White House: Religious Charities Must Accept LGBT Employees or Lose Grants

gay_whitehouse_marriageReligious-based charities that accept federal dollars to carry out their work may soon be forced to hire LGBT employees or lose their grant money, according to the Center for Family and Human Rights. Citing a government source, the lobby group and watchdog says the White House is extending an executive order that President Obama signed last July requiring the same of federal contractors:

However, the White House has recently directed federal agencies to include the “sexual orientation and gender identity” clause in all grant agreements. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has agreed to make this change and is said to be weeks away from implementation.

The source added that federal agencies are being pressured to make this change without a subsequent executive order and that the State Department legal office has advised the White House that this is not a legal matter but a matter of policy.

The changes would apply to religious groups that cited faith reasons as an objection. Much of the charity work carried on around the world is done by religious groups, often with the aid of tax dollars provided to those groups. Some may now face the choice of staying true to religious convictions or ceasing their assistance to some of the poorest people on the planet.


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