Black Student Who Threatened to Kill ‘White Devils’ Allowed Back on Campus

jrdeaninfederalcourt640360Could you imagine if the roles were reversed?

TruthRevolt has been reporting on the black University of Chicago student who recently threatened to kill 16 “white devils” on campus. Jabari Dean was later arrested for the threat he posted online that caused one day of classes to be canceled. Now, a judge has placed the 21-year-old man under house arrest under the care of his mother and is allowing him to resume attending class.

Dean’s now-deemed “fake threat” stated that he would come to the school well-armed with “an M-4 carbine and two desert eagles” and shoot “16 white male students… or staff” to equal the amount of times 17-year-old Laquan McDonald was shot by Chicago police in which he was protesting. “I will then die killing any number of white policeman in the process,” his threat continued. “This is not a joke. I am to do my part and rid the world of white devils. I expect you do the same.”

But as Fox News reports, a federal judge passed the house arrest sentence and barred the man from getting on the Internet based on investigators finding no weapons at his apartment. He could still face a maximum of five years in prison.

Family members said it was all “just fun and games.” One added, “Stupid, silly, ignorant, goofy. Everybody is upset. The whole family is upset.”

Dean’s mother is worried about her son’s future job prospects because of his arrest. He is a first-year undergraduate student in electrical engineering.

But as an exit thought: What would be the end result if a white student had threatened to kill 16 black devils? Would he be allowed back on campus under the current “Black Lives Matter” atmosphere?


  • Absolutely, the white man would suffer severe backlash from the social networks media outlets and probably have charges brought up against him. And jailed.It’s been all about reverse discrimination in this country and political correctness bullshit that’s how muslims are using our own laws and morality against us just as theyve already done in many parts of europe. Sad thing is a majority of people cannot see that this is happening right before their very eyes.

  • The worm is back in the fruit.

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