Two Jews wounded in Arab stabbing attack in Modi’in

Mideast-Israel-Palestinian-KnifeArab moderately wounds two Jews at adjacent construction sites, before workers overpower him – was in sovereign Israeli territory legally.

Two Jews were stabbed and moderately wounded by an Arab terrorist on Tuesday at two adjacent construction sites in Modi’in, located roughly halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Construction workers at the site overpowered the Arab terrorist, and police who arrived quickly arrested him and brought him in for investigation.

From initial findings it became clear the terrorist lives in Beit Sira, located just over the 1949 Armistice lines to the east of Modi’in, and was in sovereign Israeli territory with permission, likely in the form of a work permit.

The police stated that “the suspicions are strengthened that this was (caused by) nationalist motives,” using a term reserved for terrorist attacks.

“The investigation of the suspect by the Israel police and the security forces continues.”

Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency medical teams treated and evacuated the victims.

One was a 28-year-old with stab wounds to his upper body, who was fully conscious and stable. He was evacuated in an emergency medical vehicle to Tel Hashomer Hospital.

The second victim, found at an adjacent construction site, was a man in his 50s who was also moderately wounded, suffering from a blow to his upper body. He too was conscious and stable, and after being treated at the site was evacuated to the hospital.

MDA paramedic Oded Shenkman who arrived at the scene said, “when we arrived at the scene was saw at the offices of the construction site a man aged around 28 sitting fully conscious and wounded to his upper body.”

“We provided him with initial medical treatment at the scene including stopping the bleeding and providing fluids, and evacuated him to the hospital while continuing treatment, with his status classified as moderate and stable.”

As for the second victim, MDA paramedic Ziv Kleinbert said, “at the grounds of the site we saw a man aged around 53 sitting fully conscious and suffering from a wound to his upper body.”

“We provided him with medical treatment at the scene including supplying fluids and oxygen, and evacuated him to the hospital with his status classified moderate and stable.”

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