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October 20, 2006, 01:55:27 PM
Search: Advanced search Welcome to discussion boards. Feel free to discuss any topic pertaining to Revava, Israel or Judaism. 20342 Posts in 2427 Topics by 341 Members
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601 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Labour as Leader/perhaps better on: April 02, 2006, 03:39:12 PM
if all the religious parties are in the coalition and show a spine then it is better than the kadima nazis... nik. out...
602 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Reclaiming the Temple Mount - book review on: April 02, 2006, 06:55:23 AM
Subject: revava to the temple mount... press release...
To: [email protected]
for immediate release... 4/2/06... 4 nisan 5766...
david haivri's superbly written and newly published
book... "reclaiming the temple mount" is a breath of
fresh air in an otherwise stale political environment
in israel... the miraculous victory of the 6 day war
has all but been reversed and turned into an utter
defeat and a catastrophic desecration of the sacred
name, honor and glory of the G-d of israel... the
jewish people currently lie prostrate and supine...
the re-enslaved doormat of the gentile world... at no
time since the holocaust has the jewish future looked
more bleak...
long forgotten and faded once again into abject obscurity is
the vision of the return to zion for which our
ancestors yearned... for which they dedicated their
lives... for which they ceaselessly prayed... and for
which they were all too often called upon to lay down their lives
and be martyred over their unshakeable and persistent belief in the
surety of the eventual fulfillment of this prophetic truth...
and that singular, euphoric day, like no other in our
history, which finally arrived for us after 1900 plus
years of a murderous and hellish nightmare of an
exile... that special, unique day of friday, june 6th,
1967... the 28th of iyar... known ever since as "yom
yerushalayim"... when the bbc broadcast along its
airwaves the distinct sounds of hebrew emanating out
from har habayit via israel's armed-forces radio
carrying the immortal words of general motta gur...
"har habayit b'yadenu... har habayit b'yadenu..."
("the temple mount is in our hands... the temple mount
is in our hands...")... to wit, no jew then alive old
enough to have heard this moment of exultation and
knowledgable enough to have understood its message...
could not help but be reduced to sobbing... to weeping tears
of joy and gratitude accompanied with the feeling of that sublime
tingling sensation of electrical current running up one's spine and into
one's brain... at the realization of "the dream of 2000 years to be a
free people in our own homeland... in zion and inyerushalayim..."
but alas that vision, that dream and that glorious day of days has
been shattered now into a million tiny shards of disappointment,
disallusion and utter despair and ruination...
but into the breach steps forward david haivri...
and from his pen, like a surgeon's healing-bringing,
life-saving knife cutting through rottening and diseased
flesh, comes a book to restore jewish hope and pride...
haivri's tome reverberates with holiness and out from
its pages echo forth the plaintive voice and clarion call of our
biblical and talmudic sages and our modern teachers as
well... summoning each one of us to action... for
herein lies the clear path and the unmistakeable
blueprint for not only the restoration of our ancient,
fallen tabernacle of our true king, david hamelech but along
with it the re-establishment and re-emergence of our very reason
d'etre... our very core faith in our mission to be the servants of G-d on
earth and "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" performing unwaveringly
and unapologetically our duty to resurrect our torah-true judaism and hold it
aloft for all the world to see...
reclaiming the temple mount is, sine qua non, the most
crucial issue and value of our era... a plea and a rallying cry for
the assumption of a level of righteousness, greatness and
courage which we must heed and a call-to-arms that we dare
not fail to answer... this book is truly our one and only, real
"roadmap to peace"... toward an authentic jewish peace...
and therefore "reclaiming the temple mount" is destined to
become a must read for every jew extant on the planet...
for its missive of dire warning and with it its vital import as to
the mandatory measures necessary to insure our survival...
we only continue to ignore at our own extreme peril...
rabbi moshe parry
eshel avraham
los-angeles, california
[email protected]
603 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is it really "apathy" or lack of faith in the system? on: April 02, 2006, 03:35:59 AM
no apathy in the system... it's just rigged... here too in the u.s. all elections are fixed... nik. out
604 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "the british are coming..." part 5a... on: March 25, 2006, 10:43:27 PM
i am getting to it next... it was a fake or a dodge... of course they needed cotton... but they planned to "have it all" after the war anyway... but had to appear to be against the u.s. government... as always beforehand... also it was a way for them to get aid to those in league with them within the south (traitors to the south's position) who were working with the northern industrial complex and these british agents had to be the go-between for those in the north who could not for obvious reasons be seen aiding and abetting the enemy... unfortunately alot of these southern traitors were jews... german erev rav jewish scum!!!! and they were in league with their northern german jewish erav rav scum... to do america in... and serve british/german emperial interests... jews were prominent in these masonic and illuminati groups but they were far from the majority and far from being in charge... however like the warburgs and the schiffs and the wises before, during and after ww2 and kissinger in the 70's and now wolfowitz here in the 21 st century... they are a powerful destructive and evil force... helping the cabal of america, britain, germany, saudi arabia, dubai, etc. helping them genocide and mass-murder the planet in the name of their corporate intersts for ultimate domination and increased wealth... and they are as they accrue more and more power forming and shaping the advent and the coming of gog (britain) and maygog (america)... whose chief aim is destined to become the all-consuming desire for the utter destruction of eretz yisroel, torah-judaism and am yisroel... they hate Hashem!!!! all as i will also spell out in detail next installment or two... nik. out... it is all so sick and disgusting... but so so true.... n.
605 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: policy question/the answer is to mekadesh shem shamayim... on: March 17, 2006, 04:02:39 AM
and give them what fir... for 2000 years of torture, death and hatred... so...death to all of europe minus the yidden there... get them all out and nuke that vile continent good and hard... top to bottome... east to west... nuke 'em to hell and gone!!! fry them to a cinder!!!! nik. out
606 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment/down boys down!!! on: March 17, 2006, 03:42:36 AM
whoa!!! i do not daven for the death of those who disagree with me... and this is true be they jew or gentile... i daven for the death of those i deem to be reshayim and whom... jew or goy... i feel are trying to destroy torah, k'lal yisroel and eretz yisroel... and i made up the term... and it is valid and o.k. because i am praying for our enemies to be vanquished and for our lost brothers and sisters... to be avenged as per G-d's promise to us in parshat hazinu... "Hashem yenakam dam naki hashafuch!!!!" and i only wish them dead immediately if... IF!!! G-d (not i) has already determined that they are too far gone to ever do tshuvah... in that case i am davening for them to die now so they cannot hurt anymore yidden or eretz yisroel... i do not wish for them to survive any longer than absolutely necessary... not to receive their reward for good now and not later nor to set them up for a greater fall from power later on... no sir... and even though i know that this is exactly why Hashem keeps them around so long after they have gone beyond the point of no return... still because of the sekanah that we are all in right now i am asking Hashem to suspend some of these rules right away and i am asking Hashem to curtail this mida of rachamim which He has for all His children... for truly all mankind are His... and why do i request this... 3x a day... 7days a week? because so many jews are suffering due to it... due to their extended lifetimes and eretz yisroel is threatened with extinction and so i wish for them to all die now and by G-d's hands alone so that it can become apparent and objectively speaking very clearly visible that Hashem Himself is doing all of this and not any mortal men or women... and thus and thereby Hashem's name can be truly sanctified (mekudesh) in the world... throughout the world... and so i daven for their demise and seek revenge and if Hashem disagrees with me... oh well... so be it... that's His decision and His alone to make... He is in charge... but from my perspective this is the feeling i have that they deserve this and we need this kind of a rescue and in this way we also are doing something to try and help rather than just sitting around with nothing better to do... or what's worse going out and getting our heads bashed in and our teeth handed to us on a silver platter... with death davening we can do more... we CAN do something to fight back... even if we cannot right now use other weapons of war for whatever reasons... we can still use the "kol, kol yaakov..." it won out and ruled the day back in mordechai and esther's time... so why not now as well? nik. out
607 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Divine Punishment by Hashem's "hand" and not mine... unless ordered by moshiach! on: March 16, 2006, 12:56:44 AM
and that's why i won't go and do what he is accused of... i'm not stupid... i will death-daven for what i want to see happen and if Hashem agrees with me we will see more and more of them fall or become vegetables... thank you just the same...
608 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment/hang 'em all!!! hang 'em high!!! on: March 15, 2006, 01:52:37 PM
i still want much more than peres' heart on a platter... i want them all!!! i want so much more blood vengeance that i can literally taste what i want in my mouth... you have no idea what a rage i'm in over the innocent slaughter of decent jews over all these too many years... you have no idea the carnage i want to see happen back at these bastards... my blood-lust for revenge is truly savage!!!! nik. out
609 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pic of a policeman throwing stones at Amona protestors/throw back!!!! on: March 15, 2006, 01:47:41 PM
now that's the spirit guys... we need more of this positive fighting-mad attitude!!!! kain yirbu!!! ta... nik. happy shushan purim everybody!!!
