Baby chop-shop psyop: Leftists redefine for-profit infanticide as “merciful”

planned_parenthood_videoIn the aftermath of the ongoing Planned Parenthood saga, in which this pro-abortion eugenics group was exposed for illegally harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for profit (which is a felony crime), the political left is now drum-beating the message that Planned Parenthood’s gross violence against unborn babies is actually a merciful act worthy of laud and praise.

All those Planned Parenthood executives who brazenly discussed how to squeeze the most money out of selling aborted baby lungs and hearts to biotech startup firms for profit aren’t the soulless, greedy monsters they appear to be in those harrowing undercover videos recently released to the press. They’re actually agents for good change in the world, we’re now being told, because all that aborted baby tissue is being used for “scientific research,” and would otherwise have gone to “waste.”

The almighty golden calf of “science,” once again, is the scapegoat being used as justification for top-level Planned Parenthood administrators openly chatting over wine how much money fully-intact babies who were murdered in the womb are worth to the biotech industry. It’s not that folks like Mary Gatter and Deborah Nucatola, two of the women exposed in the undercover video series, are bad people — they’re just trying to advance science, you see, by graciously handing over (for a fee, of course) baby body parts for research purposes.

Somehow if you throw the words science and research into the mix, everything suddenly becomes acceptable to the progressives who continue to make excuses as to Planned Parenthood’s true mission. One popular news source describes Planned Parenthood as “a critical women’s health care provider,” minimizing its role as the leading abortion provider in the U.S., taking the lives of some 330,000 unborn babies annually.

Representative Jan Schakowsky, a Democrat from Illinois, also showed no remorse for Planned Parenthood’s egregious actions, penning a letter defending the group, while at the same time chastising the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) for engaging in what she claims is an “effort to undermine a woman’s right to choose.”

Rep. Schakowsky has also accused CMP of breaking the law with its undercover videos, ignoring Planned Parenthood’s breaking of federal law by profiting from the sale of aborted human fetal tissue.

Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger: murdering children is a ‘merciful’ act

Such callous disregard for the murder of unborn life, not to mention the flagrant profiteering taking place by the nation’s largest abortion business, is cause for major concern. Has society digressed so far from any semblance of common decency and morality that infanticide is no longer considered an evil act against innocent life? And worse, is the selling of these dead babies’ body parts for profit just another form of capitalism and business as usual?

It says a lot about the sorry state of our society when those who attempt to expose such evil are accused of being evil themselves, while the perpetrators of unborn baby murder and illicit organ trade are treated as victims who were just trying to promote science. And yet these heinous acts by those with clear disregard for the sanctity of human life fall in line with the views of Planned Parenthood’s original founder, the infamous Margaret Sanger, who had this to say about the act of murdering children:

The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.

Sanger also hated blacks and poor people, referring to them as “human weeds” who “never should have been born.” In the spirit of her legacy, perhaps Nucatola, Gatter and the others really aren’t that far off on fulfilling Planned Parenthood’s mission of eliminating the “undesirables,” all the while raking in the big bucks for their Lamborghinis.

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