Outrage! Veterans banned from flying American flag

Why do so many liberals hate America and freedom of speech?

There’s a neighborhood near Atlanta, Georgia that has banned patriotism… except on certain “appropriate” days.

That’s according to a shocking report from Fox News, which said that the controversial decision from a homeowners association allows their residents — including veterans — to fly the U.S. flag outside their home only 23 days per year.

Recently, residents living in the community “received an email from their HOA limiting the number of days the American flag can be flown outside their homes, in order to ‘maintain the aesthetic and architectural theme of the community,’” Fox News reported.

Navy veteran Tom Wilder, a resident in the neighborhood, complained that he was legally restricted by the from flying the flag in ways considered inappropriate — which means any day that’s not specifically approved.

July 4th? Okay. But July 5th? No patriotism allowed.



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