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October 20, 2006, 01:51:21 PM 

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526   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and here's my one weapon... the only one left in my arsenal...  on: May 09, 2006, 02:37:44 PM 
o.k. i will... just give me some time to formulate my approach... nik. out
527   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a good topic for us to discuss...  on: May 09, 2006, 02:36:29 PM 
why do jews in israel think they are the only ones with the right and the obligation to worry about the land and to shepherd it to safety?

why do we in the golah have any less responsibility to do the same or have any less culpability if we fail to show our care, concern and support?

why does every move for the torah way of life to be implemented have to originate with those on the ground there and each fight only be aimed at and against the erev rav jews who have stolen and hijacked the country...? why can't we all see that the real enemy driving all of this is america and the corporate cabal that runs the world and that this is every jews' duty to protest and rise up against their destructive policies?

and lastly when everything is all said and done and moshiach arrives... are only those who already live in eretz yisroel going to be considered servants of Hashem and reap the reward for faithfulness and loyalty but not any of the many who will be moser nefesh to fight for moshiach's success from golut..?

true there are those supposedly torah jews and rabbis here in the diaspora who are letting eretz yisroel down and thereby hurting kl'al yisroel... but i submit to you that there are unfortunately quite a few otherwise good torah jews by you who are doing the very same thing... and true also is the fact that there are quite a few of us here (though not there right now as you never fail to point out to us) who genuinely love eretz yisroel... am yisroel... etc. and are striving with all their fervor to help... and so much of what is written here discounts the truth of this last paragraph... over and over again only the dwellers in the land are serving Hashem... only they are the good ones.. all the others are bad and failing to live up to their calling... nothing positive is ever forthcoming from them unless they move here... this is not true of course... but nevertheless...


in any event it is a dead wrong hashkafa and it would behoove this forum's members to be cognizant of just how self-righteous this attitude makes you all sound... nik. out...   
528   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and here's my one weapon... the only one left in my arsenal...  on: May 09, 2006, 12:24:00 PM 
you guys just don't get it... i'm not telling jews in eretz yisroel to stand up and fight for har habayit... i'm telling every jew anywhere on the planet that we are all going to be judged by what we do or don't do about this evil about to take place... you guys think only you guys are in charge of eretz yisroel... you're all making the same mistake that the memshelet zadon over there makes all the time telling the world that they run the show and that they speak for israel and that they make the final decisions "because afterall we're the ones who are living here and we have to live or die by the path we choose..."


true many more of us should be in the land right now... true we are sinning (most not all of us) by not being there... but that does not mean we have no stake and no voice... since it is Hashem's land to begin with and secondly He gave it to the am as a nation and not to just the first ones to return home or the ones with the most money and/or political clout...

and finally... you all miss the point entirely... you guys over there have the mitzvah of standing up to those rabid dogs running the show over there... HOWEVER...WE... here in chutz l'aretz have a different mitzvah... (besides getting our sorry butts over there and stop stalling and procrastinating)...

we on the other hand have the mitzvah to stand up to the so-called jewish leaders and rabbis here who are mute and thus complicit... and/or even some of them in favor of this sell-out... and we further have the mitzvah to stand up to the goyim (along with you all... since that is the point of your standing up against the unjewish jews... they are only aping their goyish masters)... 


529   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and here's my one weapon... the only one left in my arsenal...  on: May 09, 2006, 03:16:50 AM 
there is only one question anyone and everyone in kl'al yisroel should be asking themselves...

what does G-d want us (me) to do?

does He really want me to say nothing and do nothing while the satanic jews and bloodthirsty goyim strip jerusalem and har habayit from our hands?

maybe... maybe He wants us to lay low and let Him take care of the situation... perhaps... many, many jews would and do argue for this course...

but if G-d expected the dor deah that left mitzrayim to show faith and do the korban pesach right in the faces of the idolatrous pagan egyptians who happened to be the most powerful people on the planet at the time... and if He also later... just one week later... expected these same just freed slaves to jump into the yam suf to earn the miracle of the splitting... etc... then what do you think He wants and expects from us right now in the face of all this news about the ultimate perfidy and unbrotherly betrayal...?

i mean... look... we are taught "that the tzadik lives by His faith..." correct? and we have also been informed that in the end of days... the last generation will lose all connection to the entire torah but to be redeemed all Hashem will need from us is a show of faith at the right moment... the maximum moment of truth... well this moment is now... right now upon us... we were taught that all that would be left is our emuna and our bitachon... and so it is.... and now we all must know what course of action to choose and do so immediately... because there just ain't anymore time left to us... folks this is it!!! they are going for it all now... end-game...the knife is being slipped into our backs right now as we speak... they will not rest until they finish it off and us along with it... they are going for it all right now... all-in...

and so... what do you really think Hashem wants from us right now? how many times in our past history has He demanded the ultimate sacrifice from us and we responded faithfully always for the most part... most of us anyway... well it's time to make our stand as a generation... the decision we make tonite... tomorrow... this will be our legacy... the sum total of our worth as a dor... and it is all up to us... it can either be a record of our most glorious moment of triumph or it might be our end... a memorial epitath to our callossal failure...

look... this really should be a no-brainer for all of us if we weren't so damn afraid...

if we really face the circumstances rav meir foresaw... if even back then in 1977 it was already a din of yehareg v'al yavor... then im kain we must decide... do we follow the halacha and put ourselves at risk... or do we gutless it out and fail to do our duty? for there is no question rav meir was right... he would have been right even if the goyim were all our friends and really loved us and actually believed they were helping us achieve a truly long-lasting peace... we would still have to turn them down because we must be davek to the ratzon and d'var Hashem... all the more so is this true when we know they don't mean our benefit but their own advantage and that they really hate us and are attempting to destroy us completely now... first thru subterfuge and later thru open conquest and via weapons of war...

eretz yisroel is ours; given to us by G-d in a special covenant... and it is a mitzvah to so state this openly and unequivocally... and ergo it is an avera to give it away... even the tiniest portion thereof... and it is also as well a grave sin and chillul Hashem to openly deny our connection to the land and the truth of our selection by G-d to be His people upon His land keeping His torah...

so ask yourselves... if i do nothing... if i say nothing now... as they cart off our most precious and cherished possession and with it our connection to all that we regard as holy and Divinely blessed... how am i serving Hashem? how am i representing my faith and my heritage? and what will Hashem feel about me (and about all of us)?

it's time to stand up for Hashem and His land... for His people and His torah... nikmatdam

530   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: who's afraid of nikmatdam-wolf?  on: May 09, 2006, 02:38:27 AM 
oh but i was provoked... he tried to lay that egg on us about non-violent kahane-torah... that tipped me off that he must be a plant... can't help my reactions now can i? but i'll leave him alone as much as possible... but people be warned... i smell a rat! nik. out
531   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: who's afraid of nikmatdam-wolf?  on: May 08, 2006, 09:34:06 PM 
sorry yby... my bad... i sent you ltkn's message to me... i just assumed several complaints included you as well as it surely did staffie-kins... nik. out
532   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: who's afraid of nikmatdam-wolf?/oh brother the both of you...  on: May 08, 2006, 08:14:31 PM 
yby... ltkn said you both... as in BOTH... complained to him... am i supposed to think he is lying?

staff... you really don't get it do you...? what time is it and how's the weather over there in your little strictly pc universe...? oh and that should have been pettiness... with an i and not with a y...

nik. out of his mind to waste his time trying to "communicate" and "build a nice community of friends" fehh... WE ARE TRYING TO SAVE ERETZ YISROEL AND KL'AL YISROEL FROM VICIOUS JEW-HATERS AND THEIR UNJEWISH JEWISH KAPO-LAPDOGS... and you guys are worried about a little name-calling...? for crying out loud!!!!

yes no wonder we're in the sorry shape and sad state of affairs that we are currently in as a nation... no efing wonder... n. 
533   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / who's afraid of nikmatdam-wolf?  on: May 08, 2006, 07:37:27 PM 
apparently yby and staff who went running home to mommy (ltkn) to complain about a little name-calling...

listen guys... as i always say... "if you can't stand the heat... stay way the hell out of the kivshan haaish!!!"

come on guys now... we're all big boys and girls here... let's act like it... if you have a problem with me... address it to me directly... publicly or privately... i could care less which...

you guys wouldn't have held up very well in the days of the gemora... man! they called each other some whopping-insults... take my favorite one for example... "shinna" ("idiot") which literally and sarcastically meant "o' wise one" or "genius" or "o' very learned one" over some stupid mistake they were making or over some flawed reasoning, etc. you get the idea...

why isn't any of that called loshon hora? because it was done in the heat of battle... in the moment of extreme passion searching for the truth of Hashem over some halacha or inyan... it is called the "milchmta d'torah..." "the war over the learning of torah" and far from turning each other into enemies... at the end of the session when the emet was uncovered it brought the combatants to their feet for an embrace of brotherly love... because they had fought each other l'shaim shemayim and had achieved together reaching the light... the truth... the ultimate will of G-d... and this made it all worth while and no one's feathers were ruffled over a little good-natured ribbing or even downright put-downs... that only made the guy on the receiving end that much more ardent in his pursuit of emet...

