London Hosts Holocaust Denier & Nazi Rally

naziThe U.K. denied entry to “Islamophobes” Robert Spencer and Pam Geller claiming their visit would not be “conducive to the public good.” The country, however, has no problem allowing Nazis from around the world to enter.

Stating the truth about Islam is not conducive to the public good, but apparently, denying the holocaust, supporting Nazism, and applauding Islamic terrorism is:

Nazi sympathisers, Holocaust deniers and their supporters from across the world have held a sickening secret rally in Britain at which speakers unleashed anti-Semitic rants, referring to Jews as ‘the enemy’ and ‘children of darkness’.

The meeting of the shadowy organisation will fuel fears of a growing resurgence in hatred towards Jews across Europe. The vile event was observed by a Mail on Sunday undercover team.

Held in London’s Victoria, the meeting was, said experts, the most significant gathering of Holocaust deniers Britain has ever seen, with speakers invited from Spain, Canada and the United States. […]

In a room draped with the Union Flag, as the event called the London Forum unfolded, the audience:

  • Sniggered at the mention of ‘ashes rising from the death camps’ crematoria’;
  • Applauded as they were urged to ‘identify, counter and break … Jewish-Zionist domination’;
  • Laughed at the Charlie Hebdo massacre, and as an African leader at the Paris memorial ceremony was described as ‘some Negro’;
  • Cheered at the mention of a brigade of Spanish Fascists who fought for the Nazis;
  • Heard gay parents branded ‘monster families’ and mixed race children described as ‘blackos’

People who speak the truth about Islam are ostracized, while those who spread hatred are embraced. The U.K. is broken.

One comment

  • So you support gay marriage and intermarriage? That is a rhetorical question. If you would only use politically consistent arguments when attacking your enemy, you may find that they eventually become less your enemy.

    I have a suggestion. Forgive me if this perspective is obvious to you. To an outsider, it does not seem like it is. I only concede that it could be and the common strategy of decrying Holocaust deniers in isolation of any broader political context might be all that you deem that you need. If so, I would hold that you keep dubious leftist company. I know that this is not your aim, and so I only make this humble suggestion with the intent of assisting your efforts in creating and aligning yourself with a truly philosemitic European Right.

    Holocaust denial, generally speaking, is a reaction to the continuous hostile political pressure levied on nations by various Jewish political bodies using the Holocaust as the primary moral platform. Personally, I think that it is a tragic political abuse of the event that can only lead to more political hostility against its unquestioned occurrence. At minimum, it will invite more researchers who will buy into Denier reasoning and become skeptics. These Jewish groups are spending capital that they treat as if it is sourced from a bottomless account. Despite any metaphysical or otherwise moral rationalizations for such an account, I promise you that this account is of a different nature. It is a large account, but the capital is being fast spent on words that are infuriating Europe. If I were liberal, conservative, fascist, Zionist, or communist, my stating the fact of this account or wishing it to be true or not true does not change this fact. I would prefer that Jewry use this capital where they need it most: to justify the continued existence of Israel.

    Decrying Holocaust deniers is fine. However, what is almost completely lacking out of any significant group based in Israel or any diaspora Jewish organization is any open, very visible, and consistent partisan cross-criticism of organized Jewish political groups.

    This is why gentiles cannot or will not separate the seemingly rare truly conservative and politically consistent Jewry from liberal Jewry. This is why a philosemitic right that does not lump visible Jewish Power, or even all Jews, into the same category is elusive. I do concede that the gentile Right most often makes a terrible mistake in failing to discern formally organized Jewish Political Power from individual Jews. That mistake is also well proven to occur both ways. I digress.

    The difference in political Jewry seems not to exist amongst you insofar as you choose to visibly delineate yourselves, at least not to any appreciable degree. Otherwise, there would be a considerable number of both national and international Jewish organizations that build platforms to oppose the social advocacy of liberal politicized Jewish organizations – especially those that exist in and to socially change the nations.

    Otherwise, perhaps you would have written an article to decry Josef Schumer’s recent use of Holocaust capital to inform Germany that they have a moral duty to keep their borders open to African refugees. The antisemitic Right and the philosemitic Right, and more importantly many common Germans and many indigenous Europeans across the world, are aware of his unanswered comments. The Jewish Right should also be aware and should answer as loudly as possible. That is your capital that he is spending and the politics that he is instigating affect you. Without internal Jewish political balance and monitoring that is visible to the nations, the formally organized Jewish power that is visible will continue to foment the antisemitic Right. I can’t figure out if it is willful or not as such statements seem to confirm the worst of the notions of the antisemitic Right in terms of what they perceive to be Jewish political aims for the nations. As such, making such statements almost seems to be a purposeful provocation. Whether it is or not, any further fuel for antisemitism is unfortunate for everyone. As an aside, I am aware that a common rebuttal to the antisemitic Right is to accuse them of being illogical or mentally ill. I’ve always seen such rebuttals as both archaic and unfortunate for reasons that I will defer for concision. I will say that the antisemitic Right has always felt justified, whether based on correct or faulty reasoning, and that is all that should matter in any Jewish strategy to deter such a movement at its root. Schumer’s comments are a perfect example and opportunity. They can either stand as documented justification for antisemitism, or his speech can be one of many-to-come small opportunities for the Jewish Right to demonstrate to the nations that Jews are not functionally monolithic in their aims for Europe and the USA. However the rebuttal must resonate. The best platform would be a Jewish-German organization that advocated for the preservation of majority German ethnic nationalism. Don’t you think? If that is too edgy, then start with Britain and work your way around the continent. Such organizations should have the professed aim of protecting Jews but also the majority rights of ethnic Europeans in defense of cultural and political dilution. If you did that, you would find opposition to Israel and antisemitism in Europe to dissolve in proportion to how effective you were at countering the Jewish left in these countries. Starting small, on this site, article’s protesting Holocaust denial should be able to be contextualized with the articles that you write that decry every anti-European decree by the Jewish left.

    Again, my comments are sincere and meant to bridge gaps that I currently see being unfortunately neglected throughout the political west.

    Thanks for reading.

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