Shameful: IDF Soldier Abandoned to Arab Muslim Mob in Nabi Salah

soldier_beaten_muslim_arab_womenCalls for emergency Knesset meeting after soldier filmed being beaten by Arab women and children; Gov’t shows weakness.

Unbelievable footage has emerged showing an IDF soldier being beaten by Arab women and children in the village of Nabi Salah, Samaria

The video is already being seen by some as proof that the army is having its hands effectively tied, both by increasingly restrictive instructions on how to handle violent [Arab Muslim] rioters, as well as by insufficient backup from the political echelons against legal campaigns by leftist NGOs targeting IDF soldiers.

Nabi Salah is a particularly extreme [Arab Muslim] village, which also hosts large number of far-left foreign activists. Arab and foreign “activists” regularly stage provocations and violent riots targeting both nearby Jewish villagers and IDF forces.

The video shows IDF soldiers responding to a riot on Friday, with one soldier detaining a juvenile rock-thrower. However, the situation quickly escalates as he is gradually surrounded by a crowd, largely consisting of screeching women and children.

As the soldier calls for backup in dispersing the crowd, some of the women and youths begin punching and hitting him. Despite being armed and trained in hand-to-hand combat, he clearly feels unable to respond.

Only after some time does another soldier arrive to disperse the crowd and extricate his colleague – who is forced to leave the rock-thrower behind.

Yisrael Beytenu party leader Avigdor Liberman responded to the video by demanding an urgent meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Liberman called on committee chair MK Tzahi Hanegbi (Likud) to convene a meeting as early as Sunday to discuss the IDF’s rules of engagement in the Nabi Salah area.

“We are talking about an incident which severely harms the deterrent capacity of the IDF,” Liberman said. “The pictures – which show an IDF soldier being hit by [Arab Muslim] women and children, and in the end giving up on (arresting) the rock-thrower who started the whole incident – broadcasts weakness and helplessness on the part of the IDF and Israel.”

“This is the end result of the feeble and stuttering conduct of the prime minister and defense minister, who also did not prevent the interrogation of the Binyamin Regional Commander Colonel Yisrael Shomer, and Lt. Colonel Neria Yeshurun,” he added, referring to two military commanders targeted by leftist NGOs who many feel were abandoned by the government.

“Netanyahu and Yaalon’s conduct broadcasts to the soldiers of the IDF that they are fighting to defend the State of Israel without backup and without direction – and this is the result.


  • They are complicit arabs idf media the soldier ( arab by the way) it is done to feed the israeli media … He went after children that’s the sure way to provoke uproar in israeli media which never miss a opportunity to blame Israel and yeah the soldier was an actor for media show!

  • There will be new types of propaganda now that Photoshop trickery can be used. Do not believe every photo you see.

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