Trump cements his Putin bromance at G20 Summit

In the days leading up to the G20 meetings, there were experts who considered it unwise for Donald Trump to meet with Vladimir Putin due to the never-ending and growing accusations of scandal between the New York liberal and the Russian dictator. Nevertheless, Trump met with Putin to discuss issues such as the war in Syria and Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.

Unfortunately for The Donald, it looks like these experts were right.

On the issue of Syria, Trump boasted about a cease-fire agreement between US and Russia which, according to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, was “an indication of the US and Russia being able to work together in Syria.” However, former UN Ambassador John Bolton disagreed with that conclusion due to the striking resemblance it has to actions taken by Barack Obama.

After calling Obama’s decision allowing Russia to have a greater military presence in Syria a mistake, Bolton stated in a recent interview with Laura Ingraham that “(Trump’s) deal goes a long way towards politically acquiescing and legitimizing” Russia’s presence in the war-torn country.

The other Obama-esque moment following Trump’s bromance meeting with Putin was the announcement that the US would be partnering with the Russian bear in the creation of a Cyber Security Unit. That’s right, America. Donald Trump wants to team up with the nation that hacked computers during the 2016 election to form, in his words, “an impenetrable Cyber Security Unit so that election hacking, and many other negative things, will be guarded and safe.”

The obvious insanity of this move wasn’t lost on several members of the US Senate.

Senator Lindsey Graham told NBC’s Meet the Press that “It’s not the dumbest idea I have ever heard, but it’s pretty close.” And the poster child for term limits, Senator John McCain, told CBS’s Face the Nation that “…Vladimir Putin could be of enormous assistance in that effort since he is doing the hacking.”

I can hear some of you now saying that I’m exaggerating or that I’m just #NeverTrump, but check this out.

Now back in Washington, Trump tweeted yesterday about how it’s time to put the hacking scandal behind us and “move forward” in working with Russia.

Trump’s chumminess with Putin is bad enough on its own, but it also serves to remind America of his Russian entanglements—a growing scandal made worse after recent revelations involving Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort—indefinitely on the front burner.

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