Obama on Hillary Email Scandal: “She Just Made a Mistake”

U.S. Secretary of State Clinton listens to U.S. President Obama speak during a meeting with members of his cabinet in WashingtonHillary Rodham Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct government business when she served as secretary of state was “a mistake,” but didn’t endanger national security, President Barack Obama said during an interview airing Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes.”

Obama said public officials have to be more sensitive about how they handle information and personal data. Yet he also said the criticism of Clinton has been “ginned up” because of politics.

“I think she’d be the first to acknowledge that maybe she could have handled the original decision better and the disclosures more quickly,” Obama said.

Obama downplayed the threat to national security, and when it was pointed out that his administration has prosecuted people for having classified material on their private computers, the president said he didn’t get the impression there was an intent to “hide something or to squirrel away information.” He also said he was not initially aware of her use of the private email server.

There are still questions being raised about the security of that system.

Senate investigators recently discovered that Clinton’s private server was subjected to unspecified hacking attempts in 2013 from China, South Korea and Germany. The FBI is still examining her system, and that review could reveal evidence, if any, of unauthorized intrusions into her server or any attempts to siphon off her data.

Clinton has yet to answer specific questions about the security protections in her unusual email setup, which ran out of her New York home and not in a professional data center during her time as secretary of state.

… When the president was asked if he believed he could win a third term if he were allowed to run again, he had a simple reply: “Yes.”


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