U.S. Officials Investigate Trump Advisor’s Meetings With Putin Aide Over Elections

trump-putin-masterWhile everyone is making fun of Ted Cruz today, a huge story broke about how U.S. intelligence officials are investigating a top Trump aide for his ties to Russia, including meetings with a pretty shady Putin aide.

From Yahoo News:

U.S. intelligence officials are seeking to determine whether an American businessman identified by Donald Trump as one of his foreign policy advisers has opened up private communications with senior Russian officials — including talks about the possible lifting of economic sanctions if the Republican nominee becomes president, according to multiple sources who have been briefed on the issue.

The activities of Trump adviser Carter Page, who has extensive business interests in Russia, have been discussed with senior members of Congress during recent briefings about suspected efforts by Moscow to influence the presidential election, the sources said. After one of those briefings, Senate minority leader Harry Reid wrote FBI Director James Comey, citing reports of meetings between a Trump adviser (a reference to Page) and “high ranking sanctioned individuals” in Moscow over the summer as evidence of “significant and disturbing ties” between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin that needed to be investigated by the bureau.

Remember that Paul Manafort was tossed under the campaign bus for this every same reason when Trump disliked the press he was getting over his Russian ties. So what’s the deal with Carter Page?

This is what he was doing right before the Trump campaign forced the RNC to change their platform to make it more Putin-friendly:

Page showed up again in Moscow in early July, just two weeks before the Republican National Convention formally nominated Trump for president, and once again criticized U.S. policy. Speaking at a commencement address for the New Economic School, an institution funded in part by major Russian oligarchs close to Putin, Page asserted that “Washington and other West capitals” had impeded progress in Russia “through their often hypocritical focus on ideas such as democratization, inequality, corruption and regime change.”

According to Reuters, he declined to say if he had met with any Russian officials on that trip.

And even more shocking is this meeting:

U.S. intelligence agencies have also received reports that Page met with another top Putin aide while in Moscow — Igor Diveykin. A former Russian security official, Diveykin now serves as deputy chief for internal policy and is believed by U.S. officials to have responsibility for intelligence collected by Russian agencies about the U.S. election, the Western intelligence source said.

Uhm… doesn’t that seem a little.. problematic?

Don’t worry, el Trumpo will do or say something stupid so that the idiot media will completely ignore what should be alarming to every American.


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