Ted Cruz Says Second Amendment Will Be ‘Written Out of the Constitution’ If Any of These Presidential Candidates Are Elected

Ted_CruzFollowing the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz said the 2016 election should be a “referendum” on the nation’s highest court.

The Texas senator told NBC’s Chuck Todd Sunday morning that he is looking forward to debating either of the Democratic presidential contenders on the future of the Supreme Court. However, according to Cruz, it isn’t just the two Democrats who could immeasurably alter the interpretation of the Constitution, in particular when it comes to gun rights.

“If Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders wins, or for that matter, if Donald Trump wins — whose record is indistinguishable from them on a great many issues — then we will see the Second Amendment written out of the Constitution,” Cruz said.

Cruz also said that should Trump or Clinton be elected, “we will see unlimited abortion on demand.”

“Partial birth abortion, taxpayer funding, no parental notification, and we’ll also see our religious liberty torn down, our basic rights,” Cruz said.

Cruz has argued that Clinton would have the Supreme Court dismantle the Second Amendment as he campaigned in Iowa as well as in South Carolina.


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