Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: Hail Columbia on April 29, 2007, 07:01:47 PM

Title: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Hail Columbia on April 29, 2007, 07:01:47 PM
Then email [email protected], and they will be posted on this site:
http://www.[censored site].org/raptorman/coontact/
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: shimonchaim on April 29, 2007, 07:23:32 PM
this is all out racist just look at the name [censored site]. i am against this totally.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: cjd on April 29, 2007, 07:29:37 PM
this is all out racist just look at the name [censored site]. i am against this totally.
I can see you don't spend much time around black folks they use that word every five minutes to refer to someone they know. Whats the big deal. It isn't referring to any one individual. 
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: mord on April 29, 2007, 07:40:18 PM
Fruit probably has alot of stories he could relate to them
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: cjd on April 29, 2007, 07:45:27 PM
Except they say [censored].

If that URL hadn't been one word, the filter would have censored it.

Yes they do say it like that. They like saying it in front of white folks because the know most whites would never say it in front of them. For me if the same black person says it enough times in my presence and is blatant enough about it  I will start doing the same thing to see the reaction i get from them.

If it passed the sensor that should be good enough.  ;D
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 02, 2007, 08:26:28 PM
I have funny stories. I will say this, so me and this [censored] named Tyrone it was actually his name was arguing with me tha the Moors were Black Africans, who took over Southern Europe, since iam part North African ie Libyan Jew, i told him that the Moors were Arab-Berber admixture, and mostly Caucasiod, it was mostly Arab men and Berber women, and their childern were called Moors, much like what Mulatto is mixture of Black and White, the Moors were mixture of Arabs and Berbers. I also told him why the paintings of the Moors shows them to be olive skined to brown skined with Caucasiod facial structure, and some even had light hair and eyes , practicaly red haired. Then he said ok ok, the Moors are not Black, but the Egyptians were, i told me even modern day Egyptians are Caucasiods and its only 13% of their gentic material comes from the Nubian Negriods, and most of the Egyptian skulls show them to be Caucasiods, he said to me Yu know wat, da that white and da arab lies, you stinky arabs don't do know anything. I told him a jew, and he said suck my big black dick. No wonder Arabs made poems about the idiotic [censored]. Tyrone also said this to me Da White man steals black ideas, we blacks are gensueses, i told their was never genesius named leoray or tyrone. I even told him that the Ethiopian civilization was bulid by Arab Sabeans not Negriods, what dat Ethiopians bulided their own civilization you dump jew, Arabs are did not have no relations to ethiopia. The idiot does not know that Arabs controled ethioipia for centuries, and ethiopians are mixed with Semities alot. The idiot Tyrone was a history of class students of african studies lol.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: cosmokramer on May 03, 2007, 11:57:10 PM
When I had a capitol one cc I always has to deal with apes. I dont care what race you are as long as you can do the job right. After messed up bills and babboons cursing me over the telephone I told them to stick it. I have alot of stories to tell woth affirmative action people. ALOT
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Hail Columbia on May 08, 2007, 08:33:05 PM
http://www.[censored site].org/raptorman/coontact/tales12/coontact12.shtml
#557 is excellent:
Why do schvartzas feel its there right to walk right out in front of you while your driving?

A couple of weeks ago im in a hurry to make the bank before it closes (three day holiday) the road im on (troost in k.c.mo.)is a schvartza magnet. I look ahead of the car in front of me and [censored] joe has started to shuck and jive out into the street .car in front of me brakes for this oxygen thief. i turned into the other lane and as i passed the car and missed leroy with my truck mirror by inches. (deleted) when i looked back he was performing some of the best chimp out ive seen out side of the jungle.its now almost dark im on same street going oppisite directionas i approach the before mentioned spot , this dumb deleted walks right in front of me ,holding his junk and the same shuck and jive walk as before. I had a cigar lit so i slowed enough to let him be on my side of the truck. and as i went by i said remember me? and flicked my cigar at him.damn this is funny! it hit [censored] jim square in the head. all i could see was a shower of sparks and this primate chimping out ,pants fall down standing in the middle of the street. i laughed so ****** hard i almost wrecked.i got home, and had tears in my eyes and my wife and a buddy thought something happened to me .I could barely tell the story to them, from uncontrollable laughter! on a serious note, that same shuck and jive (i hope) got struck and killed in same spot later that same night.see ,muh ****** don b larnin to quik. tee hee!
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 13, 2007, 09:55:43 PM
I have funny stories. I will say this, so me and this schvartza named Tyrone it was actually his name was arguing with me tha the Moors were Black Africans, who took over Southern Europe, since iam part North African ie Libyan Jew, i told him that the Moors were Arab-Berber admixture, and mostly Caucasiod, it was mostly Arab men and Berber women, and their childern were called Moors, much like what Mulatto is mixture of Black and White, the Moors were mixture of Arabs and Berbers. I also told him why the paintings of the Moors shows them to be olive skined to brown skined with Caucasiod facial structure, and some even had light hair and eyes , practicaly red haired. Then he said ok ok, the Moors are not Black, but the Egyptians were, i told me even modern day Egyptians are Caucasiods and its only 13% of their gentic material comes from the Nubian Negriods, and most of the Egyptian skulls show them to be Caucasiods, he said to me Yu know wat, da that white and da arab lies, you stinky arabs don't do know anything. I told him a jew, and he said suck my big black dick. No wonder Arabs made poems about the idiotic schvartzas. Tyrone also said this to me Da White man steals black ideas, we blacks are gensueses, i told their was never genesius named leoray or tyrone. I even told him that the Ethiopian civilization was bulid by Arab Sabeans not Negriods, what dat Ethiopians bulided their own civilization you dump jew, Arabs are did not have no relations to ethiopia. The idiot does not know that Arabs controled ethioipia for centuries, and ethiopians are mixed with Semities alot. The idiot Tyrone was a history of class students of african studies lol.

The original Ethiopians were Caucasian. They only later mixed with Negroids.

They mixed with Semitic people from the Arabian pensiula. They mixed with the Arabid strain.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 13, 2007, 09:59:51 PM
I have funny stories. I will say this, so me and this schvartza named Tyrone it was actually his name was arguing with me tha the Moors were Black Africans, who took over Southern Europe, since iam part North African ie Libyan Jew, i told him that the Moors were Arab-Berber admixture, and mostly Caucasiod, it was mostly Arab men and Berber women, and their childern were called Moors, much like what Mulatto is mixture of Black and White, the Moors were mixture of Arabs and Berbers. I also told him why the paintings of the Moors shows them to be olive skined to brown skined with Caucasiod facial structure, and some even had light hair and eyes , practicaly red haired. Then he said ok ok, the Moors are not Black, but the Egyptians were, i told me even modern day Egyptians are Caucasiods and its only 13% of their gentic material comes from the Nubian Negriods, and most of the Egyptian skulls show them to be Caucasiods, he said to me Yu know wat, da that white and da arab lies, you stinky arabs don't do know anything. I told him a jew, and he said suck my big black dick. No wonder Arabs made poems about the idiotic schvartzas. Tyrone also said this to me Da White man steals black ideas, we blacks are gensueses, i told their was never genesius named leoray or tyrone. I even told him that the Ethiopian civilization was bulid by Arab Sabeans not Negriods, what dat Ethiopians bulided their own civilization you dump jew, Arabs are did not have no relations to ethiopia. The idiot does not know that Arabs controled ethioipia for centuries, and ethiopians are mixed with Semities alot. The idiot Tyrone was a history of class students of african studies lol.

The original Ethiopians were Caucasian. They only later mixed with Negroids.

They mixed with Semitic people from the Arabian pensiula. They mixed with the Arabid strain.

Do you think the original Ethiopians were Caucasoid? I do.

I belive they were Negorids originaly but later mixed with Caucasiods they have Arabid and Berberid gene flow from gentic studies shown, so yes i belive they were originaly Negorids.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 17, 2007, 04:52:20 PM
yes I got jumped by 5-6 negros with knives when I was 16.  I've knocked a few out when I was working the clubs to fund my education and the other day I almost ran one (a known parasite [censored] nog drug dealing degenerate) with my truck a few months back.  The sad fact is that they are everywhere here.  Nova Scotia, the dumping ground for the Americans and the end of the "underground railroad".  It is too bad that the Lincoln didn't send them all back to be quite honest.  Boy are we paying....  This is comparable to Israel NOT expelling the Muslims after the 1967 war...  Do you think they've learned from their mistakes?  I highly doubt it. 

What is more repugnant is the White, Asian and even Jewish kids Ape these apes...

I'm listing to the News right now and we have the "Black Business Development" which the Government thows money at blacks to open business solely because they are black.  Now the news are propagating the "Black Basketball Tournament"....  Amazing.. Can you just imagine if it was "White"...  We have lost our country.  They are interviewing this animal now and he can BARELY speak coherant English... Oy vey...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: MarZutra on May 17, 2007, 08:22:52 PM
If blacks have a separate basketball tournament, why can't the regular tournament be only white? The whole NBA was taken over by blacks.
Because this is Canada.  Dr. Antony Sutton was absolutely correct when he called "Canada is Fascism with a smile."...  If whites tried anything...automatically we'd get bent over and railed being labeled "racists" and some Socialist scum attorney would sue for "hate" crime..  Canada is a sick nation that is lying on its stomach, pumped full of drugs waiting for a very big anal probe....   Canada, in my opinion, is FINNISHED!
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 17, 2007, 09:46:44 PM
I have funny stories. I will say this, so me and this schvartza named Tyrone it was actually his name was arguing with me tha the Moors were Black Africans, who took over Southern Europe, since iam part North African ie Libyan Jew, i told him that the Moors were Arab-Berber admixture, and mostly Caucasiod, it was mostly Arab men and Berber women, and their childern were called Moors, much like what Mulatto is mixture of Black and White, the Moors were mixture of Arabs and Berbers. I also told him why the paintings of the Moors shows them to be olive skined to brown skined with Caucasiod facial structure, and some even had light hair and eyes , practicaly red haired. Then he said ok ok, the Moors are not Black, but the Egyptians were, i told me even modern day Egyptians are Caucasiods and its only 13% of their gentic material comes from the Nubian Negriods, and most of the Egyptian skulls show them to be Caucasiods, he said to me Yu know wat, da that white and da arab lies, you stinky arabs don't do know anything. I told him a jew, and he said suck my big black dick. No wonder Arabs made poems about the idiotic schvartzas. Tyrone also said this to me Da White man steals black ideas, we blacks are gensueses, i told their was never genesius named leoray or tyrone. I even told him that the Ethiopian civilization was bulid by Arab Sabeans not Negriods, what dat Ethiopians bulided their own civilization you dump jew, Arabs are did not have no relations to ethiopia. The idiot does not know that Arabs controled ethioipia for centuries, and ethiopians are mixed with Semities alot. The idiot Tyrone was a history of class students of african studies lol.

The original Ethiopians were Caucasian. They only later mixed with Negroids.

They mixed with Semitic people from the Arabian pensiula. They mixed with the Arabid strain.

Do you think the original Ethiopians were Caucasoid? I do.

I belive they were Negorids originaly but later mixed with Caucasiods they have Arabid and Berberid gene flow from gentic studies shown, so yes i belive they were originaly Negorids.

That's not what JTF's Africa series said.

Yes but i don't agree with all of JTF's ideas. I agree with most, gentic studies shows the flow of Arabian and Berber and also Greek Y-chromsom into Ethiopians. Everyone has an opinion, its also noted that the Arabs described the Axumite as Blacks, which means mixing has already taken place.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: BabylonianJew on May 17, 2007, 10:01:48 PM
If blacks have a separate basketball tournament, why can't the regular tournament be only white? The whole NBA was taken over by blacks.
Because this is Canada.  Dr. Antony Sutton was absolutely correct when he called "Canada is Fascism with a smile."...  If whites tried anything...automatically we'd get bent over and railed being labeled "racists" and some Socialist scum attorney would sue for "hate" crime..  Canada is a sick nation that is lying on its stomach, pumped full of drugs waiting for a very big anal probe....   Canada, in my opinion, is FINNISHED!

I live in Canada, where do you live, i live in Alberta its pretty good, most the people here are Whites of European decent, the minorities are Indian(Skih) and Christian Arabs, their also a Shepardic community centred in calagary.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Imerica on May 19, 2007, 02:27:00 PM
If blacks have a separate basketball tournament, why can't the regular tournament be only white? The whole NBA was taken over by blacks.

Wasn't there a time when blacks weren't allowed to participate in any professional sports? Baseball, basketball, tennis, hockey, golf...? The NBA isn't being taken over by black people. They're scouted just like white players. The NBA has even gone as far as recruiting players from all over the world, Yao Ming, Akeem Olajuan (sp?), and other players to play on pro-ball teams.

Do any of you want to play basketball? Do you wish that more whites were recruited? How do you think they should pick basketball players?  Or players for any other sport?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 20, 2007, 09:11:57 AM
I think Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the like should protest for Affirmative Whition for the NBA as it is a "racist" organizatoin that only allows token whities to participate....  Perhaps there needs to be a quota system or 50% of the players must be white.  Isn't this the same logic that blacks use towards employers, academia, media and every petition the aforementioned racial gangsters profess? 

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 20, 2007, 05:07:56 PM
I think Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the like should protest for Affirmative Whition for the NBA as it is a "racist" organizatoin that only allows token whities to participate....  Perhaps there needs to be a quota system or 50% of the players must be white.  Isn't this the same logic that blacks use towards employers, academia, media and every petition the aforementioned racial gangsters profess? 

Actually that is what SOME blacks use to get over. Don't say "BLACKS" as if every black person is bilking the system. That's like me saying that 'WHITES' or "JEWS" are writing bad checks and being sentenced to time in Federal prison for that crime. How would that statement be read?

The NBA started WAY before blacks were allowed to play on the teams. There were even clauses that blacks couldn't play basketball with white players...this goes for NFL teams from way back when also. If the NBA didn't allow black players to play on their teams, would you feel that the organization was racist?

And just for giggles, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson couldn't play basketball if you gave them a running start and a 5' standing hoop. They have nothing to do with black players being recruited for the NBA. Blame that on the coaches who go looking for them.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 20, 2007, 08:00:52 PM
I think Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the like should protest for Affirmative Whition for the NBA as it is a "racist" organizatoin that only allows token whities to participate....  Perhaps there needs to be a quota system or 50% of the players must be white.  Isn't this the same logic that blacks use towards employers, academia, media and every petition the aforementioned racial gangsters profess? 

Actually that is what SOME blacks use to get over. Don't say "BLACKS" as if every black person is bilking the system. That's like me saying that 'WHITES' or "JEWS" are writing bad checks and being sentenced to time in Federal prison for that crime. How would that statement be read?

The NBA started WAY before blacks were allowed to play on the teams. There were even clauses that blacks couldn't play basketball with white players...this goes for NFL teams from way back when also. If the NBA didn't allow black players to play on their teams, would you feel that the organization was racist?

And just for giggles, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson couldn't play basketball if you gave them a running start and a 5' standing hoop. They have nothing to do with black players being recruited for the NBA. Blame that on the coaches who go looking for them.
Would you rather me call them grapefruit or tea pots?  Is Negro better or would you rather "African American"?  I know all of this because the Jews were the white man's n-iggers when (negros, coloreds, blacks, african americans or whatever is the proper title) were still painting their faces and chasing zebras.   I used these two black animals as examples of loud mouth sub human race exploiters that use every situation to attack old Whitey... 

Ah..Hell with it.. You are right I'm wrong.  MOST Black people are very good and only the very least are bad.  MOST of the practicioners of the Black "Urban" culture are good, righteous and honerable people while those who do not take part in this, the G-d fearing church going with family values seeking education, although much lower in number are bad.  I'm sure that MOST black people are very good.  There must be many out there although I am largely unaware of it but it is very possible....they must be out there somewhere....
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: nessuno on May 20, 2007, 10:05:03 PM
If blacks have a separate basketball tournament, why can't the regular tournament be only white? The whole NBA was taken over by blacks.

Wasn't there a time when blacks weren't allowed to participate in any professional sports? Baseball, basketball, tennis, hockey, golf...? The NBA isn't being taken over by black people. They're scouted just like white players. The NBA has even gone as far as recruiting players from all over the world, Yao Ming, Akeem Olajuan (sp?), and other players to play on pro-ball teams.

