Author Archives: Shlomo

Jeb Bush defends illegal immigration

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush offered a strenuous defense for a pathway to legalization for immigrants in the country illegally at a summit in Iowa on Saturday. “Immigrants that are here need to have a path to legal status,” Bush said. “Nobody I know has a plan to deal with illegal immigration other than to just say they’re going to […]

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Arab Muslim Terrorist Runs Over 5 Victims With Car in Jerusalem

ZAKA reported Friday morning that a rampage terror attack occurred at about 10:00 am near the Border Patrol’s base in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood in Jerusalem. A police statement clarified that the Arab terrorist attack was conducted in a private car that approached the base from Zaks Junction before going up on the sidewalk and running over five people, of whom four […]

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Egyptian TV: ‘Jews using Holocaust to suck the blood of Germans’

Muslim Egypt is no “friend of Israel”. An Egyptian television news anchor accused “the Jews” of exploiting the Holocaust to “suck the blood of the Germans.” The video footage of host Gaber al-Karmoty first appeared on the Egyptian ON TV network and was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute. Karmoty lamented the fact that publishing cartoons of the […]

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Leaked video: U.S. ‘allies’ execute 11-year-old boy

WARNING: There are some images of purported atrocities against children at the end of this article. They are extremely graphic. Please exercise extreme caution. A video that reportedly was leaked from Iraq shows Iranian-backed militia members slapping an 11-year-old prisoner around, then abruptly ending his life with a hail of bullets to the head, according to a report. The video […]

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Anti-Israel Saudi “Hackers” Expose Credit Card Information of 400,000 Israelis

A group of Saudi hackers published on Monday the credit card information of 400,000 Israelis and said they are making use of the information they stole. The same group hacked the Israeli sports information website One on Monday evening and posted a file containing the details of some of the cardholders. Channel 10 News, which first reported on the hacking, said thatthe details published include names, email addresses […]

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Experts: Hillary’s shoddy private e-mail security is a potential national security disaster

We already knew it was bad. Not until you read this will you understand how bad. In fact, I debated with myself whether to even include the word “potential” in the headline. The reason it’s there is because cybersecurity experts can’t say for an absolute fact that foreign governments infiltrated her server. All they can say is that it’s a […]

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Illegals Will Receive $1.7 BILLION in Taxpayer Money from Obama’s Amnesty

President Barack Obama’s November amnesty will give $1.7 billion in taxpayers’ cash to illegal immigrants, according to a congressional study. The news emerged two days after top Republican leaders overcame GOP opposition to a 2015 budget bill that allows Obama to fund his unpopular amnesty for roughly 5 million illegals. “The program could cost taxpayers $1.7 billion over 10 years, […]

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Iran Renews Vow to ‘Annihilate’ Israel

Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, sat down with NBC News this week for an exclusive interview. NBC’s headline and story are: “Iran Foreign Minister: We Believe We Are ‘Very Close’ to Nuke Deal.” But the Times of Israel noted a buried lede–“Zarif: The Netanyahu regime ‘should be annihilated’.” While the American editors focused on boosting prospects for President Barack Obama’s signature […]

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NRA chief: Dictator Obama hates 2nd Amendment

In a Fox News interview with Lou Dobbs, NRA President Wayne LaPierre blasted President Obama as “acting like a dictator” in his push to ban the ammunition for America’s most popular sporting rifle, the AR-15. While the issue has been burning up conservative websites and blogs, it’s received almost no coverage from establishment media giants. “Why are we not hearing […]

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Farrakhan Tells Black Soldiers To Desert For The ‘Day Of Judgment’ For Whites

Remember that Obama went way of us his way to attend Farrakhan’s Million Man March. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan made a fiery speech Sunday in which he warned whites that a “day of judgment” is coming to avenge their “evil” and that African Americans serving in the armed forces should immediately withdraw and fight for their communities instead. […]

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Mormon Church fighting for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender movement

On Wednesday, the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT civil rights advocacy group and political lobbying organization in the United States, celebrated the introduction of a bill in the Utah legislature, S.B. 296, which would bar discrimination against gay and transgender individuals. Backed by the LGBT movement and the Mormon Church, the bill is headed for a hearing on Thursday. […]

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Jobless claims rise to 320,000

