Israel Asks YouTube to Remove Terrorist Videos Calling for the Slaughter of Jews

arab_muslim_terrorist_videosOne a cartoon showing Jewish parents murdered in front of their children.

[Meanwhile, Youtube continues to take down our Jewish videos – including a Hanukkah video.]

Israeli officials have sent a letter to Google asking the company to remove two Palestinian propaganda videos from YouTube they believe glorifies violence against Jews, The Times of Israel reports.

So far, only one video has been pulled. However as the report explains, it was only removed from a Hamas channel and can still be found through other sources on YouTube, as well as Facebook.

This particular clip is described as depicting [an Israeli Arab] man viewing footage of recent clashes between [Arab Muslim] rioters and Israeli security forces. He then notices two “Jews” walking by, kicking and harassing young children and soon becomes enraged. He then attacks both of them with a knife, “stabbing” one in the heart and “slashing” the other’s throat.

Adding insult to injury, the video was published just hours after a real stabbing of two Israeli men over the weekend that also injured one of the victim’s wife and baby. And hours after the video posted, another Israeli was attacked with a knife; this time, a teenager. Luckily, he survived.

The other video still viewable on YouTube at this time is a cartoon. It depicts a Jewish family riding in their vehicle as a second car approaches. Two silhouettes emerge, obviously terrorists, and fire their machine guns into the front windshield, breaking the glass and spreading blood, as the children watch in horror from the back seat.

This video, too, hits close to home as it is identical to an attack that happened the day before the cartoon was uploaded. On October 1, parents driving near their home in the West Bank were murdered in front of their children by [Arab Muslim] terrorists.

Israel’s foreign ministry is actively trying to remove these types of “dangerous” videos that appear online promoting terrorism.

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