Do any of you want to play basketball? Do you wish that more whites were recruited? How do you think they should pick basketball players?  Or players for any other sport?
On merit -
Everything should be based on merit.
None of this 'there is not enough of'...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 20, 2007, 10:10:18 PM
I agree 100%....  100%
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 21, 2007, 01:16:35 AM
I think Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the like should protest for Affirmative Whition for the NBA as it is a "racist" organizatoin that only allows token whities to participate....  Perhaps there needs to be a quota system or 50% of the players must be white.  Isn't this the same logic that blacks use towards employers, academia, media and every petition the aforementioned racial gangsters profess? 

Actually that is what SOME blacks use to get over. Don't say "BLACKS" as if every black person is bilking the system. That's like me saying that 'WHITES' or "JEWS" are writing bad checks and being sentenced to time in Federal prison for that crime. How would that statement be read?

The NBA started WAY before blacks were allowed to play on the teams. There were even clauses that blacks couldn't play basketball with white players...this goes for NFL teams from way back when also. If the NBA didn't allow black players to play on their teams, would you feel that the organization was racist?

And just for giggles, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson couldn't play basketball if you gave them a running start and a 5' standing hoop. They have nothing to do with black players being recruited for the NBA. Blame that on the coaches who go looking for them.
Would you rather me call them grapefruit or tea pots?  Is Negro better or would you rather "African American"?  I know all of this because the Jews were the white man's n-iggers when (negros, coloreds, blacks, african americans or whatever is the proper title) were still painting their faces and chasing zebras.   I used these two black animals as examples of loud mouth sub human race exploiters that use every situation to attack old Whitey... 

Ah..Hell with it.. You are right I'm wrong.  MOST Black people are very good and only the very least are bad.  MOST of the practicioners of the Black "Urban" culture are good, righteous and honerable people while those who do not take part in this, the G-d fearing church going with family values seeking education, although much lower in number are bad.  I'm sure that MOST black people are very good.  There must be many out there although I am largely unaware of it but it is very possible....they must be out there somewhere....
Bold, mine.

Now I didn't say all of that but you're very sarcastic. There's no need to be, trust me. A lot of people think that my views are jaded and that I'm a bit coo-coo because I talk about positivity but its not so. I KNOW how much violence there is out there with everyone involved. When I'm walking down the street with my girls though, I'm not looking out for crazy black rapist..I'm looking for crazy man- PERIOD.

I've gone to a few black churches and they weren't all good. I can tell you though that most of the black people I KNOW are good people. Even with the statistics where they are, though, I can't pretend to know the entire black population. But I believe the statistics because its documented.

I'm wondering what you think of the "Urban Culture" though. What do you think happens in the "Urban" culture?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 21, 2007, 08:01:55 AM
You cannot be for real....  in all honesty you seem like a very smart person but you too are dismissing the facts.  You do know of the far more numerous examples of Black males raping/assaulting white women (all women as well) than white men raping/assulting black women/all women.  This, again is another shamefull fact when the total numbers, again are what 10% US and 5-7% in Canada respectively..  If I were a black woman I'd too be looking out for crazy men as well as the reality shows black women are less likely to be assaulted/raped by white men or black men when compared to their white counterparts....sad but true.

Urban culture...  I think this, and all of its followers White, Black, Asian, Jewish should all be deported to Africa.  It is a vile degenerate "culture" or better a "sub" culture a movement that has degenerates a moral culture into a revolting pseudo-culture....  I'm sure all this spray paint, crime, little-no self respect for anything, drugs while the garb of choice is that of a well dressed homeless begger...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 21, 2007, 10:48:07 AM
You cannot be for real....  in all honesty you seem like a very smart person but you too are dismissing the facts.  You do know of the far more numerous examples of Black males raping/assaulting white women (all women as well) than white men raping/assulting black women/all women.  This, again is another shamefull fact when the total numbers, again are what 10% US and 5-7% in Canada respectively..  If I were a black woman I'd too be looking out for crazy men as well as the reality shows black women are less likely to be assaulted/raped by white men or black men when compared to their white counterparts....sad but true.

Urban culture...  I think this, and all of its followers White, Black, Asian, Jewish should all be deported to Africa.  It is a vile degenerate "culture" or better a "sub" culture a movement that has degenerates a moral culture into a revolting pseudo-culture....  I'm sure all this spray paint, crime, little-no self respect for anything, drugs while the garb of choice is that of a well dressed homeless begger...
First of all, I addressed all of the crime you listed and told you that I know its going on but I choose not to dwell on the negative all of the time. This may suit you to be on the bus/ or el, see a black person and balk at the thought of them sitting next to you or speaking to you but I don't carry that paranoia around with me. I'm aware of my surroundings and I take good care of my girls and myself and to make matter's better and safer for us I'm considering taking a self defense class while my husband's away in Iraq. So I'm not dismissing anything. I just choose not to let it control me. I have young women to raise. I want to enjoy life with them and have them enjoy life also. I don't see much enjoyment in questioning the way black men look at them 24/7. But I am aware.

As for the black culture question I asked you, maybe I'm jumping the gun but it seems as though you are only referring to the negativity the the blacks in that statistic contribute to. What ELSE do you know about black culture?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 21, 2007, 04:11:59 PM
Yes you must be for real.  I note the negative over the positive because that is the reality of our topic.  As for your comment about the bus, you may read my comments to what I said.  Did I say anything that I hate all blacks or just some blacks or a certain type of black?  As a matter of fact, I'd not like to sit next to any negative portion of the white or any community.  As a matter of fact the least type of individual I'd not which to sit next to would be a Liberal anti-Jew "Jew".

Please, you must have not read what I have stated earlier.  I like good people of any race.  I do not judge based on the color of ones skin, which I've stated numerous times on this forum, but solely on deed.  So I'd be happy to sit next to you or any good individual no matter whom they are providing the are not products of our "progressive" culture.

Black culture, This totally depends what type of black culture.  If it is African, I'd say not because it is very primal, uncivilized and immoral in most respects.  If it is southern Christian/Baptist culture, not a problem as they are very nice people (mostly the older generation) and have very tasty food...lol  If it is the "Urban" black culture that one finds in virtually every major city through out North America and even Europe I'd say not due to its modern day revertion of their primal culture found in Africa.... 

All honesty, I remember the days when Black people made very good music......Jazz, Blues all the way to Motown etc. Whoa, those were the days... Now we have this vile rap noise...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on May 21, 2007, 04:26:25 PM
My question is this:  How come blacks do not get upset when they call each other the N word?  You hear them in the streets talking to each other the except it.  So how come they except it from their own?  Their rap noise has it, their stupid movies has it.  They say it to each other on a constant basis.  They say it now more then whites do.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: saintaugusto on May 21, 2007, 04:30:10 PM
I think the term "Hiphop Nation" would work better in this situation.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 21, 2007, 04:36:39 PM
I think the term "Hiphop Nation" would work better in this situation.
What does that mean? "Hip Hop Nation?"
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 21, 2007, 04:42:28 PM
Yes you must be for real.  I note the negative over the positive because that is the reality of our topic.  As for your comment about the bus, you may read my comments to what I said.  Did I say anything that I hate all blacks or just some blacks or a certain type of black?  As a matter of fact, I'd not like to sit next to any negative portion of the white or any community.  As a matter of fact the least type of individual I'd not which to sit next to would be a Liberal anti-Jew "Jew".

Please, you must have not read what I have stated earlier.  I like good people of any race.  I do not judge based on the color of ones skin, which I've stated numerous times on this forum, but solely on deed.  So I'd be happy to sit next to you or any good individual no matter whom they are providing the are not products of our "progressive" culture.

Black culture, This totally depends what type of black culture.  If it is African, I'd say not because it is very primal, uncivilized and immoral in most respects.  If it is southern Christian/Baptist culture, not a problem as they are very nice people (mostly the older generation) and have very tasty food...lol  If it is the "Urban" black culture that one finds in virtually every major city through out North America and even Europe I'd say not due to its modern day revertion of their primal culture found in Africa.... 

All honesty, I remember the days when Black people made very good music......Jazz, Blues all the way to Motown etc. Whoa, those were the days... Now we have this vile rap noise...
Like I said though... what ELSE do you know about black culture besides the fact that there are some evil blacks and that 'hip hop' is part of the culture.

For instance, the songs you're talking about, which songs made by black artists were "Good" to you. And another thing, what do you know about the songs that are written now by black artists? What do you know about Black America's food? What else do you think we have in our culture?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 21, 2007, 04:59:16 PM
I gave you an honest over view of what part of black culture I like.  I even suggest some types of music I like without going into specifics as there are many good blues, Jazz, swing and Motown artists.  Too many for me to list here.  I am honest what can I say.  You might thank me instead of trying to pick apart my positive notes I have displayed. 

You said your husband was in the Military.  Next time he is home you might wish to tell him to quit.  I support the military but with such quislings in power and traitorist aspects in the highest levels of government the war was lost from the beginning.  There should be no Geneva Conventions; "rules of engagement" etc.  If it is War it is WAR to send those bastards back to Hell where they came from.  Actually, I hope the US military finds a Conservative General that will use the American Military towards a Coup dragging all of these Globalist traitors selling out our countries towards their Socialist World Dictatorial "Utopianist" goals...  They should all face a firing squad in my opinion..

On another note, as one whom has been to Africa, I must ask many questions.  In comparing African Americans with Jewish Americans; Jewish Americans who hold great admiration for their "Jewishness" and love for their homeland sell all of their belingings and immigrate to Eretz.  Now I know from first hand that Africa is, perhaps the most scenic place on Earth with so much development potential.  I know this is contra to cultural aspects of Africa but seems logical to me for one to want to assist their brethren no?  Why do African Americans not say the hell with all this "racial" crap (which we have chatted about) and sell their belongings or even petition the American governmnet for emmigration funding to return to Africa and build it like the Jews had done to Eretz.  Of course whites cannot go as in many places they are being hacked to death.  Land is cheap, they are crying for professionals and learned people to aid their communities.  Your husband could be a well paid General there that could train the Africans to take back their countries from the murderous and expansionous Muslims/Arabs...  Africa is still largely in totally Black hands and not Arab and most certainly not white...  Very good business opportunities in my opinion...

One would think that one would want to go and actually make changes and do positive for their own no?  I always see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other parasites that exploit ol-whitey but never seem to really help their own...only at the expense of Ol-whitey. 

If I was an educated Black person I'd most likely want to return to Africa, buy a nice piece of land, get a good government job or open a business there and influence the local community towards positive growth no?  Just a question....   :)
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 21, 2007, 05:38:18 PM
I gave you an honest over view of what part of black culture I like.  I even suggest some types of music I like without going into specifics as there are many good blues, Jazz, swing and Motown artists.  Too many for me to list here.  I am honest what can I say.  You might thank me instead of trying to pick apart my positive notes I have displayed. 

You said your husband was in the Military.  Next time he is home you might wish to tell him to quit.  I support the military but with such quislings in power and traitorist aspects in the highest levels of government the war was lost from the beginning.  There should be no Geneva Conventions; "rules of engagement" etc.  If it is War it is WAR to send those bastards back to Hell where they came from.  Actually, I hope the US military finds a Conservative General that will use the American Military towards a Coup dragging all of these Globalist traitors selling out our countries towards their Socialist World Dictatorial "Utopianist" goals...  They should all face a firing squad in my opinion..

On another note, as one whom has been to Africa, I must ask many questions.  In comparing African Americans with Jewish Americans; Jewish Americans who hold great admiration for their "Jewishness" and love for their homeland sell all of their belingings and immigrate to Eretz.  Now I know from first hand that Africa is, perhaps the most scenic place on Earth with so much development potential.  I know this is contra to cultural aspects of Africa but seems logical to me for one to want to assist their brethren no?  Why do African Americans not say the hell with all this "racial" crap (which we have chatted about) and sell their belongings or even petition the American governmnet for emmigration funding to return to Africa and build it like the Jews had done to Eretz.  Of course whites cannot go as in many places they are being hacked to death.  Land is cheap, they are crying for professionals and learned people to aid their communities.  Your husband could be a well paid General there that could train the Africans to take back their countries from the murderous and expansionous Muslims/Arabs...  Africa is still largely in totally Black hands and not Arab and most certainly not white...  Very good business opportunities in my opinion...

One would think that one would want to go and actually make changes and do positive for their own no?  I always see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other parasites that exploit ol-whitey but never seem to really help their own...only at the expense of Ol-whitey. 

If I was an educated Black person I'd most likely want to return to Africa, buy a nice piece of land, get a good government job or open a business there and influence the local community towards positive growth no?  Just a question....   :)
What's with this "Back to Africa" movement? LOL Not every black person wants to go there. Not every AFRICAN wants us there because to them, we're sell-outs because our ancestors "allowed" themselves to be sold into slavery. And people like you ALWAYS say 'go back to Africa' as if we've been there. lol WHy? I'm not telling you to go back to Israel or the white man to go back to Europe...or the Hispanics to go back to Spain. Remember, America rightfully belongs to the Native Americans who inhabited it before it was given a name. In that case, every ONE of us should go back to where our ancestors came from.

I'd like to visit Africa with my children and husband one day but I wouldn't like to live there.

About my husband being in the military and your suggestion that I tell him to quit; not going to happen. He's been in 16 years and only has 4 more to go before he retires. I've stood beside him since his 3rd year in, and I'll stand beside him when he retires honorably. He didn't choose the President that's leading this country now. In fact, Clinton was in office when my husband graduated high school and enlisted. But even with that said, eventhough he's going to Iraq under Bush's command, he's no punk. He'll stay there and fight for our freedom and I'll be just as proud as I am now of him. So no, I won't ask him to quit. He's a grown man and knows what he's doing.

And I didn't think I was being too pushy about the music I asked you to name. Motown is all but gone now, so the sound of the 50's and 60's went with it. I wanted to see which era  you'd actually grown up in and the last time you actually listened to black music so that I could make a fair comparison to the r&B music that's out now, and that I grew up with.

Familiar with Chaka Khan
Average White Band
Bobby Caldwell
Aretha Franklin
Kindred The Family Soul
Erykah Badu
India Arie
R. Kelly
Kelly Price
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 21, 2007, 06:22:07 PM
Firstly, I didn't tell you to go back to Africa.  Let's get that straight and up front ok.  It is a logical conclusion for anyone who has great respect for their heritage which, in my opinion is a worthy and a rightous thing. 

It is good that your husband is going to retire.  Good for him.  I pray for him and his safety.  The fact that one cannot go there and fight for our freedom.  If our Armies were really fighting a war this would have been over a long time ago.  One cannot fight a battle with both hands tied behind ones back and have to cater to and have mercy on those whom pray for our subjugation, conversion or death in their effort to further Dar Al Islam and their globalist/marxist utopianist supporters that are committing treason daily.  This is why Israel is still suffering after 100+ years of battling these vermin.

A very good list of artists.  I happen to like BB. King, Muddy Waters, John Hooker, Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Thelonius Monk....The Pointer Sisters, Supremes, Smokey Robinson....  Of course these are just a small lists of artists with fabulous sounds and tremendous artistic abilities......   Better?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 21, 2007, 09:22:17 PM
Firstly, I didn't tell you to go back to Africa.  Let's get that straight and up front ok.  It is a logical conclusion for anyone who has great respect for their heritage which, in my opinion is a worthy and a rightous thing. 

It is good that your husband is going to retire.  Good for him.  I pray for him and his safety.  The fact that one cannot go there and fight for our freedom.  If our Armies were really fighting a war this would have been over a long time ago.  One cannot fight a battle with both hands tied behind ones back and have to cater to and have mercy on those whom pray for our subjugation, conversion or death in their effort to further Dar Al Islam and their globalist/marxist utopianist supporters that are committing treason daily.  This is why Israel is still suffering after 100+ years of battling these vermin.

A very good list of artists.  I happen to like BB. King, Muddy Waters, John Hooker, Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Thelonius Monk....The Pointer Sisters, Supremes, Smokey Robinson....  Of course these are just a small lists of artists with fabulous sounds and tremendous artistic abilities......   Better?
A lot better, thanks. You're into Big Band , blues and Jazz I see. I don't hate you for it. I can listen to most of it because my grandfather had a huge collection of the artists you named. All in LP's. I'm hoping that the next time I visit, my grandmother will let me have a few albums for my own collection.

Thelonius Monk was a great musician... I came into the world when his son Thelonius Monk, Jr. debuted his song, "Bon Bon Vie." I was born in 1974 but the song came out in '79, I think. Its also my girls' favorite song, among other songs by Earth Wind and Fire, LTD, Confunkshun...