Remember, this is only those who are claiming unemployment benefits. First-time claims for unemployment benefits rose to 320,000 for the week ending February 28, the Labor Department reported Thursday. The number was well above the roughly 295,000 expected by Wall Street and higher than the 313,000 reported the previous week. It was the highest mark since May of 2014. The […]

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Coca-Cola, Delta tells Supreme Court to back “gay marriage”

A handful of Georgia businesses signed on Thursday a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of gay marriage.Coca-Cola, Delta Air Lines and Cox Enterprises were among 379 companies and organizations around the country urging the court to strike down bans restricting same-sex unions. AT&T, whose mobility unit is based in Atlanta, also signed the brief. The Atlanta […]

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Judge Napolitano: Hillary May Have Committed Felony Over Private Email Account

On Wednesday night, Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano issued a blistering critique of Hillary Clinton’s ongoing controversy surrounding the use of a private email account while she was Secretary of State. Appearing on Fox News’ The Kelly File, Napolitano argued that Mrs. Clinton may have committed a “felony” and “the other way that she’s in trouble is […]

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In 2007, Hillary Clinton claimed Bush was ‘rendered invisible’ by ‘secret emails’

In 2007, at the “Take Back America,” event  held by the Campaign for America’s Future, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton, a candidate for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, criticized George W. Bush’s administration for so-called “secret emails.” Clinton said, “We know our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps, the secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts.”

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Israel to Double Water Supply to Gaza

Arab Muslims in Gaza already get free water, electricity, food, medicine, and education… and now they will get even more. Israel is to double the amount of water it channels annually to [Arab Muslims] in Gaza, the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) said Wednesday. A spokeswoman for the government body said Israel is to increase the volume of water it provides […]

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Obama ‘Wouldn’t Shed a Tear’ if Israel Disappeared

Calling President Barack Obama a “spiteful failure,” Fox News military analyst Ralph Peters told Sean Hannity Tuesday night that Obama was unconcerned with Israel’s safety to the point of not caring about its potential demise. Peters argued that the Obama administration had “accepted” the fact that Iran would develop its nuclear program until it had nuclear weapons capabilities, and that […]

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Parents Infuriated After Teacher Reads Graphic, ‘Highly Inappropriate’ Gay Sex Poem to Students

A Connecticut teacher has been suspended after reading a poem to his students last week that graphically described a gay sex encounter. The South Windsor High School male teacher, whose name has not been released by school officials, read his advanced English class the 1968 Allen Ginsberg poem “Please Master,” WTNH-TV reported. The lengthy poem is so sexually explicit, TheBlaze […]

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Anti-Israel Pelosi: Netanyahu speech ‘insult to the intelligence of the United States’

Remember that this is the same Nancy Pelosi that said Hamas terrorists were a “humanitarian organization”. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress nearly “brought her to tears” because it “insulted the intelligence of the United States”. In a statement issued soon after Netanyahu’s March 3 speech, Pelosi (D-Calif.) emphasized the “unbreakable bonds” between the […]

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Supreme Court divided over Obamacare tax subsidies that will affect at least 8 million people

The Supreme Court appeared divided Wednesday along ideological lines after hearing a challenge of ObamaCare tax subsidies that, if struck down, could affect up to 8 million policy holders. The liberal justices peppered Michael Carvin, the lawyer for the health law challengers, with skeptical questions almost from the outset over his argument to limit the subsidies. When Solicitor General Donald […]

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ABC “Family Television” Airs Gay Kiss Between Two Underage 13-Year-Old Boys

It’s just so sick, that it’s beyond words. And, of course, it won all types of gay awards. It’s child abuse with an agenda. The ABC Family drama The Fosters made television history Monday night for featuring the youngest ever dramatized gay kiss, as characters Jude and Connor, both 13, locked lips after some awkward flirting. The show’s creator, Peter […]

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Experts: U.S. Concessions Give Iran a Clear Path to Nuclear Bomb

Deal would leave Iran just a year away from functional nuclear weapon. The Obama administration is pursuing a nuclear deal with Iran that leaves the Islamic Republic a year away from obtaining a nuclear bomb and which, according to experts, gives the United States insufficient leverage to dismantle Tehran’s nuclear infrastructure. As negotiations with Iran hit a critical juncture, U.S. officials and […]

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Congress demands Obama-approved IRS emails disclosing taxpayers’ info

Two top congressional chairmen demanded Wednesday that the IRS turn over all its emails that might have given private taxpayer information to the White House, after President Obama’s lawyer last week passed the buck to the tax agency, insisting they would be able to search for the emails.The IRS last year had claimed it didn’t have the technological ability to […]