610 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment for peres is death by Heavenly decree... on: March 15, 2006, 01:33:42 AM
not me brother... i don't want him in jail... i want him DEAD... dead tonite by Hashem's hands... don't put words or deeds in my mouth or in my fingers here... i want them dead... i want vengeance against them for rav meir, and rav binyamin and his wife tali... and for tali hatuel and here five children... and for all the rest... i want revenge!!! i want their blood!!!! do you hear me now? loud and clear should be your only response... what utter nonsense to throw a bloodthirsty monster like peres in jail... first of all it would be more like a country club like happened by martha stewart over here... what a joke!!!! but much more importantly... putting them in jail is not and would not constitute Divine mishpat which is what i seek... anything less is a dereliction of duty... a sick charade and an afront to all the thousands of good jews he has harmed... nik. out...
611 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / policeman throwing stones at Amona protestors/throw some back!!! on: March 15, 2006, 01:26:15 AM
you got that backwards and wrong... kcvk... those policemen who are like that nazi bastard should not be in uniform at all... and as long as he and his comrades remain in one... it is we who should be throwing rocks at them... and worse even... of course then they would fight back and get permission to shoot to kill because they and the gov. (the evil empire) do not have to worry about negative public opinion for killing or maiming jews... only for arabs do they fear firing back... only for the arabs... because the world doesn't give a damn about jews... in fact when the whole eretz canaan was insenced and aflame with emotions for revenge after what shimon and levi did in schechem... but whatever happened to the counter attack that was sure to happen... one answer is that they all lost interest when they went into the city and saw all the dead canaanim for they noticed all of their recent brit milot and said... "oh well they converted to become like the ivrim... no need to go to war over a bunch of dead jews..." and there you have it!!!! nik. out...
612 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "the british are coming..." part 5b... on: March 13, 2006, 06:17:16 PM
so the blacks are not loved and cherished and their needs and concerns looked after by the powers-that-be... no... african-americans are cynically manipulated and used as a political tool in the hands of the cabal to accomplish their nefarious machinations... they were employed here in america enmasse to help destroy white south africa and thusly deny israel a good and dependable ally on the african continent... as was previously again the case 100 years after the end of the civil-war by the civil rights movement being of use to the northern-industrial and military-complex... because from this they laid the foundation for their southern strategy by attributing the "blame" for the negro rise on the democrats eventhough almost all the southern- democrats voted against all the voting and other civil rights bills... and in this way turned all the white folk down there into republicans forever... and now no northern democrat (outside of the cabal's auspices) can ever again hope to win the presidency... and the republicans have had a virtual lock on the white house for 28 of the last 40 years... and the 12 of the democrats were both southern presidents... and more on the side of the cabal than any of you know... and this is how nixon finally broke thru with southern help and why president bush sr. was able to win despite being a yankee born (milton, mass.) and bred (greenwich, conn. and kennebunkport, maine) simply because he moved down to texas and called himself and acted like and pretended to be a southerner... and so fake or not he was accepted over the pure northener... dukkais... in fact and here is the rub... georgieo's pappy... senator prescot bush from conn.... nazi all the way... (more on this point later)... was the political mentor and guru for young richard "tricky dick" nixon who consulted with him before the infamous "checkers speech"... that helped bail his sorry ass out of the sling... and thus this aspect of the rise of the eleventh horn is the nexus of nixon in conjuction with the house of bush... that house being born during the civil war in you guessed it... none other than... columbus, ohio... which brings us back to the first, initial rise of this evil axis of torys and brits before, during and after the civil war...
and so now we can see and understand what transpired... abraham lincoln was the perfect innocent righteous and unassuming american needed to front the war... to put a good spin on it and elicit the proper patriotic spirit to carry the war forth... "to preserve the union"... as lincoln phrased it with sincere and utter honesty and belief... while he, unknowing of the political and economic forces forming and plotting against him and against his worthy and altruistic policies, so while he strode about trying to do everything in his power to save the union from total disintegration... these radical republicans and some democrats in league with them... were covertly manipulating abe and the south and pushing them both inexorably and inextricably forward on a collision course to all-out war... and once the war was over when lincoln's plans included such things as early and easy rehabilitation; calling for brotherly-love and an open-armed willingness to see the south's speedy reacceptance back into the union with mercy and in a generous spirit of forgivenenss... all of which did not jive with the post-war effort plans of the savage industrialists and financiers of the north and in great britain who were salivating and chomping at the bit to get at all that land and property and keep it for themselves... and so they had lincoln killed to stop his plans for reconstruction and for them to be able to take over and smother the southern re-emergence into grace and especially into renewed wealth and prosperity... and that's why so many "carpetbaggers" as they were called came down south... to work for the northern monied-interests wishing to control and dominate the crushed and vanquished south...
slavery was never the issue... even lincoln did not want to go to war over it... he was willing for peace to keep the status quo of the missouri compromise... except from his administration onward he would restrict slavery only to the south where it was then and deny its spread out west and eventually then he felt it would gradually die-out by virtue and weight of its own stagnation and war could be avoided... but behind his back the unseen forces arrayed against his noble leadership were conspiring to utilize the issue of ending slavery now in order to force the issue of war upon the south... to leave them no choice other than to seceed... and fight for their dignity, self-determination, state's rights and basic right not to be told what to do as serfs themselves... look at the attitude up north after the war... abolitionists notwithstanding... the majority of the white men in the northern-industrial complex hated and loathed the blacks and ghettoized them when they flocked north during and after the war... the south except for the humiliation and degredation of the institution of slavery and the abuses that some engaged in because of their elitist positions... but without a doubt for the most part the southern whiteman poor and wealthy classes... got along with the blacks and were always more neighborly and freindly with them than ever were their northern counterparts even until this very day slightly over 140 years later... with the exception of the klan of course... but their hatred and racism is contrived and northern-spun... paid for by the powers-that-be to constantly keep the south embroiled in turmoil and disunity so that it cannot thrive without the input and direction of the north... and so people like george bush sr. are dispatched down south to make it appear like they are southerners at heart in order to better do the bidding of wall street, the cfr and the other power groups like the carlyle group which the wealthy and powerful utilize to run the show here and around the world... bush sr. was born in conn. and he is a yankee as thru and thru as any other blue-blood tory or brit...
past, present or future... his son the current president may have been born in texas but he was bred at yale in the north in the heart of the cabal and works solely for their interests today... the recent dubai (uae) ports deal-debacle is a great case in point underscoring my contention here... in fact as we are supposedly in the middle of this great "war on terror" there is no other way to understand this heated move and attempt at-all-costs of a veto-threatened bullying by a president who saber-rattles even before he supposedly knew of the sale's idea in the first place... it makes no sense unless everything is a lie from start to finish including now the "u.s. entity and company" that is going to now bail-out the president and help the arabs save face and salvage the deal for beaucoup bucks and moolah... can anyone say haliburton?
so while the south was fighting for its survival and dignity and lincoln was fighting to preserve the union... the power structure in the north was hell-bent at nothing less than the total decimation of the entire south... which is exactly what they got when that insane meglomaniac sherman marched thru georgia to the sea into south carolina razing everything in his wake and torching and burning it all to the ground...ruthlessly and mercilessly laying waste to all that the south was and ever had been... ensuring that they never could or would ever rise again... not without the north's military and economic stifling stranglehold and utter control of the whole damn region...
so the assassination of the greatest man ever produced here... abraham lincoln was the first horn knocked off during the ascendency here of the nixon-bush house of evil... only back then the leader was stanton the masonic bigot and secretary of war... pushed and thrust upon lincoln though a democrat when salmon chase and william seward lobbied for him to replace the corrupt and ineffective simon cameron... however seward who was secretary of state (and had himself attacked and wounded on the night lincoln was killed to avoid suspicion of a coup which this assassination most assuredly was)... seward as secretary of state had tried at the beginning of lincoln's administration to get his brother radical conservative republicans into senior cabinet posts... chase for treasury (he later had it in lincoln's very abruptly interrupted second term) and a montgomery blair for another unspecified position... all of these men emenating out from the great state of ohio (except chase who was from ny and most probably jewish at that... unfortunately)...but it is from ohio where most post-lincoln presidents stemmed and from where was fashioned
the stolen re-election "victory" of dubya in 2004...
now how many want to bet that this blair is related somehow to the current prime minister... one, tony blair over the pond in merry old england...? just like our loveable george herbert walker bush (#41)... is a direct relation of the very same spencer family high up on the peerage... whence hailed the very lovely but sadly very late duchess of wales, princess diana... and we all know who killed her and why... and so it all fits neatly into place... the pattern is unmistakably clear and openly transparent... torys and brits all around us... to the right of us, and to the left and center as well... and we are stuck in the middle with no where to go, no where to hide, no one to turn to and no way to stop them from wreaking havoc on our world... in fact in the unauthorized biography of bush sr. by webster tarpley... he is characterized as the american calligua... a most dreaded and evil emperor of ancient rome... and upon his ascension to the throne... er... uh... i mean upon his election in '88 to the presidency... bush sr. is quoted as saying that there is no good reason anymore for us not to be much closer to great britain in our various dealings with the world than we have been in the past... and that is how we have come to "the coalition of the willing"... which is really just the u.s. and england in this non-war, war on terror... which is all really for oil, gas and a foothold in the region to replace our saudi one and stay in shouting distance of and in order to better be able to humble and break... israel...
but regardless of the modern trappings of all these developments... one thing is certain... the gameplan and script for world dominance was real and was carried out relentlessly until it finally struck paydirt with the advent of the civil-war... but the take over was not complete and see-sawed back and forth until world war 2... where we will pick up next time the thread of this evil eleventh horn's heady rise to power and eventually in our day and age along with great britain to the seemingly invincible and unassailable perch and plateau of gog u'maygog status... (stay tuned for part 6)... after purim... please G-d... nikmatdam... out...
