send me your e-mail address and i will forward them to you... i can't figure out why they won't copy and paste with the text... nik.
478   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / response to a friend...  on: May 22, 2006, 05:32:46 AM 
yeah i here you man... but let's talk sometime and
i'll show you that the war against them can be won in
15 minutes simply by nuking mecca and medina and being
done with it already!!! no... this they won't do for
some reason known only to G-d (and to me... shh don't
tell anyone...) we know why because they are in league
with them to conquer and rule the earth together...
because if the arab/muslim world really was such a
G-d-awful danger as they say it is... why would anyone
hesitate even a second to do the deed that needs to be
done and get the job finished forever...? so by logic
there must be no solid reason to go to war against
them in the first order... secondly... if they would
they would be attacking their own partners and that
they do not want to have to do... until and unless
they really get out of hand and start betraying the
accord and understanding they have between them... a
war which is sure to come eventually because of the
torah maxim... "that two kings cannot where one
crown..." to which i personally add on... "nor can
there be two crowns fashioned for both to rule
simultaneously..." it will be either/or and not both
together in the end if they ever get that far as to
indeed conquer the entire planet and re-enslave the
whole of humanity as it was during the days of nimrod
and thereafter under paro in egypt at the beginning of
the history of mankind... and so, therefore... the
charade of the islamic power and seeming menace to the
world and civilization as a whole is propped-up and
artificially maintained... it is pure fiction in
reality as already explained because they are only one
mega-nuke away from silencing the mouth of the entire
arab/muslim world... stopping them forever from their
prosyletizing and their attempt to force islam to
sweep the globe...

and thus the pagan "christian world" run via the
vatican and by their jesuit-goons and agents-
provacatuer everywhere and anywhere know all of this
and have the upperhand meanwhile still and know they
can finish the muslims off any old time they want to
or anytime they have to if the yishmaelim ever break
fee and ever pose a serious and legitimate threat to
esav's existence and his quest for eternal world
domination... a thorough denomination which includes
one even over the G-d of israel... even over their
long-ago already acknowledged Creator... even so they
want to deny Him His hegemony over the earth and
pretend He never existed or even better that He has
finally been banished and/or vanquished from this
world and from the earth by them forever... and so
they align with their sworn and bitter enemy cousin
and brother-in-law and together they are intent upon
destroying and murdering their own brother yaakov...
and to do this at last in history and be done with it
they are conjoined with their co-conspirators and
their co-equal counterpart of the pagan islamic
faction within the islamic/arab/muslim world ...
neither of them really believing in the ultimate truth
of their own respective religions and creeds; let
alone each others'... but hating judaism and torah and
everything it and the jewish people and "their" G-d
stand for... and already having declared a war to the
death on us centuries ago... during the first crusades
(1096)... if not even earlier... certainly this is
true if only later on by the time of shabbtai tvi and
jacob frank heresies in the 1660's and early 1700's...
followed closely upon these by the next century's
goyish contingent of black nobility and
bavarian-illuminati sickness... and thus all of these
regenerations of evil within and without the jewish
world have continued down through history with one
goal in mind... destroy the torah jewry and torah-true
judaism... never let the messiah come and never ever
allow the third temple to be built... unless it can be
a co-opted and transformed into their vision of a
one-world and one-religion new world order... a
masonic/satanic/demonic one to their bosphorous idol
and god... (to devil worship ba'al, molech and other
gnostic deities)...  and so the descendants of these
progenitor and prior generations of fascists and
reshayim are the very ones continuing this battle of
darkness against light... wickedness against
righteousnenss... evil against goodness down to our
own day and age... and of course ultimately they are
the ones fighting for the triumph of sheker
(falsehood) over emet (truth) and right now they
appear to have the upperhand and are winning and
furthermore they are poised on the very verge of
ultimate victory... and so in this era's current
incarnation of this evil monstrous beastial
blaspheming group of would-be world despots and
tyrants we see their cabal (their secular,
technological, financial, educational/media and
propaganda machine replete with military, governmental
and clerical-driven compartments, thusly-constituted
and comprised entity or oligarchy)... and they... THEY
are the one's scheming and plotting and propping up
this supposed threat from our actual and in truth
enemy... the arab world... but an enemy we could
nonetheless easily dispatch and eliminate at will and
without bloodshed... without the spilling of their
despicable blood which really should be and deserves
to be genocided off the face of the earth or more
importantly without need for the shedding of our own
(our jewish and our truly decent and friendly gentile
neighbors across the planet) blood...

but no... we are told one day (on 9/11)... of the
sudden need for a generational "war on terrorism"
which turns out to be only a ruse and just a ploy for
their own advantage, advancement and increased control
over the earth and over all of us... and what this
really is in all actuality and in real truth... is
their brazen creation of, manufacture of and
utilization of a worldwide crisis for their own
increased power and control... (and by the way... at
the very least the same was true about both world
wars... 1&2... if not true about all warfare
throughout history... all done in order to place
wealth and power in the hands of an ever-shrinking
amount of people across the world)... and so the cabal
are weilding this tragedy and this supposedly
"unprovoked attack" as their means, excuse and sword
to accomplish all of their manifold and thoroughly
sick, diabolical and demented goals and ends... they
are using nothing more than an artifice, a ruse, a
trick, a slight-of-hand and outright prevaracations to
foist this travesty and fraudulent deception and
duplitious device upon us which is sureal and nothing
but the creation and child of their own sordid and
disgusting matunations (this utter falsehood of a
supposedly real attack by our enemies upon the
supposedly unsuspecting and innocent "freedom-loving"
and democratic peoples of the world) and they are
milking and manipulating this for all it is worth in
order to dominate and re-entrench into serfdom the
truly freedom-loving peoples everywhere and in order
to deny us our birthright... our G-d-given and
inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of
service to the one true G-d and thus the path to our
(the entire human race's) entitlement of life and
freedom of conscience and action to pursue the Divine
G-d's true will for our achieving eternal happiness,
brotherhood and tranquility... and they further seek
the removal from us of our human-worth, dignity and
equality along with all of our just and desired rights
and liberties... as expressed by G-d in the torah and
as He had infused and inspired into america's
founding- forefathers the desire to emulate His torah
when they penned their own document yearning for peace
and freedom and thus they broke-through to the
awareness of His omniscience and omnipotence and the
need to strive for truth and to work toward the
eradication of all tyranny and despotism from the life
of man upon this earth...

and so this especially is the goal of these
bloodthirsty, avaracious and arrogant wild beasts who
seek our total enslavement back into the harsh chains
of bondage... a bondage to last for all time now...
and so they strive to be able to break our torah and
constitutional independence from their overpowering
rule and from the abject slavery to their idolatrous
god's hegemony which they desire as well to lead us
all into and use it as a club and a prop to weild an
enthralling domination over us and cause their might
and our natural fear of and aversion to violence and
to their stifling and cruel rulership to silence us
and render us completely impotent to rise up
courageously and rebel against them... and so that and
in order that their will and their dominanace and
their sheer barbarism and terror hold sway over us and
in this way they hope they can and will then vanquish
us and make their malchut (kingship) have permanence
over all of us forevermore... over jew and gentile

the elite "in-club" is very small compared to the rest
of us the "great unwashed" as they deem us and term
us... and they wish things to remain like this forever
with no chance of our eventual conquest of them...
this is amalek (and gog u'maygog) and they are trying
to conquer the world and destroy israel, the land of
israel and the G-d of israel... all of whom they hate
and have had a blood-fued with  throughout the entire
course of human history... and they wish their empire
to crush and smother us once and for all so that their
rule can be eternal and total... but Hashem will
defeat them and wipe THEM off the face of the earth
instead and moshiach will be sent to us to usher in
the final redemption... you just wait and see...
nik... out...

