GOP financing helps Planned Parenthood have banner year

It used to be only the left. Now the phony right supports Planned Parenthood too.
When Cecile Richards, the CEO of Infanticide, Inc. (a.k.a. Planned Parenthood) predicted in 2011 that the loss of federal funding would result in millions of women losing access to basic family planning services such as mammograms and cancer screenings, she flat-out lied.
Not a single Planned Parenthood affiliate possesses X-ray machines necessary to do mammograms, and the only so-called cancer screening they perform is the basic pap smear. If any real medical services are required in these areas, the fake healthcare facility refers those women to a real healthcare facility.
However, in America, where being a healthcare professional isn’t required to murder an unborn child—for example in California—Planned Parenthood is still experiencing great success, thanks to the US taxpayer. The recently released annual report by the abortion provider shows us how.
Thanks to the repeated cowardice displayed by the invertebrate GOP and its leadership, Planned Parenthood enjoyed another banner year of butchering the unborn. Not including the side money from the sale of baby body parts on the black market, Planned Parenthood took in over $550 million in federal funding. These funds facilitated the murder of 328,348 unborn babies—an increase of 1.34% over the previous year.
By the way, for the pro-abortion, pro-Planned Parenthood crowd claiming that federal funds don’t pay for abortions, save your breath. Money is fungible, meaning that cash for one thing can be moved and replaced by cash from another source. This is how federal money ends up financing abortion.
In fact, this fungibility factor is what motivated Ivanka Trump’s secret meeting with Cecile Richards during the Trump transition. Ivanka wanted Planned Parenthood to split abortion services from non-abortion services in order to keep their federal funding. Even Richards admitted such a split would be impractical.
The GOP’s fake repeal of Obamacare would defund Planned Parenthood but only for one year. In its current form, the bill leaves an opening to restore funding in the future, which more than likely would take place around an election. If defunding Planned Parenthood is the right thing to do for a year, it’s the right thing to do permanently.
Politicians of both parties have been using the unborn for their political gain for too long, and it must come to an end. Every day Congress fails to act, 899 more unborn babies are murdered at a Planned Parenthood facility in the United States. Their annual report proves how profitable murdering the unborn can be. And it shows us why they shouldn’t receive one red cent of federal funding.