so that is all i am doing when i froth at the mouth... for we are searching for the same truth of Hashem here over eretz yisroel and am yisroel...

but... in order for you guys to see that i am completely contrite... i extend my apologies... and i offer you both this scolding of myself in public... 


yby and staff: "yes ma'am he did"

mamadam: "BAD NIKMATDAM... BAD NIKMATDAM..." (the sound of potching and whimpering heard in the background)...


nikkie-pooh: "all i said was that yby should shove it and that staff was a jerk-off..."

mamadam: "i want you to say you're sorry right now to your little friends..."

nikkie-pooh: "ah ma... do i have to...?"


nikkie-pooh: (sheepishly looking down at his shoes)... "sorry..."

mamadam: "that's better... now young man... you march yourself straight upstairs and into your room and you stay there until your father comes home and there will be no t.v. or desert for you tonight... now get going buster..."

nikkie-pooh: (downcast and contrite mumbles under his breath)... "yes ma..."

mamadam: (to the two boys)... "now you two kids just run along home now and go play... and if my little nikkie-pooh ever calls you another bad name... why you come tell me right away and i'll fix his little red wagon but good... understand?"

yby and staff don't say anything they just turn around and hightail it out of there...

mamadam: (watching them tuck-tail and peel out of there as if their own fannies were on fire... grins a mite while shaking her head... and whispers under her breath)... "sissies..."

the end... this has been a nikkie-pooh and goodnight production... all rights reserved... thank you... ta... nik.
534   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron/only the beginning... only the beginning.  on: May 08, 2006, 01:58:05 AM 
my word... so very very easy for you to say ybbyie... your blood wasn't spilled to win it in '67... and hold it lo all these many years... and i doubt very much you'll ever risk your neck to win it back once it's gone... chas v'shalom!!! and let me stop you right there in your tracks... yes i will try to hold it and risk it all to see if we can't reverse our bad matzav... nik.
535   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 08, 2006, 01:53:34 AM 
and what do you mean by "golut apologist" (should have been spelled this way)...? and what exactly makes me one? explain yourself o' great one... don't just throw out accusations without backing them up... and no... i don't do this myself all the time... i always have a reason for what i'm saying and i let everyone hear it... nu? zucht... if you got the guts... nik.
536   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Knowledge Is Power/but it is insanity in yby's hands...  on: May 08, 2006, 01:24:27 AM 
shove it!!! yby... put that rot where the sun don't shine... what dribble... i didn't say that those under the influence of the erev rav can no longer do tshuvah... i just said that it's very late now and they are running out of time... but i did say the erev rav unjewish jews are long gone... yes i did say that... and i'm standing by it... their sins are so severe that "ayn b'yadom l'asot tshuvah..." which means: "it is no longer within their power or in their hands to do tshuvah..." which is taught to mean not that they absolutely can't because they no longer have any freewill... but that for the gravity and multitude of their sins... G-d wants to punish them very badly and so while still holding out hope and even yearning for the worst rashayim among them to repent... however He knows full-well that they probably won't... not a single one of them... how does he know? because on account of their sins they have earned the badge of the completely wicked and evil and the concomitant stripping away from them their guilty conscience and along with it even their faintest desire to return to G-d has been lifted from their souls as well... and that's why chazal say especially for the sin of "machta et harabim" (the leading of the masses to sin) they have no more power to show any remorse nor will ever again feel the need to beg for forgiveness...

and so we might as well know the truth and recognize this reality for what it means... and therefore we should resign ourselves to the fact that they're all empty shells and the klipot of tumah have totally absorbed them into the vast void and that their souls are not and may never have been truly jewish ones... and thus we must just throw them over and consign them to the ash-heap of jewish history... and not because i'm such a great maven of our teachings and traditions but because the ramban and the gra were... and they said this would be the case with them... so go suck on an egg... you sound like an erev jew your own damn self... i don't trust you no more... nik. 
537   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Religious Jew  on: May 08, 2006, 01:19:12 AM 
what are you saying yby? that eretz yisroel's torah is a whole lot better? yeah what a prize... after what shas and agudah just did? nik.
538   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: dealing with shas' treachery... and their dealing with their own lies & flaws...  on: May 08, 2006, 01:15:18 AM 
right back atcha bigfellow... yby... i promise you this... whenever i see you you deny our faith and creed i will call you on it... every single time... count on it!!! nik.
539   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: dealing with shas' treachery... and their dealing with their own lies & flaw  on: May 07, 2006, 09:01:11 PM 
i'm not joking... i just mean this in a different way than you are presently taking it... i am not an arrogant fool... i am just a humble and imperfect servant of Hashem trying his best to find a way to help his land and his people...

it's just that when i smell a rat... like in yby lately or in this staff... i have to wax assertive and above my "station" for the honor of Hashem and torah... not for my own kavod... anyway... kol tuv... nik.

<this isn't the place for personal attacks, so I cut some words out. please try to be more mindful in the future - LTKN>
540   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 07, 2006, 08:35:00 PM 
no it's not leib... because unless a civil-war breaks out or a coup d'etat which either of which i have no control over nor any power to influence, direct or guide... so none of the above are likely to occur by my hand... i am referring to AFTER MOSHIACH COMES AND HE AND ELIYAHU HANAVI GIVE US OUR ORDERS... I AM MERELY A FOOTSOLDIER AND A BUCK-PRIVATE LIKE ALL THE REST OF US... I WAIT TO DO THE BIDDING OF MY LORD AND KING MOSHIACH AND TRUST WHAT HE SAYS THAT IT COMES STRAIGHT FROM SHEMAYIM FROM THE MELECH MALCHEY HAMELACHIM... HAKODESH BORUCH HU!!!! so let's be clear about what i'm saying and not saying... nik. 
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October 20, 2006, 01:52:20 PM 

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541   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron/it's going to be a long, long hot summer/  on: May 07, 2006, 08:26:13 PM 
just because he may have said we will lose it for a short time and then win it back... doesn't mean we have to roll over and play dead... we can still fight to retain it to the bitter end if need be... and our efforts will be looked down upon by Hashem with favor and who knows perhaps our mesirat nefesh can be the difference maker and our losses prevented entirely... please G-d may we only be found worthy  of such a nes... nik. not counting on a miracle but taking steps to encourage Hashem to send a miracle and a yeshuah shelaymah to the true am yisroel...
542   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Religious Jew/indeed he is... but not in deed...  on: May 07, 2006, 06:01:26 PM 
great post kreplach... yes that's exactly what we're talking about here of late... right on!!!  nik.
543   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Knowledge Is Power/and does not belong in your hands staff...  on: May 07, 2006, 05:50:38 PM 
true staff true... but not by the path you preach... nik.
544   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / edited response.../reread please...  on: May 07, 2006, 05:48:33 PM 
anyone not reading my posts despite my awkward style does not care to embrace the truth of rav meir's teachings of torah to us and are therefore is no one to be concerned about reaching... you have just added yourself to that list and that's fine with me... good riddance... you are a phony... you are no right wing... conservative or settler-type... you are a ringer... n'uff said... i won't waste my breath on your hoped for pseudo and false teachings of a non-violent torah that renders its adherents unable and unwilling to rise up for its own vested interest of survival... for the principles which are eternally binding and which are truly holy and always relevant... the holy of holies of our faith... the ones which belong to and are in the exclusive province and sole domain of our one King, Master and Father... Hashem Yitborach!!!  a torah judaism that does not know when and where to stand up for itself and defend itself and everything we and Hashem hold dear is not really authentic torah-true judaism... so try selling that slop to kadima they make a living out of lying and disinformation... nik.
545   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Knowledge Is Power/better a little with humility than a lot with arrogance.  on: May 07, 2006, 05:41:43 PM 
sorry staff it is almost too late for most of them to repent... and as for the erev rav usurpers of the throne of Hashem... they are without a jewish soul and the ramban and the viln goan paskened them to have the same din as amalek... and you know well what this implies... nik.
546   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 07, 2006, 05:19:08 PM 
so typical of you... and 1500 posts later you still do not get it... or won't get it... you got to be a plant... vengenace for 3300 years of spilt blood by haters and schemers and disgusting slime who took our wisdom, genius and creativity and then took our wealth and finally enjoyed and rejoiced over taking our blood... the blood of such precious neshamot too... no there can never be true peace and blissful harmony and raproachmant... without justice first... the justice that was Divinely sworn to us in hazinu at the end of chumash for these days... the end of time... "and i will avenge every drop of spilled blood of my people (of my one true servant)..." look it up... i assume you know where it is... and for this post of yours we are in open warfare me and you until and unless you recant... this has nothing to do against good goyim and truly decent people everywhere... this only has to do with the true and real evildoers of history and toward those presently still walking this earth and wish to destroy us and Hashem and let their rule over the planet be immortally extant... no less do they seek and no less have they always done and acted for this goal and aim... and you should know this and wish for their downfall just as much as i do... you should also pray for their percipitious and irrevocable demise along with me... there can be no love... true love without atonement and the payment of blood debts owed by them to our sacred am... they cannot be allowed to get away, completely unscathed with what they have perpetrated... they musn't be allowed to live in moshiach's world unaccountable for any of their multitude of sins and crimes against us and against the rest of humanity as well... they just can't... they have to pay the price... and it is just too bad for them and i have no remorse over the well-deserved fate that awaits them...and i certainly will not show them or exhibit in any fashion any mercy for them... they have earned none... it cannot appear to the world as if they have committed no injustice or atrocities against us... and be permitted to go along their merry way as if they have done absolutely nothing wrong to us ever... especially since they all know only too well what they have done to us we shouldn't want them to get off with a simple apology or some other form of compensatory sentence... no!!! we cannot forgive or forget the world's treatment of them (us)... it is not on us to say they have repented... it is for the martyred and Hashem to so decree and concur... nik. dismayed and disappointed... and enraged at the thought of peace without justice first... never can happen anyway... never... not true and everlasting peace leastwise... n. 
547   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: dealing with shas' treachery... and their dealing with their own lies & flaws...  on: May 07, 2006, 05:02:44 PM 
don't want to rain on anyone's parade... but let's stick to the subject... it is moot already that they erred and/or wilfully did evil... they should have refused to join no matter what or who else does or does not join... they know what this gov. is about and what they are bent on and set on trying to do... pure meridut against Hashem... there is no further discussion on the subject and yes the utj are just as complicit and guilty and even more slimey to let the sephardim make the majority and they just tack themselves on afterward and pretend they're just innocently going along for the ride and nothing is their fault... bulll!!! they made this deal... this is also sickening if you examine what probably went on and got discussed behind closed doors...