And you're right, this isn't a war we're fighting. It has no purpose at all... but since we're in it, we'd might as well do what we're there to do. No thanks to Bush that over 2,000 of our troops have parished because of his faux pa.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 21, 2007, 09:29:31 PM
Copied from another tread: The one regime Iran feared has now been taken out of power.  This has been a pathetic blunder.  What was the "Project for the New American Century" obsessed with Iraq?

Once Clinton passed the "Iraq Liberation Act", I think the Iraq War was probably inevitable.  John McCain and Joe Lieberman were two of the biggest supporters of invading.  So if McCain was president or if Lieberman was VP under Gore, I think there's a good chance the war still would have occurred.  Gore supported Clinton's "wagging the dog."  I think Gore opposed the war only because he wanted to disagree with Bush.  Clinton agreed with the war and Gore probably  agreed with him on just about everything.

I feel, in all honesty that this war was another outcome of the debased leadership of the CFR/Trilateral/Fabian/Roundtable/Bilderberg Clintonius Adminstration to foward their Globalist intentions, of which Bush is a full partner, to destabalize the Middle East and create a real war....with the outcome logical...

These people are traitors of the highest level and are the drek of the Earth...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 22, 2007, 04:39:34 AM
When I had a capitol one cc I always has to deal with apes. I dont care what race you are as long as you can do the job right. After messed up bills and babboons cursing me over the telephone I told them to stick it. I have alot of stories to tell woth affirmative action people. ALOT
Cosmo, why do you and everyone else here always call black people "Affirmative action" people?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on May 22, 2007, 08:44:45 AM
Cosmo is the PERFECT person you have chosen to ask for an answer....  I too await his learned and probably blunt response...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on May 31, 2007, 06:47:27 PM
Yesterday afternoon I was watching C-span 3 while I was working on my computer and they had a 'hip hop summit' from 2004 or something like that. They had the usual suspects, cornel west, ben chavis (the womanizer who bankrupt the national association for the advancement of criminal people and the nation of islam for his harassment of the females of his species), cyntia mckinney (smack that cop), martin lucifer king the third, and a creature named chuck d. The purpose of this 'summit' was to clean up rap noise. What was funny about it was that everything that came out of chuck d's mouth was f, mf, n and on and on. Every other word was a four letter curse. Of course, when he finished words and compliments such as 'brilliant', 'right on', 'insight', 'keeping it real' and 'he tells it like it is'. These people are completely hopeless, I have serious doubts as to whether they will ever advance at all. If this is the best their intellecturals can come up with, they are in worse trouble than even I thought.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on May 31, 2007, 06:51:19 PM
Yesterday afternoon I was watching C-span 3 while I was working on my computer and they had a 'hip hop summit' from 2004 or something like that. They had the usual suspects, cornel west, ben chavis (the womanizer who bankrupt the national association for the advancement of criminal people and the nation of islam for his harassment of the females of his species), cyntia mckinney (smack that cop), martin lucifer king the third, and a creature named chuck d. The purpose of this 'summit' was to clean up rap noise. What was funny about it was that everything that came out of chuck d's mouth was f, mf, n and on and on. Every other word was a four letter curse. Of course, when he finished words and compliments such as 'brilliant', 'right on', 'insight', 'keeping it real' and 'he tells it like it is'. These people are completely hopeless, I have serious doubts as to whether they will ever advance at all. If this is the best their intellecturals can come up with, they are in worse trouble than even I thought.
So it dosen't make you happy that at LEAST someone is forming a summit to clean up rap music, you have to bash it, right? Great. I really think that even if Chuck D didn't use profanity ( I didn't see it), you'd still think negatively about the forum.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Masha on June 01, 2007, 04:22:18 AM
I had a Mexican student - born in the US, speaking English without an accent - who wrote completely without punctuation. And I don't just mean commas; periods also. She wrote pages of text without any separation into sentences. This was a college student.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Allen-T on June 01, 2007, 05:55:00 AM
I had a Mexican student - born in the US, speaking English without an accent - who wrote completely without punctuation. And I don't just mean commas; periods also. She wrote pages of text without any separation into sentences. This was a college student.

My wife teaches at an international language school and says that by far Latin Americans are the stupidest.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on June 01, 2007, 04:39:06 PM
God help these teachers that have to teach at these schools with a bunch of savages.  Chaim mentioned about his father teaching in the public school and what creatures they are.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on June 02, 2007, 01:49:11 PM
I went of a job fair this morning, Sat. June 2, and I was shocked to see that some of the africans showed up with no resume, with baseball hats turned in all kinds of directions, in shorts and tee shirts with the foulest sayings on them. Don't these things have any common sense at all? This was a job fair for high tech positions, I was amazed. Due to affrimative action, some of these creatures will be hired. If you know anything about engineering or Architectural firms, they hire the negroes as 'diversity directors', 'community communicatiosn specialist', 'Director of minority recruiting', 'Vice President of Inclusion' are you guys getting the picture. In a way these make believe jobs are nothing more that an added tax to the public. Who do you think pays for these 70 to 100 grand salaries for these incompetents? The clients. It sick out there and it is getting sicker.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 03:16:55 PM
I went of a job fair this morning, Sat. June 2, and I was shocked to see that some of the africans showed up with no resume, with baseball hats turned in all kinds of directions, in shorts and tee shirts with the foulest sayings on them. Don't these things have any common sense at all? This was a job fair for high tech positions, I was amazed. Due to affrimative action, some of these creatures will be hired. If you know anything about engineering or Architectural firms, they hire the negroes as 'diversity directors', 'community communicatiosn specialist', 'Director of minority recruiting', 'Vice President of Inclusion' are you guys getting the picture. In a way these make believe jobs are nothing more that an added tax to the public. Who do you think pays for these 70 to 100 grand salaries for these incompetents? The clients. It sick out there and it is getting sicker.
How in the world could you possibly know that these blacks who horribly represented themselves will be hired? You have a self-defeatist attitude. But guess what, if you give negative energy to any situation, that's what you get.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on June 02, 2007, 06:28:53 PM
Dear Imerica,
I hope you sitting dowm when you read this, but I am blaming white liberals for this mess. These black kids, that right they were kids in their late teens and early twenties have been conditioned by liberals, the vast majority white, to use their color as a shield. They have told that anything they do is part of their 'culture' and white employers must take it or pay the price. I actually know some black guys that are competent and can go head to toe with any one in my field. It really annoys me to see these guys actually cringe when they say some black kid come in a really do things that any normal person of any color would never do. I have see dumb white kids also. But by and large it is the black kids that push it to the limit. Here in New York City at the college I attend we have all kinds of special programs to keep black guys from failing, they go over the top with all kinds of help and the sad part is that it doesn't work.It is the mindset that has been driven into these kids by liberal morons. When they know that they can take advantage of the system they will do it. Blacks must decide to get their act together and stop this oncoming train wreck. Whit the large amounts of Asians and hispanics employers now can not hire any blacks and still fill out the minority reports that go to the government without any worry about being sued by EEOC. They will employ an Asian before a black. This is a fact of life. Like it or not this is what is happening right now. Someone will hire some of these kids that showed up today out of fear. They will give him a special title and let him sit at a desk just pushing papers around. I am sorry but this is the truth. This makes most whites prejudge blacks and it does someone like you no good at all to be prejudged. But something must be done, because more and more black youth will fall right through the cracks. Tell as many of the kids you see to stop this type of behaviour for their own good if they don't want to be pushed aside.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on June 02, 2007, 08:35:51 PM
I went of a job fair this morning, Sat. June 2, and I was shocked to see that some of the africans showed up with no resume, with baseball hats turned in all kinds of directions, in shorts and tee shirts with the foulest sayings on them. Don't these things have any common sense at all? This was a job fair for high tech positions, I was amazed. Due to affrimative action, some of these creatures will be hired. If you know anything about engineering or Architectural firms, they hire the negroes as 'diversity directors', 'community communicatiosn specialist', 'Director of minority recruiting', 'Vice President of Inclusion' are you guys getting the picture. In a way these make believe jobs are nothing more that an added tax to the public. Who do you think pays for these 70 to 100 grand salaries for these incompetents? The clients. It sick out there and it is getting sicker.
That was a fabulous post of reality.  Kol hakovod to you.  This is so true.  They get hired because of Affirmative Action, Quota Systems and azzholes like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackoff extorting business owners via the racial card.  All, as fjack stated, products of the Liberal/Communist mind. To avoid publicity these entities fjack speaks about creates positions that are really useless.  It is not a self defeatist attitude, it is reality. 

I thought you were Christian Imerica?  The reason why I ask you is because there is no such thing as "negative" and "positive" energy.  This is a product of that Hindu/Gnostic Eastern esoteric pagan religions.  You know Imerica, there is a very good book you might enjoy reading....well actually two.  One by Christian Conservative Dr. Paul Johnson called "Modern Times" and Louis Bodens - "Techniques of Communism".  The second is actually quite interesting because it deals with how the white Communists use the Blacks towards their Communist goals.  You will read about M.L. K's dealings as well.  It is actually very interesting...  Dr. Johnsons book is a very good depiction of political and historical reality of Modern Times...

You know, I think that you will love the book: "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" - Constance Cumby, "The Rainbow Swastika" - Hannah Newman, "The Occult and the Third Reich" - Jean-Michel Angebert, "Inside the New Age Nightmare" - Randally Baer or perhaps pro-Gnistic books like "The Aqurarian Conspiracy" - Marilyn Ferguson, "Secret Teachings of All Ages" - Manley P. Hall or perhaps books by Madam H. Blavatsky or Alice Baily...to get an idea of what these gnostic religions are all about, where they come from, what their teachings are and how they promulgate themselves into mainstream society.  "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" - C. I. Thompson and "The Underground History of American Education" - John T. Gatto both relay how these "New Age", Eastern Gnosticism have subvertedly infected all areas of Academia and Politics from elementary school to the UN.  The Right to Choose, Euthenasia, Abortion on demand, population control, positive/negative energy, self help thought/meditation, sex ed, "safe sex", right to choose....too many to list... 
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 09:43:30 PM
I went of a job fair this morning, Sat. June 2, and I was shocked to see that some of the africans showed up with no resume, with baseball hats turned in all kinds of directions, in shorts and tee shirts with the foulest sayings on them. Don't these things have any common sense at all? This was a job fair for high tech positions, I was amazed. Due to affrimative action, some of these creatures will be hired. If you know anything about engineering or Architectural firms, they hire the negroes as 'diversity directors', 'community communicatiosn specialist', 'Director of minority recruiting', 'Vice President of Inclusion' are you guys getting the picture. In a way these make believe jobs are nothing more that an added tax to the public. Who do you think pays for these 70 to 100 grand salaries for these incompetents? The clients. It sick out there and it is getting sicker.
That was a fabulous post of reality.  Kol hakovod to you.  This is so true.  They get hired because of Affirmative Action, Quota Systems and azzholes like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackoff extorting business owners via the racial card.  All, as fjack stated, products of the Liberal/Communist mind. To avoid publicity these entities fjack speaks about creates positions that are really useless.  It is not a self defeatist attitude, it is reality. 

I thought you were Christian Imerica?  The reason why I ask you is because there is no such thing as "negative" and "positive" energy.  This is a product of that Hindu/Gnostic Eastern esoteric pagan religions.  You know Imerica, there is a very good book you might enjoy reading....well actually two.  One by Christian Conservative Dr. Paul Johnson called "Modern Times" and Louis Bodens - "Techniques of Communism".  The second is actually quite interesting because it deals with how the white Communists use the Blacks towards their Communist goals.  You will read about M.L. K's dealings as well.  It is actually very interesting...  Dr. Johnsons book is a very good depiction of political and historical reality of Modern Times...

You know, I think that you will love the book: "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" - Constance Cumby, "The Rainbow Swastika" - Hannah Newman, "The Occult and the Third Reich" - Jean-Michel Angebert, "Inside the New Age Nightmare" - Randally Baer or perhaps pro-Gnistic books like "The Aqurarian Conspiracy" - Marilyn Ferguson, "Secret Teachings of All Ages" - Manley P. Hall or perhaps books by Madam H. Blavatsky or Alice Baily...to get an idea of what these gnostic religions are all about, where they come from, what their teachings are and how they promulgate themselves into mainstream society.  "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" - C. I. Thompson and "The Underground History of American Education" - John T. Gatto both relay how these "New Age", Eastern Gnosticism have subvertedly infected all areas of Academia and Politics from elementary school to the UN.  The Right to Choose, Euthenasia, Abortion on demand, population control, positive/negative energy, self help thought/meditation, sex ed, "safe sex", right to choose....too many to list... 
What? You don't think I'm Christian because I talk about accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative? I'm not familiar with the religion you say practices what I said. That was weird.

I'm of the belief that if you put out negativity you'll get it back 10 fold. However, my positivity here seems to be working against me instead of for me. In the Bible, it states < "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." In other words, treat people like you want to be treated.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on June 02, 2007, 09:47:43 PM
You had stated "negative energy" which is what specifically I was speaking about.  You didn't specify Negative deeds or pure negativity but "negative energy" which does not exist...   I was just trying to help...lol  I agree with your Bible views by the way....
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 09:56:49 PM
You had stated "negative energy" which is what specifically I was speaking about.  You didn't specify Negative deeds or pure negativity but "negative energy" which does not exist...   I was just trying to help...lol  I agree with your Bible views by the way....
A lot of the religions you mention here I am not familiar of. I just know what I witness to be true. When my mom's ex beat us, karma came crashing down around his ears and he started to suffer... And I personally think that his suffering now had a lot to do with the bad deeds he set upon the children and women in his life. The same with my uncle who molested me... he's getting some harsh payback for his abuse on me when I was a wee child. However you don't see me inflicting the same hurt onto my children because I know better. And when you know better you do better.

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on June 02, 2007, 10:09:47 PM
Dear you cannot be Christian and believe in Karma.  Karma is purely Gnostic and also revolves around the Cast social system.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 10:19:07 PM
Dear you cannot be Christian and believe in Karma.  Karma is purely Gnostic and also revolves around the Cast social system.
I can SO believe that what goes around comes around. Everytime you do something bad against someone, something equally bad happens to you.  That's not an Eastern Philosophy in my experience. Its a fact. Its like saying, "If you run someone down in your car and never stop to check on the person, that experience will come back to bite you in the behind later, no doubt."
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on June 02, 2007, 10:24:54 PM
Dear you cannot be Christian and believe in Karma.  Karma is purely Gnostic and also revolves around the Cast social system.
I can SO believe that what goes around comes around. Everytime you do something bad against someone, something equally bad happens to you.  That's not an Eastern Philosophy in my experience. Its a fact. Its like saying, "If you run someone down in your car and never stop to check on the person, that experience will come back to bite you in the behind later, no doubt."
Actually, that IS Eastern Gnosticism.  Look up Karma and read the who, what, where, when, why, how...etc. surrounding that ideology.  It is NOT a fact.  In Christianity, because its base is in Judaism, as per your example, one will be judged by G-d for running someone down and not stopping.  If you do not believe me, read it for yourself.  This is another example of how much this type of logic/thinking has infected our society replacing the once moral teachings of the Bible...  This is similar to the teachings of Socialism infect and replacing the ideologies that founded our nations: education, politcal, economic and most certainly religion. 
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 10:33:41 PM
Dear you cannot be Christian and believe in Karma.  Karma is purely Gnostic and also revolves around the Cast social system.
I can SO believe that what goes around comes around. Everytime you do something bad against someone, something equally bad happens to you.  That's not an Eastern Philosophy in my experience. Its a fact. Its like saying, "If you run someone down in your car and never stop to check on the person, that experience will come back to bite you in the behind later, no doubt."
Actually, that IS Eastern Gnosticism.  Look up Karma and read the who, what, where, when, why, how...etc. surrounding that ideology.  It is NOT a fact.  In Christianity, because its base is in Judaism, as per your example, one will be judged by G-d for running someone down and not stopping.  If you do not believe me, read it for yourself.  This is another example of how much this type of logic/thinking has infected our society replacing the once moral teachings of the Bible...  This is similar to the teachings of Socialism infect and replacing the ideologies that founded our nations: education, politcal, economic and most certainly religion. 
You're amazing. What I think about people getting their comeupins isn't linked to any religion. However, let me concede... I'll say this much, so that we'll never have to touch on this again...that if God always gets bad people in the end, and he always does, why is it okay for you to be negative against people who are evil? Threating actions against bad black people. God'll take care of them, right?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on June 02, 2007, 10:42:57 PM
WE are commanded to rid the world of evilness.  There is no "Turn the other cheek" rubbish in Judaism.  The logic being that if everyone works to rid the world of evilness, what is logically left but only good?  Is it not logical that if one does not confront evilness head on one day that evilness might meet you in a dark ally with a terrible outcome.