a friend sent this to me... which prompted this
response of mine... check it out...
> This was sent to me.  All I can say is Wow!  Are we
> prepared for this in
> "our" streets?
> *Subject:* Religion of Peace
> *
> **         Islam's "Religion of Peace" street
> demonstration
> *
> **
> **
> *
> **WE may not be at  war with THEM, *
> *but THEY sure are with US! *
> **
> *
> When will our media  wake up?
>   *
> *Below I  have enclosed pictures  of Moslems *
> **
> *who marched  throughout the streets of  London   *
> **
> *during their  recent Religion  of Peace
> Demonstration.   *
> **
> *These  pictures have never been  shown *
> **
> *in any of  our American *
> **
> *newspapers or  television news programs *
> **
> *because  we should  never appear to offend anyone!
> *
> **
> *View the  pictures...and read on! *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> *Why would  anyone think *
> **
> *that  we should be at war *
> **
> *with  such nice, peaceful  Moslems?! *
> **
> **
> **
> *Can a  devout Muslim be an American patriot and a
> loyal citizen? *
> *
> Theologically, no.   Because his allegiance is to
> Allah, the moon god of
> Arabia.
> Scripturally, no.   Because his allegiance is to the
> five pillars of Islam
> and the Quran  (Koran).
> Geographically, no.   Because his allegiance is to
> Mecca, to which he turns
> in prayer five times a  day.
> Socially, no.   Because his allegiance to Islam
> forbids him to make friends
> with Christians or  Jews.
> Politically, no.   Because he must submit to the
> mullah (spiritual leaders),
> who teach  annihilation of Israel and destruction of
> America, the great
> Satan.
> Domestically, no.   Because he is instructed to
> marry four women and beat
> and scourge his wife  when she disobeys him (Quran
> 4:34).
> Religiously, no.   Because no other religion is
> accepted by his Allah except
> Islam (Quran,  2:256)
> Intellectually,  no.   Because he cannot accept the
> American  Constitution
> since it is based on Biblical principles and he
> believes the  Bible to be
> corrupt.
> Philosophically,  no.   Because Islam, Muhammad, and
> the Quran do not allow
>  freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and
> Islam cannot co - exist.
>  Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or
> autocratic.
> Spiritually,  no.   Because when we declare "one
> nation under God," the
>  Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is
> NEVER referred to as our
>  heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the
> Quran's 99 excellent
> names.
> Therefore after much study and  deliberation....
> perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS
> in this country. They
>  obviously cannot be both good Muslims and good
> Americans.  Call it what
>  you's still the truth.   If you find
> yourself intellectually in
> agreement with the above, perhaps you  will share
> this with your friends.
>  The more who understand this, the  better it will
> be for our country. Pass
> it on Fellow Americans...... The religious war is
> bigger than we   know.
> *
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

479   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: cause for concern...infamous yellow star is back  on: May 22, 2006, 05:25:25 AM 
thanks yby...
480   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I could use some help  on: May 22, 2006, 05:13:56 AM 
it also says in bereshit that Hashem told yitzchak to remain in the land promised him and his father and not leave and go like avraham did down to mitzrayim due to the famine which also broke out in yitz's lifetime soon after avraham's death... he was then stationed in gerar by the plishtim lead by avimelech and so we see yitz. who as an olah temimah because of the akeda was not allowed to leave eretz yisroel and had not done so in his move out from hebron and be'ershevah to gerar and though he wondered whether he should then follow completely in his father's footsteps was told by Hashem not to... and we further know that the plishtim always lived in aza... or gaza as we call it today... asdod and ashkelon were their main cities which we eventually took from them as we have once again done in history to the filthy "palestinians" (kain yirbu)... and so gaza was always and is still intended to be a part of eretz yisroel and must be finally (never was fully by us) conquered someday once and for all... nik. out...
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481   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 21, 2006, 06:43:00 PM 
we were chavrutot in ohr somayach in the late 70's... nik.
482   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: When do we detach ourselves from the Knesset?/56 years ago...  on: May 21, 2006, 06:42:02 PM 
oh my G-d... this red-line has been crossed long ago by what they did to us during the holocaust... this is a sick rabbi full of fear and cowardice!!!! nik.
483   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: cause for concern...infamous yellow star is back/time fpr war!!!  on: May 21, 2006, 06:15:39 PM 
everyone should check out the gemora in sanhedrin 91 or 2 i think but nevertheless you can find it quoted on daf beit amud beit in a tosfot in avodah zara... that "edom (rome) will finally conquer peras (iran) and rule over the entire earth for 9 months and then moshiach will come..." if this occurs we are going to be redeemed then in a beito-fashion as those 9 months will be agony like childbirth... after they think they have it all... yishmael will inform and intice esav that he hasn't got it all because yerushalayim is still not in his total possession and he (gog) will then come against the land of israel to complete his total conquest and will be utterly decimated and destroyed by Hashem... now it is sad that american and british troops will perish and disappear when it is their leaders back home doing satan's bidding... but it must somehow be just or Hashem would not do this to them... they must be chayiv because they all should have known (as christians) to keep their hands off of Hashem's holy city and throne... but since they won't they are going to get it but good.... big-time!!! and so they all should refuse those orders if and when they come to march on eretz yisroel and if they don't they will be wiped out completely... and this if it happens will be a great development for all the decent folk on this planet and in this world for then we can finally vanquish and throw-off the yoke of the evildoers... the memshelet zadon which stalks the earth down thru the ages and whose reign has meant nothing but terror and horror for all good, decent and G-d-fearing peoples everywhere... and who are the truthful power-base and war-mongers of this earth... without an army at their disposal they will at long-last become ripe and easy pickings for us to wreak our long-awaited and yearned for and destined vengeance upon them for all the evil and bloodshed that they have rained down upon us all... jews and decent gentiles together...

