A Fifth Senator Rejects Trumpcare Replacement Bill

A fifth senator has bailed on the Senate’s version of an Obamacare replacement bill.

They’re saying it’s a “repeal and replace” bill, but that’s not accurate, at all.

On Friday, Senator Dean Heller (R-NV) joined with Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Ron Johnson in rejecting the bill.

Said Heller:

“I’m announcing today that in this form I will not support it,” Heller said Friday during a press conference.

“It’s going to be very difficult to get me to a yes,” Heller continued. “You have to protect Medicaid expansion states. That’s what I want.”

It seems like each of the dissenting senators has their own idea about where this new bill is deficient.

Senator Johnson, for instance, stated that the bill doesn’t do enough to bring premiums down. He also had a problem with approving a bill that his constituents hadn’t had an opportunity to voice their concerns on.

The only ones cheerleading for this bill are the deep-rooted establishment and the RiNO president.

With that in mind, a pro-Trump group has got Senator Heller in their crosshairs.

America First Policies, the group formed by former Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, and former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates are taking out a seven-figure ad buy to attack Heller, presumably because of his announcement that he would not be supporting the bill that President Trump is so excited about.

The group announced their plans after Heller voiced his opinion about the healthcare bill.

And this is what we should expect. Pro-Trump groups will be targeting those who stand against the bill, or any policy backed by Trump, no matter how disastrous.


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