Monthly Archives: November 2015

University of Colorado Anti-Racism Event Cancelled Because Organizers Are White

If you’re white, don’t bother trying to protest racism, because that’s just another way in which your white privilege suppresses voices of color. Case in point: an anti-racism rally planned at the University of Colorado, Boulder, to show solidarity with black activists at the University of Missouri was cancelled because – wait for it – the protest organizers are white. As Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan reports, the […]

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Arab Terrorist Stabber Murders 21-Year-Old Israeli Woman Hadar Buchris

JERUSALEM–An Arab jihadist repeatedly stabbed and killed a 21-year-old Israeli woman named Hadar Buchris Sunday in the latest random murder targeting Jews in a gruesome fashion prescribed by an imam in Gaza. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for […]

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Arab Muslim stabbing attack foiled as terrorist run over by civilian

Female terrorist attempts to stab pedestrians – but a former politician ran over her to stop the attack. A female [Muslim] Arab terrorist attempted to stab pedestrians [Jews] at Brigade Square in Samaria Sunday morning, just after 9:15 am. Her attempt was thwarted after former Samaria Regional Council head Gershon Mesika, who lives in Elon Moreh close to the intersection, […]

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Islamic State child terrorist executioners – Obama: “They’re just like our kids”

Obama claims they just need love. ISIS child executioner ignores prisoners’ pleas to spare them… then shoots them in the head without hesitating: Shocking footage shows how Islamic State’s evil has spread to the next generation Islamic State fanatics release sickening new footage of mass execution Included are horrifying scenes of a child executing several prisoners The 22-minute film shows […]

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BRUSSELS ON LOCKDOWN: Home of European Union Braces For Impending Muslim Terrorism

Belgian authorities warn of Paris-style jihad attack. When will they learn that Islam is not a “religion of peace”? The city of Brussels, Belgium is on lockdown. Home to the headquarters of the European Union and NATO, the city has gone to the highest level of alertness after authorities in the small nation raised the threat level over “precise information” […]

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It’s official: ‘Homophobia’ now a mental disorder!

New effort by ‘loony left’ to silence conservatives. If you think there might be something wrong with homosexuality, you most likely have a mental disorder, according to a recent study by a team of Italian researchers. Discussing the study, lead researcher Emmanuele A. Jannini, M.D., stated: “After discussing for centuries if homosexuality is to be considered a disease, for the […]

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Kanye West replaces every mention of God in Bible to his name instead

Affirmative action rapper and talentless auto-tune “artist” Kanye West claims he is a “god”. The holy book’s Genesis has been reworked for a “modern day Bible” dubbed The Book of Yeezus and believe it or not, every mention of God has been changed to the rapper’s name. “In a sense, Kanye’s [so-called] awesome and orchestrated spectacle is truly a religious […]

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PLO claims Israel planting bloody knives near the bodies of Arab terrorists

Even though the terrorists are caught on video, the PLO is now claiming the terrorists are innocent and have bloody knives planted on them – which also means they are accusing Israel of stabbing it’s own citizens to frame Arabs. The [PLO] on Sunday accused Israeli authorities of planting knives near the bodies of [so-called] “Palestinians” who are killed during […]

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Four wounded, including young girl, in Kiryat Gat stabbing by Arab terrorist

Kiryat Gat terrorist caught – with blood still on his hands. First responders hurried to Kiryat Gat’s King David Street after receiving a report of a stabbing attack. Four people were wounded in the attack: A 51-year-old man, a 56-year-old woman, a 44-year-old woman, and a 13-year-old girl. All were treated at the scene and evacuated to nearby hospitals in stable […]

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U.S. School Children Assigned to Make ISIS Propaganda for Homework

Per Fox News, parents in Utah complained after their ninth-grade children were assigned to create ISIS propaganda as a school project. Fourteen-year-old Mikalia got the assignment and went online to search “how to recruit for ISIS.” Her mother, Annie Langston, was not happy. “My initial response was, ‘There’s no way you’re going to do this assignment,’” she said. “In light of what happened […]

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Hillary Clinton: Muslims ‘Have Nothing Whatsoever To Do With Terrorism’

Behold, the woman who shall soon be crowned Queen of the endlessly self-righteous and self-congratulatory “Reality Based Community:” “Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 19, 2015 … We are constantly bombarded with dumb, sanitized denialism like Hillary’s second sentence above. Instead of […]

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IN PICTURES: Tens of thousands of Iranian soldiers stage siege of Temple Mount!