613 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "the british are coming..." part 5a... on: March 13, 2006, 06:13:38 PM
"the british are coming... the british are coming..." er... well actually the real truth of the matter is... they never left...
and this is just as true for israel after 1947 as it was for america after the revolutionary war in 1777... allow me to explain... first in song...
"a day in the life..." (lyrics by john lennon of the beatles)...
"i read the news today oh, boy
about a lucky man who made the grade
and though the news was rather sad
well i just had to laugh and
i saw the photograph...
he blew his mind out in a car
he didn't notice that the lights had changed
a crowd of people stood and stared
they'd seen his face before,
nobody was really sure if he was from the house of lords...
i saw a film today oh, boy
the english army had just won the war
a crowd of people turned away
but i just had to look
having read the book,
i'd love to turn you on...
woke up, fell out of bed,
dragged a comb across my head
found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
and looking up i noticed i was late...
found my coat and grabbed my hat
made the bus in secons flat
found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
somebody spoke and i went into a dream...
i read the news today oh, boy
four thousand holes in blackburn, lancashire
and though the holes were rather small
they had to count them all,
now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall
i'd love to turn you on..."
"aqualung..." (by ian anderson of jethro tull)...
"sitting on a park bench ~
eyeing little girls with bad intent...
snot running down his nose ~
greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes...
drying in the cold sun ~
watching as the frilly panties run...
feeling like a dead duck ~
spitting out pieces of his broken luck...
hey aqualung...
sun streaking cold ~
an old man wandering lonely...
taking time
the only way he knows...
leg hurting bad,
as he bends to pick a dog-end ~
he goes down to the bog
and warms his feet...
hey aqualung...
feeling alone ~
the army's up the rode
salvation a la mode and
a cup of tea...
aqualung my friend ~
don't start away uneasy
you poor old sod, you see, it's only me...
do you still remember
december's foggy freeze ~
when the ice that
clings on to your beard is
screaming agony...
and you snatch your rattling last breaths
with deep-sea-diver sounds,
and the flowers bloom like
madness in the spring...
feeling alone ~
the army's up the rode
salvation a la mode and
a cup of tea...
aqualung my friend ~
don't start away uneasy
you poor old sod, you see, it's only me...
leg hurting bad,
as he bends to pick a dog-end ~
he goes down to the bog
and warms his feet...
hey... aqua....lung....."
and of course as before at least one or two for america...
"military (nuclear) madness..." (lyrics by graham nash of crosby, stills, nash and young)... (this one is for both britain and america)...
"in an upstairs room in blackpool
by the side of a northern sea
the army had my father
and my mother was having me...
military (nuclear) madness was killing my country
solitary sadness comes over me...
after the school was over and i moved
to the other side
i found a different country but i never
lost my pride...
military (nuclear) madness was killing the country
solitary sadness creeps over me...
and after the wars are over
and the body count is finally filed
i hope that the man discovers
what's driving the people wild...
military (nuclear) madness is killing your country
so much sadness, between you and me...
war, war, war, war, war, war..."
"the night they drove old dixie down..." (lyrics by robbie robertson; as sung by drummer levon helm of the band)...
"virgil caine is the name, and i served on the danville train,
'til stoneman's cavalry came and tore up the tracks again...
(and told of the tragic end) (alternative lyric)...
in the winter of '65, we were hungry, just barely alive...
by may (the) tenth, richmond had fell,
it's a time i remember, oh so well...
the night they drove old dixie down,
when all the bells were ringing...
the night they drove old dixie down,
and all the people were singin'...
they went ~
na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na...
back with my wife in tennessee,
when one day she called to me, (she said)...
'virgil, quick, come and see, there go the robert e. lee!'
now i don't mind choppin' wood,
and i don't care if the money's no good...
ya take what ya need and ya leave the rest,
but they should never have taken the very best...
the night they drove old dixie down,
when all the bells were ringing...
the night they drove old dixie down,
and all the people were singin'...
they went ~
na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na...
like my father before me, i'm a working man,
(i will work the land) (alternative lyric)...
like my brother above me, who took a rebel stand...
he was just eighteen, proud and brave,
but a yankee laid him in his grave ~
and i swear by the mud below my feet,
you can't raise a caine back up when he's in defeat...
the night they drove old dixie down,
when all the bells were ringing...
the night they drove old dixie down,
and all the people were singin'...
they went ~
na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na...
the night they drove old dixie down...
now the bells were ringing...
the night they drove old dixie down...
and all the people were singin'...
they went ~
na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na..."
so why do i do it? why do i cast the themes of my messages in rock 'n' roll songs?
it's because i find great meaning in the work of my older peers of my childhood... i feel the music of my youth brought me to torah... but even more than this... i see in some of these songs i have quoted the feeling that people everywhere get it.. though they can't seem to express it in words... but the music comes through and lifts you up and you can see and feel the truth... the truth of what the-powers-that-be of this earth... past and present... the truth of what they've done to G-d's great and beautiful creation and how evil they are... and how we must band together and fight hard to take the planet back from them before they destroy the world and everyone and everything in it... and that's why i quote these people even though i know morally they haven't been the best...but they were and are still today trying to find answers to the enigmas of life still out there... grappling to find the emet... and thus we are together battering our brains and wracking our bodies and souls with pain and anguish to search for truth... the truth... the one truth... the one which i found when i launched my personal spiritual journey some 30 odd years ago... the truth of...
"the rebirth of clarity"...
(by moshe parry)...
(l.a. ca. summer of '74)...
"C is for concern...
the concern for the well-being
of our fellow man;
and the care for all
of G-d's creations...
L is for love of life...
to keep the laws of G-d
and will no harm to earth,
nor any living thing...
and to attempt to live in
laughter at your own life's
A is for awareness...
the awakening from the dream
of life;
and stepping then,
to the joys of life's
dear pleasures;
safeguarding its
gifts and treasures...
R is for righteousness...
you need not travel very far;
for all paths, if sincere,
lead to the same place...
but one must tred upon G-d's foremost chosen,
yay, intended course for
each individual man and woman...
I is for innocence...
the innocent song of
the morning dove;
and the ease and beauty of
the child at play...
for this reality,
these two companions
i do seek...
T is for truth...
the one truth that can never
be kept from G-d (the Holy One);
nor hidden from the pious man or woman
for long...
for truth speaks louder
and endures far longer;
than word or gun....
