Report: 8 Syrians Apprehended at Texas-Mexico Border

border_patrolAnd Five Syrians Headed to U.S. with Stolen Passports Arrested in Honduras.

Those who express legitimate concerns over the coming influx of Syrian refugees are labeled alarmists, even though extensive polling data revealed that a third of all Syrian refugees [actually admit they] harbor sympathetic views of ISIS. Just this week six Syrian nationals attempted to reach the U.S. via Honduras using fake passports. Now, a report published by Breitbart reveals that in addition, eight Syrians attempted to cross into the U.S. from Mexico on Monday.

Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector. The federal agents spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity, however, a local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally entering the country in the Laredo Sector.

Sources claim that the eight Syrians, comprising two separate “family units,” were taken into custody on Monday at Juarez Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas.

Border Patrol agent Hector Garza told Breitbart that “Border Patrol agents who we represent have been contacting our organization to voice concerns about reports from other agents that Syrians crossed the U.S. border from Mexico in the Laredo Sector.”

“Our agents have heard about Syrians being apprehended in the area from other federal agents.” Garza also told Breitbart that the Local 2455 Border Patrol chapter will “be issuing an officer safety bulletin advising Border Patrol agents to exercise extra precautions as they patrol the border.”

This is not the first time that a Syrian national attempted to gain entry into the U.S. via Mexico:

Breitbart Texas can confirm that a Syrian did attempt to enter the U.S. illegally through Texas in late September. The Syrian was caught using a passport that belonged to someone else and U.S. authorities decided against prosecuting anyone involved due to “circumstances.”

Garza said that, particularly when it comes to Syrians crossing the border from Mexico, federal agencies operate as quietly as possible so as not to publicize the problem. Surely if the American public were apprised of the extent to which potential terrorists are seeking access to the U.S. through our less-than-secure borders, it would give credence to presidential candidates like Donald Trump and further discredit Obama administration policies. Democrats would never allow that to happen now, would they?

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