once again people now... all together... from zechariah...

"and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog against yerushalyim..." this prophecy has now finally come true... we can only trust ourselves and those who feel as we do and who teach what rav meir said real torah commands us and requires of us... real torah... not a golut-ridden fearful torah of weakness and openly admitted now cowaradice in the face of danger... nik. truly sorry to see this day come... but it was predicted and forecast and we did not merit it not to come to pass... but all is not yet lost... read my previous above post subsequent to the first on top...
548   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "har habayit b'yadenu..." the wait is finally over... if... we merit it!!!! ed.  on: May 07, 2006, 03:55:24 PM 
let's keep our eye on the ball...

they shouldn't have done oslo in '92-93... and knowing all that we've learned about since and suffered with so much agmat nefesh these last 13 years... knowing all that we do... they (shas) damn well shouldn't have done it again in 2006... it is just too sickening to see them be so cowardly and to not give a rip about the rest of kl'al yisroel like this... come on now!!! no one can possibly be this blind!!! how stupid do we think them to be? and how stupid and timid do they take all of us to be? how do they dare to presume and to arrogate to themselves the right to save themselves at the expense of the survival of our unified am and at the cost of our precious holy spots and sacred land? how do they come by the audacity and the unmitigated gall to even consider selling eretz yisroel, yerushalayim and even har habayit!!! for G-d's sake... is nothing too wicked for them to perform and to agree...? is literally nothing sacred anymore...? i'm really asking? this is not a rhetorical question as on the face it may seem... well? is nothing then sacred? nothing? not even har habayit? have we really  come down from our souls' lofty heights and descended to this disgusting level that we are not preparred to lay down our lives and die even over the site of sites in the history of the world... especially considering everything it has meant to us and what it truly means to our... and only to OUR... people, historical legacy and eternal heritage!!!!?

are you telling me... that even now... we still won't fight and we will even yet rebel and will, even now, even over this place... remain stubborn and continue to refuse to sacrifice our lives...? we're just going to stand by and passively watch as they dismantle our dream...  our yearning for paradise and peace on earth and goodwill to man that can never be found or achieved without the world turning back to G-d in full rpetence for their meridut and hatred throughout world history... even now will we continue to let them sell-out our destiny and the world's destiny... Hashem's willed and desired and Divine destiny... and will we really do nothing while they dismantle eretz yisroel and yerushalayim and all of us as well...?

well fine... so be it... (G-d forbid) but not me... count me out... even with no help from any of you... i at least am willing to go out and throw myself on kiddush Hashem if nothing else can be done to stop them... and if i bite the dust... G-d forfend... so what... because just like avraham avinu said before they threw him into the kivshan haaish... "im kain... tov...for i do not wish to live in a world that has no G-d and that is only run by reshayim and their utterly false... and non-existent gods.." as for me... avraham my father... i do not wish to live ina world where G-d's will is not kept and har habayit is out of our hands... we being its true owner as G-d has commanded and has so informed the world of this decision of His ever since har sinai and matten torah 3330+ years ago already..." it is time for the world to finally relent and submit to the omniscent majesty, power, wisdom and ultimate will of Hashem... the G-d of israel and the only G-d of creation... it is time already... it is long overdue and way past time... that time has finally arrived for the world to get this once and for all... 

for don't we all truly know about the secret clauses: 90+% of w. bank guaranteed to them... (nowhere written in the open, above ground version put out for public consumption and for their peaceful, placid, sheepish somnolance (to put us all to sleep... once and for all... forever)... clauses... agreements... sheesh... what fraud... whhat sheker... what utter lies... and of course my favorite one (because it's thank the good L-rd the one that's gonna get them defeated and destroyed)... this one that they're trying to foist on us all now.. the one they're just aching to do to us all right now... out in the open public airwaves with no shame and no guilt and no remorse... and thankfully without any brains... they're salivating so hard now... panting actually to get their hands on her and sink their vampire teeth on it... they wish to so openly defy and rebel against Hashem that they aren't even aware of what's about to hit them and put them down for good... boruch Hashem!!! and now as for us... the true true actual faithful of this world... we too see and understand what and why they are doing this... most importantly we see how also and we know what it would truly mean if they were to be successful... and so ... in their foolish haughtiness they are attempting to skip the step of the rest of the first and announce prematurely and in total defiance of and arrogance toward Hashem and in total disregard for and rather complete disdain actually of the actual will of G-d... they know better but Hashem has tricked them into convincing themselves that they can really do this and succeed and get away with this... oh are they in for a rude awakening... and massive shock!!! and so as we watch them all now as they are set to totally go against our most sacred spot... we too must take stock of ourselves and account for ourselves nobly and honestly... and objectively we must admit to ourselves that we'd trade the whole universe and all of this crazy olam hazeh for that one centimeter of space on earth... for the kodesh kodashim!!!! it's all that ever mattered throughout our painful history and we have it now in our possession and must wrest it from the usurpers of Hashem's throne on earth... remember?

say it over and over again outloud and in your mind... go back people... back to june 5th and 6th of 1967... to koach iyar... and say it with me now...

"har habayit b'yedenu...." "har habayit b'yadenu..." let it sink in... shh... quietly now... "har habayit b'yadenu!!!"... once more...  "har habayit b'yadenu...." "har habayit b'yadenu..." anachamol... "har habayit b'yadenu..." again hear the words... "har habayit b'yadenu...." it's right in our hands... Hashem gave it back to us already.... He will never allow it to leave us ever again and go back out into another long night of golut... it's all done... we did it already in part anyway... "har habayit b'yadenu..." were really all through paying for our sins... it's the world's turn now to pay for theirs... we will never let them give it away... will we? we will stand up for what Hashem wants from us right now... "har habayit b'yadenu..." we will in any event see how Hashem denies them their most agonizing goal to wrest it away from us somehow... when they let us go back... and they let us... on some level or another... out of guilt or to use us... or out of shame at how far they had gone last time to almost wipe us out... and they realize they can't but each new generation tries afresh... "b'chol dor v'dor omdim alenu l'chalotenu..." yes we will see the great G-d of israel step into the picture forcefully, masterfully as soon as they reach out their hand to grasp it"back"... they will suffer the consequences... but so will we if we don't stand up now in faith and trust and show Hashem that He is in control and more mighty than all of them with all their nukes and weapons of mass homicide... better make that mass genocide... for they have been pulling the strings on all of those wars and decimation... for centuries now if not longer... but no more their power ends here forever!!!! they have chosen their path... and they will now see the reigning glory of G-d rain down their onesh and recompense for all the blood they took from us and from the rest of mankind...  for we are all G-d'sl children and He is the common Father of us all... and if this is really so... then He and He alone has determined what will befall His people... His first-born son will live... and triumph... and prevail... and the more we show our belief in this undeniable truth the easier the agony of the final labors of childbirth for the advent of moshiach... moshiach ben david... at long, long last... but first... our duty and then our reward... and then the world will finally be at peace forever...