BUT in truth and in deed they are bound to do all the above... and while it will seem good for the jews to get rid of iran and it will be just for peras to be duly punished for their exile  and oppression of us... still a huge element in all of this will be terrible for it will spell the final ascent of esav and from these lofty heights of power and might rivalling G-d's own omnipotence... he will torture his brother yaakov good and hard... and even if this is to be short-lived it will still be pure agony and pure hell on earth for all of us during those 9 months before moshaich finally arises... so i dread this prophecy coming true as much as i welcome it to hurt and destroy the persian empire... for it would be far better if we jews did the bombing and the conquering as this would make esav's descent and fall come earlier without reaching its zenith which in the end would spare us much, much yesurim and suffering... (if only we could be truly worthy of this... halevai!!!)... as all negative prophecies do not have to come true or be fulfilled if we jews and/or mankind in general do tshuvah... in any event any of you pulling for america to do this is insane... insane for what i just revealed to you and insane because nothing america ever does is solely and purely for or in the name of freedom... though they never tire trying to convince us that this is so about all of their foreign ventures and conquests...  for in truth... in the end... america has been and still is no different in governance and in terms of the exercise of sheer, raw power... than any other goyish nation in history from nimrod's era and rule on down... and the sooner we understand this and breakthrough the blinders we have on or have allowed ourselves to be fitted with and constricted and shackled by... all the very much better off we will finally and actually be... nikmatdam...
484   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?/yes!!!  on: May 21, 2006, 05:32:43 PM 
r. binyamin said yes in many articles in his darke shel torah... first of all "tumah hutra b'tzibur..." if the whole or even just rov of the am is tamei then the avodah b'mikdash is mutar... any and all except yom kippur's kodesh kadashim chelek of the avodat hayom... secondly we do know where everything goes and went... small machloketim remain on minute details but everything is basically laid out in mishnayot midot in seder kodshim... third... even though the final bayit proportionally is supposed to be much larger than even the first one was as per the nevuot of yechezkeil... still we can build ours to the first or second one's scale and moshiach can correct and expand it later after he arrives... and of course for that one we need help al pi navi... eliyahu hanavi... to teach us what to do and where... and how as well... lastly even according to those who maintain it is forbidden to now on our own build the temple... we could still erect shuls and yeshivot on the herodian parts of har habayit which do not have the same kedushat hamakom as the main areas... and we could build even the tiniest of mizbachot and offer up most korbonot afilu b'tumah and afilu bli the bayit... obviously then the avodah b'fnim would prevent some korbonot from being done and make it impossible to fully do other korbonot not to mention the other avodot like the menorah and the b'samim... but if we were able to do just the two olot hatamid for a few weeks or months... i bet you moshiach would come and we would have it all restored in no time but the goyim around the world and their jewish goyim kapos know this and that is why they all collude to prevent us from even saying a sh'hakol up there... yemach shemam v'zichram l'olam vaed... for this hatred and vicious rishut they will all pay and they will burn forever... nik. out....
485   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 21, 2006, 12:44:52 PM 
got it from rabbi avraham sutton's translation/perush on the first 2 chapters of kol hator... nik.
486   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 21, 2006, 12:43:00 PM 
i would never do that... i reserve that for the gov. types jewish and non... and for their jewish leadership (sic)... and their stupid, vapid... "rabbis"... nik.
487   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!/and another thing here...  on: May 21, 2006, 01:21:21 AM 
one more point here... the gra in his day and he said so openly... felt he was moshiach ben yosef... and said that all the great leaders have been in previous generations... so then the rambam had no reason to write about mby since he was it and he hoped that after him we would only need to wait for mbd which he does give us the guidelines for what and who he is supposed to be... but mby was not necessary to record.. just my thinking outside the box is all... b'torat  efsher and ulai.... nik. out...
488   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / One of Rav Binyomin's Best!/study the coming of mbd just don't calculate it...  on: May 21, 2006, 01:15:20 AM 
the rambam and the others told us not to try and predict the exact date and time of redemption... we are permitted to learn all we want about it and the coming of moshiach...sefer daniel's closing perakim are what they objected to our utilizing and trying to be machshev the keitz... predicting it is forbidden... not to think about it or discuss it openly... we are taught that we will be judged upon first whether we set aside time for talmud torah... whther we were honest in business and whether or not we expected, waited for or yearned for the coming of moshiach... so machshev means to consider it in terms of when... not the pondering of it as to the what, where why and how of it... or else why did the rambam teach us hilchot melachim with the keitz included... and even despite their own orders to us against predicitng when... they all... rambam, ramban, etc. all had dates they openly revealed to am yisroel in their days as auspicious times or segulah years when moshiach might have or might come easier then than in previous or future years... they weren't all mistaken or wrong because he didn't show up back then... no... the real truth is we have all blown it... over and over and over again... we are just not zoche... and we have never been worthy of being redeemed... even from mitzrayim or bavel we weren't... so much so that Hashem had to start the final redemption by Himself without us... (see yechezkeil:36)... and He has been forced by us make it agonizingly slow with much tragedy and horror and heartache... (the holocaust and 5 wars with the efing arab world)... we are presently in yet another segulah year... like back in '48 and '56... and '67 and '73... and '82... these next two years 2006-2007 are vital and crucial... after or if and when they pass without moshiach arriving, G-d forbid... we may have a long wait ahead of us for another excellent chance to usher in the messianic era and complete the final redemption process... it is solely and completely all up to us... all up to all the jews on the planet... just like it always has been all along the way... all along our tortured journey thru history... nikmatdam...
489   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 21, 2006, 12:56:26 AM 
outreach... teaching... writing... kiruv... befriending... the normal ways...
490   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: cause for concern...infamous yellow star is back/learn jews from history...  on: May 21, 2006, 12:55:12 AM 
for once in our history may we finally learn from it and do something about a problem before it gets out of hand... time to stamp iran's ticket for their one-way trip back to the stone-ages... we (america and israel) should have cleaned their clock 30 years ago already... but now is the time to send them all packing... all the imams and ayatollahs... time to dispatch them all to allah and mohamid so that they can begin roasting away in gehenom along with him... only the utter insanity of israel keeps us from having wasted them yesterday already... and every passing day not only makes us more vulnerable and more exposed but more hesitant and much sicker in the head as well... furthermore only the vast jew-hatred in the world among the ruling aristocracies keeps these powers at bay... allowing iran to get anywhere near a bomb... or for that matter tolerating any moslem nuke anywhere in the world even for a single hour... the world is out of its flippin' gourd... nik. out to get 'em good once and for all...
491   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rebbe of Gur and Rabbi Shteineman Cancel Canada Visit  on: May 21, 2006, 12:42:12 AM 
fyi... breaking news... update.... btwym yby... shh... keep this quiet... raul walenberg was a goy... you heard me... a great goy... one of the greatest goyim of all-time... one of the very rare class of tzdekei umot haolam... and in their present configuration... i'd take one r.w. over any amount of nks... nik. out... 
492   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / One of Rav Binyomin's Best!/moshiach as explained by the rambam & gra...  on: May 19, 2006, 12:50:45 AM 
the rambam doesn't give us any indication of how we can hasten the geulah... that is true... BUT he does tell us how to recognize moshiach and i quote...

"if someone stands up from within b'nai yisroel claiming to be a navi... he must go before the sanhedrin and give three nevuot of prediction of natural phenomena... like a volcano eruption, tidal wave or an earthquake... time, date and place... etc. if he is right in all three we confirm him as a navi... (as he has displayed that he has a chazaka) and is now a muchzok in regards to Hashem speaking to him... and in our eyes he becomes a bonifide prophet whom we all are obligated from then on to listen to what he tells us to do or not to do...

as for moshiach... the rambam clearly states that for someone to be considered and regarded as mbd... as the long heralded moshiach... he also must create a chazaka... but of a different kind in nature... he must in-gather the exiled jewish people... all of them from around the globe... and then we think him a possible moshiach... then he must lead us in battle against our enemies and be victorious against them until a permanent peace is forged and established... and then he becomes a probable moshiach and when he then at long last... finally builds the beit hamikdash and completes it... then he is vadai moshiach without any further doubt... and he becomes our king then for the rest of this world's history... until techiat hamatim when david hamelech himself will again reassume the throne forever... "

rambam further goes on to say that anyone doing none of the above to 100% fulfillment or only one or two of the above but not all three... is either a failed moshiach or a false one depending on who he really is and what he gets done in the way explicitly stated for moshiach to accomplish... but when someone does all 3 and to absolute resolution and perfection then he and he alone has proven himself to be moshiah ben david and he can keep the throne... however until he does all of this avodah he is just a hopeful contender for the throne... we only will know for sure retroactively...

none of which is the case by moshiach ben yosef... for he will only be successful if we are worthy otherwise he will die... he is destined to be killed... murdered... assassinated... before he can link up with mbd... but the gra says the first thing mbd will ask Hashem for is the techiat hamatim of mby... and Hashem will grant him his wish... and then together they will do all of the 3 mandated goals as just stated above...     

the question then becomes... if Hashem will raise him up upon mbd's request... again if and only if we are not found sufficiently worthy for him to not have to die to begin with... so if it becomes NECESSARY FOR HIM TO DIE BECAUSE OF OUR SINS... but Hashem will rise him up... why kill him in the first place...?