Y is for the yearning....
the gentle beat of the heart;
the soft flow of tears...
yearning for the dream
of paradise ~
peace on earth ~
goodwill toward man;
to reach the promised land..."
and that's why i do this in my writing...
and now to continue where we left off in part 4 (and i believe we will need to go to a part 6 as well because there is just so much to tell)...
we left off explaining the meaning or the representation of the eleven horns on the metal monster... how ten came before but the smallest one the eleventh came up late and displaced three of the horns and had eyes and a mouth like a human... and proceeded tp blaspheme G-d and war against G-d's holy people... which ultimately leads to the destruction of this creature or beast at the hands of G-d through the battle of His holy ones... and we said the horns represent the greatest leaders of this nation... and if that means america than it means its presidents...
washington, adams, jefferson, monroe, lincoln, teddy roosevelt, wilson, fdr, jfk and reagan... the eleventh horn being to my mind a combination of nixon and the two bushes... as we will see you could make a case to substitute in either truman or harding or both... but i'll get to them later... whoever the ten greatest are they did nothing to anger Hashem but the last one... the eleventh is evil and a usurper... really a pretender to the throne and not worthy to be in the pantheon and in the company of the others who preceeded it... and as we shall see in order to rise to power they had to knock three of them off along the way or they probably would never have ascended to rule... those three are lincoln, fdr and jfk... all murdered... i know... no proof by fdr... but i will make the argument later that they poisoned or drugged and induced him into a brain hemorage much the same as peres has just done with sharon... yemach shemam v'zichram...
this past shabat i had a strange dream...
i saw a bunch of men from the 60's walking along a corridor of power in washington... it was jfk and a voice said to him... "stop south africa from selling access to africa to israel..." then there was a pause and the voice said to me... "do you understand?" and i said "yes"... then i awoke and i knew the meaning...
america took down south africa's white ruling class and government... not because of any great love for blacks or out of concern for their human rights, well-being and dignity... especially for those in africa... but solely in order to deny israel an ally in the world other than itself (america)... and that led me to think of the u.s. civil war and it clicked... everything fell into place...
but first you must go back before the revolutionary war... at the time there was a split between the northern mostly ny, pa, conn. and mass. who were torys (british loyalists) against the war... and the virginians and other southerneres who were for the war... the pro-revolution forces won out and the war of independence was eventually won and freedom and liberty were secured from the british king and his iron-clad grip...
however there still remained the loyalist, tory faction... and there remained the fact that despite their loss great britain still ruled the earth and besides france america had no allies or business partners... so how was america to function economically in a british run world market? not very well... that was the reality... the old city of london with its mercantile and business and banking behemot exerted much pressure from without while their collaborators and (traitors to america) did so internally within the colonies... and things like a federal banking system was established with authority and jurisdiction over the smaller individual state-run financial entities and thus though the patriots and minutemen won the war... the torys and the bloody brits made sure that they lost the peace...
slowly but surely american independence was slipping away... so much so that by 1812 the brits thought they could launch an invasion and win back their colonies... and they almost did... burning washington d.c. to the ground and exiling the u.s. government... and if it were not for a miraculous and unheard of freak hurricane storm they would have held it and finished off the re-conquest in short order... in fact despite the winds driving them back to their ships and preventing them from occupying the capital... the americans barely held out at ft. mchenry in baltimore and later at the mississippi headwaters in new orleans... america barely won the war... all the while though the torys were hard at work trying to acomplish a secession for themselves (the north) from the south at the convention of hartford, conn. in 1814... it failed and shortly thereafter so did the british war effort... but this sowed the poisonous seeds for what was soon to come by the 1840's and 50's leading up to the civil-war...
with all of the above in mind we will now discuss the real truth of what was going on in this country back then...
britain and her american torys were still hard at work attempting to undermine america's progress to becoming a world power and remaining free from english control... brits sent here as spys in every facet of governemnt and enterprise was of course going on continuously under the guise of interested private "investors" etc. trouble is they always sided with the worst elements... those who wanted to kill off all the indians and take their lands and rich resources... those who wished to build raillines and other projects even on the back of poor citizens just trying to eke out a meagre living from the soil or from industry... the environment and the small businessman or farmer always managed to lose out... the idlyic american agricultural and home-spun business way of life was always undermined, compromised and eventually destroyed at every turn...
big industry and industrial machinery, manufacturing was on the rise... and big conglomerates and precursors to the modern-day corporations were beginning to grow and thrive with the advent and on-set of the industrial revolution or age... machines like the cotton- gin were going to put alot of people out of business and make quite a few somebodies extremely wealthy in the process... most of the technological advances and invention initiative was going on in the north... from textiles to construction and from transportation to energy and fuel... so again pitting torys against southern plantation owners with their farming system and slavery... a slavery which could have been ended amicably by going to sharecropping and other forms of renumerative arrangements which all came into existence after the war surely could have been inacted without the war ever happening... except for the fact that the north and their british masters wanted a war... a war to crush the south and enable the north to occupy and exploit it for generations thereafter right down to our own day and era...
so the brits in the early 1820's or 30's outlawed and banned slavery and the slave trade... not because they suddenly realized how degrading and inhumane it was but because they knew the abolitionist fervor would spread to america and the south would be eclipsed by popular sentiment and eventually undone by being provoked into war... a war deliberately and sinisterly devised and carried out... smilar to the way the war with mexico had been fomented in the 1840's and 50's by land grabbing over the rio grande... and it is the very same play called again right out of the same old playbook over and over again by the civil rights movement to again gut the south in the 1960's as well as the way south africa was brought to her knees afterward much later in the 1970's and 80's...
614 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Will Kadima close hesder?/are you serious? on: March 13, 2006, 05:03:02 PM
of course they will... they can't afford to let potential "coup" officers gain a foothold... nik. out
615 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A Thought for Purim above and beyond the levity and drunkeness... on: March 13, 2006, 05:01:44 PM
amen... kain yehi retzon...
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616 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Divine Punishment and only Divine punishment... that's the only kind there is... on: March 13, 2006, 05:00:16 PM
ridiculous... absolutely daffy... all of you... you really think i want or need these things to be true...? that i desire our two governments here and in israel to be this evil and this capable of wholesale slaughter and cold-blooded murder? what are you... nuts? nik. don't bother answering... it was rhetorical question...
617 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment/9/11 was not from Hashem... cfr driven... on: March 13, 2006, 06:11:17 AM
the sheer truth stares you in the face... the questions destroy the gov. story and version of events and you quibble over the poor quality of the video? my G-d!!!! your fear and paranoia can be felt all the way over here thru my screen... the weight of evidence is so compelling that it all was an inside job... the coincidences mount up to an unbelievable and sureal caliber of pure sheker... and the truth literally engulfs you but you won't accept it... because you are too afraid of the consequences of that acceptance... too petrified of what might happen to you if someone finds out that you are now a non-kool-aid drinker... admit it... for whatever reason... YOU GUYS JUST DON'T WANT ANY OF THIS STUFF TO BE TRUE... too disturbing... too frightening... too true to be the truth... you can't take this much emet... your brain won't compute it... your soul can't tolerate it... your entire system is tilted and put on overload by it... i pity you... and i fear for our future as jews because of your cowardice and helpless state of denial... nik. out
618 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment on: March 12, 2006, 12:36:58 PM
and so what if chamish smokes grass...? so what? doesn't prove he is sick in the head... grass is relatively harmless... less so than cigaretts or alcohol for certain... sugar, chocolate, cafeen and coffee are all drugs too... with deletrious effects on all of us... nik.
619 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment will come to those who won't open their eyes and see... on: March 12, 2006, 12:30:43 PM
bk and lt~kn i didn't say that chamish has all the facts.. i don't know one way or the other what happened that day... i just said his argument and bringing of proof rings true and as presented with ballistic differences between his rifle and the bullets in the arab-bastard bodies is compelling evidence that boruch goldstein was set up... and why would he wish to lie about it? what does he care or gain if boruch is a martyr and went off to protect jews or was a patsy used by the shabak to take the fall for right-wing jews and make them lose credibility and thus hebron as well... it makes alot of sense since we have so many other examples of them whacking out jews to look stupid when they go off and kill arabs... barry isn't saying this exactly happened by boruch but that the idf used him to look like he was the shooter when really one of their own bastards did the indiscriminant shooting and shoved boruch in to be trapped and killed and take the fall for the event... barry uncovered the plot thru the rifles not matching... he did great investigative work here and further uncovers the left-wing plot to undermine our hold on eretz yisroel and destroy our reputation with the rest of the world and more importantly with our fellow jews everywhere... this is a sick manipulation going on to this day and it includes their targetting jews for death like rav binyamin and shows that behind every terrorist attack since oslo the hand of peres, et al is there murdering their own people for their political power and gain... this is what i fervently believe and if you want to call me a whack job i couldn't give a flying ef... truth is truth and i'll stand by it even if the entire world laughs in my face... they can all go to hell anyway (and will) jew-haters that they all are!!! if you guys want to join their ranks by all means go right ahead... i couldn't give a flippin' ef about what you guys do... just don't come in here and tell me this plot isn't going on against the datim and settlers... because it so obviously is... nik. out... and about to stay out if this mess continues... ef you guys for being so blind!!!!