the har habayit has long been returned to us already... ages ago... now the time has come to reactivate its sacred holiness and bring the final redemption into reality and fulfill all the sought after visions of our prophets and teachers... throughout all-time... "har habayit b'yadenu..." and at last its time for the show... time for the final curtain... Boruch Hashem to be alive and to see this b'aynenu!!!! no matter what the suffering we may now have to go through... hopefully we will be found worthy and we will not have anymore tzar... it's all up to us how we finish... Hashem waits now for us to make the first move if we can summon the requiisit guts to prove our metal... but even if we do not awaken and arise... even still Hashem our G-d will not let His final redemption process be reversed, stimied or defeated.... for His Name's sake if not for ours as well... He will not allow this chillul Hashem to occur... and He will be mekadish His Holy Name in the world in the view of all the world in the full noon hour of the light of the day... "b'etzem hayom..." and none of them will be able to stop Him or prevent Him from His sanctification... when on that day finally after all this agony... He will be One and finally... His Name will be One... and also His people will be lifted up because there can be no ultimate sanctification of the glory of G-d without His one people by His side... serving Him and proudly showing the world how His torah is real... the only truth... and that we all honor it and pay homage to our king... Hashem... our true king and only king... when the world finally witnesses this they will shut their mouths forever... and the evil kingdom will go up in smoke... like the smoke of the kivshan (furnace)... and He will be vindicated... and so will His land, His torah and His people... "har habayit b'yadenu..." never to be stripped away from us ever again... nikmatdam with love of G-d for our am and land.... may we only be found worthy... amen selah... "har habayit b'yadenu..."     
549   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "and you shall not go a whoring after your heart and after your eyes..."  on: May 07, 2006, 12:59:54 PM 
well then... the same goes for them... as it says in zechariah ()... "and yehudah will fight alongside gog against yerushalayim..." and yehudah my rav always taught us means the rabbis... the very best frum jews and biggest talmedei chachamim!!! so i'm not surrised in the slightest... nik. disappointed but still pounding away at it... 
550   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 07, 2006, 12:54:45 PM 
enjoy... the boycott has not yet begun... and it will only be a voluntary ban at that!!! nik. putting it all together...
551   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 07, 2006, 12:50:12 PM 
btw you and me bk... when moshiach gets here i want to be wherever the best action is in picking up a rifle and taking vengeance!!! as i always say here and elsewhere... i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance!!!! nik. on his way back home again but hoping to exact revenge all along the way!!!
552   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron...  on: May 07, 2006, 12:41:39 PM 
keep fighting for every square inch... constant, unrelenting confrontation is the key here... keep on keeping on contesting every move the memshelt zadon makes... never give in or give up.... the fight will grow and the anger will esculate until we will prevail with the help of G-d... they are actually our best friends now as their sick actions are bringing us together in righteous indignation... nik.
553   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: HEY!!! ON "HEY!!!" (why is this becoming personal?)  on: May 07, 2006, 08:29:44 AM 
you are not the ones wronged here... whose message was destroyed, distorted and blatantly kept from viewing!!! so rush away people... i'm ready for you and i welcome your challenge and your charge!!! i promise you all i will give back to you as good or better than i get!!! i am certainly not afraid of any one of you!!! so have at it!!! nik.
554   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "and you shall not go a whoring after your heart and after your eyes..."  on: May 07, 2006, 08:22:49 AM 

and once again i reiterate... i did not refer to shas as a bunch of whores...."CASUALLY"... i did so purposively and with great anger befitting their disgusting act of perfidy against us all!!! n.
555   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: HEY!!! ON "HEY!!!"  on: May 07, 2006, 08:20:27 AM 
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556   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / HEY!!! ON "HEY!!!"  on: May 07, 2006, 08:09:52 AM 
557   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: HEY!!!  on: May 07, 2006, 07:58:46 AM 
no it wasn't ltkn... it was used because that is what they (shas) have become... they made oslo possible with all its incumbent agony and now they have made possible the unthinkable... the giving away of parts of jerusalem and with it the har habayit... i would say calling them whores is mild... they really should be called traitors!!!! nik. out...
558   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir and his call for all of us to go up to the land...  on: May 07, 2006, 07:50:36 AM 
i unlike the vast majority of american (diaspora jews) have a purpose to be here now helping other jews see the light and the real truth... when this mission ends or changes i will certainly come home for good or for awhile depending on what Hahsem wants of me... i serve Him and not myself nor anyone else of basar v'dam... i am rav meir's talmud and i will fulfill his wishes and directions... his teachings and his message... in any event i do hope and pray to be in israel this summer... it has been 26 long years since i have been home... nik. 
559   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / dealing with shas' treachery... and their dealing with their own lies & flaws...  on: May 07, 2006, 04:30:13 AM 
if no one here is willing to take them on and discuss the general and specific issue of what they have done by joining the government... then i will have to do so...

hirtzu (pay attention) shas...

i know it's hard to be moral and ethical and do the right thing al pi torah legabi k'lal yisroel when you have been and are thoroughly corrupted and guilty... and while the diseased and demented have the goods on you... we will forgive you your sins and failings, shas... we will stand with you when they arrest you, try you, convict you and jail you for your "crimes" (ones they have all done equally and far worse ones as well... like the murder of jews, etc.)... just leave the government and don't let them give away hebron and jerusalem and the rest of eretz yisroel... leave tomorrow... tonight!!! and we will forgive you... leave these sinners now and don't get swept away with them in their and by their sins to high heaven and low hell... to stay and remain passive and silent and allow others outside the gov. ruling clique to do the dirty work for you is unacceptable... to let these vile beasts in and out of the ruling coalition decide the fate of eretz yisroel while you stand aside paid off and threatened... blackmailed... is still to be complicit when they act against all that is holy and G-dly about our homeland and people; our torah and our G-d... and therefore to do this dastardly deed of perfidy, betrayal and sedition for any reason good (for money for torah education) or evil (to keep your sins secret)... is the same as fighting with them in order to help gog u'maygog win... to aid britain and america and the vast cabal which IS really out there in the world... all over and throughout this world is to sin against am yisroel and Hakodesh Boruch Hu for all time... for to help them prevail in their sought after goal to rebel against the Al-mighty even just by your timely and mute abstention is tantamount to actually pulling the trigger and destroying am yisroel and all we hold dear and sacred!!! for our rabbis taught us... "shtika k'hodah dami!!!" ("silence is the same as aquiescence")... if you will act like korach you will surely become korach and suffer his same fate... and you will be anihilated right along with these nazi-kapo overlord cretins so set upon our demise and the permenant obliteration of the am Hashem and the dream and real meaning of the land of Hashem... make no mistake about this... you will be judged the same as them if you enable them to be victorious... you cannot escape culpability and harsh punishment with this flimziest of denials and alibies... nik.
560   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 07, 2006, 02:07:15 AM 
maybe true... but on the right side and upon the right path... wish i could say the same for you yby... there is no good reason for you to scoff at this proposal... it can work and it can be effective and it can make a difference... and i for one will never stop and i'm going for it!!! we'll have to watch your true motivations for what you say from this time forward... rav kook pic or not... nik.
561   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Don't shake my hand and don't take my land  on: May 07, 2006, 02:02:16 AM 
that's what we need... every jew to take his/her stand wherever possible... whenever the opportunity presents itself... every jew... everywhere... now is the time of our redemption...NOW!!!! nik.
562   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 07, 2006, 01:41:58 AM 
i am not going to allow this post to drop and be out of the top two or three until you guys respond to it... i'm not kidding around... this is serious... this is truly our obligation and duty right now... wherever we live... nik.
563   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron...  on: May 07, 2006, 01:09:22 AM 
our time has come... with Hashem's help we will be vicorious over our enemies... the sabbath violaters and their goyish scum human pets ( dogs) will not prevail this time... please G-d... no more chillul Hashem... now is the time for maxim kiddush Hashem no matter what the stakes... no matter what it takes... by all means possible... their hatred of G-d and torah; the holy land and the am Hashem shall not win-out... the erev rav unjewish jews... these vile idolators and blasphemers will fall!!! G-d will reign over His land, people and creation (the entire world)!!!... nik.
564   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron...  on: May 07, 2006, 12:41:58 AM 
no this will not be another amona... no matter what the outcome this will be a true kiddush Hashem...   now is the time to confront... they started it... Hashem will finish it... Hashem will be with us!!! nik.
565   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 05, 2006, 08:12:46 PM 
and because this is the case and therefore it is encumbent upon us all everywhere and anywhere to keep and guard this mitzvah for and in all generations and the duty of all jews in each and every dor... and so i bid you to go and look up rav meir's work... "why be jewish?" and on pages 202-210 or so... you will see the following...