answer because of our sins we need this pachad and final test of our emunah to see who will give up after his petirah and throw in the towel so to speak and lose their faith and trust in Hashem and deserve punishment for failing to remain faithful... that's why and that is what in our generation has happened by the tragic loss of rav meir and/or his son reb binyamin... hy"damayhem... so keep the faith baby!!! nik. out...
493   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 18, 2006, 12:59:37 PM 
but there is a big difference between those who wouldn't leave and those who left and moshe would not abandon them to their own devices when they stalled and balked and became too frightened to continue on... now you could (and you did) say that the 4/5 are like american jewry... and they are... but that means at least 1/5 remains to be rescued and i work to save them... nik. out
494   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 18, 2006, 12:56:48 PM 
amen... the truth of the torah will come to power when we all rise up as one and demand it... otherwise we will sit silently and wait a longggggg time for Hashem to save us and do this for us... nik. out
495   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ISRAEL- Important!!! Please read all!  on: May 18, 2006, 03:04:34 AM 
don't wish to douse the flames of your entusiasm... but letter writing campaigns and call-flooding won't work because it is amer. and brit. themselves driving this effort to get the pm of is. to "volunteer" to unilaterally withdraw when all along it is and always has been the coersion of the memshelet zadon around the world... the goyish filth and vile blasphemers and haters of G-d who have been pushing, brow-beating, haranguing, remonstrating, demanding and blackmailing israel to capitulate and fall back to the pre-'67 aushwitz borders... not so peace will finally be achieved but in order to all the more easily wipe israel off the map... anyone giving any credence to or putting their faith in the goyish despots and their rubber-stamp governments is sadly mistaken and in for a very rude awakening... if not an altogether outrageously shocking and eye-opening wound to the heart... and all of this is quite simply the truth...  nik. out and very sorry to have to burst your bubble on the real reality and actual picture of things as they truly are on both the political as well as on the religious fronts in the waging of this war to the death with all of our manifold enemies including and especially so... america and great britain... with full awareness of the enemy's forces arrayed against us with such vicious and i might add such overwhelming derech hatevah odds for defeating us which bring me nothing but much, much sadness... n.   
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496   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 18, 2006, 02:14:35 AM 
that is of course correct... but there is work to be done here as well to get the masses of jews willing to go so that they won't have to perish, chalilah, that is true ahavat yisroel... otherwise why didn't moshe rebenu just tell the recalcitrant people... "look i'm going to eretz yisroel... anyone following me... good... anyone wanting to stay here or return to egypt... fine by me... but i'm going to israel now... see ya..." he didn't say this or do that... he cared to shepherd them all in... all or nothing... now i'm not moshe rebenu but we all have a job to care about our fellow jew... "kl'al yisroel aravim zeh lazeh..." we are all responsible for each other... all in the same boat with each other and all guarantors for each other... so i don't need the lecture... i'm totally dedicated to reaching out to bring jews back home to torah and back home to israel... nik. out...
497   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Binyamin's Plan... (the "Last Message")!  on: May 17, 2006, 04:07:29 PM 
great post bk... yes i have read this essay... it was in that yom tov booklet he wrote wasn't it...? anyway... it is the only way to go... 
498   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rebbe of Gur and Rabbi Shteineman Cancel Canada Visit  on: May 17, 2006, 04:04:09 PM 
thanks yby... at least on this issue we are on the same page... nik. out
499   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 17, 2006, 04:01:18 PM 
once again the idea to hurt the goyish economy is NOT to change them.... the government won't anyhow... too arrogant... and the people won't rise up to demand it... too complicit and/or afraid... or apathetic for that matter... the idea of the tuna boycott is to motivate, activate and awaken yidden and then from that point get us all to move to israel and/or until then keep fighting with mesirat nefesh for kl'al yisroel and for eretz yisroel... and to demonstrate to Hashem our willingness to suffer and sacrifice so that He may be willing to redeem us based upon our revitalized faith and new-found unity... nik. out
500   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 17, 2006, 04:45:42 AM 
i'll tell you why we must defy and go after the goyim and not the less powerful and far from in control jewish establishment of shabbtai tzviniks... and that is because we live in america and the jews even the evil ones who are in league with and only being utilized by the goyish powers-that-be have no real power of their own nor are they driving the policy to destroy judaism and eretz yisroel and am yisroel... although they too are for this and are working towards all this... still they are just the "hired help" to get the job done and do the dirty work against the torah jews for them... and thus we must go against the source to accomplish kiddush Hashem by standing up to the real evil and the real deniers of the emet of Hashem and the one sole will of G-d... and by warring against the american and british gov. we are fighting them in their attempt to break us of our mitzvah to hold the land given us by Hashem... for they are the only ones who can break us of torah not the filthy and vile unjewish jews... who have no real and indep. power to begin with... nik. out...   
501   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rebbe of Gur and Rabbi Shteineman just in l.a.  on: May 17, 2006, 01:02:07 AM 
yby is right... they (nk, satmar and any other chredei group against the state) do fight against Hashem... for Hashem just uses these mamzarim in power to get done what He can from their actions His redemption process... and therefore the chasidim should realize this and fight in different ways against the usurpers of G-d's throne rather than join our enemies' side... for were the scum to prevail and topple the state... not only the reshayim jews would die but so would all the decent and G-d fearing ones be slaughtered as well and because of this point the charedim should not be on the side of hamas...

for to side with goyish murderers of our people is worse than a pretend support for the jewish murderers of our people... because there is such a big difference... for whatever is m'kayim the land of israel in jewish hands even if that be in erev rav unjewish jews' hands is much preferable to the geulah being rolled-back and the haters of our G-d and torah and people coming to power to exterminate us... and therein lies the hevdel... at least until the peres/olmert faction actually start juden-reining the west bank and hand over jerusalem to the filthy catholic church with all that these things imply... in which case then there will be no difference between the two groups however even then still you have to side with the crowd that Hashem helps and has helped all these 60 years...

they don't do anything for Hashem or to honor Him and fear Him and seek His will and command as our King... but that's o.k. because it's not up to them or about them it is solely Hashem working behind the scenes for the sake of His holy name... to bring moshiach... He is not using the arab world to accomplish any of all this... He just uses them when we need punishing... but soon He will expose the real culprits behind all this sharade... american and british interests striving for power and wealth which have always thus been driving the events of the middle east...

by the way they were both here in l.a. last night and it was quite an uplifting evening... we were 5000 yidden strong... and their message to us was to ever increase and grow in taharah, kedusha and limud hatorah... but back to the tolpic at hand...

since Hashem does everything... isn't it clear that He has been using this evil gov. of jews to get the ball rolling on redemption... they are nothing... they can be overthrown or thrown over at any nano-second by Him when the time is right... but it is not His will to let His name get degraded and desecrated anymore and so He will continue to operate on israel's side no matter what we or the erev rav jews do... (sure He may punish us from time to time when we refuse to listen... but never again will be driven out into golut or see our land in ashes... overrun by the nazi-islamo-fascists or their nazi-esavite cohorts...

think about this point for a moment and learn a deep insight into the inner-workings of Hashem... if we had all been thoroughly righteous and deserved and were worthy of geulah He would have turned over all the cards already long ago and ended this madness and tragic nightmare even from before the holocaust... but we didn't deserve it... and even the torah world did not deserve it because of in-fighting and causless hatred... and so the shoah happened and also occured all the arab/israeli wars...

BUT... seeing as we were not even worthy from the torah-world view and perspective...Hashem used a ruse to get israel back on-line back in the 40's after almost 2000 years of exile and abject enslavement... and since we didn't deserve any better we did not merit moshiach and the world recognition of our right to eretz yisroel and of Hashem's existence... but nor would the world have ever given us a state even after the holocaust if we were all dati... torah-observant jews... for this jew... the goy has been trying to obliterate from the planet from time immemorial... and so Hashem fooled them and tricked them into giving the jewish people back our land.... to a puppet gov. of traitorous jews whom they thought they could control for all-time and better yet with the help of the holocaust they all planned together... they thought they could destroy the torah jew and make it impossible for him to ever come to power over israel... and so they invested immense power and might into the traitors' camp and they have used it of late for extreme hatred of Hashem and His torah and people... but nonetheless there they all are helping Hashem's redemption process go forward albeit at the snail's pace it is now crawling along at but we do not deserve any more or any better... only now the goy has morphed into gog u'maygog and is coming to retake the land away from kl'al yisroel and deny Hashem His final victory and triumph over them... and so they are even being successful of late to actually roll-back Hashem's redemption process but this too is just a ploy by Hashem to sucker them all in for His killing and slaughtering salvation recorded in navi thousands of years ago...   

but think of it... had we been all frum they never would have ever let us have a state of our own... holocaust or no... because the one thing they will not allow if they can help it... is for moshiach and the third bm to come to pass as envisioned in all the naviim... "ad chetzi hamalchut..." nik. out...