620 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Are Jews still commanded to blot out Amalek?/just aching to do so... on: March 12, 2006, 12:16:03 PM
the shulchan aruch only speaks to halachot which are in vogue and in practice today during golut... no mitzvot hataluiot b'aretz are discussed as they are in the rambam who talks about all 613 mitzvot... so therefore since mechiat amalek can only be done al pi navi and since it can only be done after there is peace from all our other enemies around eretz yisroel which implies most if not all jews living back in the land which therefore implies yamot hamoshiach therefore the shulchan aruch leaves this mitzvah off as it does the mitzvah to eradicate the shivat haammim as well... nik. out
621 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment on: March 12, 2006, 12:59:00 AM
he actually presents a pretty cogent scenario on what might have happened that day... i believe his story that boruch was framed and did not go nuts or even do the shootings to prevent a pogrom... i think he was used no different that yigal amir was set up or any of the others... all to make the right look demented... nik. out
622 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Are Jews still commanded to blot out Amalek?/yes!!! on: March 12, 2006, 12:52:29 AM
there is a mitzvah to wipe out amalek... it is one that is supposed to be done al pi navi though... so the mass extinction of amalek will have to wait for then... probably during yamot ha moshiach... however the gra identifies amalek in sefer kol tor as a combination of erav rav jews, yishmaelites and esavites in league with the other two... all three together combine to become amalek...
rav moshe feinstein paskened that if it became clear that someone was an amalekite and could prove it via lineage or whathaveyou... it would not be an obligation to kill him but a mitzvah nonetheless if some jew did do it... however to avoid chillul Hashem it is only permitted he said if the jew knows he can do it undetected and get away with it so as not to get caught as the goyim won't understand his heter and mitzvah to kill this guy and it will result in a jew being tried for murder which would constitute obviously a chillul Hashem...
the interesting thing about this discussion though is that rav moshe made no reference to dina d'malchuta dina... ("the law of the land is the law")... and this is so because the mitzvah to eradicate amalek trumps any and all goyish or man-made law... even the laws of murder which are Divine to b'nai noach can be set aside here to fulfill the mitzvah of mechiat amalek... nik. out
623 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona). on: March 12, 2006, 12:41:07 AM
b'nai noach may not drink blood... it is part of the isur of aver min hachai... who ever told you that is mistaken... however since they need not shecht or kasher they can consume all the blood they want via the meat... justa as long as the animal is dead when they begin eating (raw) or cooking... nik. out
624 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment/comes to all those who earn it!!! on: March 10, 2006, 05:09:08 PM
he's young... 50ish and though an avid smoker he shouldn't be having such a serious illness so early in life... so you do the math... nik.
625 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment on: March 10, 2006, 10:28:49 AM
i know him and he's not whacked... in any event i can't talk about him right now... 'cause he just had a stroke nebuch!!! and i feel for the guy so i can't comment further on him for the time being... nik. out
626 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals on: March 10, 2006, 10:24:00 AM
amen... thanks all... i am better now...
627 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / question l'kulam... someone delete this please... on: March 10, 2006, 10:22:59 AM
was the site hacked by arabs yesterday... or just my computer? and if so... why aren't we talking about it? just wondering... i'll delete this if you all want after i get an answer... nik. i saw my answer down the line so someone please erase this it is a waste of space and time... the system won't let me delete a topic i've started... i understand why... 'cause what if i don't like the replies i can just silence them by erasing my own effort and offering and get rid of theirs as well... so someone please do me the honors here i request it... shabat shal-om... n.
628 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Has the world gone mad?/absolutely!!! without a doubt!!! on: March 10, 2006, 10:21:30 AM
look... there is a difference between an individual evil man who does his own evil deeds and his children not being punished for those sins of their father if they do not follow in his evil footsteps...
but here we are talking about a nazi father who did evil on a world-stage level against millions of people (and not only against jews)... and therefore his son should not be let in to the am Hashem because his yichus is pusul...and i know that the slayer-general nevuzardan of bavel after he slaughtered thousands to try and stop the boiling blood of zechariya hanavi (v'hakohen).. is said to have converted... but i don't believe it... i think the real pshat is that he took his own life out of fear for what he had done just like the roman who helped ease the suffering of one of the holy asuray harugey malchut who had been set on fire but had wool placed over his heart to delay his expiring and maximize his agony and the roman took pity and removed the wool and then leapt into the flames himself as an act of tshuvah...
conversion is not an act of penitence... and it should not be allowed to be used this way... if this son-of-a-nazi-dog wants to atone for his people's sins let him go around the world and start slaughtering remaining nazi bastards... or let him take his own life in recognition that it isn't worth an efing damn because of who he is and what he is... in any event when nekamah comes to the earth finally all of their lives will be forfeit anyway... may that day be soon...
and of course they better not let him in... nik. way out...
629 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Separate Torah forum, yes or no?/14 posters don't need to worry about this... on: March 10, 2006, 10:00:57 AM
not pointless to have the forum... pointless to worry over separating out different categories for discussion... there are not an abundance of people posting so we don't need to have a torah-thought only segment to this site... sorry for the misunderstanding... i should have been clearer... nik. out
630 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals on: March 09, 2006, 01:45:41 PM
stress hives... my body gets weak from over exhursion and i get sick... only happens once every couple of years now though Boruch Hashem... it used to hit me every 6 months... i am suceptable to extreme shocks to my system... to hot... too cold... all started 15 years ago or so with an exposure to some tainted tuna fish... i almost died... nebuch!!! nik. out
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October 20, 2006, 01:57:05 PM
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631 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Divine Punishment sure to come soon i pray! i can't wait for it! i ache for it! on: March 09, 2006, 01:42:34 PM
yes exactly right... and it all started when they helped hitler come to power with the hope to nazify the entire globe because fascism is good for business... at least for the one's in full-control... and they wish to complete the job today and crush us all into serfdom once again... that is the plan... has been for centuries since 1842 and the illuminati garbage came on the scene... just continues unabated down to our times... nik. out..
chamish is right about everything he says... and so i know that site must be sick and diseased and i'll stay away from it... thanks for the info... n.
632 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals on: March 09, 2006, 01:37:25 PM
i do... i just didn't catch his name... i've also been sick in bed for a week now... nik. out
633 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Has the world gone mad?/stark-raving!!!! on: March 09, 2006, 01:35:41 PM
the story above from david hamelech which i quoted is also the source for the stupid maxim... "don't kill the messenger"... this amalakite was not killed because he delivered the bad news of the king's death but because he participated in harming the moshiach Hashem and taking his very life... can't the stupid world see the difference? answer of course not because they are too busy hating us to take instruction from us as to the authentic pshat of torah and tenach.... i hate the world!!!! ugh!!!! disgusting excuses for human beings!!!! nik. out before i really go ballistic!!! i'm in one of my rages this morning... n.
634 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals on: March 09, 2006, 01:28:23 PM
who is ilan hamilis?
635 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Has the world gone mad?/damn it!!! it has!!!! on: March 09, 2006, 11:58:49 AM
they can... the medresh esther says haman's sons or grandsons converted and were learning torah in b'nai brak... but since the sons were all hung it is a bit strange that some were still around to convert... so some say that it meant the sons of sancherib of assyria... who killed their father and did convert and who sheamayah v' avtaliyon are said to descend and who became one of the zugot mentioned in and quoted from perkei avot...
the halacha states... an amalkite is forbidden to be allowed in since he is doomed by G-d to be eradicated from off the face of the earth... even more than any other stam esavite... who is allowed in with open arms but only his grandson (jewish) of the third generation from him is allowed to marry a jewish woman... he and his son have to marry geyorot or mamzarim...
however... if the amalkite tricks us and disguises his lineage and thereby slips passed detection we are duty-bound regerettably to accept him as a jew... such is the story in david hamelech's time... an amalki-ger came running to david to report the death of shaul and to give edut that he himself had helped kill shaul upon the king's request... lest he fall alive into plishti hands and david was so enraged to hear this guy's story that he immediately had him executed... saying: "how dare you! how did you not fear to harm the anointed of Hashem?" so he found a way to get rid of this amalkite-convert who had weaseled his way in for safety from our mitzvah to slaughter him... and we should do the same for gohering's grandson... and we should not permit him to live as a jew among us... and no jewess should marry him... find a way to kill him al pi torah... no nazi should be allowed to be one of us... we have enough natural-born nazis to contend with... thank you very much!!!! nik. out... this story enrages me to no end... you have no idea how much... n.
636 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment on: March 09, 2006, 11:45:00 AM
will do... thanks... i really have only enough time for one site... and i like this one just fine...
637 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Has the world gone mad?/yes on: March 09, 2006, 11:44:03 AM
he should never have been allowed in... nik. out
638 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between you guys and the rest of the jewish people... on: March 09, 2006, 11:43:09 AM
ye all of little knowledge... you just don't understand how true everything i say is... such a shame... they (amer./britain) really are this evil... they are... at least the rich and ruling classes in each country... nik. out... wish you guys had eyes to see... spiritual myopia is a jewish disease... n.
just remember... there are only three kinds of people who dismiss out-of-hand the truth of any and all conspiracy theories... the ignorant... the petrified... and the complicit... which one are y'all? nikie-pooh... later...
639 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment on: March 09, 2006, 11:34:51 AM
o.k. thanks i took a look... but who and what are they... nik.