a) rav meir calls for jews everywhere (inside and outside the land) to stand up for judaism and for the jewish policies and actions needed to be done and not care what the goyim think or worry what the goyish jews may say or do if we stand up... (but that we should demonstrate that we only care and yearn to do what is truly right for jews and for true jewish policies and values as expressed in the torah of Hashem)... and remember he wasn't saying back then in 1977 that we had to go out of our way to forfeit our lives and put ourselves in danger just to show ourselves to be brave and courageous for G-d...that we shouldn't do so just to prove we are not afraid of the goyim like so many of you think his message was to us... no... HE WAS SAYING THAT WE ALREADY WERE IN A TIME PERIOD OF CHALLENGE TO OUR G-D AND TORAH IDEALS and that there already was a real and true crisis (and this same crisis is even graver today because we refused to listen and act accordingly back then)... he was trying to inform us that we must summon forth and find it within ourselves to rise up and speak out and take a stand for Hashem, torah, eretz yisroel and k'lal yisroel (whatever the current crisis is determined to be... a little bit of each i say)... and he thus told us and taught us and reproved us and remonstrated against us that because we already ARE in a matzav of danger and supreme choice and obligation to act for G-d and israel (people and land) it is all up to us to do the right thing and tell the world about our decision to stand by our firm conviction and resolve that this is our duty in our service to the G-d of israel and we dare not waver... and he cajoled us that thus anyway if we don't stand up now we will fail the test for Hashem to redeem us from this process all the way and only be saved partially because we don't deserve and are not worthy of more but He will not allow them to destroy us completely because that is His promise to us and His covenant He made with our avot... and so ... if we won't stand up like we should now for kiddush Hashem... to sanctify the name of G-d... then we will blow it big-time and have to go thru another long cycle of part golut/part geulah until the next crisis rises to a crescendo and then He will have to test us all over again to see if we are more worthy next time... or not us but our kids because if we won't stand up now who says He will give our generation another chance? and so i beg you stand up now and we will be redeemed... all of us...not  i... not even rav meir... but HASHEM PROMISES THIS TO YOU!!!! HE IS BEGGING YOU TO SUMMON FORTH THE COURAGE AND VISION AND CONVICTION TO DO WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!!!! HE IS BEGGING US!!!!

and the final rayah (proof) is what we all missed about rav meir's teachings all along... and he was saying to us JEWS LISTEN UP PLEASE!!!! b) that we must realize that this is a tekufa of the goyim trying to break us of our connection to a mitzvah of the torah and when they do this as an open persecution and oppression to have us deny the truth of any mitzvah even one less significant (seemingly) as that of our commandment by and from Hashem to possess this land and never relinquish control over it or let go of any part of it to return to goyish hands... despite everything you know he taught us of chillul Hashem vs. saving and preserving our lives and safety... etc... etc... etc... ad infinitum our usual discussions and debates here and elsewhere over the issue of who is right in their pesak... yadayadayada....



and if the worse should happen because of our stand... G-d forbid... az mah? 

"ayn davar... tov lamut b'ad artzenu!!!!"

"tov lamut b'ad amo u'b'ad amcha!!!"

"tov lamut b'ad hatorah hakedosha u'b'ad mitzvotav!!!"

"v'gam tov lamut b'ad ELOKENU... V'AL KIDDUSH HASHEM!!!"

566   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 05, 2006, 02:07:39 PM 
au contraire... sunkist is a huge corp. with huge profits every year here and in israel... and around the world i would venture... we CAN hurt them and hurt them bad and make our point and take our stand... but it will take hundreds of thousands of jews to make a roshem... nik. out to lunch but not eating any tuna fish...
567   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ...Whore.. (very relevant to Torah and Am Yisrael)  on: May 05, 2006, 12:09:20 PM 
hor d'oerves anyone?
568   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: whores and pimps in the knesset...  on: May 05, 2006, 12:02:19 PM 
"oh how this once formiddable state sits like a whore with no one comin' a'callin' anymore!!!"

good pusuk reference rafi!!! ta... nik. 
569   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: tuna in a can and the jew in a pickle...  on: May 05, 2006, 11:56:53 AM 
most families have kids and kids eat alot of the stuff not to mention the parents.. i bet 5 bucks is an underestimate... closer to 10... and the impact would be enormous if millions of jews did this and went on record saying why they are shunning tuna... it wouldn't stop the amer. and israeli fascist nazis but it would show the world (and us to each other) that at least we are beginning to fight back with something... by any means possible... and then perhaps by any means necessary...

and going to live in yesha only solves the problem if masses of jews go there to live... one more jewish soul there right now does not make that great an impact nor much of a difference in the war to save yesha... just my take on things... in fact... over there there are less freedoms to express yourself and much easier to be silenced... none-the-less i am planning to at least come for a trial year there sometime this summer... shabat shalom l'kulam... ta... nik.

570   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / i forgot these two whore references...  on: May 05, 2006, 01:26:00 AM 
how could i forget...?

"shall they treat our sister like a whore?

"hakezonah yaseh et achotainu?"


and of course this one... how could i forget?

"and it was when about three months had passed that yehudah was told, 'your daughter-in-law tamar has committed whoredom and moreover, she has conceived by whoredom (harlotry)...'"


and before that in (38:13-23) all about the incident of yehudah and tamar.... shame, shame, shame... Hashem used prostitute and harlot and whore multiple times... tch... tch... tch... nik. out and about and taking no guff!!!
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571   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "and you shall not go a whoring after your heart and after your eyes..."  on: May 05, 2006, 12:55:45 AM 
boy i see what you're saying... what a sheer waste of time that site became... nik. off to the races...
572   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 05, 2006, 12:50:59 AM 
shas' cave-in the other day angered me and made me want to go public with this tuna idea... and yes it includes all fresh tuna too... and not just because of its mercury level... as i stated we are trying to protest america and israel's middle-east policies legabi the west bank and jerusalem... yesha and har habayit... we are trying to deny moolah to one mega corp. so they can start to feel our ire!!! arrrg! nik. teeth sharpened and ready to pounce!!! 
573   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "and you shall not go a whoring after your heart and after your eyes..."  on: May 05, 2006, 12:41:03 AM 
(bemidbar:15:39)... third paragraph of the shema...

or how about this one y'all...

"do not profane your daughter to make her a whore (or a harlot), lest the land become lewd, and the land become filled with depravity..." (vayikra:19:29)...

or this one...

"israel settled in the shittim and the people began to commit whoredom (or harlotry) with the daughters of moab..." (bemidbar:25:1)...

or of course this priceless gem of a pasuk...

"Hashem said to moshe... 'behold you will lie with your forefathers, but this people will rise up and whore (stray... zanah) after the gods of the foreigners of the land..." (devarim:31:16)...

or this one...

"there shall not be a whore (a promiscuous woman) among the daughters of israel, and there shall not be a whore (promiscuous man) among the sons of israel. you shall not bring a whore's (a harlot's) hire or the exchange of a dog to the house of Hashem, your G-d, for any vow, for both of them are an abomination of Hashem, your G-d..." (devarim:23:18-19)...

should Hashem have use a different word for prostitute? just wondering... nik. out but not whoring around...
574   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger will surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 05, 2006, 12:10:15 AM 
hey guys this is about the tuna!!!
575   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 04, 2006, 09:58:04 PM 
o.k. so shas are a bunch of "top notch" fellows... there now can i say my piece on tuna?

on pesach this idea came to me...

we should ask the rabbis and the gedolim to issue a voluntary ban and boycott on tuna fish consumption and purchase for at least one year if not two... all shuls and yeshivas too... not just a boycott by individual frum or dati jews...

we are going to try to hurt some industry and corporate wealth here and in israel... any product will do... and others can be added along the way if we wish to expand our protest... we must hurt the american and israeli economy... and hit their governments in the pocketbook too with less tax revenue and the downturn of one of their big industries ... the bottom line is the bottom line with these people and kesef is the only thing they understand... i would call for a boycott of all oil and gas products but it is just not possible given no alternative energy and fuel sources in heavy and ready supply... it would be a gezarah on the public sh'eefsher hatzibur l'amod bo... so i'm choosing tuna instead because...

a) the kashrut on o-u tuna has for years been suspect due to dolphin and porpoise meat perhaps getting into the tuna canneries... ban would also show Hashem our concern for our purity of eating...

b) announced last month new findings of increased mercury levels in tuna... harmful for the frail... the elderly and the very young... side benefit of added health precautions...

c) all proceeds of saved cash (est. $5-$10 weekly) should be sent to help the dispossessed of gush katif and amona and for future problems in yesha... or the moneies can be given to any tzedakah you like... just deny profits to this one corporation... to any one to show we care and are not just standing idly by our embattled brothers' blood... for it is an isur d'oraita for us to sit here or in israel or anywhere in the world while our brethren in israel or around the globe for that matter are being murdered, beaten and driven from their homes... this should be obvious but we are doing nothing publicly to protest and stand by them and stand up for them and stand up against our enemies... the israeli, american and eu governments...

but in no way is this just another fundraiser for endangered jews... no!!!