502   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!/another pure gem...  on: May 16, 2006, 11:49:43 AM 
yes... indeed... hallel for yerushalayim even though they plan to give it to the vatican soon simply because G-d once made a miracle for us there in 1967... but r.binyamin says... "those who say hallel and don't back it up with an all-out war against those who would ruin and destroy the miracle are themselves wanting in terms of emunah and mesirat nefesh...." read the article... i couldn't have said it any better than him... oh yeah... it is exactly what i have been saying here for years now... of course i got my inspiration, insight and passion from his words and those of his father in the first place... but that's not the ikar... the main thing is... if we don't rise up and fight... it won't just be the traitors who are to blame but we ourselves as well... and Hashem will surely hold us accountable too... nik. out...
503   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 16, 2006, 11:37:32 AM 
unfortunately your analysis may be correct... but despite it we must make the effort anyway... success or failure is up to Hashem in the end... all He requires of us is our toil... thanks for your imput though... nik. out
504   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:sorry that all you guys so misunderstand me...  on: May 15, 2006, 03:59:25 PM 
bk i am not issuing any orders... all i am doing is what the founders of this movement had in mind when they started this site... to awaken jews to their heritage and to raise jewish pride... pride in being jewish and pride in their torah legacy... and that is all i am trying to do with all my kochot... nik. out...
505   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why non Jew russians should be exterminated  on: May 15, 2006, 05:23:26 AM 
we should do things l'shaim shemayim and let Hashem protect us or not... His decision to make... while ours is just to stand up for kiddush Hashem and fight chillul Hashem even if we have no one to win the war for us let alone govern the land afterwards if we win... we must be like nachshon ben aminadav and the entire shevat binyamin who were the first to jump into the yam suf... nik. out...
506   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the british are coming and they are just romans in sheep's clothing...  on: May 15, 2006, 02:38:33 AM 
that can't be... bar kochba would have to have been moshiach ben yosef because only a son of rachel can defeat and cause the total downfall of esav (edom ~ rome)... which he almost did... now r. akiva could not have been moshiach ben david either because he was the son of a ger... who among the rest could have been moshiach ben david..?. would have had to come from hillel's line and thus rabban gamaleil and his sons and grandsons... however hillel was only a descendant of david hamelech on his mother's side of the family... ergo he could not be (they all could not be) the line of moshiach ben david... who then and where?

ta da... why in bavel (babylonia) of course... because the resh galutha was always known to be line of malchut extending from david down to the likes of rashii and then the maharal mi prague and from there to the gra or they say those at the very top of the torah world ever since... but back in the days of the resh galutha they were only second best because the gaonate always had spiritual hegemony and sometimes machloketim and harsh disagreements with the resh... and the greater talmedei chachamim were known to have been the successive gaons... from out of this messy entanglement and mix comes down to us someone who in our dor IS ROI AND READY TO BE MOSHIACH BEN DAVID...

so while moshiach ben yosef must deal with esav and fight the military battles and wars... it is moshiach ben david who must defeat yishmael and rally all jews back to torah observance and learning... these are their desifgnated jobs as per the gra in kol hator ("the call of the turtledove..." a remez to redemption) a mystical work about the inner workings and the esoteric and lofty task of the two meshichim... the gra goes on to  state that mby and mbd have to come together and work side by side for their mission to redeem kl'al yisroel forever to come to pass... and that the nexus of yishmael and esav converging with the erev rav jews is to fight to keep them apart and thus to defeat them separarely and stay in power themselves forever... and to wit under armilius (the sar shel this nexus... or cabal) all share the din of amalek and must be eradicated but they are too strong for us and either moshiach apart on their own are not strong enough to defeat this third entity... this more powerful enemy... and it further states in kol hator that only moshe rebenu himself can eliminate the problem by destroying the erev rav jews... and thereby rectifying the mistake he made in mitzrayim to allow them to follow us on our way out of egypt and join our faith and mission when they were in no way really qualified or shyach to this level of ruchniut especially since their souls had not been prepared for accepting the burden of the torah cause and they snapped early-on by the golden calf and of late in the generations since the 1600's of the shabbtai zvi cult, spinoza, and of course the chilminitsky slaughter and holocaust throughout poland... all of which broke the nerve and back of these jews and led to their defection and vicious rebellion against judaism and they ever-so slowly increased their power and openly unified themselves with that part of the goyish world wishing to do us real jews all-in and do the same as them in wiping out torah-true judaism... and ever since then they have been in league with each other trying to find a way to do just this... and all of this sickness and madness came to a head just prior to and leading up to thee holocaust when the plot was finally hatched to go for it and try to do away with G-d's people and law once and for all... and these jews... these ugly, disgusting trash... they willingly participated in the world's effort to eradicate torah judaism and am yisroel from the earth for alltime and in one fell swoop...

and aiding the nazis and the british war machine and the american nazi-economic and financial moguls who were on board to come to power in this country and share the fascist world rule with the other elite factions then in power and then ruling their own fiefdoms and corporate empires around the globe... including the arab world especially the oil-rich world of saudi arabia and kuwait... not to mention the emirates in and out of the uae yachat... and also iraq and persia later to be named iran... thus oil drove everything and gas as well... the entire baku valley of armenia was decimated to remove the million and a half armenian christians there so as not to upset the moslem majority and let anything interfer with the deal for gas and oil struck with the arab/moslem world by britain and america (rothchild and rockefeller) and so they would stop at nothing not even at genocide and murder to gain and maintain control of the fuel source par excellance which was the wave of the future of technology, industry and military might in the 20th century and beyond now...... and this entity clearly was the flow of energy... gas and oil...

and so all of israel's original rulers were in on this nefarious plot and gambit to create a tiny jewish enclave and vassal state in the guise of a british colony for security purposes only for the oil fields and to lock out every undesirable element of jew not in league with this evil oligarchy.... and they recruited to this ploy as well... the powerful american jewish "rabbis" and laity who made a pact with chaim weisman, britanin's jew-boy and especially the rothchild world banking cartel's chosen intercessor to make sure palestine conformed to their design and careful planning which included the necessity for the holocaust of nouveau-riche western european jews who were seen as potential competitors to the british/rothchild scheme to run the middle east for oil concerns alone... and of course to wipe out the poor, backward jews of poland and russia and the remaining parts of eastern europe... who could mess things up vis a vis the cozy arrangemnet with the arab overlords who held the keys to the kingdom of crude oil and natural gas... weissman a scientist by profession helped to get this perfidious deed done... and to do so... he even participated on the project to devise and fashion the perfect weapon to get the job done in europe against the jews... and this main instrument of death turned out to be... cyclon-b gas... yes poison gas and not acetone for tnt as recorded for posterity the lie that he was attempting to assist the war-effort of the allies... when really these poison chemicals combined just right were produced and designed and manufactured to end the lives of millions of his fellow (backward) jewish brothers and sisters and their richer co-religionists who were too successful and upward mobile for the british empire to tolerate or to ever allow to emigrate to palestine... and to go along with the gas... the concentration camp replete with trains and crematoria were devised... actually the british had created it to house their political and military enemies during the 1890's boer war in south africa... this is documented and hitler was just the hired help to implement this british/euro/american/rothchild/rockefeller plan and plot against world jewry...   

and weisman chief-executioner for the british/american/german/saudi third reich and the right-hand man of ben gurion ran the show after they found a way to have hertzl meet with an untimely death at 44 and thus with him eliminated and permenately out of the way... they took over zioinsm for themselves and along with other jewish-nazi traitor cronies at the world zionist congress assured that only a secular and fascist israel would be able to rise out of the ashes of aushwitz and came to power by infesting its way right up through the ranks of the entire jewish chain of command... among others the jewish agency in israel along with the histradut, the jnf, the palmach and haganah and of course the hadassah movement... they put a strangle hold on israel that lasted until begin who got in by some nes only to be ruined and decimated by sharon who was placed by begin's side by the cabal to stop menachem from truly transforming israel into a jewish state and Divine commonwealth... and to get the job done in the 40's they enlisted the services of like-minded american-jews... thus falling yet further in moral and ethical decline and utter bankruptcy... these forces now being pooled from and being comprised of and made up by influential jewish members of the various jewish institutions in the u.s. like the federations, the b'nai brith, the adl and the american jewish congress... they all did their part to thwart any rescue attempts by keeping the jews of the free world in the dark about what was really transpiring... and keeping them from mounting any meaningful protests or objections to the wholesale slaughter of their brethren... and so this is a glimpse at whom armilius rules over and guides with such demonic strength and such cunning skill....