Word by the wise: Koholet Raba 7:16 "Those who are kind to the cruel in the end will be cruel to the kind."
or "He who comes to murder you, kill him first." thus, a commandmant to confront and rid the Earth of evilness...  Too the teachings of Genesis 34 are, taking Gaza and the so called "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis" as an example, is the liquidation of Gaza.

FYI:  I was raise Christian/Catholic, abandoned it for Socialism/Liberalism.....did immense study on religions and political ideologies before returning...  This is why I know what I do about the various Eastern, and now popular, Gnostic faiths: "New Age", Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoaster, Sufism, Greek Hellenism, Druze etc.....even Islam...

Most people acquire their beliefs from being taught or introduced to their teachings/logic either by a friend, media or schools for example.  My point is that you, like many others...including my sister...who profess to ideologies that are foreign to the teachings of the Bible yet claim to believe in the specific ideologies: Christianity or Judaism.  Subsequently, Reform "Judaism" is riddled with this and that socialist garbage...   as is Mary Baker Eddy's Christian "Science"
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 10:47:30 PM
WE are commanded to rid the world of evilness.  There is no "Turn the other cheek" rubbish in Judaism.  The logic being that if everyone works to rid the world of evilness, what is logically left but only good?  Is it not logical that if one does not confront evilness head on one day that evilness might meet you in a dark ally with a terrible outcome.

Word by the wise: Koholet Raba 7:16 "Those who are kind to the cruel in the end will be cruel to the kind."
or "He who comes to murder you, kill him first." thus, a commandmant to confront and rid the Earth of evilness...  Too the teachings of Genesis 34 are, taking Gaza and the so called "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis" as an example, is the liquidation of Gaza.

FYI:  I was raise Christian/Catholic, abandoned it for Socialism/Liberalism.....did immense study on religions and political ideologies before returning...  This is why I know what I do about the various Eastern, and now popular, Gnostic faiths: "New Age", Hinduism, Buddhism....even Islam...

Most people acquire their beliefs from being taught or introduced to their teachings/logic either by a friend, media or schools for example.  My point is that you, like many others...including my sister...who profess to ideologies that are foreign to the teachings of the Bible yet claim to believe in the specific ideologies: Christianity or Judaism.  Subsequently, Reform "Judaism" is riddled with this and that socialist garbage...   as is Mary Baker Eddy's Christian "Science"

Who said I was kind to the cruel? Oh wait...I've been respectful thusfar to many of you here who have attempted to stomp me into dogmeat... so my bad. From now on, I guess I'll insult people like I've been insulted.

But for the record, I'm NICE to those who are nice to me. But if you're evil I feel nothing for you. The good thing is t hat I won't take what anyone does to me out on an entire culture.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on June 02, 2007, 10:52:48 PM
Firstly, I have not directed anything at you.  You seem to place yourself at the center of every conversation...  I was sharing with you the logic of confronting evilness and not being kind to evil people, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with you.  You seem to like to generalize and apply one position to an entire group.  If you had read any of my posts from the earlier posts or other threads you will see that I have no problems with good black people but only the bad ones....  actually the bad ones of any race...so please do not place words in my mouth.  I am not kind to the cruel and I do not believe in rationalizing, catering, excusing etc. evilness.... 
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 02, 2007, 11:05:12 PM
Firstly, I have not directed anything at you.  You seem to place yourself at the center of every conversation...  I was sharing with you the logic of confronting evilness and not being kind to evil people, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with you.  You seem to like to generalize and apply one position to an entire group.  If you had read any of my posts from the earlier posts or other threads you will see that I have no problems with good black people but only the bad ones....  actually the bad ones of any race...so please do not place words in my mouth.  I am not kind to the cruel and I do not believe in rationalizing, catering, excusing etc. evilness.... 
I didn't include you either, Matzura. I said "THOSE OF YOU" not "YOU, in general".
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on June 03, 2007, 07:06:43 AM
My apologies.....  You are right....  You did not direct at me.  You are correct.  I stand corrected...my apologies.  The problem I see it is that I posted the logic about not being nice to evil people....  Which I think was misunderstood.  My apologies..
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: stevefromqueens on June 06, 2007, 08:14:39 PM
Do I ever - how much time do you have? In the past 10 days alone I have.....

Sat across from a young black woman who pretended to be asleep the minute the Metro North conductor entered our car and announced that he was collecting tickets. She kept up the act even when he gently shook her foot to "wake her up". She went through the usual theatrics - looked tired, started digging through her wallet (very slowly, of course). The conductor went on his way but said he'd be back - he was and she was still digging - insisted she had a ticket and refused to buy another, so he threw her off at the next stop. I have seen this particular scenario acted out more times than I care to remember here in NY;

Visited Philadelphia over the weekend where my friends' shoes were almost stolen by a black woman while we sat with our feet in a fountain cooling off in the heat. She said they would be perfect for her son - offered us $5 for them (only because shewas caught trying to steal them). Only an hour or so later, while buying some bottled water from a vendor, the same friend was assailed by a young black man who insisted he buy him some gum - then there are the assorted black men lying all around the parks asking for money at every turn - I could go on and on..........What a world!
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 06, 2007, 08:25:18 PM
Do I ever - how much time do you have?

I have all of the time in the world.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: stevefromqueens on June 13, 2007, 10:22:55 PM
Just returned from Atlantic City. Where hordes of affirmative action hip hoppers have invaded the Tropicana hotel and casino. Some of the wonderous scenes played out there include: a fat black guy with his feet in a decorative fountain; an African queen and her king arguing with each other at a hundred decibel level with only the lovliest of language used, motherf'r this and motherf'r that; at the rest stop gas station more thugs and savage hoodlums, one of whom stole a hot dog from the self serve after buying $15 worth of junk food. But the crowning glory was the dozen or more Indo-something or others jammed into one guest room complete with kids, women wrapped up like mummies and other family members variously squatting and lying on the floor with that third world "hand me a bowl of rice" look. Their hotel room door was open for the world to see and appreciate their squalor. On another quick note. A friend was recently dining with his family at Red Lobster, which attracts blacks like moths to a light bulb. As he was reading the menu he heard a commotion near the kitchen only to see a fine young specimen of black youth running from the kitchen with a live lobster in his hands, as kitchen help chased him throughout the restaurant only to watch him escape out the front door, lobster in tow. I'll bet he rapes that lobster before he eats it!
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: cjd on June 13, 2007, 10:46:50 PM
stevefromqueens, Thats some story its almost sickening to think that this is what America has become. I am fortunate enough to get quite a few weeks of vacation off each year. More and more the best vacation time I have is when I stay home and not have to deal with the animals you speak of in your story. A nice quiet tree covered yard with a lounge chair some beers or a nice pitcher of Coconut rum with  pineapple juice on cracked ice on a hot day is worth its weight in gold. No nasty animals to disturb the tranquility. This is what we have come in order not to be subjected to wild beasts. Verysad.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: nessuno on June 14, 2007, 09:12:59 PM
Hey stevefromqueens - what's up with black people and their feet?
You made me laugh when you said a fat black had his feet in a decorative fountain in AC.  :laugh:
Yesterday I was sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office with my Mom. :)
An attractive black woman came in with her husband.
Before you know it.
Off came her shoes - one at a time.
She picked in between her toes and then she lotioned up her feet.  Probably using Queen Helene's Cocoa Butter.
I tried to give them the - what's up with that look  :o but they just looked right back at me  ;D.
Then I silently prayed that she would get up and wash her hands when she was done.
No such luck.  She proceeded to touch her armrests and some magazines.
It made me wish I had brought a huge can of Lysol with me.
So it really made me laugh when I read your post because if there had been a decorative fountain there she probably would have used it as a foot sauna first.

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 14, 2007, 10:26:48 PM
Hey stevefromqueens - what's up with black people and their feet?
You made me laugh when you said a fat black had his feet in a decorative fountain in AC.  :laugh:
Yesterday I was sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office with my Mom. :)
An attractive black woman came in with her husband.
Before you know it.
Off came her shoes - one at a time.
She picked in between her toes and then she lotioned up her feet.  Probably using Queen Helene's Cocoa Butter.
I tried to give them the - what's up with that look  :o but they just looked right back at me  ;D.
Then I silently prayed that she would get up and wash her hands when she was done.
No such luck.  She proceeded to touch her armrests and some magazines.
It made me wish I had brought a huge can of Lysol with me.
So it really made me laugh when I read your post because if there had been a decorative fountain there she probably would have used it as a foot sauna first.

First of all that was just NASTY!!! Second I would have brought some Lysol also. *I do bring lotion with me wherever I go but only for my hands* I never lotion the feet in front of people...and even avoid doing it in front of my own husband sometimes. lol WOW.

Ummmhummm, is non-word for 'agreement' or in this case, "Yes, she did!". I'm trying not to take offense to some of the things you say here.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: nessuno on June 15, 2007, 07:03:21 AM
I'm not trying to be offensive to you Imerica.
It was disgusting!  I have never seen anyone lotion their feet in public.
I'm glad that you agree with me.
I wash my hands a million times a day at work - so I always carry hand lotion too.  :)
Just not lotion for my feet.  :laugh:

Yesterday a young man at work (sorry he was black) took his sneakers off and started massaging his feet.  I didn't mention that story!  I wasn't trying to be offensive to you.
I just thought that was an unbelievable encounter. Yuck!

I just have a general question.
What's up with the fountains?
In Flushing Meadow Park (the site of two World's Fairs) I used to see a lot of nonwhites using them as wading pools.  That is really sad.
Even the beautiful fountains underneath the Unisphere. The unisphere is used in many advertisements because it is so beautiful.  I don't believe they were meant to be used as pools.  What makes people do things like this?

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 15, 2007, 06:31:59 PM
I'm not trying to be offensive to you Imerica.
It was disgusting!  I have never seen anyone lotion their feet in public.
I'm glad that you agree with me.
I wash my hands a million times a day at work - so I always carry hand lotion too.  :)
Just not lotion for my feet.  :laugh:

Yesterday a young man at work (sorry he was black) took his sneakers off and started massaging his feet.  I didn't mention that story!  I wasn't trying to be offensive to you.
I just thought that was an unbelievable encounter. Yuck!

I just have a general question.
What's up with the fountains?
In Flushing Meadow Park (the site of two World's Fairs) I used to see a lot of nonwhites using them as wading pools.  That is really sad.
Even the beautiful fountains underneath the Unisphere. The unisphere is used in many advertisements because it is so beautiful.  I don't believe they were meant to be used as pools.  What makes people do things like this?

My defining 'ummm,hmmm' was my effort NOT to take offense to the connotation anymore. I'm tired of feeling like the victim here. I'm opening myself up and  just explaining some things now instead of pointing fingers anymore.
As for the fountains... I can't explain it but I'll tell you what, I think it may have something to do with the way some  people act when they don't normally go anywhere. They're not use to being in nice places so they act out of character. For instance, I never did anything remotely close to what those people did in the fountain but when we were first stationed in another country (Spain), I'd greet the locals with "Que Pasa", which means "Whats going on" in espanol. lol Not right at all. I had to learn through the customs how to greet and how to properly name and speak in Spanish with those who speak it so that I could get to know them. My Que Pasa turned into "Hola" "Buenos Dias" "Buenos Noches" "Hasta la vista" "Lo ciento" "Muy Bueno"  "Muchas Gracias" "De nada" "No Bueno" :D and other words that escape me (because its been 7 years since we were there last.) Perhaps if someone would have told them that that wasn't the way to behave in a fountain, which is for viewing purposes only, they'd have humbled themselves and gotten out of the fountain.

I'm from Chicago and one of my favorite sites to see is Buckingham Fountain which, when lit is beautiful at night. If I'd seen someone do that in MY fountain, I'd have snapped.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: nessuno on June 15, 2007, 07:30:07 PM
I enjoyed reading your story about living in Spain.
I passed up a trip there when I was younger and I regret that decision all the time.
I can understand how you made that mistake - but at least you made an attempt at adapting to the culture.
I'm not sure that what I saw was a lack of understanding.  I think it was more a lack of caring.
I would never think of coming to Chicago - visiting Buckingham Fountain and wading in it just because I was hot.  ;) Even if the area were totally deserted.  ;)
But thanks for trying to make sense of what I think is just bad behavior.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 15, 2007, 07:44:27 PM
I enjoyed reading your story about living in Spain.
I passed up a trip there when I was younger and I regret that decision all the time.
I can understand how you made that mistake - but at least you made an attempt at adapting to the culture.
I'm not sure that what I saw was a lack of understanding.  I think it was more a lack of caring.
I would never think of coming to Chicago - visiting Buckingham Fountain and wading in it just because I was hot.  ;) Even if the area were totally deserted.  ;)
But thanks for trying to make sense of what I think is just bad behavior.

Its a bit of both, lack of understanding and lack of caring. If you don't understand you're not going to care about much. lol My husband always says, its like mind over matter ..."If you don't mind, it don't matter." :D I recieved a lot of flack from fellow Chicagoans when I got married and moved to California 13 years ago but I had to understand that they were hating me because they wish they were me...someone leaving the only place I knew. One thing about experiencing new things and meeting new people is that you always have a chance to make a first impression. I could forgive people getting into the fountain and taking wacky pictures but I could never understand seeing people just wading in the fountain, thinking its a stream or something. Get out of your comfort zone, right?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: nessuno on June 15, 2007, 08:15:58 PM
It is a very brave and adventurous thing to do - moving place to place.
I have made one big move in my life and it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.  And I didn't move all that far from where I started.

Well - their being in their comfort zone at all times is a bit trying.

I think what made America great is that we were a civilized people - that seems to be going by the wayside.
Why do we have to adapt and accept this bad behavior?  Why can't you tell people to get out of the fountain? Because it is not PC.  I'm sorry but the cry of racism would rise up.    That is why I often say - nonwhites need to lead this cause.

Anyway - you probably have some interesting stories to tell from all your travels.
Do you have any unbelievable encounters with... ;)

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 15, 2007, 08:54:57 PM
It is a very brave and adventurous thing to do - moving place to place.
I have made one big move in my life and it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.  And I didn't move all that far from where I started.

Well - their being in their comfort zone at all times is a bit trying.

I think what made America great is that we were a civilized people - that seems to be going by the wayside.
Why do we have to adapt and accept this bad behavior?  Why can't you tell people to get out of the fountain? Because it is not PC.  I'm sorry but the cry of racism would rise up.    That is why I often say - nonwhites need to lead this cause.

Anyway - you probably have some interesting stories to tell from all your travels.
Do you have any unbelievable encounters with... ;)

... Spanish locals? Yes... nothing bad though so this might be boring. My 10 year old, Nikko was born in Germany...we were stationed in Spain at the time and the hospital wasn't equipt to take care of me in my condition and my baby...I had to be medi-vacced to Landstahul, Germany to an Army hospital. When we came back after 6 days of trying to re-coop, we visited a mall in Spain. I had Nikko in a harness and my husband was holding our then, 2 year old's hand. As we walked we heard the shuffling of feet behind us. I didn't know what was going on so I slowly turned around and saw about 5 nuns rushing up to us. They touched my 2 year old's hair (because I cornrowed and beaded her hair in preparation for our outing) and touched Nikko's hands. They didn't speak English (duh, Erica) but I understood a little of what they were saying. "Muy Wapa bambinas" which means "Very beautiful baby girls..." It was a different experience because I'd known no one even in my own city who'd behave in that manner. It was beautiful.

I did have one experience while traveling to  a mall in Spain on my way to get some things for my husband's and my 4th anniversary. When I asked the attendant in the isle I was in for help (I needed some black stockings), she mocked me. What happened was I grabbed a package of stockings as an example but I asked for them in Negra...(black). Instead of directing me to the stockings I was looking for, she kept repeating "NEGRA? NEGRA!? (giggling)" I walked away from her without an attitude (although I was a little sad) and looked for my item on my own.

We lived in spain for 3 years..that was the only bad experience I had. :) Sorry if its not tipping on the 'dram-a-meter'. lol
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: nessuno on June 15, 2007, 09:13:17 PM
It is a very brave and adventurous thing to do - moving place to place.
I have made one big move in my life and it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.  And I didn't move all that far from where I started.