640 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / turn the whole damn europe into one big cinder-block of burning ash..... on: March 09, 2006, 11:32:26 AM
o.k. right you are... but they're doing more than just "reminding" they're dispatching us straight to Hashem with a one-way ticket before our time... they did it before (during ww2) and they are planning to do the same again today... nik. out
641 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Poll: Separate Torah forum, yes or no? on: March 09, 2006, 11:28:49 AM
listen if there is only 14 of us on this site who participate... then what's the point...? nik.
642 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment yet to come... on: March 09, 2006, 03:41:05 AM
no sillies... the bastards in washington have planned and now have begun to implement the flooding of the country with mexs' in order to change the demography of our country from a nation of americans to a borderless, economic region and a free enterprise zone and in order to impose their order at some future point in time when we wake up and protest they brought in these a-hole violent-types in order to use them to riot and hurt us when and if we rise up in anger... and this is the truth of this whole capitalistic venture... read: fascist-nazi state... and this is what they are partenering with their cronies everywhere especially in the middle-east... including in israel with the reshayim erav rav unjewish jews to do by us... make us over from a jewish nation into a secular bi-national or even tri-national or ethnic-interest bloc... one world order baby... theirs not ours... open up your eyes and see the real-world reality... ta... nik.
643 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals on: March 08, 2006, 10:15:11 PM
you don't want to read proof that germany did not act alone in planning and carrying out the holocaust? this isn't news to you!!!! what is the matter with you? nik.
644 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: US Condemns Israel and Arabs/good!!!! on: March 08, 2006, 10:12:12 PM
i condemn them too!!!! of course i condemn america also and most of the rest of the world for that matter as well... nik. out
645 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / other things to worry about? on: March 08, 2006, 03:07:09 PM
you're joking right? the same bunch of bastards who did the holocaust and then later turned things over to their children and grandchildren with instructions to finish the job... are now trying to do just that by getting rid of israel altogether and if they have to nuke they will... that is why they let iran build up... because it was in the works all along with them denying all the way their own involvement... they brought the ay-hole to power... because if they didn't... what stopped them back in the '70's from invading and taking the whole damn place over? nothing... proof positive there is lying and subterfuge going on here with iran all these years... nik. out... WAKE UP JEWS... AND SMELL THE NUCLEAR FALLOUT!!!
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October 20, 2006, 01:57:57 PM
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646 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / u guys didn't read what i'm saying here/uk planned and then executed the 6 mil. on: March 08, 2006, 11:52:36 AM
ye of little knowledge... power guys in uk call the shots along with rockefeller, kissinger, cfr, etc. over here... they're all one together ruling the world... and the queen her empire is built on drug running all-over the globe... always has been for the "royals"... nik. out
647 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Pope and British royals/u.k behind the scenes runs the planet... on: March 07, 2006, 03:58:34 PM
little do you know what influence they have... little do you knowthe full and complete truth of those disgusting human beings... who have bullied and connived and grovelled when they had to do dominate the world so long... ugh... what they are doing now to destroy israel and the rest of us jews is absolutely nora v'ayom... if you only knew... nik. out...
648 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: America- Enemy of Israel? on: March 07, 2006, 04:20:05 AM
and right you are ish tam... right you are...
649 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Pope and British royals/all nazis... each and every single one of them... on: March 07, 2006, 03:19:22 AM
no matter what this says and i printed it off to read it carefully and will get back to you on this... but i can go farther... they are still holding the truth back... they were all in on the scheme hatched in the 20's to kill off the jews of eastern europe... you know the shtetl jew... the filth... the unwashed masses in order to split the palestinian mandate and keep jordan for themselves... how could they justify breaking their pledge and their trust to the jewish people which the league of nations and the world expected them to honor their dictate and wishes for a large jewish homeland of 12 million or so inhabitants?... well the brits did so by saying well if we get them all killed off somehow in a future war then we don't have to reserve all this land for the x millions who are going to perish... then they could and did start beforehand already dividing the land of israel... our homeland... they divvyed it up and sold it off piece by piece reserving for themselves ultimate control and sovereignty... that's what i know... the british nazis and their american nazi cohorts and counterparts here were all in on this deal and so was the jewish agency of ben gurion and chaim weizman and they all helped arm germany and the ss ukrainian and polish mobs to do their dirty work for them... just like this generation uses all the terrroists to fight secretly for their imperial interests and against jews and israel... same playbook... same play called today as during the holocaust... and eichman visited israel and ben gurion in '37 to lay plans to kill our ancestors off... to relegate them for wholesale slaughter... and this monster (this cabal) still lives and breaths today... not under a german agesis... no... but under a combined british/american/israeli/saudi/uae/taliban/al qaeda and hamas axis of evil... they are all caught up in this nefarious war against israel... torah judaism and Hashem yisboruch... and they are certainly gog u'maygog... (more later on this point of contention)...
come on people... give it up... you know damn well i just hit the nail on the head... you know in your soul of souls that i just knocked it out of the park and that this is all true... sad but true... just the same... now give it up and get mad!!!! we need to fight back... damn it all!!! FIGHT! or die... G-d forbid... nik. out for now... i'm supposed to be sick in bed right now... so that is where i'm heading off to early tonight... but i'll finish this piece soon... G-d willing... nikmatdam...
they killed 6 mil. to keep the land for themselves the utter bastards... they undermined and destabilized a sitting democratic government the weimar republic and brought hitler to power to do their bidding and to help them overthrow their own governments as well (england and the u.s.) have a newpapaer clipping to a foiled plot at a coup here in wash. in '42... ny times i believe... front page...
also i have business side to this scheme... a despotic fascist state is always better for making tons of mullah... control supply and demand... keep down or beat down competition and by all means capture and never relinquish monopolies of any kind... and fight back hard to destroy those who want laws to control and limit this kind of activity...
oh i got alotta mo' fer y'all... taking it all the way back to before the rev. war... the civil war... and of course up to the shoah...
yep... they did it... isolationists they told us america was... why they were staying out of ww2 for so long... wrong!!! lies!!! utter lies!!! they spent the 20's and 30's allowing america and its people to languish in a severe depression and invested all their wealth in german industry and infrastructure including military all against (or mostly) against the versaille treaty which ended ww1... no matter "the ends (their wealth and power) justified the means" (killing jews... becoming nazis and trying to nazify the whole entire planet)
they are the ones... the brits are... who taught the germans where and how to set up the concentration camps as they had employed them first in the boer wars in south africa... date anyone? i'll look it up for later on... they got them to put them in poland and the ukraine so as not to upset the more genteel and refined, cultural sensitivities of the german peoples who were too squeemish to murder... some of them anyway... and would possibly have revolted... maybe yes maybe no... i don't know and i don't care... all that money going to germany from america... not isolationist in the slightest... they were more than just sympathizers... more than just collaborators out of fear or for profit... like switzerland... they were all in on the "kill" for and as full partners in a plot to rule the world together forever... each in their little nazi-feifdom around the globe...
this answers all the questions and explains everything that has transpired and befallen us jews and good, decent people everywhere... since 1922... and i'll just leave you with this little tid-bit of lie and cover-up for you to ponder and mull over...
what if chaim weizman wasn't as they claim in the history books working for the british to develop "acetone" which made bombs more leathal... what if he was really working on cyclone-b gas... to speed up and make more swift the execution of european jewry? told by the brits to expect 2-3 mil. and to go kill hertzel who would not go along with this plan... and to keep amer. jews in the dark and not protest too loudly... and then of course they doublecrossed their little jew-boy and tried to exterminate all 9 million or so on european soil... only managed 6 mil though and this explains why their german lackeys worked so hard to complete the mission as they were collapsing and on the verge to lose the war... and then deed done... a job well done for the brit/amer. cabal... providing them with cover that the germans did it not them... "they knew nothing about it"... "at least not the extent of it" bs every sylable.... and then most of the german and polish and ukrainian nazis and ss hordes got their free pass... get out of jail free and their visa to canada, america or south america... and as long as they kept their mouts shut they remained safe from scrutiny and prosecution... but if they looked like they might squeal... bam! eichman is dragged in by the israelis... not to try him... not to kill him... but to shut him up and make him disappear.... either for real as in dead or just under a stiff warning that next time he talks it's curtains and then he sailed off into living oblivion but still alive... and probably with a new face carved out of the old one... also explains why germany launched against poland in sept. '39 instead of spring '40.... because jabotinsky in poland had recruited an army of 200,000 jews to fight to liberate israel from the filth ben gurion and his piece of [censored] weizman and the rest of that company of zionist-jewish-nazi-bastards and [censored]!!!! so they had to break that one up in a hurry because jab. was trying desperately to get his guys on the move to israel...
