Arab Muslim Terrorists Stab 13 Year Old Jew in Critical Condition

A 13-year-old Jewish boy from Pisgat Ze’ev is in critical condition Monday after being stabbed nearly a dozen times by two teenage [Arab Muslim] terrorists in Jerusalem’s Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood, marking the third terrorist attack in the capital in six hours.

bicycle-in-Pisgat-ZeevPolice spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the attack took place at approximately 3 p.m., when a 13-year-old [Arab Muslim] and a 17-year-old [Arab Muslim] armed with knives attacked the Jewish boy while he was riding his bicycle.

“Both terrorists stabbed the boy many times all over his body before a driver neutralized the 13-year-old terrorist by ramming his car into him,” said Rosenfeld. “The other assailant then stabbed a 24-year-old Jewish man nearby before being shot dead by police.”

Magen David Adom paramedics arrived at the scene moments later and rushed the boy and second victim, who was in serious condition, to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, Rosenfeld said.

The 13-year-old Arab assailant was also transferred to an area hospital in serious condition, he said.

Less than an hour earlier, [an Arab Muslim female terrorist] was shot after stabbing a Border Police officer near the capital’s police headquarters.

Rosenfeld said that attack took place at approximately 2:15 p.m., near the Ammunition Hill light rail stop, when the unidentified suspect stabbed the officer on a sidewalk.

“Officers on the scene shot the woman immediately and cordoned off the area,” Rosenfeld said minutes after the attack. “The officer was treated by Magen David Adom paramedics and rushed to an area hospital in light-to-moderate condition.”

Rosenfeld said the suspect was seriously injured and has also been hospitalized, adding that police are investigating the attack and continue to maintain a high level of security throughout the capital.

“Police continue to step up security and will continue to prevent or neutralize terrorists who carry out attacks,” he said.

Earlier on Monday morning, [an Arab Muslim] terrorist was shot and killed near Lion’s Gate, in the Arab Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, after attempting to stab a Border Police officer. It was the third such attack at the contested site in less than 10 days.

According to police, at approximately 9 a.m., the assailant, whom police deemed suspicious, was asked to stop for inspection. The suspect then withdrew a knife from his pocket and charged one of the officers, stabbing him in his metal breastplate.
Police immediately opened fire, killing the man, later identified as 18-year-old Mustafa Hatib, the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber.

Despite markedly heightened security, coupled by newly-installed metal detectors, the area located near the entrance to the Temple Mount remains one of the most volatile and dangerous  sections of the Old City.

On the night of October 3, [An Arab Muslim ] terrorist murdered two Jewish men and wounded a mother and son there on a stabbing and shooting spree, before he was shot dead by police. The victims were Rabbi Nehemia Lavie, 41, an Old City resident who worked at the Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, and Aharon Benita from Beitar Illit.

Five days later, an armed ultra-Orthodox man was stabbed in the back of the neck by an 18-year-old [Arab female terrorist] before shooting her at close range.

Amid the capital’s ongoing wave of violence, Acting police Police Chief Bentzi Sau on Sunday ordered 1,000 extra highly-trained Border Police officers to be dispatched to the Old City and flashpoint Arab neighborhoods to assist the 3,500 officers presently on the ground.

Stabbing attacks against Jews have become so common that Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat last Thursday encouraged citizens with gun permits to remain armed when walking the city streets.


  • Another article about this.
    Boy, 13, stabbed as he rode his bike in third terror attack of day in JerusalemDoctors fight for child’s life; second victim also in serious condition; stabbers are teen brothers from east of the city; one killed
    October 12, 2015,

    Two Israelis were gravely injured in a stabbing attack in Jerusalem Monday, the third attack to hit the capital in a single day. The attack took place in the northern neighborhood of Pisgat Zeev, adjacent to a light rail station.

    One of the victims, 13, was attacked as he rode his bike. He was hospitalized in critical condition, with fears for his life. Doctors at the Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus said he suffered multiple stab wounds to his upper body, and he underwent emergency surgery. In the evening, doctors said his condition had improved and he was no longer listed as critical.

    The second victim, 25, was in stable yet serious condition. Doctors said he suffered two stab wounds to his upper body.

    According to police, the attackers, two East Jerusalem brothers aged 13 and 15, stabbed the 13-year-old boy as he was riding his bike. When eyewitnesses began to run toward the scene of the attack, the two assailants fled. While escaping, one was hit by a car and seriously injured.

    An Israel Police officer and Border Police officer eventually caught up with the second attacker, who began running toward them with a blade in his hand. A police spokeswoman said the officers fatally shot the stabber after he ignored their calls to halt.

    An eyewitness described the assailants to Channel 2 as being young teenagers armed with “machetes.”

    Earlier on Monday, 17-year-old Mustafa Khatieb from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber attempted to stab a police officer near Jerusalem’s Old City. The officer, who was wearing a protective vest, was not injured. Khatieb was shot dead by security forces outside the Lions’ Gate after he pulled out a knife.

    Less than an hour later, an 18-year-old Arab woman stabbed a Border Police officer outside the national police headquarters adjacent to Ammunition Hill on Road 60. The woman was approached by the officer, who said she acted suspiciously. When he was close, she turned around and stabbed him with a knife she held in her hand. The officer then shot the assailant. She was evacuated to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus with moderate injuries.

    A number of attackers in a spate of stabbings over the last two weeks have been in their late teens and early 20s, and two have been confirmed as minors so far. In addition to Khatieb, 16-year-old Ishak Badran from East Jerusalem stabbed two people near the Old City’s Damascus Gate on Saturday.

    Police have bolstered their presence around Jerusalem’s Old City and other areas around the capital in an effort to clamp down on a spate of terror attacks, which have become a daily occurrence over the last week.

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