we will clearly state with some mesirat nefesh summoned for once... that we are refraining from tuna for as long as it takes to send our angry disdain for the jew-hating policies of our governments and to oppose their continued implementation...

and we will announce our overall displeasure with our so-called jewish leaders to kowtow to the gentile world and under duress conceed precious land from our heritage and historical legacy... the land Hashem gave to us... despite the mitzvah to hold onto the land, conquer and dispossess the goyim of it and to settle the land... despite all those mitzvot we are violating by giving up the land of israel... there is a specific chillul Hashem we are doing by allowing the rolling back of G-d's redemption process and also as such in the face of the gentile world demanding we relent and give up the land there is a mitzvah in the torah not to listen to the goyim attempting to remove us from any mitzvah of G-d we have to keep by Divine command... in fact... because it is brazen and public we are bidden to die for the mitzvah... it becomes an inyan of yehareg v'al yavor... we must choose death over transgression... thus according to rav meir in "why be jewish" (page numbers and his sources to follow in a separate post... please G-d later tonite or tomorrow)...

the only way we are going to get out of this golut is by demonstrating our faith in HaKodesh Boruch Hu by standing up in protest against the goyish will neged Hashem Yitborech!!!! just like in mitzrayim eventhough we were abject slaves... still G-d required of us a significant level of mesirat nefesh... that of brit milah and korban pesach b'rabiim in the face of the egyptian masters and overlords and against the authority of "almighty" paro himself... b'kevodo v'atzmo!!!

if they were expected to do something even back then when they knew virtually nothing of Hashem's ways and power certainly we are expected to act and to do so with righteous indignation... to at least do something... anything!!! and not sit here in silence... as we are doing... as many did from our fathers' and grandparents' generations during the holocaust from america... we dare not repeat that great, vile sin... we have no excuses as they pretended to have... no foreknowledge of the death machine and/or no political or economic clout and of course fear of "rocking the gentile boat" and making things bad for us right here as well... all bogus arguments and all sins to G-d and against our ancestors' blood... and so only thus... by finally exhibiting courage, valor and conviction for our fellow jews and for eretz yisroel... only this can save us... only through faith... true faith and trust in G-d when it matters most in the face of real danger and actual threat of life and well-being... only thusly can we help bring the geulah shelaymah...

for if we do not respond this time around we risk incurring the wrath of G-d by our cowardice to help our brethren... we risk G-d's punishing anger if we are apathetic or turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to our fellow jews' plight and suffering or even by our just being too frightened of the goyim... we will be held accountable... (rav meir's exact words on this to follow too)...

this is what i posted and should see reposted minus the title which was objected to... just like some other posts of mine the titles were changed as per the wish of the moderator and webmaster, etc. thank you all for your support...

nik. out
576   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / HEY!!!  on: May 04, 2006, 01:34:11 PM 
what happened to my tuna boycott post? nik.
577   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the definitive reason we should all say hallel on yom atzmaut/ by rav meir hy"d.  on: May 03, 2006, 11:39:38 PM 

however... all shitas are legitimate within the torah fold and world as far as i'm concerned... a true machloket lesahaim shamayim if there ever was one...

but this is the crucial data to know and it ends the discussion...

from: why be jewish... by rav meir...

pages 192-196: (OH HOW WE MISS HIM)...

"there is a 'time' of redemption for the jewish people. there is a final redemption, a final day when the majesty and kingdom of the L-rd shows itself before the eyes of the nations and the LAW AND KINGDOM OF HEAVEN REIGN FOREVER AND EVER. on that day will the glory of G-D and His people be enshrined and the final redemption attained.

we live today in the final era, in the footsteps of the messiah. it is incumbent upon us to understand this and to clearly know its consequences.

we are deep into the period of atchalta d'geulah ~ the beginning of the redemption. one who gazes upon the incredible millennia of wandering, suffering, and miraculous survival of the jewish lamb among 70 wolves; who has seen the terrible holocaust; the phenomenal return of a people exiled for more than 18 centuries as it resurrects its state, brings to life a language, and gathers in the exiles from a hundred lands of dispersion; the miraculous victories against overwhelming odds of 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973, the most miraculous of them all; the astonishing liberation of historic eretz yisroel with our return to the wall, to hebron, to judea and samaria ~ one who has seen all these miracles and signs of G-D and does not believe that we are a divine people and this is the era of the redemption and the beginning of the jewish state that can never be destroyed (just transformed eventually to a true torah-state... nik.)... (one who doesn't see all this) ~ is blind.

yet such there are. there are the vast numbers of non-observant who do not believe in G-d or who pay lip service to HIm that renders him irrelevant. they see in the state of israel a state like all other states, the product of a nationalism like all other nationalisms, a natural and rational phenomenon. for them there is no hand of G-d, no beginning of a Divine redemption, no miracle. since it is a state like any other, there are no guarantees; such a state has no Divine insurance policy. such a state can be destroyed and it is thus only natural to look at the black clouds of destruction and consider dangerous concessions or emigration to canada.

but even in religious circles there has been a debate over the religious legitimacy and place in history of the state of israel, centering about the very honest question: how can the religious jew see the hand of G-d in a state which was created and is run by jews who are not only non-observant but who quite clearly either deny G-d or are at best indifferent to His meaningful existence. (or who hate G-d and torah-true judaism as we see and experience today... nik.). how can one compare this state with the first two which were created by believing jewish leaders and which were both destroyed precisely because jews behaved in the manner of the jewish rulers of israel today? indeed, many religious jews refuse to give religious recognition to the state, or at best accept it on a de facto basis, while a large number of others disregard the seeming contradiction and declare that a state is the expression of Divine will, though they are hardpressed to explain themselves logically.


the key to understanding our era and our future lies in comprhending the true meaning of the creation of the state of israel, why in a generation such as ours the redemption has begun. the prophet ezekiel, in one of the most dramatic and profound visions of the bible (ezekiel 36), spoke to the jews of his time and beyond, of the day when the exile would end and the jew would return home:

'and I scattered them among the nations, and they were dispersed through the countries; according to their way and according to their doings I judged them. and when they came unto the nations, whither they came, they profaned My holy name which the house of israel had profaned among the nations, into which they came. therefore, say unto the house of israel: "thus saith the L-rd G-d, I do not this for your sake, o' house of israel, but for My Holy Name which ye have profaned among the nations, whither ye came. and I will sanctify My great name... and the nations shall know that I am the L-rd... when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. for I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all the countries, and will bring you into your own land..."'

here is the essence of our times. here is the reason for the rise of the state of israel and the impossibility of its destruction. it arose and was created to wipe away the humiliation of chillul Hashem, the profaning of the name of G-d!

'and when they came unto the nations, whither they came, they profaned My holy name.' THE VERY PRESENCE OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN EXILE, scattered among the nations, a minority without a home, a group defenseless and exposed to the whims and power of the majority, a people persecuted because it is weak and has lost its land, government, army and pride ~ THAT IN ITSELF IS CHILLUL HASHEM.

and it is obvious why it must be so! when 'men said of them: "these are the people of the L-rd, and are gone out of His land."' the nations look at this weak and defenseless people upon whom they trod, whom they persecute, rob, despoil and shame, saying: 'if these are the people of the L-rd and we can do this to them, HE is weak, powerless or non-existent!' it is the scorn and disdain of the gentile for the jew and his G-d of which the psalmist cried: 'wherefore shall the nations say: "where then is their G-d!?"'

to the gentile who can, with impunity, trample upon and murder the jew THERE IS NO JEWISH G-D, for if there were He would not allow such a thing to be. and so the gentile mocks this jewish G-d and declares Him to be non-existent. and this is CHILLUL HASHEM, from the hebrew word CHALLAL, meaning vacuum, empty, void.

in the awesome description of the final days when the nations will gather for battle with israel, the prophet ezekiel describes their utter defeat by G-d and says: "and My Holy Name will I make known in the midst of My people israel; neither will I desecrate My Holy Name to be profaned anymore..." and the biblical commentator Rashi says simply: 'the degredation of israel is the desecration of G-d's Name.'

it is through the jew that the jewish G-d is either profaned or sanctified. when the jew rises to the heights and emerges victorious, it is not only he but his G-d who is vindicated and exalted. and when the jew is beaten and disgraced, it is the name of his G-d that is profaned for seeming inability to save him. the essence of auschwitz lies not in the murder of jews but in what that murder implied for the existence, power and truth of their G-d. if we could degrade, humiliate, gas and burn all these helpless jews, sneered the nazis, "where then is their G-d!" there was never a greater CHILLUL HASHEM than this.   