Well - their being in their comfort zone at all times is a bit trying.

I think what made America great is that we were a civilized people - that seems to be going by the wayside.
Why do we have to adapt and accept this bad behavior?  Why can't you tell people to get out of the fountain? Because it is not PC.  I'm sorry but the cry of racism would rise up.    That is why I often say - nonwhites need to lead this cause.

Anyway - you probably have some interesting stories to tell from all your travels.
Do you have any unbelievable encounters with... ;)

... Spanish locals? Yes... nothing bad though so this might be boring. My 10 year old, Nikko was born in Germany...we were stationed in Spain at the time and the hospital wasn't equipt to take care of me in my condition and my baby...I had to be medi-vacced to Landstahul, Germany to an Army hospital. When we came back after 6 days of trying to re-coop, we visited a mall in Spain. I had Nikko in a harness and my husband was holding our then, 2 year old's hand. As we walked we heard the shuffling of feet behind us. I didn't know what was going on so I slowly turned around and saw about 5 nuns rushing up to us. They touched my 2 year old's hair (because I cornrowed and beaded her hair in preparation for our outing) and touched Nikko's hands. They didn't speak English (duh, Erica) but I understood a little of what they were saying. "Muy Wapa bambinas" which means "Very beautiful baby girls..." It was a different experience because I'd known no one even in my own city who'd behave in that manner. It was beautiful.

I did have one experience while traveling to  a mall in Spain on my way to get some things for my husband's and my 4th anniversary. When I asked the attendant in the isle I was in for help (I needed some black stockings), she mocked me. What happened was I grabbed a package of stockings as an example but I asked for them in Negra...(black). Instead of directing me to the stockings I was looking for, she kept repeating "NEGRA? NEGRA!? (giggling)" I walked away from her without an attitude (although I was a little sad) and looked for my item on my own.

We lived in spain for 3 years..that was the only bad experience I had. :) Sorry if its not tipping on the 'dram-a-meter'. lol
No the first story was quite nice.
I don't think I would have walked away in the second story without an attitude.  
That's pretty good if that is the only bad experience you had in three years!

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 15, 2007, 09:48:47 PM
It is a very brave and adventurous thing to do - moving place to place.
I have made one big move in my life and it was the most difficult thing I ever had to do.  And I didn't move all that far from where I started.

Well - their being in their comfort zone at all times is a bit trying.

I think what made America great is that we were a civilized people - that seems to be going by the wayside.
Why do we have to adapt and accept this bad behavior?  Why can't you tell people to get out of the fountain? Because it is not PC.  I'm sorry but the cry of racism would rise up.    That is why I often say - nonwhites need to lead this cause.

Anyway - you probably have some interesting stories to tell from all your travels.
Do you have any unbelievable encounters with... ;)

... Spanish locals? Yes... nothing bad though so this might be boring. My 10 year old, Nikko was born in Germany...we were stationed in Spain at the time and the hospital wasn't equipt to take care of me in my condition and my baby...I had to be medi-vacced to Landstahul, Germany to an Army hospital. When we came back after 6 days of trying to re-coop, we visited a mall in Spain. I had Nikko in a harness and my husband was holding our then, 2 year old's hand. As we walked we heard the shuffling of feet behind us. I didn't know what was going on so I slowly turned around and saw about 5 nuns rushing up to us. They touched my 2 year old's hair (because I cornrowed and beaded her hair in preparation for our outing) and touched Nikko's hands. They didn't speak English (duh, Erica) but I understood a little of what they were saying. "Muy Wapa bambinas" which means "Very beautiful baby girls..." It was a different experience because I'd known no one even in my own city who'd behave in that manner. It was beautiful.

I did have one experience while traveling to  a mall in Spain on my way to get some things for my husband's and my 4th anniversary. When I asked the attendant in the isle I was in for help (I needed some black stockings), she mocked me. What happened was I grabbed a package of stockings as an example but I asked for them in Negra...(black). Instead of directing me to the stockings I was looking for, she kept repeating "NEGRA? NEGRA!? (giggling)" I walked away from her without an attitude (although I was a little sad) and looked for my item on my own.

We lived in spain for 3 years..that was the only bad experience I had. :) Sorry if its not tipping on the 'dram-a-meter'. lol
No the first story was quite nice.
I don't think I would have walked away in the second story without an attitude.  
That's pretty good if that is the only bad experience you had in three years!

Living in other countries offers the best experiences because you have a choice to delve into the culture or dissappear into the walls. We chose to get to know our communities and the people in them. We got to attend several Ferias which are held in April, shopped in different places and met beautiful people.

When we were done with our tour in Spain, we were then stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I love America but if I had a choice, I'd move back to Okinawa. Talk about peaceful, beautiful, and bountiful! Wow! The people, even those who protested outside our gates never caused rukkus. All of the villiages there had celebrations almost every month. And the locals, if they saw you struggling ith the language, would take the time to tutor you.

If it weren't for the fact that Okinawa is a itty-bitty-teeny-weeny dot in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and a Super Typhoon would swallow it hole on a GOOD day, I'd opt to go back after dh retires. (dh- dear husband).
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: nessuno on June 15, 2007, 10:34:00 PM
Very Interesting.
I bet you have some great stories to tell.
I've enjoyed hearing about your travels.
Retirement - I dream about that all the time...but with what a college education will cost it is about a million years away. ;)
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Imerica on June 16, 2007, 03:03:50 AM
Very Interesting.
I bet you have some great stories to tell.
I've enjoyed hearing about your travels.
Retirement - I dream about that all the time...but with what a college education will cost it is about a million years away. ;)
I have yet to begin my career. In 4 years I'll be a full-fledged elementary educator. That retirement won't come for 20 years.. oh, joy. I'll be happy to get started though. :)
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Hail Columbia on June 16, 2007, 09:18:17 AM
Hey newman, do you have your own story to tell?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on June 27, 2007, 03:42:08 PM
Saw that site above.  Granted the creativity is there but I don't much like some of the content particularly the KKK and the Nazi SS logos.  This, in my opinion is unacceptable.  It is perfectly acceptable to speak out against bad deeds coming from whatever race, but clan and Nazi promotion is simply depressing that anyone especially a Jew would cater or promote such ilk.  My two cents.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on July 05, 2007, 11:47:36 PM
Where do I begin, I live in NYC.  Schvartzah stories happens almost every day in this town.  If it isn't cop killing or drug dealing, its auto theft or arson or rape.  But there has been a few I mentioned to Chaim in Ask JTF. Like the subways or at the beach.   But this has turned into the plague in every town across this country.  As for me, an encounter with Schvartzahism, I guess this must of happened to many others here as well,  how many of you parked at the meter, and 90 percent of meter maids in NYC are Schvartzah.  The pretend cop.  They either that, or Paki, or some other interesting bunch, and you park at the meter and you got plenty of time to do what you got to do and return before the meter expires.  You return to your car and got a few mins left and there is the meter maid her 300lbs of fat in a uniform already starting to write tickets even though, you got time still.   And when it comes to other Schvartzah drivers they let them slide, even if their meter has long over expired or double park or park right at the fire pumps and bus stops.  It has happened to me once and I am sure it has happened to many others.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Kananga on July 06, 2007, 02:46:51 PM
That happens to me all the time. 

As a black man I have more reason to fear a black cop than I would a white one.  Many of the black cops have HNIC sickness, and the THINK they know how to profile other black men.  They actually get a kick out of harrassing other blacks,  pitting good blacks against the thuggish, and essentially taking their own self-hatred out on other blacks who appear to be higher on the social-economic scale, or would otherwise be intimidated by if they weren't employed as a cop.  A lot of what's coming out about the personality of the Ohio cop, Bobby Cutts Jr., or that black cop in "Boyz in the Hood"  is very typical of many of the cops I've had encounters with in DC.

If ever confronted by a white cop, I know if I behave and a not guilty of anything that I'll stand a good chance of getting by.  A nasty, self-hating, narcisistic, piece-of-crap black cop will be quick to take notice of the way I talk, dress, and the Magen David around my neck, and will go on to make this moment in my life a living hell. 

But then again, this is usually my experience with black cops in the more "whiter" sections of DC, which only reinforces my theory that these cops are full of self-hatred.  Affirmative action cops indeed.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on July 07, 2007, 01:56:04 PM
That happens to me all the time. 

As a black man I have more reason to fear a black cop than I would a white one.  Many of the black cops have HNIC sickness, and the THINK they know how to profile other black men.  They actually get a kick out of harrassing other blacks,  pitting good blacks against the thuggish, and essentially taking their own self-hatred out on other blacks who appear to be higher on the social-economic scale, or would otherwise be intimidated by if they weren't employed as a cop.  A lot of what's coming out about the personality of the Ohio cop, Bobby Cutts Jr., or that black cop in "Boyz in the Hood"  is very typical of many of the cops I've had encounters with in DC.

If ever confronted by a white cop, I know if I behave and a not guilty of anything that I'll stand a good chance of getting by.  A nasty, self-hating, narcisistic, piece-of-crap black cop will be quick to take notice of the way I talk, dress, and the Magen David around my neck, and will go on to make this moment in my life a living hell. 

But then again, this is usually my experience with black cops in the more "whiter" sections of DC, which only reinforces my theory that these cops are full of self-hatred.  Affirmative action cops indeed.

Remember when the cops were Irish and Italians and they had a way for the communities to feel not only safe but a friendly relation between police and communities.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Kananga on July 09, 2007, 09:14:36 AM
"Sworn to serve and protect". I just know I really don't like how my experiences with these self-hating jerk cops is making me feel about all police in general, because I know there are even young black cops who are good guys.   But you're right.  With all so much being made about "snitching", community policing, and the like, in the long run it doesn't serve themselves or the interest of the community to go around taking out their own personal issues on everyday citizens who don't deserve the abuse.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on July 10, 2007, 07:06:51 PM
Last Saturday I walked to the Queens Mall with my wife. What I found there sickened me. This mall is located in the formerly late great borough of Queens New York. It is built on a site that was once home to a mini amusement park called Fairyland. It had a mini golf course and it was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon with your small children. When my wife and I entered the mall we noticed that we were in the minority. I have seen less diversity in a large public zoo. Every species of biped was there. Hardly anyone spoke my language, looked like me, or had any type of civilized manners at all. As we strollled through this empire of turd world wonders I noticed that all the females of the invaders were with a fetus. A future warrior or a future brood sow to be unleashed on what remains of a white community. All the clerks in the stores were things of color and when my wife and I went to the "worlds famous Nathans of coney Island' we were confronted by a village of hindus and some creatures that looked exactly like the aztec warriors I had seen on the history channel. I asked for extra napkins and the aztec could not comprehend what I asked her. It was a sad affair. As we sat down at the table, after I cleaned it, we were joined by an african-hispanic tribe. I coined the word spicaninnie as a anthroplolical short cut to describe the familly tree of this type of biped primitive cocktail. The [censored]-spiclets were completely out of control, all over weight, all no english speaking and agressive. I saw one fat biped, the female of the tribe smack one of her siblings. Leaving this nirvana of diversity we proceeded to walk to the subway, where we were met by a mexican in a sombero handing out circulars for something that no one would by. Needless to say this circular was all over the street. We also ran a line of nigerians selling all kinds of bogus pocketbooks, gold chains, haha, socks and some hispanic thing selling 'ices'. As we approcahed the stairs of the subway, we could not enter due to the fact that the stairs were blocked by two hispanic female bipeds who had strollers chuck full of little spiclets. They expected some one to help them down the stairs with their seeds from hell. The females had tatoos and all kinds of piecings. The nerve of these creatures bogs the mind. Needless to say we got home to forest hills, which is turning fast, and said, we must get out of New York before it is too late for white people.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on July 10, 2007, 07:40:22 PM
Last Saturday I walked to the Queens Mall with my wife. What I found there sickened me. This mall is located in the formerly late great borough of Queens New York. It is built on a site that was once home to a mini amusement park called Fairyland. It had a mini golf course and it was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon with your small children. When my wife and I entered the mall we noticed that we were in the minority. I have seen less diversity in a large public zoo. Every species of biped was there. Hardly anyone spoke my language, looked like me, or had any type of civilized manners at all. As we strollled through this empire of turd world wonders I noticed that all the females of the invaders were with a fetus. A future warrior or a future brood sow to be unleashed on what remains of a white community. All the clerks in the stores were things of color and when my wife and I went to the "worlds famous Nathans of coney Island' we were confronted by a village of hindus and some creatures that looked exactly like the aztec warriors I had seen on the history channel. I asked for extra napkins and the aztec could not comprehend what I asked her. It was a sad affair. As we sat down at the table, after I cleaned it, we were joined by an african-hispanic tribe. I coined the word spicaninnie as a anthroplolical short cut to describe the familly tree of this type of biped primitive cocktail. The [censored]-spiclets were completely out of control, all over weight, all no english speaking and agressive. I saw one fat biped, the female of the tribe smack one of her siblings. Leaving this nirvana of diversity we proceeded to walk to the subway, where we were met by a mexican in a sombero handing out circulars for something that no one would by. Needless to say this circular was all over the street. We also ran a line of nigerians selling all kinds of bogus pocketbooks, gold chains, haha, socks and some hispanic thing selling 'ices'. As we approcahed the stairs of the subway, we could not enter due to the fact that the stairs were blocked by two hispanic female bipeds who had strollers chuck full of little spiclets. They expected some one to help them down the stairs with their seeds from hell. The females had tatoos and all kinds of piecings. The nerve of these creatures bogs the mind. Needless to say we got home to forest hills, which is turning fast, and said, we must get out of New York before it is too late for white people.

"go west, young man- go west".

fjack there are western states that still have white (non-hispic) populations in the 90+%. Dig ditches if you have to. But you and your wife can own and carry guns legally and if you shoot an ape home-invader they cant sue you because of the casle-doctrine laws. Think about it.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on July 10, 2007, 07:48:51 PM
I think I told this story last summer, but since we got some new people I will say it again..  Last summer my friends and I decided to spend a weekend down Atlantic City, just a weekend get away to the shores.  And one of the evening we went to get dinner at one of the hotels so we were on the boardwalk and relaxing a bit first by the rails. And we heard a very strange noise coming from under the boardwalk like someone was in pain or something.  This schvartzah came out from under the boards and pulling his pants up, he took a crap on the sand.  Imagin a family brings their children to the beach to play and they encounter this animal?  It was sickening and disgusting. I guess the toilet and toilet paper is too much of a Whitey invention for him.   And all over the boardwalks there are public restrooms.  They have no sense of curtosy for anyone.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on July 10, 2007, 07:59:09 PM
I think I told this story last summer, but since we got some new people I will say it again..  Last summer my friends and I decided to spend a weekend down Atlantic City, just a weekend get away to the shores.  And one of the evening we went to get dinner at one of the hotels so we were on the boardwalk and relaxing a bit first by the rails. And we heard a very strange noise coming from under the boardwalk like someone was in pain or something.  This schvartzah came out from under the boards and pulling his pants up, he took a crap on the sand.  Imagin a family brings their children to the beach to play and they encounter this animal?  It was sickening and disgusting. I guess the toilet and toilet paper is too much of a Whitey invention for him.   And all over the boardwalks there are public restrooms.  They have no sense of curtosy for anyone.

