Jew-hater Kamala Harris accuses Israel of “genocide” (JTF video)


Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.

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  • Is it true an Arab invented algebra?

    • Many people still argue
      Kamala Harris can’t be an
      Anti-Semite or Jew-Hater , since she has a Jewish husband
      Doug Emhoff
      It appears Trump is the better Choice

    • There is talk this Election about
      Marijuana Legalization
      But what about the
      Vital Issues of
      Prostitution, Sex Work Legalization to help Incels and other
      Sex Starved people and the
      Growing Right To Die
      Voluntary Death with Dignity Movement for any and All Suffering people who Hate Life and Hate their Lives
      Most people are Against
      Suicide Prevention and
      Forced Living Extremism

    • Anyone Remember the episode of “Family Guy” that was titled
      “The Thin White Line”
      Which aired
      March 14, 2000
      In this episode
      Brian Griffin the talking dog joined the Quahog ,
      Rhode Island Police Force
      In one brief scene in this episode
      Joe Swanson, Brian Griffin and
      Another Police Officer were
      Standing Together
      The Police Officer in a Thick Accent says to
      “Ah patience lad, It took dear Saint Patrick more than a day to clear the Emerald lsle of snakes.”
      Brian Griffin replies “Oh Can the lrish crap, will you, Horowitz?”
      Horowitz replies “OK”

      So the Police Officer was Supposed to be a Jewish Police Officer with a Jewish last name
      Pretending to be Irish
      So the fictional character of
      Horowitz didn’t like being Jewish or looking Jewish or sounding Jewish
      Just like in Real Life
      Countless Jews and
      Half-Jews , do NOT like looking Jewish or sounding Jewish and don’t like being Jewish
      And they can’t Stand their
      Stereotypical Jewish looks which are often unattractive and make it Impossible to hide Jewishness
      And they Can’t Stand to be Told that they look Jewish or sound Jewish , they can’t stand to Hear that
      And they are Deeply Uncomfortable with their Jewishness and try to hide it
      Which is often Impossible
      Even many Half-Jewish persons look Jewish and sound Jewish
      Whether they are Jewish on their Mother’s side or Father’s side
      Jewish Self-Hatred is Rising After October 7th, 2023
      Along with the usual
      Jew-Hatred and Anti-Semitism from Non-Jews

  • Go to Trump’s website and click on volunteer and or donate any amount.

  • Drive Trump voters to the polls. Become a precinct captain. Call voters in swing states like Arizona Pennsylvania Georgia Nevada.

  • A person typed online today
    “It is bad enough when non-Jews try to universalize attacks against Jews — from the worst of them (the Holocaust) to criminal activity (vandalism, arson, assault). It is repulsive and insulting.
    When Jews do it — especially Jewish leaders — it is repugnant.
    A synagogue was the target of a fire declared an arson by the fire marshal.
    What do I see/hear from a Jewish leader: It’s terrible when churches, mosques and synagogues are attacked.
    Well yes, of course it is. But it was a synagogue that was attacked , and there are record numbers of attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions in America today. These are particular attacks against Jews. They are not happening in such numbers against others — and one is too many!
    Why would a Jewish leader universalize these?
    For sympathy? It’s not coming.
    There is no need to universalize and to dilute.
    No comment necessary.”
    A person typed in reply
    “It wasn’t non-Jews who universalised the Shoah. There was a huge dispute about it via Simon Wiesenthal (who thought it a terrible idea) and Elie Wiesel who didn’t foresee the dangers enough.”

    The person also typed
    “An isolationist is an isolationist is an isolationist — whether they are a D, or an R, or a D who became an R. They are dangerous to the well-being of America.
    In eras prior to the invention of the armada and the airplane and mass-communication, a nation could attempt to try to be isolationist.
    The reason that there are what the moronic refer to as “endless wars” is because the United States decided that we no longer want to defeat our enemies — thus we have endless enemies. We had adopted rules of engagement that give an advantage to our enemies. This will not make our enemies like us or fear us.
    Deciding to finally defend your nation and defeat your enemy is not an act of war or engaging in war. It is an act of self-defense and a dose of reality.
    In geo-politics there are three possible outcomes: win, lose or draw. The first two are pretty clear.
    The third option is what we are facing today due to poor planning and weak leadership.
    Do not be seduced by this chatter or promises not to be saddled with “endless wars.” Such people seem willing to surrender our freedom and our standing as a superpower. Surrendering to your enemy is also a way to end a war. Not recommended!”
    “Those of you who post about hamas yet omit the palestinian authority: You are the suckers born every minute who Barnum was referring to.”
    “When all is said and done, no matter what they claim; no matter what they sign; no matter what fantasies the delusional engage in about “peace”; or no matter what concessions Jews offer; The Muslims hate and have no respect for Jews.”
    With a link to a
    Jerusalem Post article headlined
    “Saudi Arabia calls on int’l community to hold Israel accountable for Jews going up Temple Mount”

  • Another person typed online today
    “The name of Hitler’s book Mein Kampf means “my struggle.” Jihad means the same thing. Coincidence? I don’t think so.”

  • has an article headlined
    “Israel’s Enemies Will Fail”
    March 2, 2024

  • She doesn’t mean it. Give the schwartze a break

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