Author Archives: Shlomo

Two Jews Beaten by Muslim In Marseilles: “Dirty Jews, we will exterminate all of you”

Two Jewish teenagers leaving a synagogue in Marseilles on Tuesday were beaten up and robbed in an anti-Semitic attack purportedly by two men “of African origin,” according to the French National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA). The teens told police that the attackers yelled, “Dirty Jews, we will exterminate all of you,” according to Israel National News. 40% of […]

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International Security Nightmare: Hackers Reveal Hillary’s Private Server Was VERY Insecure

Hillary Clinton exposed America’s classified national security secrets to foreign enemy hackers. By placing over 60,000 emails on her unprotected private home server while she was Secretary of State, Clinton endangered the American people. Fox News chief Washington correspondent James Rosen has once again teamed up with a team of hackers to dig deeper into Hillary Clinton’s use of private […]

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Not Over: Another American Health Worker With Ebola to Be Admitted Into U.S. for Treatment

The National Institutes for Health will treat an American volunteer working in Sierra Leone who has become ill with Ebola, the agency announced Thursday afternoon. The NIH said the patient is expected to be admitted tomorrow to its Clinical Center’s Special Clinical Studies Unit in Bethesda, Maryland. This will be the second person the NIH has treated for the deadly […]

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Two Florida Muslim Brothers Plead Guilty to Terrorism – Plotted to Bomb NYC

Sheheryar Alam Qazi and brother Raees Alam Qazi, of Oakland Park, are accused of planning a terrorist attack in New York City and assaulting two deputy U.S. Marshals while in custody. They are charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists; conspiracy to use a weapon of mass… (Photos courtesy of the Broward Sheriff’s Office) Two Florida brothers pleaded […]

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Human Trafficking vs. Taxpayer-Funded Abortion

The Democrats are really working hard to remain genuinely awful, and a bill that fights human trafficking is their latest attempt to do so. Senate Democrats are threatening to pull their support from a bipartisan anti-trafficking bill set for Senate action this week. They are infuriated over an abortion-related provision that Democrats say was slipped in without their knowledge. The […]

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UK Academia Burn Israel at the Stake

One of the most terrible aspects of contemporary terror, from Nazi Holocaust to Stalin’s war on the Kulaks, is that it appears in the guise of a theory. This is true also for current anti-Zionism. Hitler had Alfred Rosenberg, Stalin had Zdanov, while the contemporary anti-Semitism is spread by the most educated European professors, intellectuals and journalists. Academics, students, deans, even […]

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Even the UN denounces human rights abuses in Iran

But they trust these lunatics with nuclear materials used for atomic bombs? A United Nations human rights investigator called on Iran on Thursday to revoke laws restricting freedoms of the press and expression, release some 30 detained journalists and bloggers and halt satellite jamming and blocking of websites. Ahmed Shaheed, UN special rapporteur on Iran, also said that at least […]

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Wow… Record number of Americans renounce citizenship to escape tax laws and surveillance

It’s not a huge number, but it is growing nonetheless — the number of Americans renouncing their citizenship, many because of byzantine, outmoded laws and increasingly oppressive government. As reported by CNBC, “While politicians are focused on all the foreigners who want to become Americans, perhaps they should consider all the Americans who are becoming foreigners.” Specifically, the news network […]

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John Kerry Claims Junk Science Global Warming an ‘Elementary Truth’ – Like the Laws of Gravity

That climate change is happening and that humans are largely responsible should be as universally accepted as the law of gravity, Secretary of State John Kerry suggested Thursday. “When an apple falls from a tree, it will drop toward the ground. We know that because of the basic laws of physics,” he said in a speech at the Atlantic Council […]

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Politico sat on allegations Lois Lerner had prior history of targeting conservatives

Politico scored a journalistic coup with its exclusive 2014 profile on Lois Lerner, the former IRS official at the center of the agency’s targeting of conservative groups. But a former Illinois lawmaker who said Politico contacted him repeatedly that year with questions regarding claims he was targeted by Lerner in the mid-1990s has been left wondering why the news group […]

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FCC spells out Net neutrality rules – in 400 pages

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday finally spelled out how it will preserve the open Internet, publicly releasing a 400-page PDF that details its new, stricter regulations for broadband services. The agency’s commissioners voted 3-2 to approve the order last month but did not release the order itself. Instead, [Obama nominated] Chairman Tom Wheeler and the agency served up select […]

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Muslim threatening to cut off heads of synagogue members in Miami Beach