Get onto some of the websites and find out the stuff they do back-home in Africka. I wouldn't repeat it on this forum.
PS: You'll need a bucket handy.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: cjd on July 10, 2007, 09:52:14 PM
Last Saturday I walked to the Queens Mall with my wife. What I found there sickened me. This mall is located in the formerly late great borough of Queens New York. It is built on a site that was once home to a mini amusement park called Fairyland. It had a mini golf course and it was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon with your small children. When my wife and I entered the mall we noticed that we were in the minority. I have seen less diversity in a large public zoo. Every species of biped was there. Hardly anyone spoke my language, looked like me, or had any type of civilized manners at all. As we strollled through this empire of turd world wonders I noticed that all the females of the invaders were with a fetus. A future warrior or a future brood sow to be unleashed on what remains of a white community. All the clerks in the stores were things of color and when my wife and I went to the "worlds famous Nathans of coney Island' we were confronted by a village of hindus and some creatures that looked exactly like the aztec warriors I had seen on the history channel. I asked for extra napkins and the aztec could not comprehend what I asked her. It was a sad affair. As we sat down at the table, after I cleaned it, we were joined by an african-hispanic tribe. I coined the word spicaninnie as a anthroplolical short cut to describe the familly tree of this type of biped primitive cocktail. The [censored]-spiclets were completely out of control, all over weight, all no english speaking and agressive. I saw one fat biped, the female of the tribe smack one of her siblings. Leaving this nirvana of diversity we proceeded to walk to the subway, where we were met by a mexican in a sombero handing out circulars for something that no one would by. Needless to say this circular was all over the street. We also ran a line of nigerians selling all kinds of bogus pocketbooks, gold chains, haha, socks and some hispanic thing selling 'ices'. As we approcahed the stairs of the subway, we could not enter due to the fact that the stairs were blocked by two hispanic female bipeds who had strollers chuck full of little spiclets. They expected some one to help them down the stairs with their seeds from hell. The females had tatoos and all kinds of piecings. The nerve of these creatures bogs the mind. Needless to say we got home to forest hills, which is turning fast, and said, we must get out of New York before it is too late for white people.
I remember Fairy Land and the mini golf course. Thats when we still had a majority of humans living in the five Boroughs. It was a nice place back then and there was also a White Castle next to it that I believe is still there. fjack do you remember the big Howard Johnson restaurant up by the expressway on Queens Blvd. Over buy the old Alexanders store?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on July 10, 2007, 11:33:52 PM
CJD, I lived in Queens all my life, there use to be a mini amusement park near Whitestone, Flushing boarder, it was small for the little kids, a merry go round, live horses for the children, a few rides and a putt putt golf, it was on the opposite side of the Whitestone Lanes bowling ally.  I am going back, back at least 25 years, I am 31 now.  And they had to close it down cause the animals were coming into this very white area at the time it was lily white actually, they came from the Bronx, some parts of Flushing was becoming Hispanic and they turned it to a hell hole that they closed the park down for good.  Now it is a Mulitplex movie ( College Point Movie Theaters ).  It is impossible to keep things open for people to enjoy with these mutants running a muck.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: nessuno on July 11, 2007, 04:09:53 AM
I remember that MasterWolf1.
I don't recall Fairy Land.
I can agree with fjack about the mall - I just sat in a car doubleparked outside the mall for a few minutes last year and it was an eye opening experience.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: nessuno on July 11, 2007, 04:18:48 AM
you guys might also enjoy this thread since you grew up in Queens.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on July 11, 2007, 06:17:41 AM
Dear CJD and MasterWolf, the Howard Johnson's rest. was such a treat. I remember that they had all kinds of ice cream there and they also had a fish night and a chicken night if my memories are still correct. The white castle is still there next to where the old fairy land used to be. Can you imagine what a killing field that would be now if it were still opened? You might also remember that next to Howard Johnson's was a very upscale nightclub called "the Blouvard". MasterWorld the little amusement park you mentioned was called Adventurers Inn, it was a wonderful place. I remember I always rode the go carts. There was also a private airport for little planes there, I think it was across the street. I am familiar with the whitestone shopping center since my wife and I had a booth at the flushing flea market that was located in the same building as the soda distibuter was. We were there for 20 years till the surrounding neighborhood became 'diverse' so to speak. Memories of a once great Queeens, 'For whom the bells toll".
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on July 11, 2007, 06:24:24 AM
Take my advice, fjack

"go west, young man- go west".

fjack there are western states that still have white (non-hispic) populations in the 90+%. Dig ditches if you have to. But you and your wife can own and carry guns legally and if you shoot an ape home-invader they cant sue you because of the casle-doctrine laws. Think about it.

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on July 11, 2007, 08:23:48 AM
My friend John, applied for a employment councilling position within the Federal Government's employment office.  With no luck, due to him being a member of the politically INcorrect lobby group: Invisible Majority, he listed himself within that same entity in hopes of finding employement. The other day John receives this call from this shvartza that his younger brother knew from highschool....albeit the shvartza didn't complete...   "Gud Mownin Missa, Wees be wondin if yus be inta-ested........"  John replied "Excuse me?"....  The fellow stated near abouts the same thing....  John told him that he cannot understand what he was saying.  It is very clear that he only got the position because of some Affirmative Action quota system, "diversity" or "multi-culture" program....and closed with "This is what my fcuking tax dollars are used for?".....   

I forgot to tell you all that we have a shavartza on the parole board who was a prison guard that was "excused" from services for sexually molesting the female inmates.  This fellow was a criminal before he was given his Affirmative Action education/diploma.....and he is a criminal after....  Does society really believe a tiger changes its stripes especially when it doesn't want to nor even tries to?  Oy vey
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on July 11, 2007, 08:28:47 AM
Guys, this is off the topic, but mord's stuffed up his computer and can only get on under the name of steven idi amin. I can't type for laughing. If any of tou are computer savvy could you please help him? :laugh:
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on July 11, 2007, 06:47:46 PM
Dear CJD and MasterWolf, the Howard Johnson's rest. was such a treat. I remember that they had all kinds of ice cream there and they also had a fish night and a chicken night if my memories are still correct. The white castle is still there next to where the old fairy land used to be. Can you imagine what a killing field that would be now if it were still opened? You might also remember that next to Howard Johnson's was a very upscale nightclub called "the Blouvard". MasterWorld the little amusement park you mentioned was called Adventurers Inn, it was a wonderful place. I remember I always rode the go carts. There was also a private airport for little planes there, I think it was across the street. I am familiar with the whitestone shopping center since my wife and I had a booth at the flushing flea market that was located in the same building as the soda distibuter was. We were there for 20 years till the surrounding neighborhood became 'diverse' so to speak. Memories of a once great Queeens, 'For whom the bells toll".

Queens was a very nice borough, compared to what the Bronx or Brooklyn was turning out, Queens was still unscaved, but eventually like everywhere else the migration of the inhabits starts.   And yes it was Adventurer Inn, as well when I was a kid my dad use to take us to Corona for the Italian Ice King, and watch the old guys play some bacci in the park and there was a feeling of a close family everywhere.  Corona at the time was heavily Italian, now its mostly Dominicans and Peru and others and "No Ingles".  Flushing was also concidered very nice they had town houses through out Flushing and very close communities.  Now most communities people do not know their own neighbors.  It is pretty sad if you think what has happened to many of these neighborhoods.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: cjd on July 11, 2007, 09:43:48 PM
Thanks fjack and MasterWolf1 your posts bought back a lot of nice memories. It really was to bad about Adventures Inn Amusement Park he had some good rides there. There was also an arcade with pinball games and the first video games before Atari came into the living room. The city owned the land that the park was on and they confiscated the land on the park owner. He tried to fight them off for years keeping the arcade part of the business open into the late 70's. The Flushing airport complex is still there although it is under water. I think thats where all the west Nile and encephalitis mosquitoes come from in Queens. The owner of the old Adventures Inn also runs a Amusement park now on Route 110 on Long Island called Adventure Land it is very similar to the old Queens one. That old Howard Johnson's on Queens Blvd. was really something else it looked like a little castle withs its Howard Johnson's style roof.

"Having built a successful business and having become a millionaire in the midst of the Great Depression, the future seemed great for Howard Johnson. By the close of the 1930s Howard Johnson's restaurants stretched the entire length of the Eastern seaboard, from Maine to Florida. The company opened a restaurant on Queens Boulevard in New York City, reputed to have been the largest roadside restaurant at the time, to serve travelers headed for the New York
World's Fair."
I still picture the place when I drive past the spot even today.

MasterWolf1 its funny you mentioned the Ice King of Corona. I don't know how far you go back or if you remember the Ice King himself. My grandparents lived in Corona and most Sundays we would visit them. After dinner which was always at 1pm it was my cousins and my job to go up on Corona heights and tantalize all the shop keepers and the neighborhood in general. Back then Corona was like living out on Long Island very safe. Anyway in the summer we always got an ice and some pistachio nuts from the Ice King. He was a snippy old man and would like to try to bamboozle us kids  out of a nickel or dime and then argue with you over it. Well one day we insulted him just a little to much and the next thing us kids knew he was chasing us down the street with a meat cleaver. Its the funnest thing to think about it now but the guy was pissed and chased us for two blocks. He must have been close to 80. I often tell this story and people think I am nuts but its the truth. He has been dead for possibly for 30 years now his son was running it for a while however he himself must now be very old. I know the franchised it out and sell the ices all over the country. I was in Florida once and saw it and the guy down in Florida was trying to tell me where it came from I told him the meat cleaver story. MasterWolf1 did you ever go into that park across the street from the Ice King? The Old Italians keep it very nice. Its like an upscale back yard. No doubt the Park side Restaurant has a lot to do with it remaining so nice. No trouble in there ::)
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on July 11, 2007, 10:17:46 PM
I know the Park Side I went there with my family for Christmas dinner, and the park you mentioned was the park that we use to see the old timers play bacci.  And I am 31 now but what I am saying goes back when I was a young kid.  Even Flushing Meadow Park was nice.  It is pathetic how all these wonderful areas and neighborhoods ended up to what it is now.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on July 12, 2007, 06:13:40 AM
The Ice King of Corona is still there and so is Park side. From what I understand Park side is owned by a captain in the Luchese family and no fooling around is the name of the game there. The little park is still there and the old timers still play ball there. They give out free italian food on Labor Day. It is only a matter of time before it is devoured. There is a big mexican store where Maszulis' used to be and a chinese take out on the corner of Martense and 108st called doulble or something like that. There is a large influx of mexicans that are taking over. It is a shame that the neighborhood has changed so much. There have been several shootings there in recent history and it seems to be getting worse. I worked for many years at a factory that is still there at 55-11 105st and I could see the area change before my very eyes, it was heartbreaking. All the memories we have are the only comfort. I always loved the area and would have liked to move there. I remember the 1964 world's fair and I cry when I see what has happened to the park. Thank you members of congress for destroying my country.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Johnson Brown on August 31, 2007, 05:34:42 PM
this is all out racist just look at the name [censored site]. i am against this totally.
jeffguy I got another one, stop that word "[censored site]"
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Johnson Brown on August 31, 2007, 05:36:04 PM
Except they say schvartza.

If that URL hadn't been one word, the filter would have censored it.

I got another one, Jeffguy that picture is taking up to much room. Stop that.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on September 04, 2007, 05:01:45 PM
The Ice King of Corona is still there and so is Park side. From what I understand Park side is owned by a captain in the Luchese family and no fooling around is the name of the game there. The little park is still there and the old timers still play ball there. They give out free italian food on Labor Day. It is only a matter of time before it is devoured. There is a big mexican store where Maszulis' used to be and a chinese take out on the corner of Martense and 108st called doulble or something like that. There is a large influx of mexicans that are taking over. It is a shame that the neighborhood has changed so much. There have been several shootings there in recent history and it seems to be getting worse. I worked for many years at a factory that is still there at 55-11 105st and I could see the area change before my very eyes, it was heartbreaking. All the memories we have are the only comfort. I always loved the area and would have liked to move there. I remember the 1964 world's fair and I cry when I see what has happened to the park. Thank you members of congress for destroying my country.

It is happening to all of Queens County as well as all across the city.  And the rest of the nation.  Pretty sad when you think about it what this country is going towards.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 04, 2007, 05:07:34 PM
Fill the finest home with garbage and it will become a dump.

Fill a good city with animals and it becomes a jungle.

Pure logic, really.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 01:15:25 AM
Fill the finest home with garbage and it will become a dump.

Fill a good city with animals and it becomes a jungle.

Pure logic, really.
Someone must have filled your head with a lot of ignorance and intolerance for you to come up with that one.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 05, 2007, 01:18:02 AM
Fill the finest home with garbage and it will become a dump.

Fill a good city with animals and it becomes a jungle.

Pure logic, really.
Someone must have filled your head with a lot of ignorance and intolerance for you to come up with that one.

The 'I' word again. That is the negro activist's pet word.

Quote crime statistics and you're 'ignorant'.

Being informed about reallity is NOT ignorance.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 01:20:52 AM
Fill the finest home with garbage and it will become a dump.

Fill a good city with animals and it becomes a jungle.

Pure logic, really.
Someone must have filled your head with a lot of ignorance and intolerance for you to come up with that one.

The 'I' word again. That is the negro activist's pet word.

Quote crime statistics and you're 'ignorant'.

Being informed about reallity is NOT ignorance.
I call you ignorant because I can't call you anything else.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 05, 2007, 01:23:56 AM
Fill the finest home with garbage and it will become a dump.

Fill a good city with animals and it becomes a jungle.

Pure logic, really.
Someone must have filled your head with a lot of ignorance and intolerance for you to come up with that one.

The 'I' word again. That is the negro activist's pet word.

Quote crime statistics and you're 'ignorant'.

Being informed about reallity is NOT ignorance.
I call you ignorant because I can't call you anything else.

My point, exactly.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 01:31:25 AM
Fill the finest home with garbage and it will become a dump.

Fill a good city with animals and it becomes a jungle.

Pure logic, really.
Someone must have filled your head with a lot of ignorance and intolerance for you to come up with that one.

The 'I' word again. That is the negro activist's pet word.

Quote crime statistics and you're 'ignorant'.

Being informed about reallity is NOT ignorance.
I call you ignorant because I can't call you anything else.

My point, exactly.
Censorship, newman. I'm trying NOT to be like you. Its really hard because I do on occasion want to say OTHER things that are rude and crude to you and others but I can't do it. I'm woman enough to admit that.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 05, 2007, 01:34:23 AM

My point, exactly.
Censorship, newman. I'm trying NOT to be like you. Its really hard because I do on occasion want to say OTHER things that are rude and crude to you and others but I can't do it. I'm woman enough to admit that.

Let fly....I've got thick skin. Whites don't get as upset about name calling as blacks.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 01:39:22 AM

My point, exactly.
Censorship, newman. I'm trying NOT to be like you. Its really hard because I do on occasion want to say OTHER things that are rude and crude to you and others but I can't do it. I'm woman enough to admit that.

Let fly....I've got thick skin. Whites don't get as upset about name calling as blacks.
Whatever, Newman. I've seen whites cringe and cry when blacks or their own children say the n word as if its insulting them. YOU may not care but you can't speak for every white person. Slander is actually a law for a reason. Thick Skin :D
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 05, 2007, 01:42:01 AM

My point, exactly.
Censorship, newman. I'm trying NOT to be like you. Its really hard because I do on occasion want to say OTHER things that are rude and crude to you and others but I can't do it. I'm woman enough to admit that.

Let fly....I've got thick skin. Whites don't get as upset about name calling as blacks.
Whatever, Newman. I've seen whites cringe and cry when blacks or their own children say the n word as if its insulting them. YOU may not care but you can't speak for every white person. Slander is actually a law for a reason. Thick Skin :D

Only liberals and they're insane.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they chimp out. Why is that?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 01:47:18 AM

My point, exactly.
Censorship, newman. I'm trying NOT to be like you. Its really hard because I do on occasion want to say OTHER things that are rude and crude to you and others but I can't do it. I'm woman enough to admit that.

Let fly....I've got thick skin. Whites don't get as upset about name calling as blacks.
Whatever, Newman. I've seen whites cringe and cry when blacks or their own children say the n word as if its insulting them. YOU may not care but you can't speak for every white person. Slander is actually a law for a reason. Thick Skin :D

Only liberals and they're insane.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they chimp out. Why is that?
Because blacks don't like being disrespected. Those of us who are called horrible names that are against our ethnicity get defensive because of the low blows some people like you take. You aren't moved by someone calling you out of your name because it allows you to feel nothing for the person YOU'RE bashing. There's no 'chimping' out here.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 05, 2007, 01:50:34 AM

Only liberals and they're insane.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they chimp out. Why is that?
Because blacks don't like being disrespected. Those of us who are called horrible names that are against our ethnicity get defensive because of the low blows some people like you take. You aren't moved by someone calling you out of your name because it allows you to feel nothing for the person YOU'RE bashing. There's no 'chimping' out here.

That's no answer.

Whites don't like being disrespected either.

So the question still stands:

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they chimp out. Why is that?

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 01:55:02 AM

Only liberals and they're insane.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they chimp out. Why is that?
Because blacks don't like being disrespected. Those of us who are called horrible names that are against our ethnicity get defensive because of the low blows some people like you take. You aren't moved by someone calling you out of your name because it allows you to feel nothing for the person YOU'RE bashing. There's no 'chimping' out here.

That's no answer.

Whites don't like being disrespected either.

So the question still stands:

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they chimp out. Why is that?