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For Obama, Castro Has A Ship Of Fools

Diplomacy: As Paris Hilton whooped it up with Havana’s princelings to applaud U.S.-Cuba ties, Colombia detained a Chinese ship full of illegal weapons bound for Cuba in what may be a new violation of U.N. sanctions. Castro is playing us for fools. Even though tourism remains illegal for Americans in Cuba, it doesn’t stop B-List celebrities from going to Havana, […]

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DOJ will not prosecute former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson

The Justice Department announced Wednesday that it will not prosecute former Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of an unarmed black 18-year-old, while also releasing a report faulting the city and its law enforcement for racial bias. In the criminal investigation, federal officials concluded Wilson’s actions “do not constitute prosecutable violations under the applicable federal criminal […]

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UK Bans Israeli Tourism Ad Suggesting Old Jerusalem Is In Israel

The U.K. banned an Israeli tourism advertisement suggesting the Old City of Jerusalem is part of Israel, because it would lead consumers “into taking a transactional decision that they would otherwise not have taken.” The brochure included a photograph showing the golden Old City landmark and Muslim shrine the Dome of the Rock, with the modern buildings of Western Jerusalem in the […]

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Obama is Imprisonment President – More Genocide, More Rape, More Enslavement

Conservative author and radio host Mark Levin joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday to discuss Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress and President Obama’s reaction. Levin called Obama the “imprisonment president” Society after society is collapsing. Barack Obama is a community organizer. He’s a rabble rouser. He’s an ideologue. And, he’s an appeaser… What Obama wants is a like-minded leftist in Israel, […]

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Netanyahu makes last-ditch bid to stop Obama from doing suicidal nuke deal with Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, without a seat at the negotiating table on a deal he says would impact the security of his country, made his last-ditch case on Tuesday to President Obama to back off the pending Iran nuclear agreement — a call that at the very least got U.S. lawmakers’ attention. The [anti-Israel] president himself made clear he […]

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Security Breach: Hillary Clinton Only Used Personal Email While Secretary Of State

Clinton used a personal email account to conduct official business despite federal law requiring correspondence be retained by the government. While at the State Department, former U.S. senator and possible 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton did not use a government email address, corresponding almost entirely via a personal email account – a blatant violation of government rules and possibly […]

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Iran wants to incinerate Israel. Obama wants to facilitate. Netanyahu wants to point out the obvious. Obama is outraged.

Obama hates Netanyahu’s upcoming address to Congress because, unlike the McConnell Boehner clown car, there will be one strong voice, drawing a national audience, declaring the treachery of what Obama is up to. I wish Netanyahu could address Congress monthly. This is just upside down insaneville. The House passed a bill to fund Homeland Security, minus Obama’s illegal amnesty. The […]

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Hamas Admits It’s Producing Rockets to Attack Israel Again

Hamas terror head says siege ‘bound to fail’ as Hamas making its own domestic missiles, bypassing efforts to limit rearmament. A senior Hamas terrorist said Monday his Islamist group which controls Gaza is rebuilding its heavily depleted rocket arsenal to prepare for a new terror war against Israel. “Any regional or international attempt to lay siege to Hamas or its armed wing is bound to fail,” […]

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Gay Activist Fakes Own Kidnapping

I know that when somebody fakes a hate crime involving rape, we’re not supposed to talk about the details because rape still exists. If you think phony rape accusations are bad, you’re a “rape denier.” (See the Duke lacrosse team, UVA, Lena Dunham, etc.) Presumably, that standard also applies to fake kidnappings, especially when the hoaxer is a member of […]

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So It Begins: Hundreds of High School Students Walk Out in Stunning Protest of Common Core

According to Fox News, the new Common Core “Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers,” or PARCC tests, prompted walkouts in multiple New Mexico schools this week: “…a few hundred students at Albuquerque High School joined the walkout despite warnings from administrators that they could face discipline. About 100 other students at nearby Highland High School also left […]

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“In Every Generation…”

On the joyous festival of Purim we celebrate G-d’s hidden intervention to thwart the original “Final Solution” that never was. From a superficial glance, the events of Purim seem to have occurred with the aid of human intervention and clever political machinations; yet chazal understood what becomes evident when one analyzes the story with a critical eye. Despite the veneer […]

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