A man was arrested outside of a Miami Beach synagogue after threatening members of the Ohev Shalom Congregation, but the synagogue’s Rabbi is not backing down: Florida man held after threatening to behead synagogue-goer — The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) March 11, 2015 Diego Chaar, who converted to Islam while in prison, was tracked down a few blocks away from […]

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Ted Cruz: Gay Marriage Rulings ‘Danger to Our Liberty’

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz lashed out at same-sex marriages Monday, telling radio station WHO that he plans to introduce a constitutional amendment that would allow individual states to ban such unions, The Huffington Post reported. “We have seen judges, and especially the Supreme Court, ignoring the law,” Cruz told WHO host Jan Mickelson. “If the courts were following the Constitution, […]

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Hamas supporting Qatar to build 1,000 housing units in Gaza

Gaza, (– Head of Qatar’s National Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza Ambassador Mohamed Emadi declared that his country is mobilizing Arab and international efforts for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. He pointed out that Qatar has been working to activate the reconstruction of the besieged Strip that witnessed three wars during which more than 100,000 homes were either […]

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Wikimedia Among Nine Groups Suing the NSA for ‘Tapping Directly Into the Internet Backbone’

Nearly two years after it was it was revealed that the National Security Agency tapped into phone calls, emails and text messages belonging to millions of Americans, the scandal-embroiled agency has one more problem on its hands: a federal lawsuit. The ACLU filed the complaint Tuesday in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland, home to NSA’s […]

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Israel Demolishes EU-Funded Illegal Buildings near Hebrew University

The EU used European’s tax money to fund construction on land zoned for a national park. [Jewish Press] – Israel demolished on Tuesday several illegal shanties in land zoned for a national park near Hebrew University’s Mount Scopus campus and funded by the European Union. The EU denounced the bulldozing of the buildings and stated: We condemn today’s demolition of […]

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New Scientific Evidence: Neurological Damage with Marijuana Usage

This week, Dr. Phyllis Bonafice stopped by to discuss the ins and outs of marijuana usage and its legalization. We’ve had a lot of blowback after merely pointing out that marijuana [is harmful], so we felt it necessary to give a doctor the full-length explanation needed to explain the science behind it.

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Shas party says against splitting Jerusalem but would agree to evict “isolated settlements”

Shas leader Aryeh Deri on Tuesday said that there are “large gaps” between his party and the left. The comments, made in an interview on Channel 20, came after Rabbanit Adina Bar-Shalom, daughter of the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual founder of Shas, indicated at a conference that Shas is left-leaning when she said the party fears a “radical right […]

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Johannesburg: Pro-Israel event draws death threats from anti-Semitic protesters

Protesters including a government official shouted anti-Israel epithets and threats outside a pro-Israel event in suburban Johannesburg. “You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you,” protesters from the Israeli Apartheid Week and Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement shouted outside the Zionist Federation South Africa-Israel Expo in Sandton on Sunday. Others shouted “You Jews do not belong in South Africa” and […]

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Cowardice: Jewish Organizations Urge University of Delaware Jews ‘Not To Engage’ Against Anti-Semites

JTF will never be silent! In another sign of Jewish organizations remaining silent in the face of anti-Israel  propaganda, University of Delaware Hillel, University of Delaware Chabad and the Jewish Federation of Delaware released a statement to the local Jewish community advising them “not to engage”, “remain level-headed” and “set an example.” When dealing with the upcoming anti-Israel week scheduled […]

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Anti-Israel “New Israel Fund” Paid Millions To Undermine Israel Via State Department

According to Edwin Black on The Daily Caller today, the New Israel Fund received more than one million dollars in funding from the State Department. As Black noted, “Vocal critics in both the U.S. and Israel charge that the New Israel Fund has knowingly financed groups that support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and worked to get Israeli […]

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New tool allows account hijacking on sites that use Facebook Login

A new tool allows hackers to generate URLs that can hijack accounts on sites that use Facebook Login, potentially enabling powerful phishing attacks. The tool, dubbed Reconnect, was released last week by Egor Homakov, a researcher with security firm Sakurity. It takes advantage of a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) issue in Facebook Login, the service that allows users to log […]

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The Guardian does disgusting hit piece on Judaism: “Orthodox Jewish Drag queens joyfully putting the sin in synagogue”

It’s expected that anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sites like The Guardian would do something low… but this is a new level of low and a desecration to G-d’s name. Not only is this idiot not Orthodox (not even by a long shot), this piece is intended to try to push homosexuality on the religious Jews. I’m getting tired of all the […]

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Senators again push for Internet sales tax

A group of U.S. senators has revived an effort to require major online retailers to collect sales tax from shoppers. The nine senators on Tuesday reintroduced legislation that would allow states to collect sales taxes—more than 9 percent in a handful of states—from large Internet sellers with no operations in the states collecting the taxes. The Marketplace Fairness Act is […]

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Arab Muslims throw Firebomb at Jerusalem home

A firebomb was thrown at a home in the Beit Hanina neighborhood of Jerusalem on Monday, Israel Police reported. It exploded on the home’s balcony, causing light damage but no injuries. Police are conducting a search of the area to find the suspects behind the incident and looking into the circumstances behind the incident.