How is that not an answer? When someone disrespects you, do you walk away or confront them so that it never happens again? When takebackyourtemple told me that I should have killed my then, 2 year old daughter because he didn't agree with an opinion I had, what was I supposed to do? Say "Sticks and stones...."? If your boss decides to embarrass you in front of your co-workers by calling you names (and this does happen), what do you say ? "I need this job so I'm going to take one for the team." and move on?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 05, 2007, 01:58:38 AM
How is that not an answer? When someone disrespects you, do you walk away or confront them so that it never happens again? When takebackyourtemple told me that I should have killed my then, 2 year old daughter because he didn't agree with an opinion I had, what was I supposed to do? Say "Sticks and stones...."? If your boss decides to embarrass you in front of your co-workers by calling you names (and this does happen), what do you say ? "I need this job so I'm going to take one for the team." and move on?
Answer the question I asked, not your own question.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they chimp out. Why is that?

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 02:01:23 AM
How is that not an answer? When someone disrespects you, do you walk away or confront them so that it never happens again? When takebackyourtemple told me that I should have killed my then, 2 year old daughter because he didn't agree with an opinion I had, what was I supposed to do? Say "Sticks and stones...."? If your boss decides to embarrass you in front of your co-workers by calling you names (and this does happen), what do you say ? "I need this job so I'm going to take one for the team." and move on?
Answer the question I asked, not your own question.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they chimp out. Why is that?

Remember, I dont' respond to the word Chimp.

But I gave you the answer already. They get angry because they dont' like being disrespected. Calling someone a name that isn't their own is disrespect.Period.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 05, 2007, 02:06:06 AM
How is that not an answer? When someone disrespects you, do you walk away or confront them so that it never happens again? When takebackyourtemple told me that I should have killed my then, 2 year old daughter because he didn't agree with an opinion I had, what was I supposed to do? Say "Sticks and stones...."? If your boss decides to embarrass you in front of your co-workers by calling you names (and this does happen), what do you say ? "I need this job so I'm going to take one for the team." and move on?
Answer the question I asked, not your own question.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they crack up. Why is that?

Remember, I dont' respond to the word Chimp.

But I gave you the answer already. They get angry because they dont' like being disrespected. Calling someone a name that isn't their own is disrespect.Period.

I'll ask again and again until you answer the question put.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they crack up. Why is that?

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 02:12:17 AM
How is that not an answer? When someone disrespects you, do you walk away or confront them so that it never happens again? When takebackyourtemple told me that I should have killed my then, 2 year old daughter because he didn't agree with an opinion I had, what was I supposed to do? Say "Sticks and stones...."? If your boss decides to embarrass you in front of your co-workers by calling you names (and this does happen), what do you say ? "I need this job so I'm going to take one for the team." and move on?
Answer the question I asked, not your own question.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they crack up. Why is that?

Remember, I dont' respond to the word Chimp.

But I gave you the answer already. They get angry because they dont' like being disrespected. Calling someone a name that isn't their own is disrespect.Period.

I'll ask again and again until you answer the question put.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they crack up. Why is that?

The answer can't be more simple...so I'll post it again and again until you get tired of seeing it ..and then do what you've been doing believing what you want.

They crack  up because to be called out of your name is disrespectful. Just like its disrespectful for someone to hit you when you didn't deserve to be hit is disrespecting your body. If I called you a cracker, I wouldn't be saying it in a joking manner; I'd say it to cut you (or anyone that would take it seriously). If I prefer to be called by my name and not '[censored]' but you insist on calling me what you want despite my feelings, that means you enjoy disrespecting my wishes. I don't like people like that. (this dosen't mean that you called me that since the other day but that I'm not fond of it at all).
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: newman on September 05, 2007, 02:16:55 AM
How is that not an answer? When someone disrespects you, do you walk away or confront them so that it never happens again? When takebackyourtemple told me that I should have killed my then, 2 year old daughter because he didn't agree with an opinion I had, what was I supposed to do? Say "Sticks and stones...."? If your boss decides to embarrass you in front of your co-workers by calling you names (and this does happen), what do you say ? "I need this job so I'm going to take one for the team." and move on?
Answer the question I asked, not your own question.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they crack up. Why is that?

Remember, I dont' respond to the word Chimp.

But I gave you the answer already. They get angry because they dont' like being disrespected. Calling someone a name that isn't their own is disrespect.Period.

I'll ask again and again until you answer the question put.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they crack up. Why is that?

The answer can't be more simple...so I'll post it again and again until you get tired of seeing it ..and then do what you've been doing believing what you want.

They crack  up because to be called out of your name is disrespectful. Just like its disrespectful for someone to hit you when you didn't deserve to be hit is disrespecting your body. If I called you a cracker, I wouldn't be saying it in a joking manner; I'd say it to cut you (or anyone that would take it seriously). If I prefer to be called by my name and not '[censored]' but you insist on calling me what you want despite my feelings, that means you enjoy disrespecting my wishes. I don't like people like that. (this dosen't mean that you called me that since the other day but that I'm not fond of it at all).

That answer doesn't explain the disparity in the emotional reactions between blacks and whites.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on September 05, 2007, 02:19:39 AM
How is that not an answer? When someone disrespects you, do you walk away or confront them so that it never happens again? When takebackyourtemple told me that I should have killed my then, 2 year old daughter because he didn't agree with an opinion I had, what was I supposed to do? Say "Sticks and stones...."? If your boss decides to embarrass you in front of your co-workers by calling you names (and this does happen), what do you say ? "I need this job so I'm going to take one for the team." and move on?
Answer the question I asked, not your own question.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they crack up. Why is that?

Remember, I dont' respond to the word Chimp.

But I gave you the answer already. They get angry because they dont' like being disrespected. Calling someone a name that isn't their own is disrespect.Period.

I'll ask again and again until you answer the question put.

Call a white a 'cracker' or 'honkey' and their pulse won't change.

Call a black a name and they crack up. Why is that?

The answer can't be more simple...so I'll post it again and again until you get tired of seeing it ..and then do what you've been doing believing what you want.

They crack  up because to be called out of your name is disrespectful. Just like its disrespectful for someone to hit you when you didn't deserve to be hit is disrespecting your body. If I called you a cracker, I wouldn't be saying it in a joking manner; I'd say it to cut you (or anyone that would take it seriously). If I prefer to be called by my name and not '[censored]' but you insist on calling me what you want despite my feelings, that means you enjoy disrespecting my wishes. I don't like people like that. (this dosen't mean that you called me that since the other day but that I'm not fond of it at all).

That answer doesn't explain the disparity in the emotional reactions between blacks and whites.
What are you looking for me to say, Newman? Something You'd think up? "Blacks crack up when people call them names because they're black and its inherent for them to act this way." ? How does that explain a white person who has been fired from a job, goes to their car, and reenters the office with a shot gun? Don't tell me "They're a self-hating white person!"
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: White Israelite on October 08, 2007, 02:47:33 PM
Apparently the fact that I refuse to associate or date someone of the opposite race that this has labeled me a racist. I will work with blacks to do a job and that's about it. I will not date, marry or be beer buddies with a person of the opposite race. I choose to be a separatist. I believe we were meant to be separate from other people.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Erica on October 08, 2007, 04:36:05 PM
Apparently the fact that I refuse to associate or date someone of the opposite race that this has labeled me a racist. I will work with blacks to do a job and that's about it. I will not date, marry or be beer buddies with a person of the opposite race. I choose to be a separatist. I believe we were meant to be separate from other people.
No one is asking that you do date anyone from another race. Its called preference. Like I prefer to be married to a black man...but he may has well have been Asian, Hispanic or White for that matter. If you treat me right, I don't care what color you are.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Vito on October 16, 2007, 01:32:28 AM
In the third grade I was leaving the bathroom when Kyle Brown (MmmmHmm) walked in. I had some change in my pocket, and he heard it while I was walking, so he said:
"Gimme mah money mothah f***er"  (remember folks, 3rd grade!!!)
I said "No, it's my money"
And so he pushed me into one of the stalls, tried pushing my head into the toilet and tried choking me with the necklace I was wearing.

So I eventually got him off of me, got out of the bathroom and told the teacher. He was sent to the main office... and NOTHING happened to him. Not even detention, suspension - NOTHING!   :o

I wonder where Kyle Brown is now...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Ehud on October 16, 2007, 04:13:45 AM
In the third grade I was leaving the bathroom when Kyle Brown (MmmmHmm) walked in. I had some change in my pocket, and he heard it while I was walking, so he said:
"Gimme mah money mothah f***er"  (remember folks, 3rd grade!!!)
I said "No, it's my money"
And so he pushed me into one of the stalls, tried pushing my head into the toilet and tried choking me with the necklace I was wearing.

So I eventually got him off of me, got out of the bathroom and told the teacher. He was sent to the main office... and NOTHING happened to him. Not even detention, suspension - NOTHING!   :o

I wonder where Kyle Brown is now...

Wow, you remember that, it must have been traumatizing.  Or perhaps it was memorable because it was your initiation into the negro race, which is why you would particularly remember it even though you probably have far more stories to tell us about.

To answer your question: he's probably in jail.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: newman on October 16, 2007, 07:58:56 AM
In the third grade I was leaving the bathroom when Kyle Brown (MmmmHmm) walked in. I had some change in my pocket, and he heard it while I was walking, so he said:
"Gimme mah money mothah f***er"  (remember folks, 3rd grade!!!)
I said "No, it's my money"
And so he pushed me into one of the stalls, tried pushing my head into the toilet and tried choking me with the necklace I was wearing.

So I eventually got him off of me, got out of the bathroom and told the teacher. He was sent to the main office... and NOTHING happened to him. Not even detention, suspension - NOTHING!   :o

I wonder where Kyle Brown is now...

TNB....................Typical negro behaviour!
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on October 16, 2007, 06:35:12 PM
I would not be surprised if that creature Kyle brown is now an 'activist'. They all become reverends and activists after they serve a stretch in the pen. By becoming activists they can get a federal grant and make life for whites more miserable that what it is now. They form tax exempt organizations, collect 'donations', wind in jena, create a group of other activists that they can call at the drop of a hat to produce a 'rent a riot' to shakedown a white public official to give them whatever they want. It is a nice racket.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Erica on October 16, 2007, 06:57:08 PM
I would not be surprised if that creature Kyle brown is now an 'activist'. They all become reverends and activists after they serve a stretch in the pen. By becoming activists they can get a federal grant and make life for whites more miserable that what it is now. They form tax exempt organizations, collect 'donations', wind in jena, create a group of other activists that they can call at the drop of a hat to produce a 'rent a riot' to shakedown a white public official to give them whatever they want. It is a nice racket.
I'm sorry for what happened to you, Vito, in third grade... it had to be traumatic for you to bring it back to memory today. And I hope that Kyle got his karma after he did what he did to you.

But I also want to respond to newman's and Fjack's posts on the subject. When I was in 7th grade, I made the mistake of not looking where I was going and ultimately bumping the pinky finger of a known Gang Banger. Before I knew it, after I'd apologized for bumping him, I was surrounded by 4, then 5 then 6 boys with sticks, brass nuckles, and chains. I ran so fast and so  hard that I lost them by running up 16 flights of stairs to get away from them. That was the most scared I'd been in a long time.

Where did those boys wind up? Well most of them are doing a LONG stretch in maximum security prisons. I have no idea where the rest went. Perhaps they're dead, or perhaps they realized they had to change their lives and make something of it. The problem with these boys was the way they were raised. I knew their mothers and just like me, their fathers weren't in the picture. Their moms use to let them get away with murder *not the literal sense*. When they got too 'tall' to discipline their moms gave up because they were afraid that the boys would hurt them.

I said that to say this... gang bangers and drug dealers are products of bad parenting. I hope Kyle, wherever he is, if he's a parent, he's telling his sons or daughters how being a bully wasn't the right thing to do and that they should strive to be better than he was as a child.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: MarZutra on October 16, 2007, 08:06:12 PM
In the third grade I was leaving the bathroom when Kyle Brown (MmmmHmm) walked in. I had some change in my pocket, and he heard it while I was walking, so he said:
"Gimme mah money mothah f***er"  (remember folks, 3rd grade!!!)
I said "No, it's my money"
And so he pushed me into one of the stalls, tried pushing my head into the toilet and tried choking me with the necklace I was wearing.

So I eventually got him off of me, got out of the bathroom and told the teacher. He was sent to the main office... and NOTHING happened to him. Not even detention, suspension - NOTHING!   :o

I wonder where Kyle Brown is now...

TNB....................Typical negro behaviour!
Thanks for making me laugh...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Johnny on November 04, 2007, 11:53:28 PM
Community Rallies For Justice

Despite the short notice hundreds of people showed up to rally for
justice against the hate crime committed against our children on
Halloween Night. Chanting "Enough is Enough" against the double
standard of justice when it comes to Howard Beach!  This was caught on Video Cameras of the Black & Hispanic Youths cruising Crossbay Blvd in Howard Beach, with a Bat, Crowbar, Broom Sticks, etc.  There has been estimated by Police Commissioner Ray Kelly on Fox 5 News, that there was a total of 40 Youths, yet, only 6 have been arrested, and released.  The Special Crime Task Force has Witnesses stating that they were calling the White Youth's "Crackers" as they attacked them.  These were our children who were 14 years old, and the criminals were as old as 25. One of our children was so badly attacked, he has 9 staples in the back of his head.  Another Youth, who was 3 blocks down, who they tried to Rob, was rushed to the Hospital with a Concussion with short term memory loss.  Where were the Police?  They were allowed to cruise down a 4 block stretch on Crossbay Blvd and attack our Youth.  Why when the Special Crimes Task Force has Witnesses, not charged them immediately with a Hate Crime?  Is it because it was against White Youths?  Where was the News for the Saturday Night Rally?  Where were our Local Politicians?  Where was our Police Commissioner?  Where was our Mayor? 

For add'l info, visit:  www.Crossbayblvd.com
Post by: Johnny on November 04, 2007, 11:54:38 PM
for add'l info:  visit:  www.crossbayblvd.com
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on November 05, 2007, 06:10:19 PM
There have been many types of incidents such as the 'Crossbay' one that happened last night. The DA's will NEVER prosecute a black on white crime as a 'hate crime' since it would keep these primates in jail for even a longer time. By declaring this a hate crime, they would be a considerable amount of more prison time given to these creatures and thus, we the taxpayers would be paying for an additional 20 years. Besides the cost involved, you would hear from the likes of amy goodman, al shakedown, jesse jerkson and the rest of the white haters that this is 'overkill' prosecution, that the blacks were only speakin 'ghetto' and that 'cracker', 'honkey', 'mf honkey', 'white bithch', 'kike'' etc are only 'fun names' that blacks use on a day to day basis and therefore it shouldn't count as a hate crime. Take my word on this, if this incident will not be taken seriously by the self hater DA brown. I only wish this happens to his grandchildren
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: JTFFan on November 18, 2007, 05:25:00 AM
I've encountered many black democratic professors that are pro-affirmative action and encountered one that said eracism. Erase Racism. Nonsense, I knew he was probably anti-semetic anyways. I think when they say that they have their own agenda and only want to promore black supremacy, malcolm X ideology etc. and want to rule.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MarZutra on November 18, 2007, 10:30:48 AM
I've encountered many black democratic professors that are pro-affirmative action and encountered one that said eracism. Erase Racism. Nonsense, I knew he was probably anti-semetic anyways. I think when they say that they have their own agenda and only want to promore black supremacy, malcolm X ideology etc. and want to rule.
Of course.  I wonder how he/she got their job in the first place or their education towards the justification for their position?  I'm so tired of this "racism" and shvartzism to be honest.  I wish all of them would acutally so their respect for their own people and their own "blackness", same for the Arabs and all other Turd Worlders and Communist trash, and return to their own nations and actually HELP their own.  At least we could shut off the yearly billions in International "Humanitarian" Relief: Welfare: Dole spigette...   I think the UN would virtually collapse should that ever happen, as they are nothing more than the "broker" for the Marxist "Robin Hood" ideology of raping the rich/productive and giving to the poor, lazy and unproductive: Wealth Transfer...