(to be continued later)... (last paragraph)...

and so we understand, finally, the true meaning of CHILLUL HASHEM, and through it the reason for the rise of the jewish state in our times and THE IRRELEVANCY OF THE RELIGIOSITY OR NON-RELIGIOSITY OF ITS LEADERS. "I do not this for your sake, o' house of israel, but for My Holy Name which ye have profaned among the nations." it is NOT because the jew was worthy of it that the state of israel came into being. whether the jew remained the same or became worse was not relevant, because it was not as a reward for his piety and deeds that G-d created the state. indeed, as the age of science, rationalism, materialism and internationalism raced ahead with giant strides, it became clear that the jew would never become better, only worse. for the jew was eagerly backsliding. so the jewish G-d decided that He would no longer tolerate the profaning of His name, the disdain and mockery of the nations, and He decreed that there should rise a jewish state WHICH IS THE VERY ANTITHESIS OF THE EXILE.

if the exile, with its humiliations, defeats, persecutions, minority status, and supping as a beggar at the tables of others, is CHILLUL HASHEM, then an independent jewish state which gives the jew a home, a majority, his own land, his own army, and his own trampling of the enemy on the field of battle IS THE VERY OPPOSITE. it is KIDDUSH HASHEM, the sanctification of the Name of G-d! it is the reaffirmation, the proof, the witness to His presence and dominion, His control of the earth and all therein..."   

578   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../jokers to the right of me...  on: May 03, 2006, 11:10:16 PM 
and stuck in the middle again with yuz guys... chiefboss!!! and don't you forget it!!! nik. out of here...
579   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../cynics to the left of me...  on: May 03, 2006, 10:54:10 PM 
if you guys would only get your heads out of the jars they're stuffed into right now you would know that this time i was not predicting nor prophecyizng this possible attack but... and here's the rub... i was DEDUCING it from info i had learned or heard about guiliani and silverstein... in other words i put two and two together and got 4... not 2 or 3 nor even 5 or 6... 4!!! so put me down for just doing my math homework and shut the hell up the both of youse with all your cyncism!!!!
580   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../ALERT!!! update for the brainnumb among us!!!  on: May 03, 2006, 05:35:24 PM 
well just so you all know... at the moussaoui verdict read today a reporter here in l.a. mentioned that the evidence in this case shows that he was part of or supposed to have been a part of a fifth plane or a second wave of planes to attack both the white house and/or THE SEARS TOWER IN CHICAGO... so there you have it... nik. not so paranoid and out of his everlovin' skull as people may think around these parts!!!
581   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../m or n... all the same to me...  on: May 02, 2006, 07:14:16 PM 
that one question and fact was not the be-all and end-all of that last post... just the opening salvo... but thanks anyway for stopping by and helping us out some, son... don't want to pasul anyone before their time... however... eitaM is already on record stating that if any settlers or right-wing types take up arms to defend themselves from terrorists and/or the govt. that they should be arrested and have the book thrown at them and the key tossed away on them!!!! so i have no use for eitam either... with or with out a broken scalp or whatever he had... lip? eyelid? arm? (story keeps changing)... he's one hell of a pure opportunist plain and simple... and rav moshe paskened in '84 that we have every right to pick up arms and defend ourselves because the isr. govt. refuses to do so adequately... and this was back then!!! before oslo and before even the first intifada!!! and yet he already felt then that the jewish underground guys had acted properly and nobly and therefore deserved and should have received a full and an immediate pardon, amnesty and release from custody... if he were still with us... what would he say now? nik. out of his flippin' lid and way, way out on a limb for k'lal yisroel... not that anyone cares...
582   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../and so...  on: May 02, 2006, 05:53:29 PM 
are rafi eitan and effie eitan related...? bros? then they are both pusul and not on our side just like sharon wasn't and don't let the kippah and frumkeit or the broken bones at amona fool you... if rafi did to pollard what arutz7's newstory today suggests then they are sick jews and should be shunned... nik. just mindin' the store while i completely melt down!!! ta... nikie pooh and goodnight... also please G-d... let this issue before the israeli courts take down this perfidious coalition before it even takes office for a single day... amen... see how in reporting yesterday the news that shas joining put them over the top how they lumped together as one figure (36) the 28 of kadima with the 8 of the pensioners? that means they were in cahoots all along and the 36 combined was always there for the taking... they just made it look close or some other disgusting political rot reason to appear to have been opposing and competing parties when all along they were duping the voting public as to their affiliation and duality... probably cooked the books or votes for the geezers as well so as not to have to cheat on too great a scale on their own party name and accord... you can fool all the people all the time... but you can't fool Hashem or me... nikmatdam one of His humble servants... the whole damn thing stinks to low hell and high heaven... take rafi eitan out and those 8 seats will crumble leaving just 59 left.... thank you very muich Hashem... boruch Hashem!!! justice for jonathan pollard now!!!! a true, true jewish hero and prisioner of zion... an exalted jew of great suffering, yesurim and superior mesirat nefesh!!!! i mean he really laid it all out there on the line for us!!! be grateful and show hakorot hatov by davening for him and by davening for the death of all those involved in his arrest, conviction, incarceration and most of all for his betrayal... may he be blessed with freedom and light and goodness all his days and forever.... amen selah!!!! (i am mekanah his olam haba... it is awesome to contemplate... but i just pray he gets a little of this world as well before his 120 are up... and let us all say amen again!)
583   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: this guy gets it/this guy didn't! moi!  on: May 02, 2006, 05:43:27 PM 
my apologies too in that case... been gone too long i guess... didn't pick that up... nik.
584   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../yuk it up morons just as long as you don't f-ck it up!!!  on: May 02, 2006, 04:42:52 AM 
bravo!!! author! author! you guys crack me up... mock me if you must but that doesn't alter the fact not one iota that israel is staring doe-like into the crosshairs of another holocaust (chas v'shalom) right now!!! and the same "fine" folks who brought you 9/11 did the holocaust and ache to do another one on us and are indeed plotting one right at this very moment while you guys are all so busy being consumed with yuking it up!!! so have at it guys!!! get a good laugh at my expense... just as long as our enemies don't get the last laugh... that will be enough for me... i will be glad to have been nothing but a raving lunatic and we are and always were really safe from danger all along... that will be much to my satisfaction... i will be fine with that... but if i am right... G-d forfend... what then? will you also be fine with all of your unkind latzonot? nik. out of his flippin' mind!!! huh?
585   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: this guy gets it/he gets it alright... right between our eyes...  on: May 02, 2006, 03:58:30 AM 
this guy gets it huh? what are you nuts? half of israel will be gone and we must then learn to deal with it, move on and try to love each other again? with half of israel gone we will be dead meat waiting to be devoured by hungry wolves.... you're insane!!! he's out of his flippin' gourd!!! and i must be a lunatic because everyone seems to have already drunk the punch and so i am the crazy person and you are all the sane ones... well if so... i wish to be out of my mind forever... i want to be certifiable!!!!  mark me down for the looney bin because i will never ever agree with what he and you wish to resign all of us to have to endure.... give it all away and get a life both of you on the left and on the right... what a bunch of hooey!!! such immoral and indecent political rot.... smacking of obvious disdain for true ahavat yisroel... a collective death-wish the two of youse!!!! my G-d you're both blind to the truth of another holocaust looming... G-d forbid... you refuse to see the real intent of our enemies to see us completely destroyed once they put us back behind the aushwitz borders and relegate us all back to warsaw ghetto status... or worse turning the whole of eretz yisroel into  one of their great crematoria and concentration camps the rest of which the world still keeps in tact as a constant reminder to themselves of their past success in almost destroying us all... keeping the welcome memory (to them)  of those awful chillul Hashem days and years alive and still ticking...  a cherished monument to that greatest chillul Hashem of all-time... a chillul Hashem they hope to top next time in the holy land...

i say anyone stepping foot in any of them or into any holocaust museum (the way they are presently configured, run and set up) is perpetrating as large a chillul Hashem as when a jew openly attends a church  or mosque service... esav and yishmael... we forget that they are both our enemies... they both seek our total demise... and this includes am rakia as well...

i say burn down all the concentration camps left standing in germany, poland or the ukraine or wherever else they are... burn them down and then raze every beit avodah zara in the land of israel... raze them all straight down to the ground forever!!!! please G-d... nikmatdam... i'm back!!!! deal with it!!!!

just like when the arab scum tell us that they are all going upstairs to heaven... if that's the case (and we know it is not)... but for argument's sake... if they are right than i want to be put at the very front of the line forming to sign up and beg Hashem to be allowed to go to hell and be as far away from those bastards as possible!!!! nik. just about as outraged as one can possibly get!!!!
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586   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../behave people...  on: May 01, 2006, 12:35:54 PM 
i'm not making any excuses... i really believe he won't sit... of course i'm disappointed at today's news that shas was so shamelessly bought off... and if that is the difference then i was wrong... but it took a bunch of traitors to make me so...

as far as 9/11 and 7/7 are concerned...

only the ignorant, the petrified and the complicit will refuse to see the connection and the convergence of guliani and silverstein... of course satanic larry didn't own the train stations in london... or did he? hmmm! nik. out... way out... huh? 
587   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / listen up...  on: May 01, 2006, 01:43:41 AM 
while we wait to see if i'm right that olmert will never sit as pm on his own direct election... we have something else to worry about...