Constructing a plastic replica of the al-Aksa Mosque and Dome of the Rock, Iranian media reports tens of thousands of soldiers staged exercises dubbed ‘Towards the Holy City.” Thousands of Iranian paramilitary forces participated in mock drills and exercises simulating the capture of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency reported Friday. Constructing a plastic replica of […]

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Obama lied about Syrian refugees: ‘We don’t know who these people are. We’re lucky if we can get the names right’

The former chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence says President Obama has no coherent strategy to defeat ISIS, and he alleges one of Obama’s top advisers “lied to the American people” to perpetuate a misguided program allowing tens of thousands of refugees into the U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes appeared on multiples Sunday morning news shows. When […]

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Pollard released from US prison after thirty years behind bars – required to wear electronic bracelet

And he is still treated like an animal from the Jew-hating Obama administration – who only released Pollard as a publicity stunt after criticism that Obama is throwing Israel under the bus. Greeted by his wife Ester, the couple were en route to Manhattan to enjoy their first Shabbat dinner together outside of a government facility, according to Pollard’s lawyer. […]

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Islamic Terrorists Take 170 Hostages at Mali Luxury Hotel, 27 Dead – While Shouting ‘Allah Akbar’

Some freed if they could recite verses from the Koran. Al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the attack. Fox News is reporting three hostages are dead. This is confirmed by The Washington Post. The terrorists have released 20 people. From the Washington Post: “Kassim Traoré, a Malian journalist was in a building about 150 feet from the Radisson, told the New York […]

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Obama Blocks 75 Percent of Terrorist Targets From Being Bombed

Due to an Obama administration policy that is aimed to “prevent civilian deaths and collateral damage”, U.S. military pilots who have returned home from the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq have definitively stated they were unable to obtain clearance to launch strikes and in turn were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their weaponry on terror targets, […]

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French President Hollande Announces: We Will Take 30,000 Refugees, ‘Life Must Go On’

Translation: “Death must go on.” I suspect that Hollande said this because he is coming to the US next week to meet with Obama, and he needs our help. The last thing he wants to do is alienate this unmovable blowhard. French President Hollande Announces: We Will Take 30,000 Refugees, ‘Life Must Go On’ Breitbart News, November 18, 2015 French […]

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Report: Under Obama More Than 80 Percent of Illegals Shielded from Deportation

While the courts have blocked President Obama’s sweeping executive amnesty programs, other aspects of Obama’s immigration edicts have served to shield more than 80 percent of the illegal immigrant population from deportation, the Washington Times reports. According to reporting by Stephan Dinan, the implementation of other executive actions on immigration announced exactly a year ago Friday— specifically the administration’s changes to […]

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29 Governors Now Want Obama To Halt Muslim “Refugee” Program

Twenty-Nine Governors are asking President Obama to halt the Syrian “refugee” program, out of concern for the safety of their constituents. There are currently 31 Republican Governors in office. Of these, 28 have said that they will not allow Syrian [migrants] into their state. Governors around the country are concerned with Syrian refugees, in the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks. […]

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Report: Anti-Semitism Skyrocketing on American College Campuses

Over 520 anti-Israel events were held on American college campuses in 2014. As Islamic terrorists open fire on concert halls, blow themselves up at cafes, stab children walking home from school, stab bystanders at bus stops, stone women for non-crimes, hang homosexuals from cranes, behead journalists, immolate hostages, and commit general mass genocide against people of all walks —  it is good to know that American […]

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Arab Muslim terrorist kills two Jews in south Tel Aviv stabbing attack

Suspect, a 36-year-old Arab from the Hebron area, is apprehended by bystanders who subdued him until police forces arrived; Hamas praises “heroic” operation. [An Arab] terrorist stabbed three people in south Tel Aviv on Thursday, killing two of them and wounding another. Police said that the terrorist attempted to flee the scene, but was apprehended by civilians who subdued him […]

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French Jewish teacher wounded in Muslim stabbing terrorist attack in Marseille

A Jewish teacher in the French city of Marseille was stabbed by a man wearing an Islamic State T-shirt who shouted anti-Semitic profanities at him with two other men. The victim, a history teacher at a Jewish school, suffered injuries that were not considered life threatening, the French news agency AFP reported, citing an account of the Wednesday night incident by the […]

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Paul Ryan Will Not Support Any Cuts To Muslim Immigration: ‘That’s Not Who We Are’

House Speaker Paul Ryan is ruling out making any cuts to Muslim immigration. In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Ryan declared that considering an applicant’s religion would not be “appropriate” and would be fundamentally un-American— insisting “that’s not who we are.” In his questioning of Ryan, Hannity cited populist thought leader Jeff Sessions, who chairs the Senate Immigration […]

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Obama renews push to shut down Gitmo

Obama claims “we are spending millions of dollars and it’s not necessary” while spending money on Muslim “refugees”. President Obama on Thursday vowed to collaborate “meticulously” with Congress to shutter Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, citing the cost factor of housing and guarding the detainees in a speech from a global economic summit in Manila. He said, various media reported: “We are […]

