Bill Clinton Quit Education Company Because of ‘Clinton Cash’

bill-clinton-frownFrom Joshua Green and Jennifer Epstein writing at Bloomberg Politics, confirming yet another set of facts from Peter Schweizer’s “Clinton Cash” and showing that Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, lied in claiming government funding for the International Youth Foundation went down when Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State:

Former president Bill Clinton stepped down from his position at Laureate International Universities, part of Laureate Education Inc., on Friday. His five-year term as “honorary chancellor,” the company and Clinton’s staff said, had expired. But Peter Schweizer, the conservative author of a forthcoming book examining the Clintons’ financial dealings, suggests a different explanation: Clinton actually resigned in order to avoid a wave of negative publicity.

Bloomberg Politics has obtained a chapter of the book describing what Schweizer presents as a “troubling” co-mingling of official State Department business with the private financial affairs of Bill Clinton and a nonprofit run by Laureate’s chairman, Douglas Becker.

Laureate, which runs for-profit colleges, hired Clinton just as the Obama administration began drafting tougher regulations for federal financial aid that goes to students who attend for-profit colleges. Around the same time, the Senate committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions launched an investigation into the industry. In his book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, Schweizer writes that after Bill Clinton accepted the position at Laureate in 2010 in exchange for unspecified payment, his wife “made Laureate part of her State Department Global Partnership.” The State Department subsequently provided tens of millions of dollars to a nonprofit chaired by Becker, the International Youth Foundation.

Read the rest of the story at Bloomberg Politics.

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