oh there is so much more to tell that i have put together... and if they can kill 13 mil don't you think it is child's play for them to kill a measely 3 thousand... mostly jews and liberals anyway... on 9/11? it was like cleaning their eye glasses... ho-hum... yawn... o.k. now let's go get all that oil in iraq and the gas-pipeline up and running thru afghanistan and oh yes... all that lovely money from the newly planted and freshly harvested poppy fields... both of which (the gas and the fields) those dirty taliban had denied us... and after all that we did for them too... ingrates... wined and dined them in houston at ghwb's largese... and then we put them in power and told them they could torture, mutilate and enslave their own people anyway they liked and rule over them with an iron-fist forever there... if they but gave us the mere 2 things we most wanted and required from them for our ("our"... sheesh... theirs and theirs alone... certainly not me or you) enrichment and increased power and influence in the world... and of course next this answers the question "if we went into iraq for the oil and only for it... why are our prices so high...?" answer because they want to rip us off too... they don't give a damn about us... nor do they want to share the spoils of war with us... when are you people going to wake up to the truth of these texas/london cowboys? to who they are and what they are... WAKE UP!!! all this stuff is going on under your own noses and you are so asleep!!!! WAKE UP!!! nik. out... more to follow shortly... please G-d...
oh and by the way... you all do know about the truth of bush sr.'s father... dubya's grandpa... you know he cleared a mil and ahalf from his investment in aushwitz slave labor camp manufacturing whatever it was... steel companies in germany owned this site... another thing few know anything about... and how they (avriel harriman and prescot bush) were arrested under trading with the enemies clause on the law books but nothing was stopped or revealed and no one went to jail or paid a fine... they just moved their offices around the block and picked up where they left off before their orignal nyc address and site was raided and shut down... all stuff i have proof about... n.
650 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: America- Enemy of Israel? on: March 07, 2006, 02:58:06 AM
purely on his otherwise america first priority against nafta. etc. purely living as an american shifren is conservative like buchanan... he doesn't want amer. embroiled in warfare all over the world and he wants jobs here and manufacturing here to survive and come before... "sourcing-out cheaper options"... shifren doesn't believe israel is at fault like buchanan but he believes all the foreign entanglements should be undone and all foreign aid stay in american coffers and that is what he had in common with the jew-hater buchanan... even so much as to disregard or not let bother him... i certainly fnd that strange but to his mind it works with his sense of "patriotism"... nik. out
651 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Poll: Separate Torah forum, yes or no? on: March 07, 2006, 02:46:27 AM
NO!!!! that's my vote ... and aw shucks... i thought you guys were saying yes to me and wanted to start paying me here per word... darn it!!! nik. out
652 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Do the ends justify the means?/midvar sheker tirchak... on: March 06, 2006, 01:11:12 PM
as in response to monarchist to mine above... france etc. is a stick of anti-semitism to teach the jews there to leave and they have been in droves since it all began over there... however that is Hashem's cheshbon to make and His alone... we fellow jews on the otherhand have a mitzvah gedolah to rescue jews in danger... sure we should plead with them to leave but even if they won't we still have an obligation to save them and to undo the grave chillul Hashem whenever a jew is attacked and/or murdered...
as to the rest of what you said... the pasuk above teaches us chazal say that even for a mitzvah (to do something good in the world or just to fulfill a mitzvah... any mitzvah in the torah) we should stay away from falsehood... so for example while certain averot l'shema have been recognized thru hitory like yael in the battle against sisera in 4 shoftim... and by purim where esther according to most peshatim went willingly on mordechai's behest to the scumbag acheshverosh and so committed adultery (she was married to mordechai and/or stam zenut with a goy)... but she did it to rescue her imperiled people... but these two cases aside we are not allowed to be meshaker... even for a mitzvah and thus we have examples like lulav hagozel... the psak is you are not yotzei (you do not get credit) for a mitzvah where you stole the object in order to accomplish the fulfillment of it...
but as my brother pointed out this past shabat... it only says "to distance oneself from falsehood..." it never says do no falsehood ever... as there are times when one is allowed to lie for shalom bayit...
like when the brothers fibbed and told yosef after yaakov's death that their father had begged them to plead with yosef for forgivenness and thru them yaakov was asking yosef not to take any vengeance... all of which never occurred because according to many... not until the nevuah on his death bed did yaakov know what his sons had done to his precious yosef... and as my rebbe taught me... never during the 17 years while yaakov was reunited with yosef down in mitzrayim... not once did yosef allow himself to be misyachaed with him... he always brought someone else along... like either menashe or ephraim... just so his father would never have the opportunity to ask... "nu what really happened to you on that fateful day?" so here we see outright lying is o.k. for shalom bayit...
also we learn this lesson to leave stuff out from Hashem Himself who told avraham that sarah had laughed and wondered how such an old woman like her could yet give birth... leaving out the part that she also wondered how avraham who was even older than her could still beget children... and so He didn't tell him this one additional point in order not to cause any friction or resentment in avraham against sarah... especially at this most crucial juncture when they were about to finally have yitzchak avinu born...
so there is a gray area in torah... put in by Hashem Himself... and utilized by Him too... so the ends that time certainly justified the means... as Hashem Himself did it... and also by the brothers as well... nik. out
653 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Poll: Separate Torah forum, yes or no?/ we are kulo torah here already... on: March 06, 2006, 12:38:55 PM
the only thing wrong with this forum's format is that it does not allow for e-mailing posts to one's private account... so i'll have to go out and purchase a ream of paper to copy my file... now i realize because i'm such a blatherer i have more to do than most... however... my father olav hashalom once told me that dicken's works were so very lengthy because he was being paid by the word... per word x amount... so any takers for mine? nik. out
654 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Do ends justify means?/do the means corrupt the ends? i don't think so... on: March 06, 2006, 04:35:52 AM
i forgot one point above... rav meir's brother reb nachman disagreed with rav meir's position vis a vis his direct spelling out of his planned agenda when he would become pm... and while r. nachman did not advocate outright subterfuge and lying about his brother's policies just that they did not have to be so openly stated during the campaign... therefore he told him straight out that he felt that rav meir was under no obligation to reveal the most shocking of his plans before being elected... he felt that his brother should just run and if elected just go ahead and do what he knows to be best for k'lal yisroel and eretz yisroel... much like sharon, yemach shemo v'zichro did his entire premiership... but rav meir wanted to be open and honest and transparent... so he said it just like it was going to be... as soon as he took over he was immediately going to go to war with all the arabs... all of them simultaneously and daven to Hashem... "you have two sons... yitzchak and yishmael... so choose!"
of course this could be one of the mistakes he was making and it might have turned out disastorous for us and maybe that is why Hashem did not let him succeed... but there is no way of knowing this for sure unless via nevuah... (but alas i'm not a navi)... my mind tells me we are worse off now to go to all-out war than we were back in the early 90's before oslo and therefore perhaps rav meir was right... and not another holocaust we would have brought down upon ourselves as many shocked to learn of this plan have cried out and stated... but ada raba... now in our weakness and confusion we are inviting and awaitng an attack by iran and so what have we gained by stalling and allowing the arabs and moslem bastards to get so strong?!!! and what are we still waiting for? we should go tonight to defend ourselves and take out iran and to nuke mecca good and hard... once and for all and be done with it already!!! finished!!! nik. out...
655 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/nik. error! on: March 06, 2006, 04:23:32 AM
whoops! sorry monarchist... i meant to lambast torahzionist for his suppor of kadima... look back it has been corrected... ta... nik.
656 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Stop "Paradise Now"!/it got stopped... on: March 06, 2006, 01:44:38 AM
all's well that ends well... no oscar for the jew-haters... and no big-time one for the faggots either... i guess hollywood has at least a smidgen of a sense of decency left in them... just about a single inch long of it... but better that than nothing whatsoever... ta... nik.
657 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: America- Enemy of Israel?/14's on to something huge people... on: March 06, 2006, 12:39:23 AM
that's huge with a capital U!!! wow excellent blog 14... everyone should go there and read what the soney yisroel led by great britian are planning to do to get money to the palestinians by circumventing the appearance of feeding it directly to hamas... they are in clear league with everything going down there and just salivating to get rid of us... ta... nik.