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Report: 8 Syrians Apprehended at Texas-Mexico Border

And Five Syrians Headed to U.S. with Stolen Passports Arrested in Honduras. Those who express legitimate concerns over the coming influx of Syrian refugees are labeled alarmists, even though extensive polling data revealed that a third of all Syrian refugees [actually admit they] harbor sympathetic views of ISIS. Just this week six Syrian nationals attempted to reach the U.S. via Honduras using fake passports. Now, a […]

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Post-Paris, Obama Doubles Down: More Muslim “Refugees” Coming

The President is intent on creating the circumstances for a Paris-style jihad attack on U.S. soil. Despite what he termed the “setback” of last Friday’s jihad massacre in Paris, Barack Obama announced Monday that he was pressing forward with his scheme to flood the U.S. with at least 10,000 refugees from Syria, terming opposition to his plan “shameful.” Obama seems […]

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Marco Rubio attacks Ted Cruz for not wanting to spy on law-abiding Americans

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio accused GOP presidential rival Texas Sen. Ted Cruz of voting to weaken intelligence programs during a Monday night forum, The Washington Post reports. “We are vulnerable. What happened in Paris could happen in a major American city at any moment, at any time,” said Rubio, invoking the Paris terror attacks. “I think it’s a distinctive issue […]

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Hillary Clinton charity admits to millions in foreign donations

Clinton Foundation amends 4 years of tax returns. The Clinton Foundation announced late Monday that it had amended its tax return forms from four separate years due to errors in the reporting of donations from foreign governments. Foundation President Donna Shalala said in a statement that the returns were revised after a voluntary review of the charity’s past tax returns. […]

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Iran Breaks the World Executions Record

The true face of Obama’s “good faith” negotiating partners. Is the Obama administration aware that it is trusting and dealing with a country that has just broken the world record in executions? Of course the President is aware of that, and it seems that he has decided to turn a blind eye to Iran’s increasing aggression and oppression inside and outside of […]

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“Black Lives Matter” Protesters Shut Down I-94 in Minneapolis, Instructed Not to “Talk to White Media”

Dozens of Black Lives Matter protesters shut down a busy interstate in Minneapolis Monday night as a young black man who was shot during an altercation with police over the weekend was taken off life support and died. More than 50 activists — 43 adults and eight juveniles — were arrested during the protest. The Black Lives Matter protesters were […]

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Main target in Paris jihad attack: Jewish-owned Bataclan Theater, frequent target of Muslims and BDS groups

There are many parallels between the Paris attacks and the Mumbai jihad attacks of November 2008. This is the central one: in my extensive coverage of the savage Muslim attacks in Mumbai, India, I exposed the Muslim attackers’ obsession with targeting the little Jewish Chabad house. From the inception of the planning, this was central. The Jewish Chabad house was […]

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Post-Paris Attack, Marco Rubio wants to bring more Syrian “refugees” into the U.S.

Marco Rubio (R-FL) is standing by his support for bringing Syrian refugees into the United States of America, even after the Paris murder-rampage by some of the many Muslims migrating into Europe. In September, Rubio told CNN that “we would be potentially open to the relocation of some of these [refugee] individuals at some point in time to the United […]

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Swedish foreign minister joins with Mahmoud Abbas in blaming Israel and the Jews for the Paris jihad terrorist attacks

From Elder of Ziyon: Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah cartoon blames Jews for Paris The official Fatah Facebook page these cartoons in the wake of Paris. The first is merely accusing Israel of partnering with ISIS on the attacks: The second has the same theme, but this time it accuses Jews of the terror attack: Here is an older cartoon from […]

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Israel turns to UN over Red Crescent Arab ambulances failure to treat Israeli terror victims

As if the U.N. actually cares about Israel or the Muslim murder of innocent Jews. Wake up Benjamin Netanyahu and throw the enemy out of Israel! Israel has turned to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon over charges that a [so-called] “Palestinian” Red Crescent Society ambulance failed to respond to Friday’s shooting attack on the Litman family, in which [Arab Muslim] gunmen […]

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Hillary Clinton: If I Hadn’t Taken Big Wall Street Donations, the 9/11 Terrorists Would’ve Won, Or Something

In case you missed it — and you probably did, by design — the Democrats running for president debated in Iowa on Saturday night.  Bernie Sanders once again declined to address the issue of the expanding federal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s improper, unsecure, national security-compromising email scheme, confirming that he has no serious intention of winning the nomination.  Martin O’Malley is a polling asterisk. […]

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Alabama Governor puts foot down: ‘We Refuse Syrian Refugees’

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley announced Sunday night that he would not allow any Syrian refugees to move to his state, asserting he did not want to place citizens “in harm’s way.” I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way. We refuse Syrian refugees. — Gov. Robert Bentley (@GovernorBentley) November 16, […]

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