C-Span Goes Offline and Plays 10 Minutes of “Russia Today” During CIA Pick Mike Pompeo Concerns Over Russian Election Hacking

If that doesn’t set off all kinds of red flags, what does?

Business on Capitol Hill was continuing as usual as the Senate’s various committees were holding confirmation hearings for Trump’s cabinet nominees, but then the day took a bizarre twist.

C-SPAN was broadcasting proceedings in the House of Representatives when it abruptly cut way from a speech my Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) to RT (previously known as “Russia Today”) for about 10 minutes.

RT is a state-run news outlet that has frequently been critical of the United States.

Timothy Burke of the sports blog Deadspin captured the bizarre incident and shared it on Twitter, as reported by Washington Examiner.

To add to today’s oddity, CBS News reports that the lights went out during Mike Pompeo’s confirmation hearing. Pompeo is Trump’s nominee to lead the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The power outage happened while Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), the Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was in the midst of his opening remarks. CBS News reports that the lights went out as Warner was beginning to address concerns over Russian hacking:

As Warner began to address concerns over Russian election interference, at about 10:15 a.m., the lights went out — and C-SPAN’s cameras cut out completely.

The Washington Times reports that the lights went out just before Warner said ‘Russia.”

The hearing was temporarily postponed and moved to another room. It’s still unclear what caused the outage.


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