Why Is the Head of the OU Kashrut Department in Terrorist Qatar?

The establishment doesn’t really care that Qatar supports and funds Hamas. The head of the OU wants to “swap” and release terrorists that mass-murder Jews.

From the Jerusalem Post:

Despite growing tension between the United States, Israel and Qatar, a small group of Jewish leaders is currently visiting the Gulf state in what appears to be an attempt to open a dialogue aimed at advancing a possible prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

The senior rabbinic figure on the delegation is Menachem Genack, an Orthodox rabbi and the head of the Orthodox Union’s (OU) Kashrut Division. The trip was organized by Nick Muzin, a prominent Jewish Republican operative who is on retainer by the Persian Gulf nation to establish ties with the American Jewish community. The group is scheduled to meet with the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

Although there have never been official diplomatic relations between Israel and Qatar, like with most Arab countries, the two states have had unofficial contacts. However, even these ties have been on the rocks in recent years over the country’s open support for Hamas. In 2007, then-PLO prime minister Salam Fayyad told the US Treasury’s Under Secretary for terrorism that Qatar provides “more support to fundamentalists than Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.” Until recently, Qatar was also home to Hamas’s top leadership, including Khaled Mashal.

What a Chillul Hashem that betrays the Jewish people and brings shame and disgraces G-d’s name and His Torah.

One comment

  • Not forgetting that Fake Republican Trump invited his Muslim friend Malik Obama to last Democrat debate between him and Clinton.
    Malik Obama is a supporter of Hamas ..Hamas joined the PLO

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