Hillary Clinton: ‘I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood’
Democratic White House hopeful Hillary Clinton came out swinging against Republican rivals Jeb Bush and Scott Walker for their opposition to Planned Parenthood, saying the two want to defund the organization and that’s tantamount to an attack on women.
And she also doubled down on her support for the organization, despite revelations over the last few weeks reported by WND that show some may be tied to sales of baby parts, and said bluntly: I still support Planned Parenthood.
“Republicans like Scott Walker and Jeb Bush are calling to defund Planned Parenthood, the country’s leading provider or reproductive health care, and they are joined by Republicans in Congress who will not waste a minute in voting to make that happen,” she said, in a video message posted on Twitter.
And the political punch line: “If this feels like a full-on assault on women’s health, that’s because it is,” Clinton said. [That’s what liberals call it when they aren’t allow to kill unborn children – so much for the babies’ rights.]
Clinton also said Republicans want to keep women from accessing cancer screenings and birth control, two other services provided by Planned Parenthood.
While the recent videos showing some in the organization may be tied to the selling of baby parts is “disturbing,” Planned Parenthood “for more than a century has done a lot of really good work for women,” she said. And she went on, the Hill reported: “Unfortunately, these attacks aren’t new. They’re more of the same.”
She specifically chastised Walker for defunding the organization as Wisconsin governor and Bush for “gutting funds for crucial family-planning programs,” she said.
And one more Republican she took a swing at was Texas Gov. Rick Perry, for signing a law that ultimately shuttered some of the abortion clinics in the state. Her conclusion?
“I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood,” Clinton said.
When she and her husband get to hell it will be a different story coming out of her mouth. But it will be too late then.