I have so many "Affirmative Action People" stories one's ears would bleed.  Like another member here from Alabama, I'm from America's Negro dumping ground....the end of the "underground railroad".....  Afrikville....   Just like there are no "Israeli Arabs", there are no "African Canadians"......imo
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: ChaimBenMordechai on November 19, 2007, 03:23:32 PM
I would not be surprised if that creature Kyle brown is now an 'activist'. They all become reverends and activists after they serve a stretch in the pen. By becoming activists they can get a federal grant and make life for whites more miserable that what it is now. They form tax exempt organizations, collect 'donations', wind in jena, create a group of other activists that they can call at the drop of a hat to produce a 'rent a riot' to shakedown a white public official to give them whatever they want. It is a nice racket.

I would not be surprised if this ape thug is now a professor of Sociolgy or African Studies who walks around campus in a dashiki and those ridiculous colored caps they wear. And you can be sure he is leering at all the white females on campus as well...

You can also be sure that if his white students give him poor marks on those so-called evaluation forms, he will claim TENURE as immunity from being let go.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: ChaimBenMordechai on November 19, 2007, 03:29:46 PM
I've encountered many black democratic professors that are pro-affirmative action and encountered one that said eracism. Erase Racism. Nonsense, I knew he was probably anti-semetic anyways. I think when they say that they have their own agenda and only want to promore black supremacy, malcolm X ideology etc. and want to rule.

Two words: Leonard Jeffries
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: JTFFan on November 20, 2007, 02:30:03 AM
I've encountered many black democratic professors that are pro-affirmative action and encountered one that said eracism. Erase Racism. Nonsense, I knew he was probably anti-semetic anyways. I think when they say that they have their own agenda and only want to promore black supremacy, malcolm X ideology etc. and want to rule.

Two words: Leonard Jeffries

haha.. what a great example. a truly traitorous animal :::D :::D
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: JTFFan on November 20, 2007, 02:32:35 AM
this animal is also a doctor  :::D
with a anti-semetic site: http://africawithin.com/jeffries/leonard_jeffries.htm
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: ChaimBenMordechai on November 20, 2007, 05:42:59 AM
this animal is also a doctor  :::D
with a anti-semetic site: http://africawithin.com/jeffries/leonard_jeffries.htm

Why in G-d's name is he still among us?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: fjack on November 22, 2007, 02:08:20 PM
The 'sun king' lenny jeffries has a PH.D in political science. Don't bother to look for his dissertation cause there isn't one. He was exempt from writing one. He appears qute often on Queens public access tv on a show called WAT. It airs on Wednesday afternoon at 1pm and on Thurs. night at 9 pm. It is runned by a anti white bunch of africans that have an organization called CEMOTAP. One of the founders is an affrimative action psychiatrist. The sun king lenny is not the only one that hates whites but loves taking white taxpayer money. Try and google Tony Martin, Yusef Ben Jochanan, John Henrik Clark and the rest that are on the africanwithin web site. As a matter of fact I saw John Henrik Clarks 'widow' on the show I mentioned and she went on a real 'jew hating' rant. She is an illiterate moron who has no knowledge of grammar or vocabulary. Her dead husband, John Henrid Clarke called himself a Dr. but never received a college degree from any college even a black affrimative action college. Did that stop White colleges from hiring this idiot. No! He was hired at Rutgers and Hunter colleges and recieved a nice check for trashing whites and Jews in particular. There is also another screwball named James Small who has no formal education but white colleges fight over him to give he a pulpit to spread anti semitism, white hatred in general and anti American garbage. They may hate this country but they love our money.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Vito on January 31, 2008, 01:22:48 PM
Hah, I didn't see all the reaction to my post. Erica, it wasn't "traumatic", I was a relatively tough kid. I just look back and couldn't believe that that happened in the third grade.

In the 4th grade, I had a conversation with a black girl (don't remember the context).. so she said "I'm proud to be black" - and so I said "I'm proud to be white" - her and her friends laughed, and she slapped me in the face.

In the 5th grade, and melangian pulled a magazine I was reading away from me so he could see it, so I pulled it back, and then he punched me in the senstitive area of my chest - I couldn't breath for about 15 or 20 seconds. Nothing happened to him.

About 7 years ago, I was in a card store, and the little melangian (maybe 5) came up to me and started hitting me in my leg with a cardboard tube. I moved away and he got closer and continued. So the mother finally saw this, and continued looking at cards. I looked straight at her, she looked back, and I kept direct eye contact for a good 5 seconds until she finally pulled him away - not saying anything to him!

I probably have a million more stories... give me some time to reminisce  :D
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Just Erica on January 31, 2008, 01:54:42 PM
Hah, I didn't see all the reaction to my post. Erica, it wasn't "traumatic", I was a relatively tough kid. I just look back and couldn't believe that that happened in the third grade.

In the 4th grade, I had a conversation with a black girl (don't remember the context).. so she said "I'm proud to be black" - and so I said "I'm proud to be white" - her and her friends laughed, and she slapped me in the face.

In the 5th grade, and melangian pulled a magazine I was reading away from me so he could see it, so I pulled it back, and then he punched me in the senstitive area of my chest - I couldn't breath for about 15 or 20 seconds. Nothing happened to him.

About 7 years ago, I was in a card store, and the little melangian (maybe 5) came up to me and started hitting me in my leg with a cardboard tube. I moved away and he got closer and continued. So the mother finally saw this, and continued looking at cards. I looked straight at her, she looked back, and I kept direct eye contact for a good 5 seconds until she finally pulled him away - not saying anything to him!

I probably have a million more stories... give me some time to reminisce  :D
I have some evil white people stories also.

In 1st grade I had the displeasure of having a racist teacher. She hated black children and happened to say it on a daily basis...TO US. She use to downgrade children in front of each other and she would separate the smart black kids (whom she considered her special tokens...because to her, they reminded her of smart little white kids. )

This one incident occured as I was heading towards the front door of the school. Before I could reach the door, this hulking boy had pushed his way out of the building, through the door, then knocked me down on the concrete; head first. The next thing I remember is getting up, dusting myself off, checking my scraped left elbow and running into the classroom so that I wouldn't be late. I must have been knocked out because when I went into the classroom, it was full. Roll had already been called and now, I was officially late. When I t ried to tell her why I was late, she told me to shut up and sit down.

For my punishment, my teacher asked me to sit next to her during the lunch period and write 20 lines.."I will not be tardy and I will wear my glasses"(which was my only infraction. I couldn't see woth a damn.) During class (before lunch) I had interrupted the class to ask if I could go to the nurse's office because I felt sick. I was dizzy and couldn't keep my eyes open. Whenever I opened my mouth to ask her for help, she'd cut her eyes at me and tack on 5 additional lines.

During the lunch period, I laid my head down on the desk (she didn't allow me to eat lunch) feeling light-headed. She caught me and basically told me that I was a nuissance and that I was faking. I don't know how I got through the day without breaking down, but it wasn't until I went home and 'got sick' in one of the first floor offices that I was taken to the doctor by my mom. When I told the doctor what happened, he verified that I had a concussion from falling on my head.

When I told my mom what happened and why my teacher didn't allow me to go to the nurse's office, she came up to the school the next day and gave the teacher a peice of her mind. The teacher kept saying "I thought she was faking..I though she was faking." She pulled a few more stunts like that with other students and was finally fired for her actions.

Second incident

I was walking to school at 15 years old and a white man pulled up while i was crossing the street. He asked me if I was "working". I told him I was going to school and then he pulled off, calling me a whore. I wasn't dressed provocatively and I had my books in my hand...yet, I was a whore because I didn't stop to let him take advantage of me. I'm convinced that if I wasn't street smart, I would have died that day at the hands of a pedophile.

Third incident

Church trip to Minnesota. A pastor who's church we were going to be singing at invited the choir to his home. The home was beautiful and I think it had two kitchens. All of the young people were invited to go bike riding around the property and a few blocks up the road on the pastor's kids' bikes. While we were riding, I witnessed some white neighbors peer out to see who 'we' were...rolling their eyes. We weren't rowdy at all. We were just in  a place where there were NO black people.

And guess what? Through all of that, I STILL don't hate ALL white people because ALL white people did anything to me.
First year in college, 1992. Witnessed swastika's being painted on our college campus walls. Some messages left were "Go home, ngrs!"
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Ambiorix on January 31, 2008, 01:57:45 PM
These acts of violence are the result of ethnical tension, that is programmed in most of us.
The only solution is apartheid.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Just Erica on January 31, 2008, 02:09:18 PM
These acts of violence are the result of ethnical tension, that is programmed in most of us.
The only solution is apartheid.
See how my experience is minimized and others are maximized? It's because some of you here see crimes (when white people  commit them) as nothing important. Apartheid is a symptom of racial tension. It can't be a solution because it winds up working against itself every time.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Ambiorix on January 31, 2008, 02:12:33 PM
These acts of violence are the result of ethnical tension, that is programmed in most of us.
The only solution is apartheid.
See how my experience is minimized and others are maximized? It's because some of you here see crimes (when white people  commit them) as nothing important. Apartheid is a symptom of racial tension. It can't be a solution because it winds up working against itself every time.
I am just realistic .
I don't believe blacks and whites can live in peace under the same roof,
as I can't believe Jews and Arabs can't.

That doesn't mean that you , or other righteous blacks , that experienced racism, are to be minimised,
but the only solution, is separation.
That's best for BOTH of us.

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Just Erica on January 31, 2008, 02:18:26 PM
These acts of violence are the result of ethnical tension, that is programmed in most of us.
The only solution is apartheid.
See how my experience is minimized and others are maximized? It's because some of you here see crimes (when white people  commit them) as nothing important. Apartheid is a symptom of racial tension. It can't be a solution because it winds up working against itself every time.
I am just realistic .
I don't believe blacks and whites can live in peace under the same roof,
as I can't believe Jews and Arabs can't.

That doesn't mean that you , or other righteous blacks , that experienced racism, are to be minimised,
but the only solution, is separation.
That's best for BOTH of us.

Actually, that may be best for you. Only I know what's best for me and what's best for me is to be around as many diverse cultures and people as I want. Besides, my kids would be upset if I just took them out of an environment where they are fee to pick their friends.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Ambiorix on January 31, 2008, 02:21:49 PM
These acts of violence are the result of ethnical tension, that is programmed in most of us.
The only solution is apartheid.
See how my experience is minimized and others are maximized? It's because some of you here see crimes (when white people  commit them) as nothing important. Apartheid is a symptom of racial tension. It can't be a solution because it winds up working against itself every time.
I am just realistic .
I don't believe blacks and whites can live in peace under the same roof,
as I can't believe Jews and Arabs can't.

That doesn't mean that you , or other righteous blacks , that experienced racism, are to be minimised,
but the only solution, is separation.
That's best for BOTH of us.

Actually, that may be best for you. Only I know what's best for me and what's best for me is to be around as many diverse cultures and people as I want. Besides, my kids would be upset if I just took them out of an environment where they are fee to pick their friends.
than you are a self-hating black multi-culturalist.

We don't need to like eachother.

I don't want any diverse culture.
Only my own.
That's more than good enough.

all those immigrants here
are just trying to colonise our countries.

Creating no-go zones for whities,...
of even kill them...
no worry,...
the press even doesn't bother to talk about it...
instead they talk about the wonders of multi-culture....

I say the only solution is apartheid.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: Ambiorix on January 31, 2008, 02:54:42 PM
These acts of violence are the result of ethnical tension, that is programmed in most of us.
The only solution is apartheid.
See how my experience is minimized and others are maximized? It's because some of you here see crimes (when white people  commit them) as nothing important. Apartheid is a symptom of racial tension. It can't be a solution because it winds up working against itself every time.
I am just realistic .
I don't believe blacks and whites can live in peace under the same roof,
as I can't believe Jews and Arabs can't.

That doesn't mean that you , or other righteous blacks , that experienced racism, are to be minimised,
but the only solution, is separation.
That's best for BOTH of us.

Actually, that may be best for you. Only I know what's best for me and what's best for me is to be around as many diverse cultures and people as I want. Besides, my kids would be upset if I just took them out of an environment where they are fee to pick their friends.
than you are a self-hating black multi-culturalist.

We don't need to like eachother.

I don't want any diverse culture.
Only my own.
That's more than good enough.

all those immigrants here
are just trying to colonise our countries.

Creating no-go zones for whities,...
of even kill them...
no worry,...
the press even doesn't bother to talk about it...
instead they talk about the wonders of multi-culture....

I say the only solution is apartheid.
What is the crime rate in comparison with the pre-MLK days?

Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Vito on January 31, 2008, 03:58:14 PM

What is the crime rate in comparison with the pre-MLK days?


There is NO comparison...
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Ambiorix on January 31, 2008, 04:07:06 PM

What is the crime rate in comparison with the pre-MLK days?


There is NO comparison...
so, my point is valid. USA must enforce the law, if needed, by deporting troublemakers.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Vito on January 31, 2008, 04:11:38 PM
so, my point is valid. USA must enforce the law, if needed, by deporting troublemakers.

I will eventually campaign in 'certain' neighborhoods, telling them that if you don't like America, we'll pay you (with welfare tax) a lump sum to leave America, be stripped of your citizenship and never be able to come back. I think they would go for it..
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Just Erica on January 31, 2008, 07:53:01 PM
than you are a self-hating black multi-culturalist.

We don't need to like eachother.

I don't want any diverse culture.
Only my own.
That's more than good enough.

all those immigrants here
are just trying to colonise our countries.

Creating no-go zones for whities,...
of even kill them...
no worry,...
the press even doesn't bother to talk about it...
instead they talk about the wonders of multi-culture....

I say the only solution is apartheid.
I hate myself because I want my children to make friends with every child of every culture? That made a WHOLE lot of sense.  ::) LOL It's because I love myself and my children that I'm not willing to live in a bubble just because you don't want to make friends with other races. That's YOUR problem. I'm happy.

And you're right...we don't need to like each other, but it sure is nice to have the freedom to like who you wish to like. But you wouldn't know anything about that.

I could say that you hate everyone else in the world who has it all together. People who are happy in their lives. Who are you to tell someone..no you can't make friends with THOSE PEOPLE... you must make friends with your OWN people. Surely if I only liked black people, I would be labled a racist.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Ambiorix on January 31, 2008, 08:12:08 PM
I hate myself because I want my children to make friends with every child of every culture?

That made a WHOLE lot of sense.  ::) LOL It's because I love myself and my children that I'm not willing to live in a bubble just because you don't want to make friends with other races. That's YOUR problem. I'm happy.
not a problem, just the truth. Apartheid is the only solution for the USA.

And you're right...we don't need to like each other, but it sure is nice to have the freedom to like who you wish to like. But you wouldn't know anything about that.

I could say that you hate everyone else in the world who has it all together. People who are happy in their lives. Who are you to tell someone..no you can't make friends with THOSE PEOPLE... you must make friends with your OWN people. Surely if I only liked black people, I would be labled a racist.

I never heard such naive crap.
To choose who you like...

These gettho-schvartzzas are mobilising agaist us.
This is a war.
read this :
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Just Erica on January 31, 2008, 10:00:03 PM
I never heard such naive crap.
To choose who you like...

These gettho-schvartzzas are mobilising agaist us.
This is a war.
read this :
You don't get to make decisions for anyone. And again, you are paranoid. Also, you mean to tell me that you would advocate someone saying "You can't walk down the street with *insert race here*! "? Are you kidding me? What kind of crap is that? You want to be told who to associate with?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Ambiorix on February 01, 2008, 01:22:01 AM
You don't get to make decisions for anyone. And again, you are paranoid. Also, you mean to tell me that you would advocate someone saying "You can't walk down the street with *insert race here*! "? Are you kidding me? What kind of crap is that? You want to be told who to associate with?
I am not paranoid. I am just very aware of what immigrants are doing to destroy us. That is realism.
The matter of the fact is, that in Amsterdam, Paris , Brussels, every day muslims and blacks are behaving worse and worse.
I must defend myself, and my country.

You are not going to convince me, of the peaceful intentions of these people.
They are our enemies, that need be destroyed.

As for the USA, it is just the same.

Those who can't behave like moral people should do,
need to be kicked out of the country.
Even African countries, understand this principle, and practice it.
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action people?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on February 01, 2008, 12:53:09 PM
How many of you had to witness the gang of thugs, when you traveling by train with their basketball, and boombox and throwing litter everywhere and bothering others?
Title: Re: Do you have stories of unbelievable encounters with affirmative action peopl
Post by: Vito on February 13, 2008, 03:43:56 PM
How many of you had to witness the gang of thugs, when you traveling by train with their basketball, and boombox and throwing litter everywhere and bothering others?

During my public school years and when I was working in the ghettos, I saw that on an almost daily basis...