Monthly Archives: November 2014

Video: Biden says “Bibi, I Don’t Agree With A Damn Thing You Say”

Vice President and professional gaffe machine Joe Biden is at it again. In a speech before the General Assembly of the Jewish Federation of North America, Biden told an anecdote of how he once told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “I don’t agree with a damn thing you say!” “Now, [Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer], you better damn well report to Bibi […]

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Ayatollah Answers: Iranian Dictator Tweets 9-Step Plan to Eliminate Israel

Ali Khamenei, the theocratic despot of Iran, tweeted his nine-step plan to destroy the state of Israel.  On Sunday, he posted the following graphic from his Twitter account, @Khamenei.IR: The Ayatollah argued that Israel must be wiped out because the country, he asserted, carries out “infanticide, homicide,” and violence. Khamenei, in answering question two, claimed that there is no other […]

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Christian Group Receives Death Threats Following LGBT Group ‘Hate’ Report

Looks like fake “tolerance” again – this time with death threats. The hatred, viciousness, threats, suing, and bullying that comes from these homosexual movements and their own “intolerance” for religious beliefs is astounding. There is a very real hatred for anyone that is not a homosexual and a push to force their sexual preferences on everyone else. The Washington, D.C.-based […]

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Arabic Billboard in Nazareth Calls for Running Over Israelis

A large billboard in Israel’s largest Arab city, Nazareth, is using a play on words in Arabic between ISIS – “Daesh,” and running down with a vehicle – “daes,” to promote vehicular terror attacks against Israelis, Israel’s Walla News reported Sunday. The billboard – not some private poster hanging on a porch, but rather a professional billboard erected, amazingly enough, […]

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Arabs Celebrate Car Jihad Mass Murder with Vile Cartoons

Muslim Nazi Arabs have refined a new form of homicide in recent weeks: driving vehicles into crowds of Israelis. This has the advantage of permitting Palestinian leaders to claim these are merely “accidents” to the Government of Israel while celebrating the attacks as “martyr operations.”  Cartoons, posted by what pass as “Palestinian” news agencies, establish the grizzly celebration of these […]

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Hackers hit US Postal Service networks

Hackers have breached US Postal Service networks, leading to a significant breach of employee data. The US Postal Service said on Monday the break-in was discovered in mid-September, according to the Washington Post. Although officials declined to comment on who they thought was responsible, hackers associated with the Chinese government are said to be high on the list. Data of […]

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Video: Obamacare Architect Says “We Passed the Law Thanks to the Stupidity of the American Voter”

This is what tyranny looks like. One of the architects of Obamacare said the law was written in a deliberately “tortured” way and relied on the “stupidity of the American voter” to ensure its passage. In a newly unearthed 2013 clip, Jonathan Gruber, the MIT health economist who helped craft parts of the Affordable Care Act, got fairly candid about the […]

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What?! Rand Paul Declares War Against ISIS “Illegal”

Washington (CNN) — Sen. Rand Paul declared the war against ISIS “illegal” in a new opinion piece Monday, urging conservatives to speak out against President Barack Obama’s decision not to seek congressional authorization for military action against the terrorist group. “This war is now illegal. It must be declared and made valid, or it must be ended,” the Kentucky Republican […]

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IDF soldier stabbed in Tel Aviv terror attack

Victim undergoes emergency surgery in critical condition; Palestinian suspect from Nablus entered country illegally. An IDF soldier, about 20 years of age, was critically wounded after being stabbed multiple times in a terror attack at Tel Aviv’s Hahagana train station on Monday afternoon. Police confirmed the attack was a politically motivated terrorist attack. A 50-year-old man who confronted the terrorist […]

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Ultra-Leftist NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to Revamp Welfare System – Deemed Offensive to Sensibilities

Big Apple Mayor Bill de Blasio apparently has some big plans. One of them, only now bubbling to the surface, is to revamp the city’s welfare system. It seems that the idea of asking able bodied individuals receiving taxpayer funded cash support to work as part of the deal is offensive to enlightened sensibilities. Mayor Bill de Blasio is revamping […]

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Police ID Michael Brown’s Mother as Alleged Robbery Attacker

A police report was posted describing a brawl among members of Michael Brown’s family regarding the sale of commemorative t-shirts.  Mike Brown was shot and killed by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson back in August, sparking violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement. A grand jury has yet to decide if Wilson will be indicted on any charges. The late […]

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Khamenei: The Only Cure for Israel is its Annihilation

In a Twitter tirade, Iran’s Supreme Leader calls for Israel’s destruction, says that Muslim Nazi Arabs in Israel should be armed. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Saturday once again called for Israel’s destruction. Khamenei’s latest provocation came in a series of tweets in which he launched a tirade against the Jewish state and called to arm Palestinian Arabs […]

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GOP RINO Establishment Gears up for Civil War Against Conservatives

As most Republicans were taking a victory lap the morning after the elections, a group of conservatives huddled anxiously in a conference room not far from Capitol Hill and agreed that now is the time for confrontation, not compromise and conciliation. Despite Republicans’ ascension to Senate control and an expanded House majority, many conservatives from the party’s activist wing fear […]

