Donald Trump: Brexit Is Great But You Know What Is Awesome? My Golf Course

donald-trump-golf-course-scotlandYesterday, in what some took as an attempt to get out of town and kill a horrendous news cycle, Donald Trump absconded to Scotland to pimp his newly renovated golf course. While there he gave a news conference. What followed was the kind of embarrassment that Branch Trumpidians had better get used to.

Excerpts via The Washington Post:

QUESTION: How would the Trump administration approach the Brexit, should you be elected president? And Scotland voted 62-38 to remain. Should Scotland leave the U.K., as many people are talking about?

QUESTION: How would the Trump administration approach the Brexit, should you be elected president? And Scotland voted 62-38 to remain. Should Scotland leave the U.K., as many people are talking about?

TRUMP: Yeah. I think I see a big parallel. I think people really — I think people really see a big parallel. A lot of people are talking about that, and not only the United States, but other countries.

People want to take their country back. They want to have independence, in a sense, and you see it with Europe, all over Europe. You’re going to have more than just — in my opinion, more than what happened last night, you’re going to have, I think many other cases where they want to take their borders back. They want to take their monetary back.

They want to take a lot of things back. They want to be able to have a country again. So, I think you’re going have this happen more and more. I really believe that, and I think it’s happening in the United States.

It’s happening by the fact that I’ve done so well in the polls. You look at the recent polling, and you look at the swing states and you see how I’m doing, and I haven’t even started my campaign yet, essentially.

I mean, we’ve — we’ve done very well. We’re raising a lot of money for the Republican Party. I’m going to be funding a lot myself, but we’re raising a lot of money, John, for the Republican Party. And you’ll see those numbers come out in the next — over the next 30 days, and in particular, 60 days.

The numbers that were put out last week were a very start — that was a very small of time just to start. But we have raised a lot of money, especially money coming in in small — from small donors. You’ll be amazed when you see the kind of numbers we’re talking about, because we were amazed and I was amazed. But that will be reported fairly soon.

But I really do see a parallel between what’s happening in the United States and what’s happening here. People want to see borders. They don’t necessarily want people pouring into their country that they don’t know who they are and where they come from. They have no idea.

And I think, you know, it — not only did it win, but it won by a much bigger margin than people thought it would happen.

Really. What the living hell does this mean? He sees a parallel between his campaign and the vote of Scots to remain in the EU being overshadowed by the English/Welsh vote to leave? This is a potent stew of gibberish and nonsense.

QUESTION: … impact of what is taking operation here in Britain? The markets are…

TRUMP: Right. Well, nobody knows. Look, if the pound goes down, they’re going to do more business. You know, when the pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry, frankly. And the pound has gone down, and let’s see what the impact of that has, but I think places like Scotland and England and different places, in Great Britain, I think you’re going to see a lot of — a lot of activity.

he pound got high, and people weren’t able to do maybe what they wanted to do, but for traveling and for other things, you know, I think it could very well turn out to be a positive.

Nobody really knows. You’ll know in five years, you’ll be able to analyze it, and maybe it will take longer than that, but what is known is that they’ve taken back their independence. And that’s a very, very important thing.

It is a pretty well established principle that you don’t create prosperity off a currency collapse… but YOLO.

QUESTION: … momentous — momentous right now, and you are on the world stage. Are you traveling with any of your foreign policy advisers? You knew that this was going to happen today, there was going to be some sort of decision.

Are you huddling with them to find out what the best way…

TRUMP: Well, I’ve been in touch with them, but there’s nothing to talk about. You know, I’ve been saying I would prefer what happened. Thing. I thought this would be a good thing, I think it will turn out to be a good thing. Maybe not short term, not, but ultimately I think it will be a good thing.

And I’ve actually been in touch. And some, by the way, don’t like it, and some do like it. You know, they’re advisers, they’re like everybody else. They probably know less, every one of these advisers.

Somebody said, “Gee, you should use advisers that have been really hot the last five years.” I said, “Really? I think I want to use ones that haven’t been involved.” Take a look at what has happened in the world.

Nothing to talk about? Some like it and some don’t?

How about this:

And I felt it wouldn’t stay together, and again, I think that’s what’s happening in the United States. It’s not staying together. It’s a really positive force taking place. They want to take their country back. The people want their country back. We don’t want to lose our jobs, we don’t want to lose our borders.

They want to have wage increases. They haven’t in the United States, folks. For members — and all of my members at Turnberry, I mean, we’ve had hard-working, great people that haven’t were a real wage increase in 18 years. So they’re working harder now and they’re making less money.

Or this:

I can tell you, I have a lot of friends living in Germany that have always been very proud Germans to a level that you wouldn’t believe. They would be bragging about their country. They would be talking about their country as though there would be no place.

They’re members of Mar-a-Lago and different places that I have. Now, those same people, some of them are saying they’re leaving Germany, they’re moving. They never even thought of moving but now they’re thinking about moving because of the tremendous influx of people. And you know what’s happening Germany, it’s a real problem.

These are people that were very proud Germans that were beyond belief, they thought the greatest that there ever was and now they’re talking about leaving Germany. And you see the problems in German. So I could see it happening. I have no opinion really, but I could certainly see it happening.

I saw this happening. I could read what was happening. And I could see things happening Germany. I hope they straighten the situation because it can really become a nasty — it can be very nasty. What’s going on can be very, very nasty.


QUESTION: Do you think that the referendums (ph) would have a seismic impact on the British economy? Do you intend to steal (ph) that for investments in Scotland? And how to does it feel to be on the sidelines of the news cycle?

TRUMP: Well, you know, if anything, I have big investments over in Europe.

I have — as you know, I own Dunebeg in Ireland, which is a phenomenal hotel. It’s one of the most beautiful hotels. It’s one of the most highly rated hotels in all of Europe and it’s got a golf course on this large, five — almost 500-acre parcel of land, on the Atlantic Ocean, and does great.

I own Turnberry, I own Aberdeen. I’m going to go stop at Aberdeen for a little while; I’m actually leaving — I’ll only be here for one night, because I have to go back and campaign, which I actually love doing, to be honest with you. But I wanted to — really, I wanted to support my children, who have really poured their hearts and souls into this development.

So — but — but you know, I think you understand. Yes, go ahead.

Donald Trump on separating business and politic

QUESTION: Mr. Trump, seven in 10 voters told us in a CNN poll, they want to see you cut ties with your business while you’re running for President.

TRUMP: I will do that.

QUESTION: Will you do that while running, though?

TRUMP: I will do that.

Well, I don’t think it matters while I’m running. While I’m running it doesn’t matter. Again, I’m here for the sole reason, though I did want to see the job Eric did because if he didn’t do a good job he wouldn’t be standing here. I would give him a hard time. Right? He did a beyond job. Beyond, this is phenomenal.

And just as you view this great course you have to see the hotel we built. Phenomenal — phenomenal.

I will absolutely cut ties. You know, the rules are, nobody knows. Okay? It’s never had to — where somebody has this big a business and runs for president and wins. If I win, even though I don’t have to do that I would probably put everything in trust. My children will run it along with my executives. It’s a big company. My children will run it along with my executives, and just do a good job running it.

Do you want to know what he doesn’t do? He doesn’t bother to deliver a critique of why Obama and Clinton were wrong on Brexit. He doesn’t address Clinton except in passing. He doesn’t manage to even restate his own campaign’s message on Brexit… which, by the way, was pretty solid. This entire news conference had two parts: a) talking smack about his great properties and b) making a freakin fool of himself.

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