658 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Do the ends justify the means?"ace l'asot l'Hashem... chaforu toratecha..." on: March 06, 2006, 12:23:30 AM
rabbi kahane told me to my face in '89 here in l.a. at the place he was supposed to speak a year later the week after he was killed... he said... "there is a time and a place for violence... but you have to know when and now (in '89) is (was) not the time..."
but it sure as hell is right now... especially out in the west bank and in france... in fact we should go over there and kick the ever-living crap out of those arab punks... and the rav held that israel... the idf is chayiv to protect jews everywhere... if the goyim won't do the job right then we should move in without hesitation and secure the lives of our fellow jews and the goyim be damned!!! they can all just go to hell over there in that whore-house called france... yemach shemam v'zichram l'olam vaed!!!!
in a dream... a couple of years after his death... (i am not making this up) rav meir appeared to me and told me that he had made some mistakes along the way... but that was the whole of it and i'm left having to figure out which ones and where and when... so violence is necessary and allowed... you just got to know where and when to apply it... most of the time it just starts at a breaking point of and on its own and then snowballs from there... so when it breaks out... it breaks out and then we should embrace it... as it says in psalm 119... "ace l'asot l'Hashem... chaforu toratecha..." ("it is a time to do for Hashem... because they are wontingly breaking Your torah...") teaching the maxim to stand up kulo l'shaim shemayim and fight to stop or put down a rebellion against the torah of G-d... alternatively the gemora says this pasuk also alludes to a time to break the torah of Hashem itself if you have to in order to save the jewish people or the torah of Hashem or eretz yisroel... when? only in a case of dire emergency or severe sekanot nefashot... like when rebbi hakodesh wrote down the mishna eventhough the torah specifically says that the torah she b'al peh is supposed to stay that way... remain strictly oral... but he saw the extinction of torah under the roman oppression if he kept to that law so he broke it in order to preserve the torah for future generations and for all-time to come... he was right then... and i'm postitve rav meir was right to help soviet jewry the way he did... nik. out...
659 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/let him have it between the teeth... on: March 06, 2006, 12:07:18 AM
supporting kadima is like having a death-wish... i can't believe you said that torahzionist... open your eyes... how can beating settlers be good for israel? nik. out
660 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: nuke mecca now!!! "the nuke mecca first" option... on: March 05, 2006, 06:24:22 PM
difference is you can measure the response level of the filth by how far you go against them and where... the closer you get to the har habayit the more violent and crazed they get... and then you have to start mowing them down for a long while to get them to calm back down... remember they (the arabs) are a "pera adam" (not an "adam pera"... which would mean "a wild-ass of a man") but a pera adam ("a wild-ass in the form of a man")... "ish elokhim" stands for "a man of G-d" or a "G-dly man" but we never say "elokhim ish" "G-d who appears in the form of a man")... thus we know they are sub-human with no real soul despite being born from avraham avinu... and so what you have to do is nuke mecca at the same time you go get those abominations down from off of our holiest sight... then they will be floored and have no response at all... if allah can't even guard himself and his "holiest places" how can we (arab/moslem scum and refuse) ever hope to conquer the world for allah... and now that they destroyed al aqsa, etc. we are through..." and they will be... go after har habayit by itself and you'll end up with ww3... you will... do in the whole moslem religion at one time... in a split second and even iran will cease to be a threat.... period!!! it will all be over... all over... nikmatdam
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October 20, 2006, 01:58:40 PM
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661 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The same two who in 2002 went to the Mukata to meet with Arafat in the hope... on: March 05, 2006, 03:51:43 PM
time to rid the holy land of all mekomot of avodah zara... this kiddush Hashem alone would bring the geulah shelaymah in a heartbeat!!! nik. out
662 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / rules are made to be broken/break the rules of golut... chains of bondage... on: March 05, 2006, 03:45:21 PM
the closer we get to chodesh nisan the more chance we have to be nigal and this is an auspicious year... very!!! here's hoping it finally breaks loose for good... nik. out
663 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sefer Hamakabi/the call to greatness... on: March 05, 2006, 03:42:13 PM
maybe true... but i feel a calling to do something here on some level before i depart... nik. out... and we are all in danger right now... as long as one jew is threatened anywhere in the world we are all in sekanot nefashot... we are all in the same boat together... wherever we reside... n.
664 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/dig a pit and push him in... on: March 05, 2006, 03:39:53 PM
yeah but according to the gra "beito" late... at the last minute will be with tremendus angst and horribly painful suffering... and we have already suffered so much since 1993... the longer it is delayed the more we will suffer... i want to see a little "achishena" in the "beito"... and the only way to earn this is thru our collective mesirat nefesh for am yisroel, torah, eretz yisroel and of course for Hashem yisboruch shemo!!! nik. out
665 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sefer Hamakabi/looking for happy hunting grounds... on: March 05, 2006, 03:35:30 PM
well it looks like my campaign from hell which i wanted to leave l.a. with is on the verge of not coming to pass... for want of the $1621 by march 10th which it takes to register to get my name on the ballot... so i may be there right after pesach now... but i was going to turn this city on its ear... jews here were going to run me out on a rail by the time i was thru with them... and goyim were going to hide under their beds when i walked their neighborhoods... and you don't think that would have been worthwhile? ta... nik.
666 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sefer Hamakabi/the call to the jew to rise up and become a true jew... on: March 05, 2006, 03:28:35 PM
marketing shmarketing... it's the one true emet and it has to get out to us englishers as soon as possible... rav meir's works are our lifeline out here... without him we perish spiritually and we die physically as well!!!! GET IT OUT!!! the haggadah of rav binyamin besides being a beautiful perush and a work of art... lay-out, cover and translation wer all superbly done... but it had one special ingredient... btym... it is the only haggadah out there with any relevance... who needs yet another haggadah with vortlach for the table... we need emet and we need to know how to get the hell out of this golut... and that sefer gives us quite a few insights into our goal... i'm betting that perush hamaccabi will provide the rest and give us the confidence and tools to fight off all the internal and external hinderances to geulah... hamaven yaven... nik. out
you and your guys are doing great work lenny.... heroic work!!! G-d's work!!! keep it going and never stop!!!! n.
667 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: American Jews align with neo-nazi organisations/waste of time to worry about on: March 05, 2006, 03:20:09 PM
they're neturei karta right? they are sick and demented and should just be ignored... no one pays them any never mind anyhow... nik. out
668 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/let him begin with himself then... on: March 05, 2006, 03:18:12 PM
i can't wait for that day to eventually arrive... meanwhile they are helping to hurt and kill am yisroel and the dream of geulah and our hold over eretz yisroel... thus i want to do something against them all now!!! nik. out
669 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / rules are made to be broken/all rules except torah are meant to be broken... on: March 05, 2006, 03:13:57 PM
what's going on...? why all the rules all of sudden ish tam...? are you getting pressure from the government...? we deserve to know about it... so tell us... nik. out
670 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/kill him before he kills us!!! on: March 05, 2006, 02:50:39 PM
any "rabbi" who makes himself into an "erav rav rav" (pun intended) by supporting the "death-by-suicide" process and the road-map to gehenom... should be taken out and horse-whipped in public... he is a traitor and a rodef!!! ta... nik.
671 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Do the ends justify the means?/yes!!! on: March 05, 2006, 02:46:32 PM
for example throwing a molotov cocktail into a russian un mission or airline travel office was mutar because it took the issue of the plight of soviet jewry from the backpages and put it onto page one... and therefore and thereby russian jews got out of the soviet hell-hole and came here or to israel for a better life... and for life itself period... so yes i'd say the ends justified the means on that one... in that case... nik. out
672 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF to wake up!!!! on: March 03, 2006, 04:44:59 PM
o.k. but i want inserted a prayer that the idf not be afraid to fight its internal enemies as well... a bracha that it finally wakes up and sees the truth... then i'll say amen again... nik. out
673 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Defamation of Barry Chamish/ unwarranted... on: March 03, 2006, 04:32:56 PM
i know barry... i have vetted him good and hard... and have read his sefarim thoroughly... i believe him and i believe he is on our side... so i dismiss any and all kook labels... again... the only people who dismiss OUT-OF-HAND any and all conspiracy theories or suspicions are either... ignorant, petrified, or complicit... i think what he has to say is true... when someone comes under this kind of character assassination it is because there are those out there whom he threatens by his work and therefore the first step is to publicly trash and smear him... to counter his info and its potential impact... if no one bothered with him i'd say he must be hallucinating... it is all just like rav binyamin said... "when they break in and trash and comfiscate and close down the yeshivah of the authentic jewish idea ... i know we are teaching the emet... because they are afraid of our message and since they don't close down any other yeshivas around israel... must be that they are not afraid of what they know or teach or stand for... but we they are afraid of... because our call has the chance to spread all over... to sweep the land and bring down their evil empire..." kain yehi ratzon... rav binyamin... we love you and miss you... may Hashem soon be yenakum damcha... ta... nik.
674 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: It this true?/hope so... on: March 03, 2006, 04:17:57 PM
i hope to G-d it's true but only if done by legitimate torah jews... and not by shabak trying to make us look bad... nik. out
675 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sefer Hamakabi/if you're looking for's in chazon yishiyahu... on: March 03, 2006, 04:16:23 PM
besides i'm betting the stuff rav meir wrote to isaiah under sefer hamaccabi is far more intriguing and crucial... we know shemot pretty well now over the years... we need to hear more navi... david is there someone on that one? lenny? nik. out
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