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Obama: ‘I’m Going To Do What I Can Through [Illegal] Executive Action’ On Immigration

[Huffington Post] – President Barack Obama said on Sunday that he will pursue an executive order on immigration reform and that congressional Republicans can take further action if they so please. “I’m going to do what I can do through executive action,” Obama said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “It’s not going to be everything that needs to get done. […]

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THANKS OBAMA! Another Deadly Illegal Alien Disease from Central America Infects 300,000 Americans

The tropical Chagas disease is spread by by contact with the “kissing bug.” The disease is common in Mexico, Central America or South America – countries such as Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador. About 7 million to 8 million people are estimated to be infected worldwide, mostly in Latin America. Barack Obama has brought 60,000 children from these countries into […]

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Caliphate In Europe: Sweden Cedes Control Of Muslim Areas

Sweden has surrendered to its hostile colonizers. Without so much as a whimper. Is it any wonder that this captive nation was the first EU nation to “recognize” the self-declared “Palestinian” terror state? “Caliphate In Europe: Sweden Cedes Control Of Muslim Areas” IBT, November 5, 2014 (thanks to Christian) Political Correctness: The perils of multiculturalism and open borders have reached […]

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Obama Chooses NY Prosecutor Loretta Lynch as Attorney General to do ‘even more’ than Holder

Brooklyn-based federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s pick to become the next attorney general, is a big fan of Eric Holder’s reforms to the criminal justice system, recently pledging to do “even more,” WND has found. In remarks she made at a legal convention in August, Lynch lauded Holder’s creation of a Racial Disparities Working Group, which she said was […]

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Anti-Semitic European Union Calls to Divide Jerusalem

EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini says Jerusalem should be capital of ‘two states,’ as Netanyahu rejects ‘settlement’ criticism. The top EU diplomat appealed Saturday for the establishment of a “Palestinian state” as the killing of an Arab-Israeli by police fanned tensions following violent clashes in Jerusalem. Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s new foreign affairs chief, said the world “cannot […]

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Leftwing Media Losing Ground – Weather Channel Morning Show Beats CNN, MSNBC

According to the Weather Channel, its 6am “Wake Up with Al Roker” beat both CNN’s New Day” and MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” this month: — Thank you, @weatherchannel viewers. The week of 10/6, WUWA outperformed CNN, and during the week of 10/20, outpaced MSNBC, CNBC and CNN — Wake Up with Al (@wakeupwithal) November 5, 2014 — “Morning Joe” has been […]

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Violent Muslim riots erupt in Jerusalem

In Islam, Friday prayers mean … violence. There is new terror in Israel. Muslims are using any weapon at their disposal — namely cars to plow into crowds of Jews. This incitement to murder is coming from “moderates” like Abbas. And when the terrorist is caught or killed, it’s fuel for more violence, more rioting. Without violence and murder, these […]

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5 Scientific Reasons That Global Warming Isn’t Happening

How did global warming discussions end up hinging on what’s happening with polar bears, unverifiable predictions of what will happen in a hundred years, and whether people are “climate deniers” or “global warming cultists?” If this is a scientific topic, why aren’t we spending more time discussing the science involved? Why aren’t we talking about the evidence and the actual […]

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Putin has defended the Nazi-Soviet pact. Time for the west to wake up

[theguardian] – Many historic anniversaries are being celebrated this year in a rather grim security environment. They invoke spooky allusions to the past and invite us to draw lessons from them. But not everyone, obviously. Vladimir Putin has stated that there was nothing wrong with the Nazi-Soviet Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, which was made 75 years ago on 23 August 1939. The […]

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Anti-Amnesty, Pro-Border Security GOP Candidates in TX, GA Got Over 40% of Latino Vote

Though the mainstream press, liberals, and establishment Republicans incessantly declare that Republicans can’t win Hispanics without passing massive amnesty legislation, two Republicans who ran on border security and against amnesty received a significant amount of support from Latino voters on Tuesday. GOP Texas Governor-elect Greg Abbott received 44% of the Latino vote, which was more than the 38% of the […]

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Home Depot says about 53 million email addresses stolen in breach

(Reuters) – Home Depot Inc, the world’s largest home improvement chain, said hackers stole about 53 million email addresses in addition to customer data for 56 million payment cards previously disclosed by the retailer. The company, which confirmed the breach in September, said the files that contained the email addresses did not include passwords, payment card information or other sensitive […]

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Facebook Zuckerberg’s FWD.Us: It’s ‘Go Time’ on Executive Action, Amnesty Bill

After Democrats got shellacked in the midterms largely because Americans opposed President Barack Obama on illegal immigration, Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s pro-amnesty lobbying group declared that it is “go time” for amnesty legislation.—which bought television ads for Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) after Republican Scott Brown closed a double-digit deficit after running against illegal immigration—claimed that since Shaheen won, “anti-immigrant […]

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