Cruz Calls for Immediate Halt to Syrian Refugees in US

Tuesday in wake of the terror attack in Brussels on the metro and airport killing 31 and injuring hundreds, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz called to “immediately halt the president’s ill-advised plan to bring in tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees.”

Cruz said, “This is not an isolated incident. This is not a lone wolf. This is a war with radical Islamic terrorism. ISIS declared jihad on Europe, and on the United States of America. They have declared their intention to murder as many innocents as possible. And it is long past time that we had a president who will acknowledge this evil, will call it by its name, and out lights the full force and fury of the United States to defeat radical Islamic terrorism, to defeat ISIS. Until they are defeated, these attacks will continue. Until ISIS is utterly destroyed they will continue to carry out acts of terror, continue to murder, whether in a subway station, whether at an airport, whether in an opera house in Paris. Whether in a community center in San Bernardino. Their target is each and every one of us. and we need a president who sets aside political correctness. In the wake of Brussels we don’t need another lecture from President Obama on Islamophobia. We need a commander-in-chief who does everything necessary to defeat the enemy, and we need to immediately halt the president’s ill-advised plan to bring in tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees.”

“Our vetting programs are woefully insufficient,” he continued. “This administration has no means of preventing those refugees from being ISIS terrorists. ISIS stated its intention to infiltrate those terrorists, those refugees with terrorists come fog America to commit acts of jihad. And the time for the president’s political correctness has passed. The first priority of the commander-in-chief should be keeping America safe. It is time for us to implement serious vetting and we should not be allowing anyone to come to this country that we cannot vet to make sure that they are not radical Islamic terrorists. That’s part of the problem of not defining the enemy. When you don’t define the enemy, then you don’t have screening programs designed to keep them out.”

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