this nazi-nexus of yishmael, esav and erev rav jews who seek to make sure moshiach never comes and no third temple is ever built in yerushalayim unless it is their sick, demented and satanic, not to mention vatican-controled, gnostic/masonic/illuminati/shabbtai tzvi/frankist vile heresy and imposter of a version of our destined and preordained, yearned for one of pure holiness dedicated to Hashem and not to ba'al...

and so to deal with this seemingly invincible threat that all three united together weild over b'ney yisroel... we are taught that Hashem will defeat them when they arise to destroy israel and capture jerusalem one day in the war of gog u'maygog... but this will only come about totally benign for jews if we merit the downfall and exposure of these murderers the battle which can only be won by mbd and mby being united in war with moshe rebenu himself... and then surely they will prevail forever as the geulah shelaymah breaks out for good over the planet...  (more to come under separate new topic and will end my run on this site)... nik. out... one more post to go!!!!     
507   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 14, 2006, 06:51:08 PM 
yeah... that chazal says that at the end of moshe's life Hashem showed him all of jewish history until the end... until moshiach... along the way... moshe rebenu saw rabbi akiva teaching torah by interpreting the tagim... the crowns on each hebrew letter in the torah... moshe rebenu did not understand any of that and was ashamed until Hashem told him that he knew all of that torah from another source within torah she bal pe... and that this one of r. akiva's i guess was his own chidush... how that can be i do not know... but in relief and in response... moshe asked Hashem... if so... "why did you give the torah to me when there will be someone as great as rav akiva who can do what he, moshe, could not...?" Hashem of course just responded that moshe's humility kept him from understanding that every thing he saw r. akiva teachings emanated out from moshe's own teachings in the first place and without them r. akiva would never have known and/or would never have been able to mechadash the derech of torah that moshe saw him teaching... it doesn't say this but i imagine moshe rebenu was also mighty impressed with rebbi akiva's holy martyrdom and desire for it!!! and that is why he also felt rebbi akiva to be even greater than he... just my idea is all... nik. out...
508   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "to be or not to be" that is the poll for nik.  on: May 14, 2006, 04:44:11 PM 
no because filth is filth... and not knowing of this skin-head outrage i have been blasting away at the need to fight the arab/erev rav united scourge even if it means all out war and violence... for years now!!! and all i ever hear from any of you is that i'm nuts and we can't or won't do anything like you call for... and then when i "calm down" and try to come up with a non-violent way to fight back... then you all mock me and scoff at some very good ideas that i came up with which if implemented would work in getting many, many jews awoken and involved and all of this just might get us redeemed... so it is you guys who are the impediment.. or do you just want me to go away? i will if that's what you all want.. "you can't squeeze blood from a turnip"... as the old-saying goes... so let's take a poll... "nik.. does he stay or do we want him to go..." and "why"... now i'm not trying to insert myself into the equation and become the topic of discussion... but i'm sick and tired of all of your hypocrisy and frankly petty jealousies you all seem to have of me and of each other i might add... i've seen it in your interactions with each other aside form with me... so put up people or shut-up... i'm ready to take my own advice quite literally... so cast your vote and speak your mind... nik. out... 
509   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 14, 2006, 03:49:09 PM 
no easter bunnies ...not so far as i've seen as yet krep... but i'm not through all the way to the end of shas yet... i'll keep you posted...

however you were almost right in your other post just above...

r. akiva was the gilgul of yosef hatzadik and the ten holy martyrs were of the shvatim all except binyamin who did not sin... and yes they were told that they were all to atone by dying al kiddush Hashem so that once and forever the sin of selling yosef could be rectified... it must have been necessary because Hashem felt that we as His people could not make it and be able to be held righteous enough by Hashem for Him to rescue us from all the never-ending waves of tzorot we have undergone in history and in order to objectively justify to His heavenly court on high His preservation of us during this long nightmare of an exile and hellish golut right down thru the ages... and Hashem decreed that without this tikkun at the time that it occured we as an am could not have continued and would not have made it until our destined ending with the coming of moshiach...

we have other historical sins we are still paying for... the egel hazahav and for the sin of the meraglim... and these will not be fully paid by us until moshiach finally arrives and our geulah is complete... but the onesh due kl'al yisroel (to all of us) for the sin of the brothers has been finished long ago... thank G-d...

now one could ask why does yosef's gilgul have to come back down and be martyred to atone for anything?  yosef was the aggrieved party so why does he need this tikkun too...? answer is because yosef might have been guilty of a few things which we all already know about which may have meant that he provoked his siblings into their hatred and subsequent sin and therefore he too is chayiv for their sin and needs to pay...

this is why we pray (erev yom kippur in the pre-kol nidrei piyut tefilat zaka and every night in the intro to hamapeal... where we ask for Hashem to forgive the sins others have done to us and wish that they not be punished on account of what they have done to us and that we too forgive them for anything negative they might have done against us...)  and in these two tefilot we literally... beg Hashem that we not be held responsible for another jew's suffering and onshim... which we take to mean by us having led them astray in some manner or by our anger and hurt at their having wronged us... and thus due to our worry that we may have to return here to be metaken this if we are indeed ever held responsible for the harm that comes to jews who have wronged us (for either reason)... and therefore not just out of love and/or kindness and mercy and forgiveness that we may maintain and harbor for a person who hurt us because for all of these reasons we feel we WANT to forgive them but even if not.. even if we still haven't reached the stage of desiring to forgive someone... check it out.... then we... those who know of this concept... we have a need purely for our ownsake to forgive them even if we are still pained and/or embarassed by what the other jew has done to us... we still have an invested interest and a deep need to let it go lest harm fall to our neighbor and we be held accountable by the judgement of shemayim...

and this befell even the exalted and truly holy yosef hatzadik!!! so what about us??? this pshat by the way may go a long... long... way in helping us understand that if yosef was so holy and so were ephraim and menashe... then how did so many of their descendents end up so horribly arrogant and so utterly lost in avodah zara? now some of this may be due to the other sin of yosef late in his career when after yaakov avinu died as much as he really did forgive them and love them... he couldn't escape even just the tiniest bit of feelings of rejoicing and vindication which led to him being noheg b'rabanut pridefully (lording it over his brothers) just a smiddgen... which cost him chazal tell us 10 years off his life because they knew somehow (i don't know how they know that davka only 10 years were deducted nor do i know where they get this from... what's their source? anyone?) anyway they knew somehow that yosef was supposed to live until 120... so this too is a hint to the future troubles... also we know it from yaakov's worries when he said... "mi aleh?" when he wanted to bless them... menashe and ephraim... and make them full shvatim each one in their own right... and we also can sense it about all of kl'al yisroel when yaakov said shema because he was worried there might have been a pasul in one of his sons' characters or perhaps a flaw in one or more of their steadfastness in faith... emunah baHashem... in any event i believe all of this is interconnected within yosef's personality right from the start of his lifestory and although he exhibited such great strength in rectifying this flaw of his but even still a tad was left unrectified or imperfect and thus unforgiven... and so r.akiva had to be born and was made to undergo all that he went thru on account of his neshama's intergration with yosef's...

