Obama Quietly Seeks Meeting With Iranian President

He just can’t take a hint.

He just can’t take a hint. Despite being spat on repeatedly by the Iranian regime following his generous gift of an historic nuclear deal, President Barack Obama reportedly now seeks a private meeting with President Hassan Rouhani.

iran-Rouhani-and-ObamaApparently, Obama has even sent secret letters to senior Iranian officials requesting such a meeting.

“President Obama asked to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in two secret letters sent in late March to both Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Rouhani,” states a Farsi-language report translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

According to the Iranian report, Obama wrote “that Iran has a limited-time opportunity to cooperate with the U.S. in order to resolve the problems in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and promised that if Iran agreed to a meeting between him and Rouhani, he would be willing to participate in any conference to this end.”

The Washington Free Beacon attempted to verify if the report is true, but not surprisingly, the White House declined to comment.

According to the Iranian report, Rouhani is open to the meeting and promised Supreme Leader Khamenei he would keep him in the loop. The Beacon adds:

Senior U.S. officials have met with top Iranian officials in recent days in a move perceived by some as laying the groundwork for a future powwow between Obama and Rouhani.

Secretary of State John Kerry met with his Iranian counterpart, Javad Zarif, in New York on Tuesday. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew met last week with Valiollah Seif, the governor of Iran’s Central Bank.

Amir Toumaj, an Iran expert and research analyst at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, expressed doubt that the Iranian Supreme Leader would concede to such a meeting, as it may empower more moderate elements of the Iranian regime.

“It seems highly unlikely that Khamenei would give his assent. There is a significant political cost for him, and he doesn’t have the appetite,” Toumaj told the Free Beacon. “The [nuclear agreement] is still fresh. There may be just a little over a year left until the 2017 Iranian presidential elections, but there is too much at stake.”

This administration can’t seem to get enough when it comes to courting despots — even the ones who’ve flat-out rejected it.


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