the only man on the planet to be in ny on 9/11 and in london on the day that their bombs went off was none other than his nibs the "wonder" mayor of the world... rudy guliani... and he was at illinois univ. less than a month ago predicting that 9/11 would not go down in history as the only date on which an al qaeda terrorist strike on american soil occurred... (his actual words)... (he's already correct because okl. city was the first one anyway) but that's another story; not for now...

meanwhile thanks to the loosechange video on 9/11 we now know that the satanic jew... larry silverstein the then owner of tower 7 leased the rest of the trade center bldgs. and property from the rockefeller conglomerate group barely 6 weeks before 9/11 and insured it from terrorist attack to the tune of 3.5 billion dollars worth...

and so... well... i'm sad to have to be the one to inform you G-d forbid... but i'm afraid here we go again... because i just learned that last week or so he leased the metlife/sears and roebuck bldg and complex in... you guessed it... none other than the windy city... chicago, illinois...

and so you guys can do the math from here... put two and two together and you can easily see another 9/11 in the offing... looming just beneath the horizon... perhaps as soon as june... chas v'shalom... beware and be forewarned... and get the word out... suspect any land or bldg. that silverstein either owns or leases... these nazis think we are so stupid that they can perpetrate and get away with anything and right under our noses to boot... what arrogance and hubris... what disgustingly evil men and women {condi} they all are... they must be stopped... we have to stand up against them or they will enslave the world... nikmatdam... out...   
588   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Reclaiming the Temple Mount - book review  on: April 09, 2006, 01:04:25 AM 
a few typos corrected... feedback requested... lenny? david?  nik.
589   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: an idea whose time has come... (in fact it's long overdue)...  on: April 09, 2006, 12:59:18 AM 
i'm not into killing anyone... i am into ridding israel and torah of its enemies... jewish or goyish enemies... i am sick of them hiding behind the banner of freedom of thought or the "we're jewish too" mantra to dismantle the jewish state and destroy authentic judaism... just calling for their banishment will send shock waves and cause a huge drive to rally to save k'lal yisroel from subversion and death by attrition... terrorist attrition led by peres and olmert now... nik. out...
590   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is it really "apathy" or lack of faith in the system?  on: April 03, 2006, 12:19:55 PM 
i'll leave that for you all to decide... but when the truth finally emerges into the light of'll all know how much i already knew eons ahead of everyone... and then we'll see who's smirking... nik. out...
591   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: an idea whose time has come... (in fact it's long overdue)...  on: April 03, 2006, 12:14:42 PM 
thanks... i think you're right... but is that the one on the sidewalk or on my wood floor at home? nik.
592   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: an idea whose time has come... (in fact it's long overdue)...  on: April 03, 2006, 05:56:35 AM 
i know... we can still be accused of inciting to riot and discriminating against a group of israeli citizens based on creed or religion... but if you read the law banning kahane and kach... it never mentions race it only mentions religion... as if rav meir wanted to throw them all out (the arabs) solely because they were or are all muslims or christians... so we can turn the tables on them and say not only do we not wish to rid israel of these "jews" because of their race (since we are mostly the same as they)... but also not for or over their religion... since either they have none or because yet again... we are the same religion as them as well... and so... we got 'em right where we want em'... boxed into an inextricable corner... we want them and the arabs out solely and only because these two groups are a direct and immediate threat to the survival of the state of israel as a jewish state and even more importantly a dire, clear and present and imminent danger to the survival of the jewish people in and out of the land of israel... nik. out...
593   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / an idea whose time has come... (in fact it's long overdue)...  on: April 03, 2006, 05:38:13 AM 
one united national/religious party dedicated to the formation of a torah-true, jewish state... whose first operational goals are for the immediate implementation of all torah laws and... AND!!! the necessary transfer of all secular, anti-torah ashkenazi jews out of the country... we will repatriate them to europe or to uganda if they wish or to any other country on earth they desire to be sent to and to whichever nation will take these human refuse.... these thoroughly diseased and worthless jews by accident-of-birth alone... these disgustingly unjewish erev rav jews... they are not the sephardim... narry a one of them... our curse is these ashkenazi self-loathing and G-d-hating filth... "THEY MUST GO!!!! i'm serious people... they can't arrest us for this platform because most of us are ashkenazi ourselves... just not torah-haters... so they can't accuse us of being racist.... now can they? ha!!! we got them all now!!!! checkmate... game, set and match.... and after we throw them all out we can take care of the arab-scum... like rav meir always taught us... "we don't have an arab problem in israel... (that we can solve and take care of in 5 minutes)... we have a JEWISH PROBLEM and only a jewish problem!!!" so put that in your pipe and smoke it olmert!!!! we're coming to power for sure now!!!! just wait and see... nik. out...
594   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is it really "apathy" or lack of faith in the system?  on: April 03, 2006, 05:24:42 AM 
neither... by the priory de zion, the free masons, the carlyle group and by the knights of malta... scoff if you want or must... but i know this is the truth... i know it!!! ta... nik.
595   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hazit & Herut vote count?/WE DID IT AGAIN!!!  on: April 03, 2006, 05:03:50 AM 
ONE MO' TYME!!! yes sir... disunity on the right and within the religious parties does us all in yet again!!!! think about a combined party of likud plus all dati parties... everyone checks his/her ego in at the door on their way in and does something completely and purely l'shem shemayim for a change... for once in their lives... something positive for k'lal yisroel instead of all this chaos and anarchy and in-fighting... i know... i know... lo haya v'nivrah... never, ever happen... not in a million years... right? but just think about the impact... how many seats would that have meant this time around...? 40? 50? we are truly our own worst enemy.... mazel tov!!! nik. out... so voting is really a waste of time until and unless we all pull together and join as one... i'm coming to live in israel soon... and i will never vote... never... i may run eventually to make noise and draw attention to our issues... but i will never vote unless there is a right-wing nationalist/religious unity party... n.
596   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: upon request... (final edited version)...  on: April 03, 2006, 04:10:22 AM 
david here's what you asked me for... i put it up here not to draw attention to myself but in order to make sure you receive it... one of your e-mail addresses which i have for you and the one from which your request came to me seems to have both gone lost as it wouldn't put my response through back to you... hope this is what you wanted... see you soon, hopefully... oh yeah and you forgot to sign my copy of your book... and please don't forget the letter i need... thanks... chag kasher v'somayach... mosh.
597   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: kadima won. now what?/say goodnight gracie...  on: April 03, 2006, 03:57:02 AM 
kadima won the right to fold and announce to the world that the vast majority of the people of israel want "none of the above" and that for the most part they can't stand really any of the parties vying for power... they alll suck and stink to high heaven... (as opposed to low heaven)... i told you guys before... olmert will never be pm by his own election... i still say this is so... let's see if i'm right... ta... nik.
598   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: obligation to establish a state/yetziat mitzrayim is the proof of the obl.  on: April 03, 2006, 03:54:02 AM 
the rambam may quote the pasuk which is the mekor for a mitzvah but he rarely if ever gives you chapter and verse... that means you need to look at the chumash and know it... nik. out...
599   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: obligation to establish a state  on: April 02, 2006, 07:53:36 PM 
or you can just learn how to look things up on your own in the chumash... it's not that hard... nik. out... of course you can find them in rav meir's writtings as well... ta... nik.
600   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: obligation to establish a state  on: April 02, 2006, 07:23:44 PM 
rambam is not a source... chumash is...

shemot(parshat ki sisa):34:11-16...

"'beware what I command you today: behold I drive out before you the amorite, the canaanite, the hittite, the perizzite, the hivvite, and the jebusite. be vigilant lest you seal a covenant with the inhabitant of the land to which you come, lest it be a snare among you. rather you shall break apart their altars, smash their pillars, and cut down their sacred trees. for you shall not prostrate yourselves to an alien god, for the very Name of Hashem is 'Jealous One', He is a jealous G-d. lest you seal a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and stray after their gods, slaughter to their gods, and he invite you and you eat from his slaughter. and you take their daughters for your sons, and their daughters stray after their gods and intice your sons to stray after their gods!'"

and again in devarim (parshat devarim):1:19-21...

"'we journeyed from horeb and we went through the entire great and awesome wilderness that you saw, by way of the amorite mountain, as Hashem, our G-d, commanded us, and we came until kadesh-barnea. then i said to you, 'you have come until the amorite mountain that Hashem, our G-d , gives us. see ~ Hashem, your G-d, has placed the land before you; go up and possess (it) as Hashem, G-d of your forefathers, has spoken to you. do not fear and do not lose resolve.'"

and in devarim:3:21-22...

"'i commanded joshua at that time, saying, 'your eyes have seen everything that Hashem, your G-d has done to these two kings (sichon and og); so will Hashem do to all the kings where you cross over. you shall not fear them, for Hashem, your G-d ~ He shall wage war for you.''" 
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