"a word to the wise should be sufficient..." and so i think we all can grasp this and get what it is trying to teach us regarding those jews close to us in our lives... nik. out...   
510   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why non Jew russians should be exterminated  on: May 14, 2006, 01:03:16 PM 
this you guys are on board for... but not for the same for the arab menace and the erev-rav scum? nik.
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511   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: In Case You Ever Wondered  on: May 14, 2006, 03:14:26 AM 
tremendously interesting insight... thanks for sharing it monarchist... nik.

and while we are on the subject of girls... (one of my favorite subjects)... the sefer now out in english which i highly recomend to everyone... called "the fire of ephraim..." has within it the best and real emet pshat as to why we jewish men say "shelo asani isha..." (thank G-d for not making me a woman)...

it is for none of the reasons you have ever heard as good as some of them are...

he says and the rabbi's name escapes me at the moment... he says it is because women are under an awesome burden and responsibility spiritually legabi their mitzvah of tzneut... they are chayiv and they are dand on every spilled drop of semen that they cause by men looking at them and being turned on by them... eventhough they may be modestly dressed and refrain from flirtting and the like... and the men may be lustful animals and not really good jews... and still she is responsible on some level just for becoming their attraction of the moment... this seems unfair but it is in any regard their great obligation and avodah and we just stand there in awe and in fear and say... wheew!!! thank G-d i (we men) are not held accountable like that for our mitzvah of tzneut or for any other commandment... women on the other hand who are under this awesome strain... can only be accepting of their lot with love knowing it comes from a G-d of mercy who loves them and does and has done everything in the history of mankind for our good and so she merely exclaims..."she asani kirtzano..." (thank you Hashem for making me according to your will)...

simply one hell of an amazing and mind-blowing explanation and insight into creation... of course all of these differences spiritually at least between men and women only began as a result of the sin of adam and chavah... nik. out... 
512   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 14, 2006, 03:10:38 AM 
sorry... i can't help that... when i write it is a stream of consciousness that just can't wait around for periods and capitals and everything else... i do go back over it several times when through to correct spelling and delete or add words to help the flow of understanding but i will not waste anymore time turning them all into term papers... nik. out...
513   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 12, 2006, 12:07:27 PM 
to jonathan...

did i say tuna? all this time? sorry... i meant luna with an L... i wish us all to boycott the moon!!!! nik.

to yby...

yes i am disturbed... disturbed and distressed at the lack of ahavat yisroel and concern for jews in the throes of sekanah... as expressed by all the joking around on this site...

and next to bk...

what grammar? i don't write to follow the rules of some offical grammar... i write to communicate and you can't if you mispell words but you couldz still get your message across if you ain't got no gud gramma!!! but if you misspell you look like an idiot...

and lastly to bc...

if you don't read my long-winded posts that's fine with me... but it's your loss... there is some great torah and hashkafa in there... if i do say so myself... oh well... can't win 'em all i guess...

ta... nik.
514   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 12, 2006, 11:57:47 AM 
your version of the story is also correct but read the little paperback book from aryeh kaplan called tisha b'av and you will see my version therein... nik.
515   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 12, 2006, 11:45:36 AM 
also i might add... r. akiva seemed to be justified and vindicated in his assumption that bar kochva was indeed moshiach when he led his army to completely rout and chase from eretz yisroel in total the entire roman legion then stationed there... the only problem occurred when subsequent to this great feat bar kochva refused to follow r. akiva's instructions to immediately begin building the third and final temple... bar kochva felt instead that since the romans were certain to return and with an even larger contingent next time it was premature to celebrate... the mistake though was his... because tragically for us he ignored what was always known... that the geulah shelaymah from this golut can come at anytime even as early or earlier even than the 100 or so years after the churban during r. akiva's generation and that it was also always known that there are destined to be only three batei mikdash in history and if he just would have constructed it as advised it would have stood for all-time... meaning Hashem would have been with him and his troops to eradicate the next wave of roman hordes... and we would have been free forever after... but since he was ultimately not working from a spiritual source but a purely derech hatevah oriented basis he did not listen and caused his own (and our own) downfall... upon hearing his response of the urgent need instead to rather build up and reenforce betar for a defense of the next invasion... r. akiva immediately tore kriah and knew he had been in error about bar kochva and that his generation's attempt at redemption was now doomed to failure... and thus it was... and bar kochva went down in history not as a false moshiach like many others after him but as a failed moshiach like chizkiah hamelech and others with the sole difference being chizkiah was always righteous but now bar kochva became a kofer to the extent that he said to Hashem... "i can do this on my own without you and the rabbis... so don't help me... that's fine... just don't do anything to hurt me or work against me..." and we all know the final outcome of that next battle... and it is well-known as well that there can be no geulah without tshuvah nor any freedom without torah, emunah and kedusha.... nik. out...   
516   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 11, 2006, 05:59:24 PM 
and to all of you naysayers i respond:

1) to yby...

your spelling is simply atrocious... therefore your over-all intelligence has to be called into question... and these aren't all typos either because

a) you make them consistently just like avichai did... and

b) a person of serious caliber wouldn't want even accidental mistakes to hang out there and block the efficacy of his/her words...

2) to monarchist...

true i don't think either that i have the power to reach, effect, inspire, motivate and rally millions of jews all over the world to action for our cause... however... there is a difference between me and you that is fundamentally critical and necessary in order for one to become a moser nefesh and a truly, selfless servant of Hashem... and that one nekudah is... i will not allow  my obviously apparent and admittedly extant and all too glaring limitations to prevent me from striving toward our common goal and destiny for salvation and complete redemption... nor will i accept my feelings of ineptitude about myself and let them get in the way and make me second-guess myself and let that disuade me and make me lose my drive and conviction... nor ever shame me to stop me from trying the things i truly believe are crucial and dire for kl'al yisroel's survival and preservation... i see the matzav and i know it to be a truly sekanot nefashot one for all jews everywhere and for the entire land of israel ... so it is asur d'orita for me to lose heart and thus NOT attempt to do everything i can and whatever it appears to take to help save our people, land and torah from Hashem's historical enemies...

3) and finally to ltkn...

the tuna boycott is to be nothing but an admittedly timid and mild firststep... but one which leads to bigger and better things.. it's true goal is to stimulate jews to stand up more forcefully and more completely and truly without fear of the goyim and its intent is to train us to break out of our golut mentality mold and shake off our lethargy, apathy and cowardice... our lack of faith and trust in HaKodesh Boruch Hu... and give us the courage and fortitude to put it on the line for Hashem... so take your mockery and latzonot and you know just what to do with it and where to put it all... 'nuff said...

meanwhile back to work... scoff on jews... scoff on if you must... this has never been about me... i don't care about myself... and as i've told many of my rebeim i don't care a wit what people think of me i will pursue my vision until either the error of my ways is made clear and apparent to me or it comes to me on its own or the real danger to our existence that i perceive has passed for all-time or even just via yet another only temporary yeshuah... at least this crisis will be over and the next one will then only be years and years away like it was after the 6 day war of '67 until the present emergency which has been building up excruciatingly over the period of the last two decades... hopefully our suffering and anguish will be over permenantly this time... and not ended for always... this time forever with the long-awaited and yearned for coming of moshiach ben david... amen selah!!!)... and that as they all say is that!!! so put all of this in your peacepipes and smoke it!!! ta... nik.
517   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 11, 2006, 05:37:02 PM 
yes a favorite of mine too... this one has and says it all... nik. out
518   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 11, 2006, 12:54:31 PM 
gee monarchist... i haven't heard that all torah jews united did so much of this agenda... could it be i slept through it...? i'm talking about getting millions to comply not what? l'mashul... a hundred thousand or more at a one day rally at the kotel and the next day nothing... as good as that is... and it's gevaltic... don't get me wrong... but it is only one day that the memshelet zadon has to ride out and then they are back in command... i'm talking about a sustained campaign... relentless... one which never lets up for a year or more... (or as long as it takes to depose our enemies)...  nik.
519   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 11, 2006, 12:09:05 AM 
sorry guys not letting this one fall off the charts until i get some feedback and/or you respond... nik.
520   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / time to step up to the plate and make an accounting of yourself...  on: May 10, 2006, 04:02:14 AM 
i will not let this one fall either... but i will give you guys a couple of days to read it... nik.
521   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (plan B)...  on: May 09, 2006, 08:20:23 PM 
and here are the next 5... (to be updated)...


1) unrelenting pressure day by day... week in and week out of jews going up or trying to go up to har habayit... rallys at the wall and other locations without surcease... all leading up to the event next erev pesach of jews from all over the world attempting to bring a korban pesach... thousands upon thousands of jews in yerushalayim for seder night with their unslaughtered lambs (if this occurs) allowed to mill around and cause havoc and disruption to the authorities... (of course none of these lambs will be hekdesh since we will not declare them so unless and until the last possible moment if we... when we... are able to bring them...