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Gov. Palin: I faced tough questions over email, so should Hillary Clinton

Liberals can get away with anything. The latest Obama administration scandal involving Hillary Clinton’s emails has many Americans discussing private email accounts used by government officials, and clarification is in order. It’s appropriate and proper for a politician to use private email for personal and campaign business. This is what I did as governor of Alaska in order to be […]

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Dropped as Campaign Adviser Because He Met With Hamas – Now Robert Malley Has a Much Bigger Job at the White House

After dropping him as a 2008 campaign adviser over past meetings with Hamas officials, President Barack Obama has tapped Robert Malley to head the White House National Security Council’s Middle East desk. The appointment has drawn concerns from at least two pro-Israel groups, who point to Malley’s past criticism of Israel and his meetings with Hamas officials while serving as […]

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Hamas focuses on rebuilding terror tunnels

Hamas’ military wing has been vigorously repairing the damage from last summer’s Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip, including investing great efforts in rebuilding its system of tunnels. The first such public indication of this was the arrest this week of three Israelis — two businessmen and a resident of a community on the Gaza periphery. The three men are suspected of having […]

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Obamacare premiums to significantly spike

Obamacare exchange customers could see a significant spike in their premiums over the next few years as insurers face pressures from both the government and the marketplace, the Congressional Budget Office said Monday in a new analysis finding Obamacare is both cheaper and less comprehensive than predicted.The CBO said the exchanges and other new medical coverage under the Affordable Care […]

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Obama Accuses GOP Senators of ‘Common Cause with Iran Hardliners’

President Barack Hussein Obama slammed 47 GOP senators on Monday for sending a letter to Iran describing the limits of any agreement he might sign. President Barack Obama responded Monday to an open letter sent to Iran by 47 Republican Senators to Iran, about the limitations of any agreement signed by his administration with Tehran acquiescing to a nuclear development […]

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Iran is practicing “takiya” — the Islamic doctrine of lying for strategic advantage

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet [Muhammad] said, “Khosrau [Sassanid Zoroastrian ruler] will be ruined, and there will be no Khosrau after him, and Caesar [Byzantine Christian ruler] will surely be ruined and there will be no Caesar after him, and you will spend their treasures in Allah’s Cause.” He called, “War is deceit.”(Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 267); […]

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Nihilistic “Multiculturalism” On Campus Fosters Anti-Semitism

“Why [do] Americans keep handing their sons and daughters over to this nihilistic form of cultural suicide?” Mike Gonzalez, senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation and former staffer during the George W. Bush administration, describes how multiculturalism on college campuses across America is fostering anti-Semitism, in his latest column for The Daily Signal. For decades, Gonzalez writes, multiculturalism “has been […]

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Social Security for Illegals: Will Be Covered Starting Later This Year

Illegal immigrants who take advantage of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration will soon collect another benefit: Social Security. Starting in 2017, the Social Security Administration expects that thousands of undocumented immigrants will begin collecting from the Old-Age, Survivor’s, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program as a direct result of the president’s actions. In a letter to Republican senator Ron Johnson, […]

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‘Fight the Jew Scum’; Journalist Films Anti-Semitism in Europe

British journalist, inspired by recent Paris expose, dons a kippa in the UK and elsewhere in Europe – the results are shocking. Last month’s hidden camera expose by Israeli journalist Tzvika Klein revealed the shocking levels of anti-Semitism blighting the streets of Paris. Donning a kippa and tzitzit (fringes), Klein filmed himself walking through the French capital for 10 hours, and […]

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University of California Bans American Flag

The undergraduate governing body at the University of California, Irvine, voted this week to remove the American flag and all other flags from its lobby, after arguing in part that flags are “symbols of patriotism or weapons of nationalism.” According to Campus Reform, R50-70, authored by Social Ecology Representative Matthew Guevara, was passed by the Associated Students of University of […]

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38 Obama vacations costing us millions

“A rough tally of this incomplete list comes to a minimum of $33,441,728.23” How much does the first family cost taxpayers for vacations? While it’s difficult to pin down precise figures, the Washington Examiner reports they have “spent tens of millions in tax dollars to vacation, and they still have two more years to go.” Judicial Watch has compiled a […]

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