Boston U Prof: ‘White Masculinity is THE Problem for America’s Colleges’

saida-grundySaida Grundy, a sociology and African-American studies professor at Boston University, recently declared that “white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges.” Despite the attack on “white college males,” whom she called a “problem population,” the university has stood behind the newly-hired professor, defending the openly hostile statements against a large segment of the student population as free speech.

“White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges,” tweeted Grundy in March.

The tweet was similar to another in which she described white males as a “problem population” on campuses. “Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?” she asked.

In January, Grundy declared that she regularly conducts a personal boycott against white-owned businesses: “Every MLK week I commit myself to not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. and every year i find it nearly impossible.”

Another controversial series of tweets argued that white people invented race-based slavery. “Deal with your white sh*t, white people. slavery is a *YALL* thing,” she wrote. notes that the tweets were first highlighted by University of Massachusetts student Nick Pappas, who posted them on his website, who wrote, “You have to teach college aged white males eventually, no?… this seems like you are unqualified to grade their work as you clearly demonstrate some kind of special bias against them,” asked Pappas on his blog.

The reaction online since the story broke has been less than kind to Grundy. Despite the blowback, however, Boston U is supporting the recently hired professor. University spokesman Colin Riley said, “Professor Grundy is exercising her right to free speech and we respect her right to do so.”

Fox News quotes Foundation for Individual Rights in Education’s Robert Shibley, who argued that while freedom of speech should be defended, the university is demonstrating its hypocrisy by unevenly applying its own policies for students banning expressions of “bigotry, hatred, and intolerance” and statements not made “in good taste and decency.” The university, Shibley contended, “should eliminate these policies so that it can defend every student and faculty member’s right to free speech – not just Professor Grundy’s.”

In a statement to Fox News on Grundy’s provocative comments, TruthRevolt founder and Reforming our Universities author David Horowitz argued that Grundy is an unsurprising  product of the “rampant” problem of  “anti-white racism” in African American studies programs:

HOROWITZ: I’m not surprised that Boston University is hiring a racist to teach African American Studies. Anti-white racism is rampant in Black Studies programs which are generally indoctrination programs in left wing politics. If she were a white racist rather than an anti-white racist, she would never be hired. Professors are supposed to be experts in some scholarly field, and professionals in their classroom discourse. They don’t have a license to indoctrinate students in their prejudices – whether those prejudices are right or left.

Grundy did not respond to Fox’s request for comment and has made her Twitter account private.


  • This whore is an absolute moron that is unqualified to teach Kindergarten students.

  • The black race has been used by the left to divide people….all the students who are white or otherwise, never played any part in the black slavery, actually it was some of the black traders who brought their own people over to America and sold them as slaves….this woman needs to get real historical information. The black race is being used by their ineptness and brainwashing by the left, to divide people and undo everything that was accomplished for civility between people of all colors, especially White and Black. How about black masculinity…Thugs that destroy cities?????

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