2) public fasts and prayers all year long... (say every yom kippur katan... erev rosh chodesh... save for those months when fasting is asur... i.e. at the end of tishrei, kislav (it's chanukah still then anyway) and the end of either adar (is it a leap year next year?)... which leaves these months for these fasts and prayers... the end of cheshvan, tevet and shevat... these are sun-up to sun-down fasts only for the able and healthy and the prayers to be said with mincha are already extant in your selichot books and machzorim... extra effort by those willing and able to really fast and say selichot on the b'hab fasts following succot next year... (during the first weeek or so of mar cheshvan)...

3) particpation in the tuna boycott... (see plan A)...

4) declaration of intent (petition of pledge optional) to boycott and sit-out all israeli elections until and unless this sham-democracy is uprooted and all parties are allowed to participate equally no matter what their orientation of belief... (just like everywhere else in democracies around the world)...

5) besides the step #5 of plan A... (which of course is necessary in eretz yisroel as well)... the publishing of our jewish declaration of independence... (i have a rough copy and version which i have written based word for word on the american model... good for starters at least)... all-out campaign to call for an immediately implemented and empowered torah-true state... all leading to the ultimatum being expressed of the desire for seccession from israel for failure to heed the will of G-d as stipulated in His and our torah... utilizing plans for the rise of the state of yehudah (judea) which rav meir had...

and there you have it.. this is my (our?) ten step plan for liberation and redemption from golut and from the memshelet zadon ruling the earth... please G-d... we shall not fail... with the help of G-d we will succeed... amen kain yehi ratzon!!!

522   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (plan A)...  on: May 09, 2006, 07:47:55 PM 
and so this is the plan... (to be updated)...


1) move to israel immediately... cashing in your chips and pulling out your financial support for america or britain, et al... this alone is your openly declared warfare against the goyim and the jewish goyim here and in israel who don't want us in great numbers to ascend there and make a huge wave of difference economically and politically... not to mention of course... spiritually...

2) those who must remain behind must make their presence and numbers felt... we must find ways to hurt the goyim's sense of well-being and corporate wealth... i.e. my idea of a boycott on tuna fish... specifically aimed at starkist... (it could be any product or products this is irrelevant) but it must be possible to do and it must be widely accepted... in other words the ban should be imposed upon oil, gas and cars (the real evil here and around the globe driving middle-east policy) but it is impossible to carry off and therefore it is doomed right from the start to fail miserably...

3) a massive jewish rally in support of torat Hashem and kedushat ha'aretz slated for rosh chodesh nisan 5767... (or there abouts baseball not withstanding) next year... in yankee stadium in new york city... the rally calls for a prayer vigil (mincha/ma'ariv and tehilim)... followed by the recitation of the bracha for a gathering of at least 22,000 jews in one place... (to be researched: if this halacha brought down in the 7th perek of berachot only applies for a seudah just prior to birkat hamazon) (in which case we would have to scrap the idea or find a way to work out the logistics to have everyone wash and make hamotzie over bread and thus have the obligation to bentch together)... in any event the rally in support of our israel is specifically geared to coincide with pesach and impact what jews will hopefully be doing on har habayit or attempting to do at least... 2 weeks later on erev pesach... (see 5 step plan below for israeli jews)... it will include inspirational divre torah from torah leaders and also provide musical entertainment... and it will all be free save for a $26 check to help the displaced refugees from yesha which will be collected at the gates on your way in and will be made out to an organization so that everyone knows that we the organizers of this rally are not making a dime... total l'shaim shemayim... that is why we will try to make it without media coverage as well... so that no one thinks we are attempting to make a name for ourselves... if reporters get in with cell-phones... well... what can we do?... but... no cameras of any kind inside the stadium and everyone pays the tzedakah fee to get in... jew and gentile alike... attendee and reporter alike... if we can get television coverage live or via satellite feed we may consider allowing this to publicize our solidarity with our israeli brethren and to exhibit for all the world to see our feeling of unity of purpose with jews in israel and clear across the globe... but the main reason we are doing all of this is for each other and the main thing is for all of us to come before Hashem... our G-d and Father... without fanfare if possible but without hesitation to go public if necessary to demonstrate our total lack of fear of the goyim... not caring one iota whether or not they approve of our united pledge of our fealty and solemn dedication to our one King... a loyalty we owe only to Him and to nobody or to no thing else... and thus through all of this... finally and emphatically we will be standing up for our G-d-given inheritance in defiance of the current and historical middle-east policy of the gentile world and of the gentile jews... telling Hashem if not the whole world that we believe in His rule on earth and that we are willing to "go down swinging" for this penultimate and solitary truth...

4) anyone willing to do the special fasts and prayers along the way next year with those doing so in israel and/or whoever is prepared and able to go up for ole regel for pesach next year... by all means have at it!!! everyone around the world is encouraged to do so... especially all circumsized male jews over the age of 13 years and one day... (see plan B)...

5) increased learning and better davening and more tshuvah, tzedakah and chesed... maasim tovim...
523   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 09, 2006, 06:57:42 PM 
(this may not be complete when you get to it so please refer back to this from time to time)...

yby asked me what would be my proposal for the appropriate 5 steps jews in the golah should take to fight for israel... likewise the 5 things jews already in israel should do... so here goes...

first and foremost none of these actions need be violent in nature... nor must they absolutely be non-violent... the situation will be gorem (will dictate or cause) what needs to be done each step of the way...

secondly... we do not need to succeed all the way in getting the american, british or israeli governments to relent and back down from their evil plans... success or failure is always up to and in the hands of Hashem... HOWEVER... we absolutely MUST succeed in getting masses of jews to participate or our endeavor to be melamed zechut on and for kl'al yisroel will fall short of the intended mark... and then we will all really be in trouble... chas v'shalom... so we need to show Hashem our resolve to hold israel for our people and demonstrate our faith in Hashem's rule and power by being moser nefesh (which means self-sacrificing not just martyrdom) (again Hashem will determine whether our role need be the paying of the ultimate price of death or just the willingness to suffer and endure privation and undergo trepidation and fear for His cause)...

third... in light of the first two points just made above... since it is Hashem who must fight for us and win this war... and it is His decision whether they win or us... we have to be prepared for any outcome and not be shattered and avud if things do not go our way as we pray they should... for surely Hashem has a plan as announced in all the prophecies of the t'nach... and he will certainly wreak vengeance upon our enemies if they should succeed... G-d forfend... our standing up to oppose them and fight them is to give the whole of am yisroel a late... albeit an extremely late merit (for this should have been done by us long, long ago) to hope for a more positive outcome with less yesurim... less suffering, hardship and heartbreak for kl'al yisroel... a geulah beito with some measure of achishena mixed in... exactly as was our yitzat mitzrayim... (maesa avot siman l'banim)... this is our goal... this is our mission... let us embrace it with open arms this opportunity to wipe away chillul Hashem from our slates... and please G-d eradicate it once and for all from the world...   
524   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a good topic for us to discuss...  on: May 09, 2006, 06:38:44 PM 
again what you all always fail to realize is that there is a fight to be made by jews right here against the goyim and erev rav jews who have more power in the golut than the lapdog israeli gov. kapos have who only suck up for money and recognition to which ever topdog lifts his leg for them to do his bidding... the powerful jews in israel are really sewer rats compared to the wildcats that we have to contend with living here... THE WAR FOR ERETZ YISROEL PEOPLE... IS HERE IN AMERICA AND IN BRITAIN... they are the ones driving the agenda for eretz yisroel to collapse and commit suicide and we have to find the guts somehow and the nerve to stand up to this here with all the risks this implies and entails especially since the jewish gov whose job this specifically should be will not make this fight... so we have to...we must because those on our side in israel already have their hands full with what's going on on the ground there already and besides they (you all) don't have the access, voice, money or political clout that some (not all) of us have here to go up against the powers-that-be... we just lack the resolve, clear vision of the danger and threat to israel's survival nor do we possess the requisite conviction of our ideals that would give us the courage to summon the strength to stand up and fight... nik. out
525   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a good topic to discuss..  on: May 09, 2006, 02:49:48 PM 
it isn't letting me edit some of my mistakes i'll get to it later... got to go now... nik.
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