Clinton Doctor Says She Has Pneumonia

hillary-clinton-coughing-clevelandHillary Clinton’s personal physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, said that the Democratic candidate for president was diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday, given antibiotics, and advised to modify her schedule.

Clinton left the 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York early and later appeared to collapse while trying to get into her car.


“While at this morning’s event, she became overheated and dehydrated. I have just examined her and she is now re-hydrated and recovering nicely,” said Bardack, chairman of internal medicine at the Mount Kisco Medical Group.Bardack attended to Clinton at her Chappaqua home Sunday.

Clinton’s health came into sharp focus Sunday as she appeared wobbly and stumbled as Secret Service agents helped her into a van to exit a memorial service marking the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks. The Democratic nominee traveled toA video of Clinton’s departure from the 9/11 event at Ground Zero in Manhattan, posted by Twitter user Zdenek Gazda, shows her clearly stumbling, with Secret Service agents helping her into the van in the motorcade.

Clinton appeared to faint as she was leaving the Ground Zero ceremony, two law enforcement officials — including one who witnessed the incident — told CNN.

Leaving her daughter’s apartment a little before noon, Clinton told reporters she was “feeling great.”

“It’s a beautiful day in New York,” she added, while smiling and waving to supporters on the street before getting into her motorcade.

A senior adviser to Clinton campaign says California trip is up in the air now in the wake of the health news.

There is a “serious evaluation” of her schedule going on, an aide said, including questions of why she went to the campaign fundraiser which featured Barbra Streisand on Friday anyway.

But Michael Morell, the former CIA deputy director, told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday he was with Clinton Friday for a national security meeting and “she looked fantastic. She had high energy.”

“There are times in all of our lives when we don’t feel well,” he said. “I missed some of the briefings immediately after 9/11 because I wasn’t feeling well. So let’s not make more of this than there is.”

Clinton suffered a two-minute coughing fit during an event in Cleveland last week, which she blamed on allergies.

With regards to Hillary Clinton’s health, the campaign has zero credibility, especially after trying to hide the pneumonia — if, indeed, that’s what she has. But with all the other questions about her health swirling around her, the campaign must have been terrified to let on that she was sick at all.

So once again, it’s “nothing to see here, move along.”

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