995 Attacks on Jerusalem Border Police By Muslims Since 2014

Attacks aimed just at Border Police and SWAT teams since January 2014 nearing 1,000 mark, data reveals; 70% during ‘peacetime.’

islam_terrorists_koran4Violence in Jerusalem continues to snowball, according to a report Tuesday – and most of the incidents are in what is defined as peacetime.

A total of 995 terror attacks against the Border Police, SWAT teams, and undercover officers were recorded throughout 2014 and through April 2015, according to Walla! News. Just 30% of the attacks were perpetrated during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.

A total of 823 incidents was recorded during 2014 and 172 from January 2015 until April 26, 2015. Hundreds of police have been injured in these clashes, and one policeman – Border Police Superintendent Jedan Assad – died in a car rampage attack last year.

The police are the new front lines in the war on terror, according to this report. In the 16-month period, 814 Molotov cocktails have been thrown at Border Police – 666 in 2014 and 148 in 2015 thus far – and 142 explosive devices have been thrown (127 in 2014 and 15 in 2015).

There have been a total of 17 shooting incidents involving the Border Police, with 16 in 2014 and one this year.

A total of seven stabbing attempts or attacks have been made, three in 2014 and four in 2015; and a total of 15 “car rampage” attacks (attempted or actualized) have been launched, 11 in 2014 and four in 2015.


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